
This example showcases a simple artifact passing mechanism between two tasks.

The first task, t1, creates a file located at /file containing a message. The second task, t2, takes this artifact, places it at its own /file path, and print out the content.

from hera import Artifact, Task, Workflow

def writer():
    with open("/file", "w+") as f:
        f.write("Hello, world!")

def consumer():
    with open("/file", "r") as f:
        print(f.readlines())  # prints `Hello, world!` to `stdout`

# assumes you used `hera.set_global_token` and `hera.set_global_host` so that the workflow can be submitted
with Workflow("artifact") as w:
    w_t = Task("writer", writer, outputs=[Artifact("test", "/file")])
    c_t = Task(

    w_t >> c_t
