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Hera Events Auto-generated Models


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class AMQPConsumeConfig(BaseModel):
    auto_ack: Optional[bool] = Field(
            "AutoAck when true, the server will acknowledge deliveries to this consumer"
            " prior to writing\nthe delivery to the network\n+optional"
    consumer_tag: Optional[str] = Field(
        title=("ConsumerTag is the identity of the consumer included in every" " delivery\n+optional"),
    exclusive: Optional[bool] = Field(
            "Exclusive when true, the server will ensure that this is the sole consumer" " from this queue\n+optional"
    no_local: Optional[bool] = Field(
        title="NoLocal flag is not supported by RabbitMQ\n+optional",
    no_wait: Optional[bool] = Field(
            "NowWait when true, do not wait for the server to confirm the request and"
            " immediately begin deliveries\n+optional"

auto_ack class-attribute instance-attribute

auto_ack = Field(default=None, alias='autoAck', title='AutoAck when true, the server will acknowledge deliveries to this consumer prior to writing\nthe delivery to the network\n+optional')

consumer_tag class-attribute instance-attribute

consumer_tag = Field(default=None, alias='consumerTag', title='ConsumerTag is the identity of the consumer included in every delivery\n+optional')

exclusive class-attribute instance-attribute

exclusive = Field(default=None, title='Exclusive when true, the server will ensure that this is the sole consumer from this queue\n+optional')

no_local class-attribute instance-attribute

no_local = Field(default=None, alias='noLocal', title='NoLocal flag is not supported by RabbitMQ\n+optional')

no_wait class-attribute instance-attribute

no_wait = Field(default=None, alias='noWait', title='NowWait when true, do not wait for the server to confirm the request and immediately begin deliveries\n+optional')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class AMQPEventSource(BaseModel):
    auth: Optional[BasicAuth] = Field(
        title="Auth hosts secret selectors for username and password\n+optional",
    connection_backoff: Optional[Backoff] = Field(
        title="Backoff holds parameters applied to connection.\n+optional",
    consume: Optional[AMQPConsumeConfig] = Field(
            "Consume holds the configuration to immediately starts delivering queued"
            " messages\nFor more information, visit"
    exchange_declare: Optional[AMQPExchangeDeclareConfig] = Field(
            "ExchangeDeclare holds the configuration for the exchange on the"
            " server\nFor more information, visit"
    exchange_name: Optional[str] = Field(
            "ExchangeName is the exchange name\nFor more information, visit"
    exchange_type: Optional[str] = Field(
        title="ExchangeType is rabbitmq exchange type",
    filter: Optional[EventSourceFilter] = Field(default=None, title="Filter\n+optional")
    json_body: Optional[bool] = Field(
        title=("JSONBody specifies that all event body payload coming from this\nsource" " will be JSON\n+optional"),
    metadata: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = Field(
        title=("Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the event" " payload.\n+optional"),
    queue_bind: Optional[AMQPQueueBindConfig] = Field(
            "QueueBind holds the configuration that binds an exchange to a queue so"
            " that publishings to the\nexchange will be routed to the queue when the"
            " publishing routing key matches the binding routing key\nFor more"
            " information, visit"
    queue_declare: Optional[AMQPQueueDeclareConfig] = Field(
            "QueueDeclare holds the configuration of a queue to hold messages and"
            " deliver to consumers.\nDeclaring creates a queue if it doesn't already"
            " exist, or ensures that an existing queue matches\nthe same"
            " parameters\nFor more information, visit"
    routing_key: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, alias="routingKey", title="Routing key for bindings")
    tls: Optional[TLSConfig] = Field(default=None, title="TLS configuration for the amqp client.\n+optional")
    url: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, title="URL for rabbitmq service")
    url_secret: Optional[v1.SecretKeySelector] = Field(
        title="URLSecret is secret reference for rabbitmq service URL",

auth class-attribute instance-attribute

auth = Field(default=None, title='Auth hosts secret selectors for username and password\n+optional')

connection_backoff class-attribute instance-attribute

connection_backoff = Field(default=None, alias='connectionBackoff', title='Backoff holds parameters applied to connection.\n+optional')

consume class-attribute instance-attribute

consume = Field(default=None, title='Consume holds the configuration to immediately starts delivering queued messages\nFor more information, visit\n+optional')

exchange_declare class-attribute instance-attribute

exchange_declare = Field(default=None, alias='exchangeDeclare', title='ExchangeDeclare holds the configuration for the exchange on the server\nFor more information, visit\n+optional')

exchange_name class-attribute instance-attribute

exchange_name = Field(default=None, alias='exchangeName', title='ExchangeName is the exchange name\nFor more information, visit')

exchange_type class-attribute instance-attribute

exchange_type = Field(default=None, alias='exchangeType', title='ExchangeType is rabbitmq exchange type')

filter class-attribute instance-attribute

filter = Field(default=None, title='Filter\n+optional')

json_body class-attribute instance-attribute

json_body = Field(default=None, alias='jsonBody', title='JSONBody specifies that all event body payload coming from this\nsource will be JSON\n+optional')

metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

metadata = Field(default=None, title='Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the event payload.\n+optional')

queue_bind class-attribute instance-attribute

queue_bind = Field(default=None, alias='queueBind', title='QueueBind holds the configuration that binds an exchange to a queue so that publishings to the\nexchange will be routed to the queue when the publishing routing key matches the binding routing key\nFor more information, visit\n+optional')

queue_declare class-attribute instance-attribute

queue_declare = Field(default=None, alias='queueDeclare', title="QueueDeclare holds the configuration of a queue to hold messages and deliver to consumers.\nDeclaring creates a queue if it doesn't already exist, or ensures that an existing queue matches\nthe same parameters\nFor more information, visit\n+optional")

routing_key class-attribute instance-attribute

routing_key = Field(default=None, alias='routingKey', title='Routing key for bindings')

tls class-attribute instance-attribute

tls = Field(default=None, title='TLS configuration for the amqp client.\n+optional')

url class-attribute instance-attribute

url = Field(default=None, title='URL for rabbitmq service')

url_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

url_secret = Field(default=None, alias='urlSecret', title='URLSecret is secret reference for rabbitmq service URL')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class AMQPExchangeDeclareConfig(BaseModel):
    auto_delete: Optional[bool] = Field(
        title="AutoDelete removes the exchange when no bindings are active\n+optional",
    durable: Optional[bool] = Field(
        title="Durable keeps the exchange also after the server restarts\n+optional",
    internal: Optional[bool] = Field(default=None, title="Internal when true does not accept publishings\n+optional")
    no_wait: Optional[bool] = Field(
        title=("NowWait when true does not wait for a confirmation from the" " server\n+optional"),

auto_delete class-attribute instance-attribute

auto_delete = Field(default=None, alias='autoDelete', title='AutoDelete removes the exchange when no bindings are active\n+optional')

durable class-attribute instance-attribute

durable = Field(default=None, title='Durable keeps the exchange also after the server restarts\n+optional')

internal class-attribute instance-attribute

internal = Field(default=None, title='Internal when true does not accept publishings\n+optional')

no_wait class-attribute instance-attribute

no_wait = Field(default=None, alias='noWait', title='NowWait when true does not wait for a confirmation from the server\n+optional')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class AMQPQueueBindConfig(BaseModel):
    no_wait: Optional[bool] = Field(
            "NowWait false and the queue could not be bound, the channel will be closed" " with an error\n+optional"

no_wait class-attribute instance-attribute

no_wait = Field(default=None, alias='noWait', title='NowWait false and the queue could not be bound, the channel will be closed with an error\n+optional')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class AMQPQueueDeclareConfig(BaseModel):
    arguments: Optional[str] = Field(
            'Arguments of a queue (also known as "x-arguments") used for optional' " features and plugins\n+optional"
    auto_delete: Optional[bool] = Field(
        title="AutoDelete removes the queue when no consumers are active\n+optional",
    durable: Optional[bool] = Field(
        title="Durable keeps the queue also after the server restarts\n+optional",
    exclusive: Optional[bool] = Field(
            "Exclusive sets the queues to be accessible only by the connection that"
            " declares them and will be\ndeleted wgen the connection closes\n+optional"
    name: Optional[str] = Field(
        title=("Name of the queue. If empty the server auto-generates a unique name for" " this queue\n+optional"),
    no_wait: Optional[bool] = Field(
        title=("NowWait when true, the queue assumes to be declared on the" " server\n+optional"),

arguments class-attribute instance-attribute

arguments = Field(default=None, title='Arguments of a queue (also known as "x-arguments") used for optional features and plugins\n+optional')

auto_delete class-attribute instance-attribute

auto_delete = Field(default=None, alias='autoDelete', title='AutoDelete removes the queue when no consumers are active\n+optional')

durable class-attribute instance-attribute

durable = Field(default=None, title='Durable keeps the queue also after the server restarts\n+optional')

exclusive class-attribute instance-attribute

exclusive = Field(default=None, title='Exclusive sets the queues to be accessible only by the connection that declares them and will be\ndeleted wgen the connection closes\n+optional')

name class-attribute instance-attribute

name = Field(default=None, title='Name of the queue. If empty the server auto-generates a unique name for this queue\n+optional')

no_wait class-attribute instance-attribute

no_wait = Field(default=None, alias='noWait', title='NowWait when true, the queue assumes to be declared on the server\n+optional')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class AWSLambdaTrigger(BaseModel):
    access_key: Optional[v1.SecretKeySelector] = Field(
        title="AccessKey refers K8s secret containing aws access key\n+optional",
    function_name: Optional[str] = Field(
        description="FunctionName refers to the name of the function to invoke.",
    invocation_type: Optional[str] = Field(
            "Choose from the following options.\n\n   * RequestResponse (default) -"
            " Invoke the function synchronously. Keep\n   the connection open until the"
            " function returns a response or times out.\n   The API response includes"
            " the function response and additional data.\n\n   * Event - Invoke the"
            " function asynchronously. Send events that fail multiple\n   times to the"
            " function's dead-letter queue (if it's configured). The API\n   response"
            " only includes a status code.\n\n   * DryRun - Validate parameter values"
            " and verify that the user or role\n   has permission to invoke the"
            " function.\n+optional"
    parameters: Optional[List[TriggerParameter]] = Field(
            "Parameters is the list of key-value extracted from event's payload that"
            " are applied to\nthe trigger resource.\n+optional"
    payload: Optional[List[TriggerParameter]] = Field(
            "Payload is the list of key-value extracted from an event payload to" " construct the request payload."
    region: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, title="Region is AWS region")
    role_arn: Optional[str] = Field(
        title=("RoleARN is the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role to" " assume.\n+optional"),
    secret_key: Optional[v1.SecretKeySelector] = Field(
        title="SecretKey refers K8s secret containing aws secret key\n+optional",

access_key class-attribute instance-attribute

access_key = Field(default=None, alias='accessKey', title='AccessKey refers K8s secret containing aws access key\n+optional')

function_name class-attribute instance-attribute

function_name = Field(default=None, alias='functionName', description='FunctionName refers to the name of the function to invoke.')

invocation_type class-attribute instance-attribute

invocation_type = Field(default=None, alias='invocationType', description="Choose from the following options.\n\n   * RequestResponse (default) - Invoke the function synchronously. Keep\n   the connection open until the function returns a response or times out.\n   The API response includes the function response and additional data.\n\n   * Event - Invoke the function asynchronously. Send events that fail multiple\n   times to the function's dead-letter queue (if it's configured). The API\n   response only includes a status code.\n\n   * DryRun - Validate parameter values and verify that the user or role\n   has permission to invoke the function.\n+optional")

parameters class-attribute instance-attribute

parameters = Field(default=None, title="Parameters is the list of key-value extracted from event's payload that are applied to\nthe trigger resource.\n+optional")

payload class-attribute instance-attribute

payload = Field(default=None, description='Payload is the list of key-value extracted from an event payload to construct the request payload.')

region class-attribute instance-attribute

region = Field(default=None, title='Region is AWS region')

role_arn class-attribute instance-attribute

role_arn = Field(default=None, alias='roleARN', title='RoleARN is the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role to assume.\n+optional')

secret_key class-attribute instance-attribute

secret_key = Field(default=None, alias='secretKey', title='SecretKey refers K8s secret containing aws secret key\n+optional')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class Amount(BaseModel):
    value: Optional[str] = None

value class-attribute instance-attribute

value = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class ArgoWorkflowTrigger(BaseModel):
    args: Optional[List[str]] = Field(default=None, title="Args is the list of arguments to pass to the argo CLI")
    operation: Optional[str] = Field(
            "Operation refers to the type of operation performed on the argo workflow"
            " resource.\nDefault value is Submit.\n+optional"
    parameters: Optional[List[TriggerParameter]] = Field(
        title=("Parameters is the list of parameters to pass to resolved Argo Workflow" " object"),
    source: Optional[ArtifactLocation] = Field(default=None, title="Source of the K8s resource file(s)")

args class-attribute instance-attribute

args = Field(default=None, title='Args is the list of arguments to pass to the argo CLI')

operation class-attribute instance-attribute

operation = Field(default=None, title='Operation refers to the type of operation performed on the argo workflow resource.\nDefault value is Submit.\n+optional')

parameters class-attribute instance-attribute

parameters = Field(default=None, title='Parameters is the list of parameters to pass to resolved Argo Workflow object')

source class-attribute instance-attribute

source = Field(default=None, title='Source of the K8s resource file(s)')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class ArtifactLocation(BaseModel):
    configmap: Optional[v1.ConfigMapKeySelector] = Field(default=None, title="Configmap that stores the artifact")
    file: Optional[FileArtifact] = Field(default=None, title="File artifact is artifact stored in a file")
    git: Optional[GitArtifact] = Field(default=None, title="Git repository hosting the artifact")
    inline: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, title="Inline artifact is embedded in sensor spec as a string")
    resource: Optional[Resource] = Field(default=None, title="Resource is generic template for K8s resource")
    s3: Optional[S3Artifact] = Field(default=None, title="S3 compliant artifact")
    url: Optional[URLArtifact] = Field(default=None, title="URL to fetch the artifact from")

configmap class-attribute instance-attribute

configmap = Field(default=None, title='Configmap that stores the artifact')

file class-attribute instance-attribute

file = Field(default=None, title='File artifact is artifact stored in a file')

git class-attribute instance-attribute

git = Field(default=None, title='Git repository hosting the artifact')

inline class-attribute instance-attribute

inline = Field(default=None, title='Inline artifact is embedded in sensor spec as a string')

resource class-attribute instance-attribute

resource = Field(default=None, title='Resource is generic template for K8s resource')

s3 class-attribute instance-attribute

s3 = Field(default=None, title='S3 compliant artifact')

url class-attribute instance-attribute

url = Field(default=None, title='URL to fetch the artifact from')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class AzureEventHubsTrigger(BaseModel):
    fqdn: Optional[str] = Field(
            "FQDN refers to the namespace dns of Azure Event Hubs to be used i.e."
            " <namespace>"
    hub_name: Optional[str] = Field(
        title="HubName refers to the Azure Event Hub to send events to",
    parameters: Optional[List[TriggerParameter]] = Field(
            "Parameters is the list of key-value extracted from event's payload that"
            " are applied to\nthe trigger resource.\n+optional"
    payload: Optional[List[TriggerParameter]] = Field(
            "Payload is the list of key-value extracted from an event payload to" " construct the request payload."
    shared_access_key: Optional[v1.SecretKeySelector] = Field(
        title=("SharedAccessKey refers to a K8s secret containing the primary key for the"),
    shared_access_key_name: Optional[v1.SecretKeySelector] = Field(
        title="SharedAccessKeyName refers to the name of the Shared Access Key",

fqdn class-attribute instance-attribute

fqdn = Field(default=None, title='FQDN refers to the namespace dns of Azure Event Hubs to be used i.e. <namespace>')

hub_name class-attribute instance-attribute

hub_name = Field(default=None, alias='hubName', title='HubName refers to the Azure Event Hub to send events to')

parameters class-attribute instance-attribute

parameters = Field(default=None, title="Parameters is the list of key-value extracted from event's payload that are applied to\nthe trigger resource.\n+optional")

payload class-attribute instance-attribute

payload = Field(default=None, description='Payload is the list of key-value extracted from an event payload to construct the request payload.')

shared_access_key class-attribute instance-attribute

shared_access_key = Field(default=None, alias='sharedAccessKey', title='SharedAccessKey refers to a K8s secret containing the primary key for the')

shared_access_key_name class-attribute instance-attribute

shared_access_key_name = Field(default=None, alias='sharedAccessKeyName', title='SharedAccessKeyName refers to the name of the Shared Access Key')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class AzureEventsHubEventSource(BaseModel):
    filter: Optional[EventSourceFilter] = Field(default=None, title="Filter\n+optional")
    fqdn: Optional[str] = Field(
            "FQDN of the EventHubs namespace you created\nMore info at"
    hub_name: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, alias="hubName", title="Event Hub path/name")
    metadata: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = Field(
        title=("Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the event" " payload.\n+optional"),
    shared_access_key: Optional[v1.SecretKeySelector] = Field(
        title="SharedAccessKey is the generated value of the key",
    shared_access_key_name: Optional[v1.SecretKeySelector] = Field(
        title=("SharedAccessKeyName is the name you chose for your application's SAS keys"),

filter class-attribute instance-attribute

filter = Field(default=None, title='Filter\n+optional')

fqdn class-attribute instance-attribute

fqdn = Field(default=None, title='FQDN of the EventHubs namespace you created\nMore info at')

hub_name class-attribute instance-attribute

hub_name = Field(default=None, alias='hubName', title='Event Hub path/name')

metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

metadata = Field(default=None, title='Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the event payload.\n+optional')

shared_access_key class-attribute instance-attribute

shared_access_key = Field(default=None, alias='sharedAccessKey', title='SharedAccessKey is the generated value of the key')

shared_access_key_name class-attribute instance-attribute

shared_access_key_name = Field(default=None, alias='sharedAccessKeyName', title="SharedAccessKeyName is the name you chose for your application's SAS keys")


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class Backoff(BaseModel):
    duration: Optional[Int64OrString] = Field(
        title=('The initial duration in nanoseconds or strings like "1s", "3m"\n+optional'),
    factor: Optional[Amount] = Field(default=None, title="Duration is multiplied by factor each iteration\n+optional")
    jitter: Optional[Amount] = Field(default=None, title="The amount of jitter applied each iteration\n+optional")
    steps: Optional[int] = Field(default=None, title="Exit with error after this many steps\n+optional")

duration class-attribute instance-attribute

duration = Field(default=None, title='The initial duration in nanoseconds or strings like "1s", "3m"\n+optional')

factor class-attribute instance-attribute

factor = Field(default=None, title='Duration is multiplied by factor each iteration\n+optional')

jitter class-attribute instance-attribute

jitter = Field(default=None, title='The amount of jitter applied each iteration\n+optional')

steps class-attribute instance-attribute

steps = Field(default=None, title='Exit with error after this many steps\n+optional')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class BasicAuth(BaseModel):
    password: Optional[v1.SecretKeySelector] = Field(
        description=("Password refers to the Kubernetes secret that holds the password required" " for basic auth."),
    username: Optional[v1.SecretKeySelector] = Field(
        description=("Username refers to the Kubernetes secret that holds the username required" " for basic auth."),

password class-attribute instance-attribute

password = Field(default=None, description='Password refers to the Kubernetes secret that holds the password required for basic auth.')

username class-attribute instance-attribute

username = Field(default=None, description='Username refers to the Kubernetes secret that holds the username required for basic auth.')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class BitbucketAuth(BaseModel):
    basic: Optional[BitbucketBasicAuth] = Field(default=None, title="Basic is BasicAuth auth strategy.\n+optional")
    oauth_token: Optional[v1.SecretKeySelector] = Field(
        title=("OAuthToken refers to the K8s secret that holds the OAuth Bearer" " token.\n+optional"),

basic class-attribute instance-attribute

basic = Field(default=None, title='Basic is BasicAuth auth strategy.\n+optional')

oauth_token class-attribute instance-attribute

oauth_token = Field(default=None, alias='oauthToken', title='OAuthToken refers to the K8s secret that holds the OAuth Bearer token.\n+optional')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class BitbucketBasicAuth(BaseModel):
    password: Optional[v1.SecretKeySelector] = Field(
        description="Password refers to the K8s secret that holds the password.",
    username: Optional[v1.SecretKeySelector] = Field(
        description="Username refers to the K8s secret that holds the username.",

password class-attribute instance-attribute

password = Field(default=None, description='Password refers to the K8s secret that holds the password.')

username class-attribute instance-attribute

username = Field(default=None, description='Username refers to the K8s secret that holds the username.')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class BitbucketEventSource(BaseModel):
    auth: Optional[BitbucketAuth] = Field(
        default=None, description="Auth information required to connect to Bitbucket."
    delete_hook_on_finish: Optional[bool] = Field(
            "DeleteHookOnFinish determines whether to delete the defined Bitbucket hook"
            " once the event source is stopped.\n+optional"
    events: Optional[List[str]] = Field(default=None, description="Events this webhook is subscribed to.")
    filter: Optional[EventSourceFilter] = Field(default=None, title="Filter\n+optional")
    metadata: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = Field(
        title=("Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will be passed along the" " event payload.\n+optional"),
    owner: Optional[str] = Field(
            "DeprecatedOwner is the owner of the repository.\nDeprecated: use"
            " Repositories instead. Will be unsupported in v1.9\n+optional"
    project_key: Optional[str] = Field(
            "DeprecatedProjectKey is the key of the project to which the repository"
            " relates\nDeprecated: use Repositories instead. Will be unsupported in"
            " v1.9\n+optional"
    repositories: Optional[List[BitbucketRepository]] = Field(
        title=("Repositories holds a list of repositories for which integration needs to" " set up\n+optional"),
    repository_slug: Optional[str] = Field(
            "DeprecatedRepositorySlug is a URL-friendly version of a repository name,"
            " automatically generated by Bitbucket for use in the URL\nDeprecated: use"
            " Repositories instead. Will be unsupported in v1.9\n+optional"
    webhook: Optional[WebhookContext] = Field(
        title="Webhook refers to the configuration required to run an http server",

auth class-attribute instance-attribute

auth = Field(default=None, description='Auth information required to connect to Bitbucket.')

delete_hook_on_finish class-attribute instance-attribute

delete_hook_on_finish = Field(default=None, alias='deleteHookOnFinish', title='DeleteHookOnFinish determines whether to delete the defined Bitbucket hook once the event source is stopped.\n+optional')

events class-attribute instance-attribute

events = Field(default=None, description='Events this webhook is subscribed to.')

filter class-attribute instance-attribute

filter = Field(default=None, title='Filter\n+optional')

metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

metadata = Field(default=None, title='Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will be passed along the event payload.\n+optional')

owner class-attribute instance-attribute

owner = Field(default=None, title='DeprecatedOwner is the owner of the repository.\nDeprecated: use Repositories instead. Will be unsupported in v1.9\n+optional')

project_key class-attribute instance-attribute

project_key = Field(default=None, alias='projectKey', title='DeprecatedProjectKey is the key of the project to which the repository relates\nDeprecated: use Repositories instead. Will be unsupported in v1.9\n+optional')

repositories class-attribute instance-attribute

repositories = Field(default=None, title='Repositories holds a list of repositories for which integration needs to set up\n+optional')

repository_slug class-attribute instance-attribute

repository_slug = Field(default=None, alias='repositorySlug', title='DeprecatedRepositorySlug is a URL-friendly version of a repository name, automatically generated by Bitbucket for use in the URL\nDeprecated: use Repositories instead. Will be unsupported in v1.9\n+optional')

webhook class-attribute instance-attribute

webhook = Field(default=None, title='Webhook refers to the configuration required to run an http server')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class BitbucketRepository(BaseModel):
    owner: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, title="Owner is the owner of the repository")
    repository_slug: Optional[str] = Field(
            "RepositorySlug is a URL-friendly version of a repository name,"
            " automatically generated by Bitbucket for use in the URL"

owner class-attribute instance-attribute

owner = Field(default=None, title='Owner is the owner of the repository')

repository_slug class-attribute instance-attribute

repository_slug = Field(default=None, alias='repositorySlug', title='RepositorySlug is a URL-friendly version of a repository name, automatically generated by Bitbucket for use in the URL')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class BitbucketServerEventSource(BaseModel):
    access_token: Optional[v1.SecretKeySelector] = Field(
        title=("AccessToken is reference to K8s secret which holds the bitbucket api" " access information"),
    bitbucketserver_base_url: Optional[str] = Field(
        title=("BitbucketServerBaseURL is the base URL for API requests to a custom" " endpoint"),
    delete_hook_on_finish: Optional[bool] = Field(
            "DeleteHookOnFinish determines whether to delete the Bitbucket Server hook"
            " for the project once the event source is stopped.\n+optional"
    events: Optional[List[str]] = Field(
            "Events are bitbucket event to listen to.\nRefer"
    filter: Optional[EventSourceFilter] = Field(default=None, title="Filter\n+optional")
    metadata: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = Field(
        title=("Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the event" " payload.\n+optional"),
    project_key: Optional[str] = Field(
            "DeprecatedProjectKey is the key of project for which integration needs to"
            " set up\nDeprecated: use Repositories instead. Will be unsupported in"
            " v1.8\n+optional"
    repositories: Optional[List[BitbucketServerRepository]] = Field(
        title=("Repositories holds a list of repositories for which integration needs to" " set up\n+optional"),
    repository_slug: Optional[str] = Field(
            "DeprecatedRepositorySlug is the slug of the repository for which"
            " integration needs to set up\nDeprecated: use Repositories instead. Will"
            " be unsupported in v1.8\n+optional"
    webhook: Optional[WebhookContext] = Field(default=None, title="Webhook holds configuration to run a http server")
    webhook_secret: Optional[v1.SecretKeySelector] = Field(
            "WebhookSecret is reference to K8s secret which holds the bitbucket webhook"
            " secret (for HMAC validation)"

access_token class-attribute instance-attribute

access_token = Field(default=None, alias='accessToken', title='AccessToken is reference to K8s secret which holds the bitbucket api access information')

bitbucketserver_base_url class-attribute instance-attribute

bitbucketserver_base_url = Field(default=None, alias='bitbucketserverBaseURL', title='BitbucketServerBaseURL is the base URL for API requests to a custom endpoint')

delete_hook_on_finish class-attribute instance-attribute

delete_hook_on_finish = Field(default=None, alias='deleteHookOnFinish', title='DeleteHookOnFinish determines whether to delete the Bitbucket Server hook for the project once the event source is stopped.\n+optional')

events class-attribute instance-attribute

events = Field(default=None, title='Events are bitbucket event to listen to.\nRefer')

filter class-attribute instance-attribute

filter = Field(default=None, title='Filter\n+optional')

metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

metadata = Field(default=None, title='Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the event payload.\n+optional')

project_key class-attribute instance-attribute

project_key = Field(default=None, alias='projectKey', title='DeprecatedProjectKey is the key of project for which integration needs to set up\nDeprecated: use Repositories instead. Will be unsupported in v1.8\n+optional')

repositories class-attribute instance-attribute

repositories = Field(default=None, title='Repositories holds a list of repositories for which integration needs to set up\n+optional')

repository_slug class-attribute instance-attribute

repository_slug = Field(default=None, alias='repositorySlug', title='DeprecatedRepositorySlug is the slug of the repository for which integration needs to set up\nDeprecated: use Repositories instead. Will be unsupported in v1.8\n+optional')

webhook class-attribute instance-attribute

webhook = Field(default=None, title='Webhook holds configuration to run a http server')

webhook_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

webhook_secret = Field(default=None, alias='webhookSecret', title='WebhookSecret is reference to K8s secret which holds the bitbucket webhook secret (for HMAC validation)')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class BitbucketServerRepository(BaseModel):
    project_key: Optional[str] = Field(
        title="ProjectKey is the key of project for which integration needs to set up",
    repository_slug: Optional[str] = Field(
        title=("RepositorySlug is the slug of the repository for which integration needs" " to set up"),

project_key class-attribute instance-attribute

project_key = Field(default=None, alias='projectKey', title='ProjectKey is the key of project for which integration needs to set up')

repository_slug class-attribute instance-attribute

repository_slug = Field(default=None, alias='repositorySlug', title='RepositorySlug is the slug of the repository for which integration needs to set up')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class CalendarEventSource(BaseModel):
    exclusion_dates: Optional[List[str]] = Field(
        description=("ExclusionDates defines the list of DATE-TIME exceptions for recurring" " events."),
    filter: Optional[EventSourceFilter] = Field(default=None, title="Filter\n+optional")
    interval: Optional[str] = Field(
        title=("Interval is a string that describes an interval duration, e.g. 1s, 30m," " 2h...\n+optional"),
    metadata: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = Field(
        title=("Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the event" " payload.\n+optional"),
    persistence: Optional[EventPersistence] = Field(
        default=None, title="Persistence hold the configuration for event persistence"
    schedule: Optional[str] = Field(
            "Schedule is a cron-like expression. For reference, see:" "\n+optional"
    timezone: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, title="Timezone in which to run the schedule\n+optional")

exclusion_dates class-attribute instance-attribute

exclusion_dates = Field(default=None, alias='exclusionDates', description='ExclusionDates defines the list of DATE-TIME exceptions for recurring events.')

filter class-attribute instance-attribute

filter = Field(default=None, title='Filter\n+optional')

interval class-attribute instance-attribute

interval = Field(default=None, title='Interval is a string that describes an interval duration, e.g. 1s, 30m, 2h...\n+optional')

metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

metadata = Field(default=None, title='Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the event payload.\n+optional')

persistence class-attribute instance-attribute

persistence = Field(default=None, title='Persistence hold the configuration for event persistence')

schedule class-attribute instance-attribute

schedule = Field(default=None, title='Schedule is a cron-like expression. For reference, see:\n+optional')

timezone class-attribute instance-attribute

timezone = Field(default=None, title='Timezone in which to run the schedule\n+optional')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class CatchupConfiguration(BaseModel):
    enabled: Optional[bool] = Field(
        title=("Enabled enables to triggered the missed schedule when eventsource restarts"),
    max_duration: Optional[str] = Field(
        title="MaxDuration holds max catchup duration",

enabled class-attribute instance-attribute

enabled = Field(default=None, title='Enabled enables to triggered the missed schedule when eventsource restarts')

max_duration class-attribute instance-attribute

max_duration = Field(default=None, alias='maxDuration', title='MaxDuration holds max catchup duration')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class Condition(BaseModel):
    last_transition_time: Optional[v1_1.Time] = Field(
        title=("Last time the condition transitioned from one status to" " another.\n+optional"),
    message: Optional[str] = Field(
        title=("Human-readable message indicating details about last" " transition.\n+optional"),
    reason: Optional[str] = Field(
            "Unique, this should be a short, machine understandable string that gives"
            " the reason\nfor condition's last transition. For example,"
            ' "ImageNotFound"\n+optional'
    status: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, title="Condition status, True, False or Unknown.\n+required")
    type: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, title="Condition type.\n+required")

last_transition_time class-attribute instance-attribute

last_transition_time = Field(default=None, alias='lastTransitionTime', title='Last time the condition transitioned from one status to another.\n+optional')

message class-attribute instance-attribute

message = Field(default=None, title='Human-readable message indicating details about last transition.\n+optional')

reason class-attribute instance-attribute

reason = Field(default=None, title='Unique, this should be a short, machine understandable string that gives the reason\nfor condition\'s last transition. For example, "ImageNotFound"\n+optional')

status class-attribute instance-attribute

status = Field(default=None, title='Condition status, True, False or Unknown.\n+required')

type class-attribute instance-attribute

type = Field(default=None, title='Condition type.\n+required')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class ConditionsResetByTime(BaseModel):
    cron: Optional[str] = Field(
        title=("Cron is a cron-like expression. For reference, see:" ""),
    timezone: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, title="+optional")

cron class-attribute instance-attribute

cron = Field(default=None, title='Cron is a cron-like expression. For reference, see:')

timezone class-attribute instance-attribute

timezone = Field(default=None, title='+optional')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class ConditionsResetCriteria(BaseModel):
    by_time: Optional[ConditionsResetByTime] = Field(
        title=("Schedule is a cron-like expression. For reference, see:" ""),

by_time class-attribute instance-attribute

by_time = Field(default=None, alias='byTime', title='Schedule is a cron-like expression. For reference, see:')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class ConfigMapPersistence(BaseModel):
    create_if_not_exist: Optional[bool] = Field(
        title="CreateIfNotExist will create configmap if it doesn't exists",
    name: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, title="Name of the configmap")

create_if_not_exist class-attribute instance-attribute

create_if_not_exist = Field(default=None, alias='createIfNotExist', title="CreateIfNotExist will create configmap if it doesn't exists")

name class-attribute instance-attribute

name = Field(default=None, title='Name of the configmap')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class CustomTrigger(BaseModel):
    cert_secret: Optional[v1.SecretKeySelector] = Field(
            "CertSecret refers to the secret that contains cert for secure connection"
            " between sensor and custom trigger gRPC server."
    parameters: Optional[List[TriggerParameter]] = Field(
            "Parameters is the list of parameters that is applied to resolved custom" " trigger trigger object."
    payload: Optional[List[TriggerParameter]] = Field(
            "Payload is the list of key-value extracted from an event payload to" " construct the request payload."
    secure: Optional[bool] = Field(
        title=("Secure refers to type of the connection between sensor to custom trigger" " gRPC"),
    server_name_override: Optional[str] = Field(
        description=("ServerNameOverride for the secure connection between sensor and custom" " trigger gRPC server."),
    server_url: Optional[str] = Field(
        title="ServerURL is the url of the gRPC server that executes custom trigger",
    spec: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = Field(
            "Spec is the custom trigger resource specification that custom trigger gRPC"
            " server knows how to interpret."

cert_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

cert_secret = Field(default=None, alias='certSecret', description='CertSecret refers to the secret that contains cert for secure connection between sensor and custom trigger gRPC server.')

parameters class-attribute instance-attribute

parameters = Field(default=None, description='Parameters is the list of parameters that is applied to resolved custom trigger trigger object.')

payload class-attribute instance-attribute

payload = Field(default=None, description='Payload is the list of key-value extracted from an event payload to construct the request payload.')

secure class-attribute instance-attribute

secure = Field(default=None, title='Secure refers to type of the connection between sensor to custom trigger gRPC')

server_name_override class-attribute instance-attribute

server_name_override = Field(default=None, alias='serverNameOverride', description='ServerNameOverride for the secure connection between sensor and custom trigger gRPC server.')

server_url class-attribute instance-attribute

server_url = Field(default=None, alias='serverURL', title='ServerURL is the url of the gRPC server that executes custom trigger')

spec class-attribute instance-attribute

spec = Field(default=None, description='Spec is the custom trigger resource specification that custom trigger gRPC server knows how to interpret.')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class DataFilter(BaseModel):
    comparator: Optional[str] = Field(
            'Comparator compares the event data with a user given value.\nCan be ">=",'
            ' ">", "=", "!=", "<", or "<=".\nIs optional, and if left blank treated as'
            ' equality "=".'
    path: Optional[str] = Field(
            "Path is the JSONPath of the event's (JSON decoded) data key\nPath is a"
            " series of keys separated by a dot. A key may contain wildcard characters"
            " '*' and '?'.\nTo access an array value use the index as the key. The dot"
            " and wildcard characters can be escaped with '\\\\'.\nSee"
            " for more information on how"
            " to use this."
    template: Optional[str] = Field(
            "Template is a go-template for extracting a string from the event's"
            " data.\nA Template is evaluated with provided path, type and value.\nThe"
            " templating follows the standard go-template syntax as well as sprig's"
            " extra functions.\nSee and"
    type: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, title="Type contains the JSON type of the data")
    value: Optional[List[str]] = Field(
            "Value is the allowed string values for this key\nBooleans are passed using"
            " strconv.ParseBool()\nNumbers are parsed using as float64 using"
            " strconv.ParseFloat()\nStrings are taken as is\nNils this value is ignored"

comparator class-attribute instance-attribute

comparator = Field(default=None, description='Comparator compares the event data with a user given value.\nCan be ">=", ">", "=", "!=", "<", or "<=".\nIs optional, and if left blank treated as equality "=".')

path class-attribute instance-attribute

path = Field(default=None, description="Path is the JSONPath of the event's (JSON decoded) data key\nPath is a series of keys separated by a dot. A key may contain wildcard characters '*' and '?'.\nTo access an array value use the index as the key. The dot and wildcard characters can be escaped with '\\\\'.\nSee for more information on how to use this.")

template class-attribute instance-attribute

template = Field(default=None, title="Template is a go-template for extracting a string from the event's data.\nA Template is evaluated with provided path, type and value.\nThe templating follows the standard go-template syntax as well as sprig's extra functions.\nSee and")

type class-attribute instance-attribute

type = Field(default=None, title='Type contains the JSON type of the data')

value class-attribute instance-attribute

value = Field(default=None, title='Value is the allowed string values for this key\nBooleans are passed using strconv.ParseBool()\nNumbers are parsed using as float64 using strconv.ParseFloat()\nStrings are taken as is\nNils this value is ignored')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class EmitterEventSource(BaseModel):
    broker: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, description="Broker URI to connect to.")
    channel_key: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, alias="channelKey", title="ChannelKey refers to the channel key")
    channel_name: Optional[str] = Field(
        title="ChannelName refers to the channel name",
    connection_backoff: Optional[Backoff] = Field(
        title="Backoff holds parameters applied to connection.\n+optional",
    filter: Optional[EventSourceFilter] = Field(default=None, title="Filter\n+optional")
    json_body: Optional[bool] = Field(
        title=("JSONBody specifies that all event body payload coming from this\nsource" " will be JSON\n+optional"),
    metadata: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = Field(
        title=("Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the event" " payload.\n+optional"),
    password: Optional[v1.SecretKeySelector] = Field(
        default=None, title="Password to use to connect to broker\n+optional"
    tls: Optional[TLSConfig] = Field(default=None, title="TLS configuration for the emitter client.\n+optional")
    username: Optional[v1.SecretKeySelector] = Field(
        default=None, title="Username to use to connect to broker\n+optional"

broker class-attribute instance-attribute

broker = Field(default=None, description='Broker URI to connect to.')

channel_key class-attribute instance-attribute

channel_key = Field(default=None, alias='channelKey', title='ChannelKey refers to the channel key')

channel_name class-attribute instance-attribute

channel_name = Field(default=None, alias='channelName', title='ChannelName refers to the channel name')

connection_backoff class-attribute instance-attribute

connection_backoff = Field(default=None, alias='connectionBackoff', title='Backoff holds parameters applied to connection.\n+optional')

filter class-attribute instance-attribute

filter = Field(default=None, title='Filter\n+optional')

json_body class-attribute instance-attribute

json_body = Field(default=None, alias='jsonBody', title='JSONBody specifies that all event body payload coming from this\nsource will be JSON\n+optional')

metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

metadata = Field(default=None, title='Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the event payload.\n+optional')

password class-attribute instance-attribute

password = Field(default=None, title='Password to use to connect to broker\n+optional')

tls class-attribute instance-attribute

tls = Field(default=None, title='TLS configuration for the emitter client.\n+optional')

username class-attribute instance-attribute

username = Field(default=None, title='Username to use to connect to broker\n+optional')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class EventContext(BaseModel):
    datacontenttype: Optional[str] = Field(
        description=("DataContentType - A MIME (RFC2046) string describing the media type of" " `data`."),
    id: Optional[str] = Field(
        description=("ID of the event; must be non-empty and unique within the scope of the" " producer."),
    source: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, description="Source - A URI describing the event producer.")
    specversion: Optional[str] = Field(
            "SpecVersion - The version of the CloudEvents specification used by the" " io.argoproj.workflow.v1alpha1."
    subject: Optional[str] = Field(
        title="Subject - The subject of the event in the context of the event producer",
    time: Optional[v1_1.Time] = Field(default=None, description="Time - A Timestamp when the event happened.")
    type: Optional[str] = Field(
        description="Type - The type of the occurrence which has happened.",

datacontenttype class-attribute instance-attribute

datacontenttype = Field(default=None, description='DataContentType - A MIME (RFC2046) string describing the media type of `data`.')

id class-attribute instance-attribute

id = Field(default=None, description='ID of the event; must be non-empty and unique within the scope of the producer.')

source class-attribute instance-attribute

source = Field(default=None, description='Source - A URI describing the event producer.')

specversion class-attribute instance-attribute

specversion = Field(default=None, description='SpecVersion - The version of the CloudEvents specification used by the io.argoproj.workflow.v1alpha1.')

subject class-attribute instance-attribute

subject = Field(default=None, title='Subject - The subject of the event in the context of the event producer')

time class-attribute instance-attribute

time = Field(default=None, description='Time - A Timestamp when the event happened.')

type class-attribute instance-attribute

type = Field(default=None, description='Type - The type of the occurrence which has happened.')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class EventDependency(BaseModel):
    event_name: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, alias="eventName", title="EventName is the name of the event")
    event_source_name: Optional[str] = Field(
        title="EventSourceName is the name of EventSource that Sensor depends on",
    filters: Optional[EventDependencyFilter] = Field(
            "Filters and rules governing toleration of success and constraints on the" " context and data of an event"
    filters_logical_operator: Optional[str] = Field(
            "FiltersLogicalOperator defines how different filters are evaluated"
            " together.\nAvailable values: and (&&), or (||)\nIs optional and if left"
            " blank treated as and (&&)."
    name: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, title="Name is a unique name of this dependency")
    transform: Optional[EventDependencyTransformer] = Field(default=None, title="Transform transforms the event data")

event_name class-attribute instance-attribute

event_name = Field(default=None, alias='eventName', title='EventName is the name of the event')

event_source_name class-attribute instance-attribute

event_source_name = Field(default=None, alias='eventSourceName', title='EventSourceName is the name of EventSource that Sensor depends on')

filters class-attribute instance-attribute

filters = Field(default=None, title='Filters and rules governing toleration of success and constraints on the context and data of an event')

filters_logical_operator class-attribute instance-attribute

filters_logical_operator = Field(default=None, alias='filtersLogicalOperator', description='FiltersLogicalOperator defines how different filters are evaluated together.\nAvailable values: and (&&), or (||)\nIs optional and if left blank treated as and (&&).')

name class-attribute instance-attribute

name = Field(default=None, title='Name is a unique name of this dependency')

transform class-attribute instance-attribute

transform = Field(default=None, title='Transform transforms the event data')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class EventDependencyFilter(BaseModel):
    context: Optional[EventContext] = Field(default=None, title="Context filter constraints")
    data: Optional[List[DataFilter]] = Field(default=None, title="Data filter constraints with escalation")
    data_logical_operator: Optional[str] = Field(
            "DataLogicalOperator defines how multiple Data filters (if defined) are"
            " evaluated together.\nAvailable values: and (&&), or (||)\nIs optional and"
            " if left blank treated as and (&&)."
    expr_logical_operator: Optional[str] = Field(
            "ExprLogicalOperator defines how multiple Exprs filters (if defined) are"
            " evaluated together.\nAvailable values: and (&&), or (||)\nIs optional and"
            " if left blank treated as and (&&)."
    exprs: Optional[List[ExprFilter]] = Field(
        description=("Exprs contains the list of expressions evaluated against the event" " payload."),
    script: Optional[str] = Field(
            "Script refers to a Lua script evaluated to determine the validity of an" " io.argoproj.workflow.v1alpha1."
    time: Optional[TimeFilter] = Field(default=None, title="Time filter on the event with escalation")

context class-attribute instance-attribute

context = Field(default=None, title='Context filter constraints')

data class-attribute instance-attribute

data = Field(default=None, title='Data filter constraints with escalation')

data_logical_operator class-attribute instance-attribute

data_logical_operator = Field(default=None, alias='dataLogicalOperator', description='DataLogicalOperator defines how multiple Data filters (if defined) are evaluated together.\nAvailable values: and (&&), or (||)\nIs optional and if left blank treated as and (&&).')

expr_logical_operator class-attribute instance-attribute

expr_logical_operator = Field(default=None, alias='exprLogicalOperator', description='ExprLogicalOperator defines how multiple Exprs filters (if defined) are evaluated together.\nAvailable values: and (&&), or (||)\nIs optional and if left blank treated as and (&&).')

exprs class-attribute instance-attribute

exprs = Field(default=None, description='Exprs contains the list of expressions evaluated against the event payload.')

script class-attribute instance-attribute

script = Field(default=None, description='Script refers to a Lua script evaluated to determine the validity of an io.argoproj.workflow.v1alpha1.')

time class-attribute instance-attribute

time = Field(default=None, title='Time filter on the event with escalation')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class EventDependencyTransformer(BaseModel):
    jq: Optional[str] = Field(
        title="JQ holds the jq command applied for transformation\n+optional",
    script: Optional[str] = Field(
        title="Script refers to a Lua script used to transform the event\n+optional",

jq class-attribute instance-attribute

jq = Field(default=None, title='JQ holds the jq command applied for transformation\n+optional')

script class-attribute instance-attribute

script = Field(default=None, title='Script refers to a Lua script used to transform the event\n+optional')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class EventPersistence(BaseModel):
    catchup: Optional[CatchupConfiguration] = Field(
        title=("Catchup enables to triggered the missed schedule when eventsource restarts"),
    config_map: Optional[ConfigMapPersistence] = Field(
        title="ConfigMap holds configmap details for persistence",

catchup class-attribute instance-attribute

catchup = Field(default=None, title='Catchup enables to triggered the missed schedule when eventsource restarts')

config_map class-attribute instance-attribute

config_map = Field(default=None, alias='configMap', title='ConfigMap holds configmap details for persistence')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class EventSource(BaseModel):
    metadata: Optional[v1_1.ObjectMeta] = None
    spec: Optional[EventSourceSpec] = None
    status: Optional[EventSourceStatus] = Field(default=None, title="+optional")

metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

metadata = None

spec class-attribute instance-attribute

spec = None

status class-attribute instance-attribute

status = Field(default=None, title='+optional')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class EventSourceFilter(BaseModel):
    expression: Optional[str] = None

expression class-attribute instance-attribute

expression = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class EventSourceList(BaseModel):
    items: Optional[List[EventSource]] = None
    metadata: Optional[v1_1.ListMeta] = None

items class-attribute instance-attribute

items = None

metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

metadata = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class EventSourceSpec(BaseModel):
    amqp: Optional[Dict[str, AMQPEventSource]] = Field(default=None, title="AMQP event sources")
    azure_events_hub: Optional[Dict[str, AzureEventsHubEventSource]] = Field(
        default=None, alias="azureEventsHub", title="AzureEventsHub event sources"
    bitbucket: Optional[Dict[str, BitbucketEventSource]] = Field(default=None, title="Bitbucket event sources")
    bitbucketserver: Optional[Dict[str, BitbucketServerEventSource]] = Field(
        default=None, title="Bitbucket Server event sources"
    calendar: Optional[Dict[str, CalendarEventSource]] = Field(default=None, title="Calendar event sources")
    emitter: Optional[Dict[str, EmitterEventSource]] = Field(default=None, title="Emitter event source")
    event_bus_name: Optional[str] = Field(
        title=("EventBusName references to a EventBus name. By default the value is" ' "default"'),
    file: Optional[Dict[str, FileEventSource]] = Field(default=None, title="File event sources")
    generic: Optional[Dict[str, GenericEventSource]] = Field(default=None, title="Generic event source")
    github: Optional[Dict[str, GithubEventSource]] = Field(default=None, title="Github event sources")
    gitlab: Optional[Dict[str, GitlabEventSource]] = Field(default=None, title="Gitlab event sources")
    hdfs: Optional[Dict[str, HDFSEventSource]] = Field(default=None, title="HDFS event sources")
    kafka: Optional[Dict[str, KafkaEventSource]] = Field(default=None, title="Kafka event sources")
    minio: Optional[Dict[str, S3Artifact]] = Field(default=None, title="Minio event sources")
    mqtt: Optional[Dict[str, MQTTEventSource]] = Field(default=None, title="MQTT event sources")
    nats: Optional[Dict[str, NATSEventsSource]] = Field(default=None, title="NATS event sources")
    nsq: Optional[Dict[str, NSQEventSource]] = Field(default=None, title="NSQ event source")
    pub_sub: Optional[Dict[str, PubSubEventSource]] = Field(default=None, alias="pubSub", title="PubSub event sources")
    pulsar: Optional[Dict[str, PulsarEventSource]] = Field(default=None, title="Pulsar event source")
    redis: Optional[Dict[str, RedisEventSource]] = Field(default=None, title="Redis event source")
    redis_stream: Optional[Dict[str, RedisStreamEventSource]] = Field(
        default=None, alias="redisStream", title="Redis stream source"
    replicas: Optional[int] = Field(default=None, title="Replicas is the event source deployment replicas")
    resource: Optional[Dict[str, ResourceEventSource]] = Field(default=None, title="Resource event sources")
    service: Optional[Service] = Field(
        title=("Service is the specifications of the service to expose the event" " source\n+optional"),
    slack: Optional[Dict[str, SlackEventSource]] = Field(default=None, title="Slack event sources")
    sns: Optional[Dict[str, SNSEventSource]] = Field(default=None, title="SNS event sources")
    sqs: Optional[Dict[str, SQSEventSource]] = Field(default=None, title="SQS event sources")
    storage_grid: Optional[Dict[str, StorageGridEventSource]] = Field(
        default=None, alias="storageGrid", title="StorageGrid event sources"
    stripe: Optional[Dict[str, StripeEventSource]] = Field(default=None, title="Stripe event sources")
    template: Optional[Template] = Field(
        title="Template is the pod specification for the event source\n+optional",
    webhook: Optional[Dict[str, WebhookEventSource]] = Field(default=None, title="Webhook event sources")

amqp class-attribute instance-attribute

amqp = Field(default=None, title='AMQP event sources')

azure_events_hub class-attribute instance-attribute

azure_events_hub = Field(default=None, alias='azureEventsHub', title='AzureEventsHub event sources')

bitbucket class-attribute instance-attribute

bitbucket = Field(default=None, title='Bitbucket event sources')

bitbucketserver class-attribute instance-attribute

bitbucketserver = Field(default=None, title='Bitbucket Server event sources')

calendar class-attribute instance-attribute

calendar = Field(default=None, title='Calendar event sources')

emitter class-attribute instance-attribute

emitter = Field(default=None, title='Emitter event source')

event_bus_name class-attribute instance-attribute

event_bus_name = Field(default=None, alias='eventBusName', title='EventBusName references to a EventBus name. By default the value is "default"')

file class-attribute instance-attribute

file = Field(default=None, title='File event sources')

generic class-attribute instance-attribute

generic = Field(default=None, title='Generic event source')

github class-attribute instance-attribute

github = Field(default=None, title='Github event sources')

gitlab class-attribute instance-attribute

gitlab = Field(default=None, title='Gitlab event sources')

hdfs class-attribute instance-attribute

hdfs = Field(default=None, title='HDFS event sources')

kafka class-attribute instance-attribute

kafka = Field(default=None, title='Kafka event sources')

minio class-attribute instance-attribute

minio = Field(default=None, title='Minio event sources')

mqtt class-attribute instance-attribute

mqtt = Field(default=None, title='MQTT event sources')

nats class-attribute instance-attribute

nats = Field(default=None, title='NATS event sources')

nsq class-attribute instance-attribute

nsq = Field(default=None, title='NSQ event source')

pub_sub class-attribute instance-attribute

pub_sub = Field(default=None, alias='pubSub', title='PubSub event sources')

pulsar class-attribute instance-attribute

pulsar = Field(default=None, title='Pulsar event source')

redis class-attribute instance-attribute

redis = Field(default=None, title='Redis event source')

redis_stream class-attribute instance-attribute

redis_stream = Field(default=None, alias='redisStream', title='Redis stream source')

replicas class-attribute instance-attribute

replicas = Field(default=None, title='Replicas is the event source deployment replicas')

resource class-attribute instance-attribute

resource = Field(default=None, title='Resource event sources')

service class-attribute instance-attribute

service = Field(default=None, title='Service is the specifications of the service to expose the event source\n+optional')

slack class-attribute instance-attribute

slack = Field(default=None, title='Slack event sources')

sns class-attribute instance-attribute

sns = Field(default=None, title='SNS event sources')

sqs class-attribute instance-attribute

sqs = Field(default=None, title='SQS event sources')

storage_grid class-attribute instance-attribute

storage_grid = Field(default=None, alias='storageGrid', title='StorageGrid event sources')

stripe class-attribute instance-attribute

stripe = Field(default=None, title='Stripe event sources')

template class-attribute instance-attribute

template = Field(default=None, title='Template is the pod specification for the event source\n+optional')

webhook class-attribute instance-attribute

webhook = Field(default=None, title='Webhook event sources')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class EventSourceStatus(BaseModel):
    status: Optional[Status] = None

status class-attribute instance-attribute

status = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class ExprFilter(BaseModel):
    expr: Optional[str] = Field(
        description=("Expr refers to the expression that determines the outcome of the filter."),
    fields: Optional[List[PayloadField]] = Field(
        description=("Fields refers to set of keys that refer to the paths within event payload."),

expr class-attribute instance-attribute

expr = Field(default=None, description='Expr refers to the expression that determines the outcome of the filter.')

fields class-attribute instance-attribute

fields = Field(default=None, description='Fields refers to set of keys that refer to the paths within event payload.')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class FileArtifact(BaseModel):
    path: Optional[str] = None

path class-attribute instance-attribute

path = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class FileEventSource(BaseModel):
    event_type: Optional[str] = Field(
            "Type of file operations to watch\nRefer"
            " for more"
            " information"
    filter: Optional[EventSourceFilter] = Field(default=None, title="Filter\n+optional")
    metadata: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = Field(
        title=("Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the event" " payload.\n+optional"),
    polling: Optional[bool] = Field(default=None, title="Use polling instead of inotify")
    watch_path_config: Optional[WatchPathConfig] = Field(
        title="WatchPathConfig contains configuration about the file path to watch",

event_type class-attribute instance-attribute

event_type = Field(default=None, alias='eventType', title='Type of file operations to watch\nRefer for more information')

filter class-attribute instance-attribute

filter = Field(default=None, title='Filter\n+optional')

metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

metadata = Field(default=None, title='Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the event payload.\n+optional')

polling class-attribute instance-attribute

polling = Field(default=None, title='Use polling instead of inotify')

watch_path_config class-attribute instance-attribute

watch_path_config = Field(default=None, alias='watchPathConfig', title='WatchPathConfig contains configuration about the file path to watch')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class GenericEventSource(BaseModel):
    auth_secret: Optional[v1.SecretKeySelector] = Field(
        title=("AuthSecret holds a secret selector that contains a bearer token for" " authentication\n+optional"),
    config: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, title="Config is the event source configuration")
    filter: Optional[EventSourceFilter] = Field(default=None, title="Filter\n+optional")
    insecure: Optional[bool] = Field(default=None, description="Insecure determines the type of connection.")
    json_body: Optional[bool] = Field(
        title=("JSONBody specifies that all event body payload coming from this\nsource" " will be JSON\n+optional"),
    metadata: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = Field(
        title=("Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the event" " payload.\n+optional"),
    url: Optional[str] = Field(
        description="URL of the gRPC server that implements the event source.",

auth_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

auth_secret = Field(default=None, alias='authSecret', title='AuthSecret holds a secret selector that contains a bearer token for authentication\n+optional')

config class-attribute instance-attribute

config = Field(default=None, title='Config is the event source configuration')

filter class-attribute instance-attribute

filter = Field(default=None, title='Filter\n+optional')

insecure class-attribute instance-attribute

insecure = Field(default=None, description='Insecure determines the type of connection.')

json_body class-attribute instance-attribute

json_body = Field(default=None, alias='jsonBody', title='JSONBody specifies that all event body payload coming from this\nsource will be JSON\n+optional')

metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

metadata = Field(default=None, title='Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the event payload.\n+optional')

url class-attribute instance-attribute

url = Field(default=None, description='URL of the gRPC server that implements the event source.')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class GitArtifact(BaseModel):
    branch: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, title="Branch to use to pull trigger resource\n+optional")
    clone_directory: Optional[str] = Field(
            "Directory to clone the repository. We clone complete directory because"
            " GitArtifact is not limited to any specific Git service providers.\nHence"
            " we don't use any specific git provider client."
    creds: Optional[GitCreds] = Field(
        title="Creds contain reference to git username and password\n+optional",
    file_path: Optional[str] = Field(
        title="Path to file that contains trigger resource definition",
    insecure_ignore_host_key: Optional[bool] = Field(
        title="Whether to ignore host key\n+optional",
    ref: Optional[str] = Field(
        title=("Ref to use to pull trigger resource. Will result in a shallow clone" " and\nfetch.\n+optional"),
    remote: Optional[GitRemoteConfig] = Field(
            'Remote to manage set of tracked repositories. Defaults to "origin".\nRefer'
    ssh_key_secret: Optional[v1.SecretKeySelector] = Field(
        title="SSHKeySecret refers to the secret that contains SSH key",
    tag: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, title="Tag to use to pull trigger resource\n+optional")
    url: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, title="Git URL")

branch class-attribute instance-attribute

branch = Field(default=None, title='Branch to use to pull trigger resource\n+optional')

clone_directory class-attribute instance-attribute

clone_directory = Field(default=None, alias='cloneDirectory', description="Directory to clone the repository. We clone complete directory because GitArtifact is not limited to any specific Git service providers.\nHence we don't use any specific git provider client.")

creds class-attribute instance-attribute

creds = Field(default=None, title='Creds contain reference to git username and password\n+optional')

file_path class-attribute instance-attribute

file_path = Field(default=None, alias='filePath', title='Path to file that contains trigger resource definition')

insecure_ignore_host_key class-attribute instance-attribute

insecure_ignore_host_key = Field(default=None, alias='insecureIgnoreHostKey', title='Whether to ignore host key\n+optional')

ref class-attribute instance-attribute

ref = Field(default=None, title='Ref to use to pull trigger resource. Will result in a shallow clone and\nfetch.\n+optional')

remote class-attribute instance-attribute

remote = Field(default=None, title='Remote to manage set of tracked repositories. Defaults to "origin".\nRefer\n+optional')

ssh_key_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

ssh_key_secret = Field(default=None, alias='sshKeySecret', title='SSHKeySecret refers to the secret that contains SSH key')

tag class-attribute instance-attribute

tag = Field(default=None, title='Tag to use to pull trigger resource\n+optional')

url class-attribute instance-attribute

url = Field(default=None, title='Git URL')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class GitCreds(BaseModel):
    password: Optional[v1.SecretKeySelector] = None
    username: Optional[v1.SecretKeySelector] = None

password class-attribute instance-attribute

password = None

username class-attribute instance-attribute

username = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class GitRemoteConfig(BaseModel):
    name: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, description="Name of the remote to fetch from.")
    urls: Optional[List[str]] = Field(
            "URLs the URLs of a remote repository. It must be non-empty. Fetch"
            " will\nalways use the first URL, while push will use all of them."

name class-attribute instance-attribute

name = Field(default=None, description='Name of the remote to fetch from.')

urls class-attribute instance-attribute

urls = Field(default=None, description='URLs the URLs of a remote repository. It must be non-empty. Fetch will\nalways use the first URL, while push will use all of them.')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class GithubAppCreds(BaseModel):
    app_id: Optional[str] = Field(
        title="AppID refers to the GitHub App ID for the application you created",
    installation_id: Optional[str] = Field(
        title=("InstallationID refers to the Installation ID of the GitHub app you created" " and installed"),
    private_key: Optional[v1.SecretKeySelector] = Field(
        title="PrivateKey refers to a K8s secret containing the GitHub app private key",

app_id class-attribute instance-attribute

app_id = Field(default=None, alias='appID', title='AppID refers to the GitHub App ID for the application you created')

installation_id class-attribute instance-attribute

installation_id = Field(default=None, alias='installationID', title='InstallationID refers to the Installation ID of the GitHub app you created and installed')

private_key class-attribute instance-attribute

private_key = Field(default=None, alias='privateKey', title='PrivateKey refers to a K8s secret containing the GitHub app private key')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class GithubEventSource(BaseModel):
    active: Optional[bool] = Field(
            "Active refers to status of the webhook for event"
            " deliveries.\n\n+optional"
    api_token: Optional[v1.SecretKeySelector] = Field(
        title="APIToken refers to a K8s secret containing github api token\n+optional",
    content_type: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, alias="contentType", title="ContentType of the event delivery")
    delete_hook_on_finish: Optional[bool] = Field(
            "DeleteHookOnFinish determines whether to delete the GitHub hook for the"
            " repository once the event source is stopped.\n+optional"
    events: Optional[List[str]] = Field(
        title="Events refer to Github events to which the event source will subscribe",
    filter: Optional[EventSourceFilter] = Field(default=None, title="Filter\n+optional")
    github_app: Optional[GithubAppCreds] = Field(
        title="GitHubApp holds the GitHub app credentials\n+optional",
    github_base_url: Optional[str] = Field(
        title="GitHub base URL (for GitHub Enterprise)\n+optional",
    github_upload_url: Optional[str] = Field(
        title="GitHub upload URL (for GitHub Enterprise)\n+optional",
    id: Optional[str] = Field(
        title=("Id is the webhook's id\nDeprecated: This is not used at all, will be" " removed in v1.6\n+optional"),
    insecure: Optional[bool] = Field(default=None, title="Insecure tls verification")
    metadata: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = Field(
        title=("Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the event" " payload.\n+optional"),
    organizations: Optional[List[str]] = Field(
            "Organizations holds the names of organizations (used for organization"
            " level webhooks). Not required if Repositories is set."
    owner: Optional[str] = Field(
            "DeprecatedOwner refers to GitHub owner name i.e. argoproj\nDeprecated: use"
            " Repositories instead. Will be unsupported in v 1.6\n+optional"
    repositories: Optional[List[OwnedRepositories]] = Field(
            "Repositories holds the information of repositories, which uses repo owner"
            " as the key,\nand list of repo names as the value. Not required if"
            " Organizations is set."
    repository: Optional[str] = Field(
            "DeprecatedRepository refers to GitHub repo name i.e."
            " argo-events\nDeprecated: use Repositories instead. Will be unsupported in"
            " v 1.6\n+optional"
    webhook: Optional[WebhookContext] = Field(
        title="Webhook refers to the configuration required to run a http server",
    webhook_secret: Optional[v1.SecretKeySelector] = Field(
            "WebhookSecret refers to K8s secret containing GitHub webhook"
            " secret\n\n+optional"

active class-attribute instance-attribute

active = Field(default=None, title='Active refers to status of the webhook for event deliveries.\n\n+optional')

api_token class-attribute instance-attribute

api_token = Field(default=None, alias='apiToken', title='APIToken refers to a K8s secret containing github api token\n+optional')

content_type class-attribute instance-attribute

content_type = Field(default=None, alias='contentType', title='ContentType of the event delivery')

delete_hook_on_finish class-attribute instance-attribute

delete_hook_on_finish = Field(default=None, alias='deleteHookOnFinish', title='DeleteHookOnFinish determines whether to delete the GitHub hook for the repository once the event source is stopped.\n+optional')

events class-attribute instance-attribute

events = Field(default=None, title='Events refer to Github events to which the event source will subscribe')

filter class-attribute instance-attribute

filter = Field(default=None, title='Filter\n+optional')

github_app class-attribute instance-attribute

github_app = Field(default=None, alias='githubApp', title='GitHubApp holds the GitHub app credentials\n+optional')

github_base_url class-attribute instance-attribute

github_base_url = Field(default=None, alias='githubBaseURL', title='GitHub base URL (for GitHub Enterprise)\n+optional')

github_upload_url class-attribute instance-attribute

github_upload_url = Field(default=None, alias='githubUploadURL', title='GitHub upload URL (for GitHub Enterprise)\n+optional')

id class-attribute instance-attribute

id = Field(default=None, title="Id is the webhook's id\nDeprecated: This is not used at all, will be removed in v1.6\n+optional")

insecure class-attribute instance-attribute

insecure = Field(default=None, title='Insecure tls verification')

metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

metadata = Field(default=None, title='Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the event payload.\n+optional')

organizations class-attribute instance-attribute

organizations = Field(default=None, description='Organizations holds the names of organizations (used for organization level webhooks). Not required if Repositories is set.')

owner class-attribute instance-attribute

owner = Field(default=None, title='DeprecatedOwner refers to GitHub owner name i.e. argoproj\nDeprecated: use Repositories instead. Will be unsupported in v 1.6\n+optional')

repositories class-attribute instance-attribute

repositories = Field(default=None, description='Repositories holds the information of repositories, which uses repo owner as the key,\nand list of repo names as the value. Not required if Organizations is set.')

repository class-attribute instance-attribute

repository = Field(default=None, title='DeprecatedRepository refers to GitHub repo name i.e. argo-events\nDeprecated: use Repositories instead. Will be unsupported in v 1.6\n+optional')

webhook class-attribute instance-attribute

webhook = Field(default=None, title='Webhook refers to the configuration required to run a http server')

webhook_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

webhook_secret = Field(default=None, alias='webhookSecret', title='WebhookSecret refers to K8s secret containing GitHub webhook secret\n\n+optional')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class GitlabEventSource(BaseModel):
    access_token: Optional[v1.SecretKeySelector] = Field(
        title=("AccessToken references to k8 secret which holds the gitlab api access" " information"),
    delete_hook_on_finish: Optional[bool] = Field(
            "DeleteHookOnFinish determines whether to delete the GitLab hook for the"
            " project once the event source is stopped.\n+optional"
    enable_ssl_verification: Optional[bool] = Field(
        title="EnableSSLVerification to enable ssl verification\n+optional",
    events: Optional[List[str]] = Field(
            "Events are gitlab event to listen to.\nRefer"
    filter: Optional[EventSourceFilter] = Field(default=None, title="Filter\n+optional")
    gitlab_base_url: Optional[str] = Field(
        title="GitlabBaseURL is the base URL for API requests to a custom endpoint",
    metadata: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = Field(
        title=("Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the event" " payload.\n+optional"),
    project_id: Optional[str] = Field(
            "DeprecatedProjectID is the id of project for which integration needs to"
            " setup\nDeprecated: use Projects instead. Will be unsupported in v"
            " 1.7\n+optional"
    projects: Optional[List[str]] = Field(
        title='List of project IDs or project namespace paths like "whynowy/test"',
    secret_token: Optional[v1.SecretKeySelector] = Field(
        title=("SecretToken references to k8 secret which holds the Secret Token used by" " webhook config"),
    webhook: Optional[WebhookContext] = Field(default=None, title="Webhook holds configuration to run a http server")

access_token class-attribute instance-attribute

access_token = Field(default=None, alias='accessToken', title='AccessToken references to k8 secret which holds the gitlab api access information')

delete_hook_on_finish class-attribute instance-attribute

delete_hook_on_finish = Field(default=None, alias='deleteHookOnFinish', title='DeleteHookOnFinish determines whether to delete the GitLab hook for the project once the event source is stopped.\n+optional')

enable_ssl_verification class-attribute instance-attribute

enable_ssl_verification = Field(default=None, alias='enableSSLVerification', title='EnableSSLVerification to enable ssl verification\n+optional')

events class-attribute instance-attribute

events = Field(default=None, description='Events are gitlab event to listen to.\nRefer')

filter class-attribute instance-attribute

filter = Field(default=None, title='Filter\n+optional')

gitlab_base_url class-attribute instance-attribute

gitlab_base_url = Field(default=None, alias='gitlabBaseURL', title='GitlabBaseURL is the base URL for API requests to a custom endpoint')

metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

metadata = Field(default=None, title='Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the event payload.\n+optional')

project_id class-attribute instance-attribute

project_id = Field(default=None, alias='projectID', title='DeprecatedProjectID is the id of project for which integration needs to setup\nDeprecated: use Projects instead. Will be unsupported in v 1.7\n+optional')

projects class-attribute instance-attribute

projects = Field(default=None, title='List of project IDs or project namespace paths like "whynowy/test"')

secret_token class-attribute instance-attribute

secret_token = Field(default=None, alias='secretToken', title='SecretToken references to k8 secret which holds the Secret Token used by webhook config')

webhook class-attribute instance-attribute

webhook = Field(default=None, title='Webhook holds configuration to run a http server')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class HDFSEventSource(BaseModel):
    addresses: Optional[List[str]] = None
    check_interval: Optional[str] = Field(
            "CheckInterval is a string that describes an interval duration to check the"
            " directory state, e.g. 1s, 30m, 2h... (defaults to 1m)"
    filter: Optional[EventSourceFilter] = Field(default=None, title="Filter\n+optional")
    hdfs_user: Optional[str] = Field(
            "HDFSUser is the user to access HDFS file system.\nIt is ignored if either" " ccache or keytab is used."
    krb_c_cache_secret: Optional[v1.SecretKeySelector] = Field(
            "KrbCCacheSecret is the secret selector for Kerberos ccache\nEither ccache"
            " or keytab can be set to use Kerberos."
    krb_config_config_map: Optional[v1.ConfigMapKeySelector] = Field(
            "KrbConfig is the configmap selector for Kerberos config as string\nIt must"
            " be set if either ccache or keytab is used."
    krb_keytab_secret: Optional[v1.SecretKeySelector] = Field(
            "KrbKeytabSecret is the secret selector for Kerberos keytab\nEither ccache"
            " or keytab can be set to use Kerberos."
    krb_realm: Optional[str] = Field(
        description=("KrbRealm is the Kerberos realm used with Kerberos keytab\nIt must be set" " if keytab is used."),
    krb_service_principal_name: Optional[str] = Field(
            "KrbServicePrincipalName is the principal name of Kerberos service\nIt must"
            " be set if either ccache or keytab is used."
    krb_username: Optional[str] = Field(
            "KrbUsername is the Kerberos username used with Kerberos keytab\nIt must be" " set if keytab is used."
    metadata: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = Field(
        title=("Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the event" " payload.\n+optional"),
    type: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, title="Type of file operations to watch")
    watch_path_config: Optional[WatchPathConfig] = Field(default=None, alias="watchPathConfig")

addresses class-attribute instance-attribute

addresses = None

check_interval class-attribute instance-attribute

check_interval = Field(default=None, alias='checkInterval', title='CheckInterval is a string that describes an interval duration to check the directory state, e.g. 1s, 30m, 2h... (defaults to 1m)')

filter class-attribute instance-attribute

filter = Field(default=None, title='Filter\n+optional')

hdfs_user class-attribute instance-attribute

hdfs_user = Field(default=None, alias='hdfsUser', description='HDFSUser is the user to access HDFS file system.\nIt is ignored if either ccache or keytab is used.')

krb_c_cache_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

krb_c_cache_secret = Field(default=None, alias='krbCCacheSecret', description='KrbCCacheSecret is the secret selector for Kerberos ccache\nEither ccache or keytab can be set to use Kerberos.')

krb_config_config_map class-attribute instance-attribute

krb_config_config_map = Field(default=None, alias='krbConfigConfigMap', description='KrbConfig is the configmap selector for Kerberos config as string\nIt must be set if either ccache or keytab is used.')

krb_keytab_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

krb_keytab_secret = Field(default=None, alias='krbKeytabSecret', description='KrbKeytabSecret is the secret selector for Kerberos keytab\nEither ccache or keytab can be set to use Kerberos.')

krb_realm class-attribute instance-attribute

krb_realm = Field(default=None, alias='krbRealm', description='KrbRealm is the Kerberos realm used with Kerberos keytab\nIt must be set if keytab is used.')

krb_service_principal_name class-attribute instance-attribute

krb_service_principal_name = Field(default=None, alias='krbServicePrincipalName', description='KrbServicePrincipalName is the principal name of Kerberos service\nIt must be set if either ccache or keytab is used.')

krb_username class-attribute instance-attribute

krb_username = Field(default=None, alias='krbUsername', description='KrbUsername is the Kerberos username used with Kerberos keytab\nIt must be set if keytab is used.')

metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

metadata = Field(default=None, title='Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the event payload.\n+optional')

type class-attribute instance-attribute

type = Field(default=None, title='Type of file operations to watch')

watch_path_config class-attribute instance-attribute

watch_path_config = Field(default=None, alias='watchPathConfig')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class HTTPTrigger(BaseModel):
    basic_auth: Optional[BasicAuth] = Field(
        title="BasicAuth configuration for the http request.\n+optional",
    headers: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = Field(default=None, title="Headers for the HTTP request.\n+optional")
    method: Optional[str] = Field(
            "Method refers to the type of the HTTP request.\nRefer"
            " for more"
            " io.argoproj.workflow.v1alpha1.\nDefault value is POST.\n+optional"
    parameters: Optional[List[TriggerParameter]] = Field(
            "Parameters is the list of key-value extracted from event's payload that"
            " are applied to\nthe HTTP trigger resource."
    payload: Optional[List[TriggerParameter]] = None
    secure_headers: Optional[List[SecureHeader]] = Field(
        title=("Secure Headers stored in Kubernetes Secrets for the HTTP" " requests.\n+optional"),
    timeout: Optional[str] = Field(
        title=("Timeout refers to the HTTP request timeout in seconds.\nDefault value is" " 60 seconds.\n+optional"),
    tls: Optional[TLSConfig] = Field(default=None, title="TLS configuration for the HTTP client.\n+optional")
    url: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, description="URL refers to the URL to send HTTP request to.")

basic_auth class-attribute instance-attribute

basic_auth = Field(default=None, alias='basicAuth', title='BasicAuth configuration for the http request.\n+optional')

headers class-attribute instance-attribute

headers = Field(default=None, title='Headers for the HTTP request.\n+optional')

method class-attribute instance-attribute

method = Field(default=None, title='Method refers to the type of the HTTP request.\nRefer for more io.argoproj.workflow.v1alpha1.\nDefault value is POST.\n+optional')

parameters class-attribute instance-attribute

parameters = Field(default=None, description="Parameters is the list of key-value extracted from event's payload that are applied to\nthe HTTP trigger resource.")

payload class-attribute instance-attribute

payload = None

secure_headers class-attribute instance-attribute

secure_headers = Field(default=None, alias='secureHeaders', title='Secure Headers stored in Kubernetes Secrets for the HTTP requests.\n+optional')

timeout class-attribute instance-attribute

timeout = Field(default=None, title='Timeout refers to the HTTP request timeout in seconds.\nDefault value is 60 seconds.\n+optional')

tls class-attribute instance-attribute

tls = Field(default=None, title='TLS configuration for the HTTP client.\n+optional')

url class-attribute instance-attribute

url = Field(default=None, description='URL refers to the URL to send HTTP request to.')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class Int64OrString(BaseModel):
    int64_val: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, alias="int64Val")
    str_val: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, alias="strVal")
    type: Optional[str] = None

int64_val class-attribute instance-attribute

int64_val = Field(default=None, alias='int64Val')

str_val class-attribute instance-attribute

str_val = Field(default=None, alias='strVal')

type class-attribute instance-attribute

type = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class K8SResourcePolicy(BaseModel):
    backoff: Optional[Backoff] = Field(default=None, title="Backoff before checking resource state")
    error_on_backoff_timeout: Optional[bool] = Field(
            "ErrorOnBackoffTimeout determines whether sensor should transition to error"
            " state if the trigger policy is unable to determine\nthe state of the"
            " resource"
    labels: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = Field(
        title="Labels required to identify whether a resource is in success state",

backoff class-attribute instance-attribute

backoff = Field(default=None, title='Backoff before checking resource state')

error_on_backoff_timeout class-attribute instance-attribute

error_on_backoff_timeout = Field(default=None, alias='errorOnBackoffTimeout', title='ErrorOnBackoffTimeout determines whether sensor should transition to error state if the trigger policy is unable to determine\nthe state of the resource')

labels class-attribute instance-attribute

labels = Field(default=None, title='Labels required to identify whether a resource is in success state')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class KafkaConsumerGroup(BaseModel):
    group_name: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, alias="groupName", title="The name for the consumer group to use")
    oldest: Optional[bool] = Field(
            "When starting up a new group do we want to start from the oldest event"
            " (true) or the newest event (false), defaults to false\n+optional"
    rebalance_strategy: Optional[str] = Field(
        title=("Rebalance strategy can be one of: sticky, roundrobin, range. Range is the" " default.\n+optional"),

group_name class-attribute instance-attribute

group_name = Field(default=None, alias='groupName', title='The name for the consumer group to use')

oldest class-attribute instance-attribute

oldest = Field(default=None, title='When starting up a new group do we want to start from the oldest event (true) or the newest event (false), defaults to false\n+optional')

rebalance_strategy class-attribute instance-attribute

rebalance_strategy = Field(default=None, alias='rebalanceStrategy', title='Rebalance strategy can be one of: sticky, roundrobin, range. Range is the default.\n+optional')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class KafkaEventSource(BaseModel):
    config: Optional[str] = Field(
            "Yaml format Sarama config for Kafka connection.\nIt follows the struct of"
            " sarama.Config. See"
            "  fetch:\n    min: 1\nnet:\n  MaxOpenRequests: 5\n\n+optional"
    connection_backoff: Optional[Backoff] = Field(
        description="Backoff holds parameters applied to connection.",
    consumer_group: Optional[KafkaConsumerGroup] = Field(
        title="Consumer group for kafka client\n+optional",
    filter: Optional[EventSourceFilter] = Field(default=None, title="Filter\n+optional")
    json_body: Optional[bool] = Field(
        title=("JSONBody specifies that all event body payload coming from this\nsource" " will be JSON\n+optional"),
    limit_events_per_second: Optional[str] = Field(
        title=("Sets a limit on how many events get read from kafka per second.\n+optional"),
    metadata: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = Field(
        title=("Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the event" " payload.\n+optional"),
    partition: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, title="Partition name")
    sasl: Optional[SASLConfig] = Field(default=None, title="SASL configuration for the kafka client\n+optional")
    tls: Optional[TLSConfig] = Field(default=None, title="TLS configuration for the kafka client.\n+optional")
    topic: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, title="Topic name")
    url: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, title="URL to kafka cluster, multiple URLs separated by comma")
    version: Optional[str] = Field(
            "Specify what kafka version is being connected to enables certain features"
            " in sarama, defaults to 1.0.0\n+optional"

config class-attribute instance-attribute

config = Field(default=None, description='Yaml format Sarama config for Kafka connection.\nIt follows the struct of sarama.Config. See\ne.g.\n\nconsumer:\n  fetch:\n    min: 1\nnet:\n  MaxOpenRequests: 5\n\n+optional')

connection_backoff class-attribute instance-attribute

connection_backoff = Field(default=None, alias='connectionBackoff', description='Backoff holds parameters applied to connection.')

consumer_group class-attribute instance-attribute

consumer_group = Field(default=None, alias='consumerGroup', title='Consumer group for kafka client\n+optional')

filter class-attribute instance-attribute

filter = Field(default=None, title='Filter\n+optional')

json_body class-attribute instance-attribute

json_body = Field(default=None, alias='jsonBody', title='JSONBody specifies that all event body payload coming from this\nsource will be JSON\n+optional')

limit_events_per_second class-attribute instance-attribute

limit_events_per_second = Field(default=None, alias='limitEventsPerSecond', title='Sets a limit on how many events get read from kafka per second.\n+optional')

metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

metadata = Field(default=None, title='Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the event payload.\n+optional')

partition class-attribute instance-attribute

partition = Field(default=None, title='Partition name')

sasl class-attribute instance-attribute

sasl = Field(default=None, title='SASL configuration for the kafka client\n+optional')

tls class-attribute instance-attribute

tls = Field(default=None, title='TLS configuration for the kafka client.\n+optional')

topic class-attribute instance-attribute

topic = Field(default=None, title='Topic name')

url class-attribute instance-attribute

url = Field(default=None, title='URL to kafka cluster, multiple URLs separated by comma')

version class-attribute instance-attribute

version = Field(default=None, title='Specify what kafka version is being connected to enables certain features in sarama, defaults to 1.0.0\n+optional')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class KafkaTrigger(BaseModel):
    compress: Optional[bool] = Field(
            "Compress determines whether to compress message or not.\nDefaults to"
            " false.\nIf set to true, compresses message using snappy"
            " compression.\n+optional"
    flush_frequency: Optional[int] = Field(
            "FlushFrequency refers to the frequency in milliseconds to flush"
            " batches.\nDefaults to 500 milliseconds.\n+optional"
    parameters: Optional[List[TriggerParameter]] = Field(
        description=("Parameters is the list of parameters that is applied to resolved Kafka" " trigger object."),
    partition: Optional[int] = Field(default=None, description="Partition to write data to.")
    partitioning_key: Optional[str] = Field(
            "The partitioning key for the messages put on the Kafka topic.\nDefaults to" " broker url.\n+optional."
    payload: Optional[List[TriggerParameter]] = Field(
            "Payload is the list of key-value extracted from an event payload to" " construct the request payload."
    required_acks: Optional[int] = Field(
            "RequiredAcks used in producer to tell the broker how many replica"
            " acknowledgements\nDefaults to 1 (Only wait for the leader to"
            " ack).\n+optional."
    sasl: Optional[SASLConfig] = Field(default=None, title="SASL configuration for the kafka client\n+optional")
    tls: Optional[TLSConfig] = Field(default=None, title="TLS configuration for the Kafka producer.\n+optional")
    topic: Optional[str] = Field(
        title=("Name of the topic.\nMore info at" ""),
    url: Optional[str] = Field(
        description="URL of the Kafka broker, multiple URLs separated by comma.",
    version: Optional[str] = Field(
            "Specify what kafka version is being connected to enables certain features"
            " in sarama, defaults to 1.0.0\n+optional"

compress class-attribute instance-attribute

compress = Field(default=None, title='Compress determines whether to compress message or not.\nDefaults to false.\nIf set to true, compresses message using snappy compression.\n+optional')

flush_frequency class-attribute instance-attribute

flush_frequency = Field(default=None, alias='flushFrequency', title='FlushFrequency refers to the frequency in milliseconds to flush batches.\nDefaults to 500 milliseconds.\n+optional')

parameters class-attribute instance-attribute

parameters = Field(default=None, description='Parameters is the list of parameters that is applied to resolved Kafka trigger object.')

partition class-attribute instance-attribute

partition = Field(default=None, description='Partition to write data to.')

partitioning_key class-attribute instance-attribute

partitioning_key = Field(default=None, alias='partitioningKey', description='The partitioning key for the messages put on the Kafka topic.\nDefaults to broker url.\n+optional.')

payload class-attribute instance-attribute

payload = Field(default=None, description='Payload is the list of key-value extracted from an event payload to construct the request payload.')

required_acks class-attribute instance-attribute

required_acks = Field(default=None, alias='requiredAcks', description='RequiredAcks used in producer to tell the broker how many replica acknowledgements\nDefaults to 1 (Only wait for the leader to ack).\n+optional.')

sasl class-attribute instance-attribute

sasl = Field(default=None, title='SASL configuration for the kafka client\n+optional')

tls class-attribute instance-attribute

tls = Field(default=None, title='TLS configuration for the Kafka producer.\n+optional')

topic class-attribute instance-attribute

topic = Field(default=None, title='Name of the topic.\nMore info at')

url class-attribute instance-attribute

url = Field(default=None, description='URL of the Kafka broker, multiple URLs separated by comma.')

version class-attribute instance-attribute

version = Field(default=None, title='Specify what kafka version is being connected to enables certain features in sarama, defaults to 1.0.0\n+optional')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class LogTrigger(BaseModel):
    interval_seconds: Optional[str] = Field(
            "Only print messages every interval. Useful to prevent logging too much"
            " data for busy events.\n+optional"

interval_seconds class-attribute instance-attribute

interval_seconds = Field(default=None, alias='intervalSeconds', title='Only print messages every interval. Useful to prevent logging too much data for busy events.\n+optional')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class MQTTEventSource(BaseModel):
    client_id: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, alias="clientId", title="ClientID is the id of the client")
    connection_backoff: Optional[Backoff] = Field(
        description="ConnectionBackoff holds backoff applied to connection.",
    filter: Optional[EventSourceFilter] = Field(default=None, title="Filter\n+optional")
    json_body: Optional[bool] = Field(
        title=("JSONBody specifies that all event body payload coming from this\nsource" " will be JSON\n+optional"),
    metadata: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = Field(
        title=("Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the event" " payload.\n+optional"),
    tls: Optional[TLSConfig] = Field(default=None, title="TLS configuration for the mqtt client.\n+optional")
    topic: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, title="Topic name")
    url: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, title="URL to connect to broker")

client_id class-attribute instance-attribute

client_id = Field(default=None, alias='clientId', title='ClientID is the id of the client')

connection_backoff class-attribute instance-attribute

connection_backoff = Field(default=None, alias='connectionBackoff', description='ConnectionBackoff holds backoff applied to connection.')

filter class-attribute instance-attribute

filter = Field(default=None, title='Filter\n+optional')

json_body class-attribute instance-attribute

json_body = Field(default=None, alias='jsonBody', title='JSONBody specifies that all event body payload coming from this\nsource will be JSON\n+optional')

metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

metadata = Field(default=None, title='Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the event payload.\n+optional')

tls class-attribute instance-attribute

tls = Field(default=None, title='TLS configuration for the mqtt client.\n+optional')

topic class-attribute instance-attribute

topic = Field(default=None, title='Topic name')

url class-attribute instance-attribute

url = Field(default=None, title='URL to connect to broker')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class Metadata(BaseModel):
    annotations: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None
    labels: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None

annotations class-attribute instance-attribute

annotations = None

labels class-attribute instance-attribute

labels = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class NATSAuth(BaseModel):
    basic: Optional[BasicAuth] = Field(default=None, title="Baisc auth with username and password\n+optional")
    credential: Optional[v1.SecretKeySelector] = Field(default=None, title="credential used to connect\n+optional")
    nkey: Optional[v1.SecretKeySelector] = Field(default=None, title="NKey used to connect\n+optional")
    token: Optional[v1.SecretKeySelector] = Field(default=None, title="Token used to connect\n+optional")

basic class-attribute instance-attribute

basic = Field(default=None, title='Baisc auth with username and password\n+optional')

credential class-attribute instance-attribute

credential = Field(default=None, title='credential used to connect\n+optional')

nkey class-attribute instance-attribute

nkey = Field(default=None, title='NKey used to connect\n+optional')

token class-attribute instance-attribute

token = Field(default=None, title='Token used to connect\n+optional')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class NATSEventsSource(BaseModel):
    auth: Optional[NATSAuth] = Field(default=None, title="Auth information\n+optional")
    connection_backoff: Optional[Backoff] = Field(
        description="ConnectionBackoff holds backoff applied to connection.",
    filter: Optional[EventSourceFilter] = Field(default=None, title="Filter\n+optional")
    json_body: Optional[bool] = Field(
        title=("JSONBody specifies that all event body payload coming from this\nsource" " will be JSON\n+optional"),
    metadata: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = Field(
        title=("Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the event" " payload.\n+optional"),
    subject: Optional[str] = Field(
        title="Subject holds the name of the subject onto which messages are published",
    tls: Optional[TLSConfig] = Field(default=None, title="TLS configuration for the nats client.\n+optional")
    url: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, title="URL to connect to NATS cluster")

auth class-attribute instance-attribute

auth = Field(default=None, title='Auth information\n+optional')

connection_backoff class-attribute instance-attribute

connection_backoff = Field(default=None, alias='connectionBackoff', description='ConnectionBackoff holds backoff applied to connection.')

filter class-attribute instance-attribute

filter = Field(default=None, title='Filter\n+optional')

json_body class-attribute instance-attribute

json_body = Field(default=None, alias='jsonBody', title='JSONBody specifies that all event body payload coming from this\nsource will be JSON\n+optional')

metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

metadata = Field(default=None, title='Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the event payload.\n+optional')

subject class-attribute instance-attribute

subject = Field(default=None, title='Subject holds the name of the subject onto which messages are published')

tls class-attribute instance-attribute

tls = Field(default=None, title='TLS configuration for the nats client.\n+optional')

url class-attribute instance-attribute

url = Field(default=None, title='URL to connect to NATS cluster')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class NATSTrigger(BaseModel):
    parameters: Optional[List[TriggerParameter]] = None
    payload: Optional[List[TriggerParameter]] = None
    subject: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, description="Name of the subject to put message on.")
    tls: Optional[TLSConfig] = Field(default=None, title="TLS configuration for the NATS producer.\n+optional")
    url: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, description="URL of the NATS cluster.")

parameters class-attribute instance-attribute

parameters = None

payload class-attribute instance-attribute

payload = None

subject class-attribute instance-attribute

subject = Field(default=None, description='Name of the subject to put message on.')

tls class-attribute instance-attribute

tls = Field(default=None, title='TLS configuration for the NATS producer.\n+optional')

url class-attribute instance-attribute

url = Field(default=None, description='URL of the NATS cluster.')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class NSQEventSource(BaseModel):
    channel: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, title="Channel used for subscription")
    connection_backoff: Optional[Backoff] = Field(
        title="Backoff holds parameters applied to connection.\n+optional",
    filter: Optional[EventSourceFilter] = Field(default=None, title="Filter\n+optional")
    host_address: Optional[str] = Field(
        title="HostAddress is the address of the host for NSQ lookup",
    json_body: Optional[bool] = Field(
        title=("JSONBody specifies that all event body payload coming from this\nsource" " will be JSON\n+optional"),
    metadata: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = Field(
        title=("Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the event" " payload.\n+optional"),
    tls: Optional[TLSConfig] = Field(default=None, title="TLS configuration for the nsq client.\n+optional")
    topic: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, description="Topic to subscribe to.")

channel class-attribute instance-attribute

channel = Field(default=None, title='Channel used for subscription')

connection_backoff class-attribute instance-attribute

connection_backoff = Field(default=None, alias='connectionBackoff', title='Backoff holds parameters applied to connection.\n+optional')

filter class-attribute instance-attribute

filter = Field(default=None, title='Filter\n+optional')

host_address class-attribute instance-attribute

host_address = Field(default=None, alias='hostAddress', title='HostAddress is the address of the host for NSQ lookup')

json_body class-attribute instance-attribute

json_body = Field(default=None, alias='jsonBody', title='JSONBody specifies that all event body payload coming from this\nsource will be JSON\n+optional')

metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

metadata = Field(default=None, title='Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the event payload.\n+optional')

tls class-attribute instance-attribute

tls = Field(default=None, title='TLS configuration for the nsq client.\n+optional')

topic class-attribute instance-attribute

topic = Field(default=None, description='Topic to subscribe to.')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class OpenWhiskTrigger(BaseModel):
    action_name: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, alias="actionName", description="Name of the action/function.")
    auth_token: Optional[v1.SecretKeySelector] = Field(
        title="AuthToken for authentication.\n+optional",
    host: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, description="Host URL of the OpenWhisk.")
    namespace: Optional[str] = Field(
        description='Namespace for the action.\nDefaults to "_".\n+optional.',
    parameters: Optional[List[TriggerParameter]] = Field(
            "Parameters is the list of key-value extracted from event's payload that"
            " are applied to\nthe trigger resource.\n+optional"
    payload: Optional[List[TriggerParameter]] = Field(
            "Payload is the list of key-value extracted from an event payload to" " construct the request payload."
    version: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, title="Version for the API.\nDefaults to v1.\n+optional")

action_name class-attribute instance-attribute

action_name = Field(default=None, alias='actionName', description='Name of the action/function.')

auth_token class-attribute instance-attribute

auth_token = Field(default=None, alias='authToken', title='AuthToken for authentication.\n+optional')

host class-attribute instance-attribute

host = Field(default=None, description='Host URL of the OpenWhisk.')

namespace class-attribute instance-attribute

namespace = Field(default=None, description='Namespace for the action.\nDefaults to "_".\n+optional.')

parameters class-attribute instance-attribute

parameters = Field(default=None, title="Parameters is the list of key-value extracted from event's payload that are applied to\nthe trigger resource.\n+optional")

payload class-attribute instance-attribute

payload = Field(default=None, description='Payload is the list of key-value extracted from an event payload to construct the request payload.')

version class-attribute instance-attribute

version = Field(default=None, title='Version for the API.\nDefaults to v1.\n+optional')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class OwnedRepositories(BaseModel):
    names: Optional[List[str]] = Field(default=None, title="Repository names")
    owner: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, title="Organization or user name")

names class-attribute instance-attribute

names = Field(default=None, title='Repository names')

owner class-attribute instance-attribute

owner = Field(default=None, title='Organization or user name')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class PayloadField(BaseModel):
    name: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, description="Name acts as key that holds the value at the path.")
    path: Optional[str] = Field(
            "Path is the JSONPath of the event's (JSON decoded) data key\nPath is a"
            " series of keys separated by a dot. A key may contain wildcard characters"
            " '*' and '?'.\nTo access an array value use the index as the key. The dot"
            " and wildcard characters can be escaped with '\\\\'.\nSee"
            " for more information on how"
            " to use this."

name class-attribute instance-attribute

name = Field(default=None, description='Name acts as key that holds the value at the path.')

path class-attribute instance-attribute

path = Field(default=None, description="Path is the JSONPath of the event's (JSON decoded) data key\nPath is a series of keys separated by a dot. A key may contain wildcard characters '*' and '?'.\nTo access an array value use the index as the key. The dot and wildcard characters can be escaped with '\\\\'.\nSee for more information on how to use this.")


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class PubSubEventSource(BaseModel):
    credential_secret: Optional[v1.SecretKeySelector] = Field(
            "CredentialSecret references to the secret that contains JSON credentials"
            " to access GCP.\nIf it is missing, it implicitly uses Workload Identity to"
            " access.\n\n+optional"
    delete_subscription_on_finish: Optional[bool] = Field(
            "DeleteSubscriptionOnFinish determines whether to delete the GCP PubSub"
            " subscription once the event source is stopped.\n+optional"
    filter: Optional[EventSourceFilter] = Field(default=None, title="Filter\n+optional")
    json_body: Optional[bool] = Field(
        title=("JSONBody specifies that all event body payload coming from this\nsource" " will be JSON\n+optional"),
    metadata: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = Field(
        title=("Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the event" " payload.\n+optional"),
    project_id: Optional[str] = Field(
            "ProjectID is GCP project ID for the subscription.\nRequired if you run"
            " Argo Events outside of GKE/GCE.\n(otherwise, the default value is its"
            " project)\n+optional"
    subscription_id: Optional[str] = Field(
            "SubscriptionID is ID of subscription.\nRequired if you use existing"
            " subscription.\nThe default value will be auto generated hash based on"
            " this eventsource setting, so the subscription\nmight be recreated every"
            " time you update the setting, which has a possibility of event"
            " loss.\n+optional"
    topic: Optional[str] = Field(
            "Topic to which the subscription should belongs.\nRequired if you want the"
            " eventsource to create a new subscription.\nIf you specify this field"
            " along with an existing subscription,\nit will be verified whether it"
            " actually belongs to the specified topic.\n+optional"
    topic_project_id: Optional[str] = Field(
        title=("TopicProjectID is GCP project ID for the topic.\nBy default, it is same as" " ProjectID.\n+optional"),

credential_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

credential_secret = Field(default=None, alias='credentialSecret', title='CredentialSecret references to the secret that contains JSON credentials to access GCP.\nIf it is missing, it implicitly uses Workload Identity to access.\n\n+optional')

delete_subscription_on_finish class-attribute instance-attribute

delete_subscription_on_finish = Field(default=None, alias='deleteSubscriptionOnFinish', title='DeleteSubscriptionOnFinish determines whether to delete the GCP PubSub subscription once the event source is stopped.\n+optional')

filter class-attribute instance-attribute

filter = Field(default=None, title='Filter\n+optional')

json_body class-attribute instance-attribute

json_body = Field(default=None, alias='jsonBody', title='JSONBody specifies that all event body payload coming from this\nsource will be JSON\n+optional')

metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

metadata = Field(default=None, title='Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the event payload.\n+optional')

project_id class-attribute instance-attribute

project_id = Field(default=None, alias='projectID', title='ProjectID is GCP project ID for the subscription.\nRequired if you run Argo Events outside of GKE/GCE.\n(otherwise, the default value is its project)\n+optional')

subscription_id class-attribute instance-attribute

subscription_id = Field(default=None, alias='subscriptionID', title='SubscriptionID is ID of subscription.\nRequired if you use existing subscription.\nThe default value will be auto generated hash based on this eventsource setting, so the subscription\nmight be recreated every time you update the setting, which has a possibility of event loss.\n+optional')

topic class-attribute instance-attribute

topic = Field(default=None, title='Topic to which the subscription should belongs.\nRequired if you want the eventsource to create a new subscription.\nIf you specify this field along with an existing subscription,\nit will be verified whether it actually belongs to the specified topic.\n+optional')

topic_project_id class-attribute instance-attribute

topic_project_id = Field(default=None, alias='topicProjectID', title='TopicProjectID is GCP project ID for the topic.\nBy default, it is same as ProjectID.\n+optional')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class PulsarEventSource(BaseModel):
    auth_token_secret: Optional[v1.SecretKeySelector] = Field(
        title="Authentication token for the pulsar client.\n+optional",
    connection_backoff: Optional[Backoff] = Field(
        title="Backoff holds parameters applied to connection.\n+optional",
    filter: Optional[EventSourceFilter] = Field(default=None, title="Filter\n+optional")
    json_body: Optional[bool] = Field(
        title=("JSONBody specifies that all event body payload coming from this\nsource" " will be JSON\n+optional"),
    metadata: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = Field(
        title=("Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the event" " payload.\n+optional"),
    tls: Optional[TLSConfig] = Field(default=None, title="TLS configuration for the pulsar client.\n+optional")
    tls_allow_insecure_connection: Optional[bool] = Field(
        title=("Whether the Pulsar client accept untrusted TLS certificate from" " broker.\n+optional"),
    tls_trust_certs_secret: Optional[v1.SecretKeySelector] = Field(
        title="Trusted TLS certificate secret.\n+optional",
    tls_validate_hostname: Optional[bool] = Field(
        title=("Whether the Pulsar client verify the validity of the host name from" " broker.\n+optional"),
    topics: Optional[List[str]] = Field(default=None, title="Name of the topics to subscribe to.\n+required")
    type: Optional[str] = Field(
            'Type of the subscription.\nOnly "exclusive" and "shared" is'
            " supported.\nDefaults to exclusive.\n+optional"
    url: Optional[str] = Field(
        title="Configure the service URL for the Pulsar service.\n+required",

auth_token_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

auth_token_secret = Field(default=None, alias='authTokenSecret', title='Authentication token for the pulsar client.\n+optional')

connection_backoff class-attribute instance-attribute

connection_backoff = Field(default=None, alias='connectionBackoff', title='Backoff holds parameters applied to connection.\n+optional')

filter class-attribute instance-attribute

filter = Field(default=None, title='Filter\n+optional')

json_body class-attribute instance-attribute

json_body = Field(default=None, alias='jsonBody', title='JSONBody specifies that all event body payload coming from this\nsource will be JSON\n+optional')

metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

metadata = Field(default=None, title='Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the event payload.\n+optional')

tls class-attribute instance-attribute

tls = Field(default=None, title='TLS configuration for the pulsar client.\n+optional')

tls_allow_insecure_connection class-attribute instance-attribute

tls_allow_insecure_connection = Field(default=None, alias='tlsAllowInsecureConnection', title='Whether the Pulsar client accept untrusted TLS certificate from broker.\n+optional')

tls_trust_certs_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

tls_trust_certs_secret = Field(default=None, alias='tlsTrustCertsSecret', title='Trusted TLS certificate secret.\n+optional')

tls_validate_hostname class-attribute instance-attribute

tls_validate_hostname = Field(default=None, alias='tlsValidateHostname', title='Whether the Pulsar client verify the validity of the host name from broker.\n+optional')

topics class-attribute instance-attribute

topics = Field(default=None, title='Name of the topics to subscribe to.\n+required')

type class-attribute instance-attribute

type = Field(default=None, title='Type of the subscription.\nOnly "exclusive" and "shared" is supported.\nDefaults to exclusive.\n+optional')

url class-attribute instance-attribute

url = Field(default=None, title='Configure the service URL for the Pulsar service.\n+required')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class PulsarTrigger(BaseModel):
    auth_token_secret: Optional[v1.SecretKeySelector] = Field(
        title="Authentication token for the pulsar client.\n+optional",
    connection_backoff: Optional[Backoff] = Field(
        title="Backoff holds parameters applied to connection.\n+optional",
    parameters: Optional[List[TriggerParameter]] = Field(
        description=("Parameters is the list of parameters that is applied to resolved Kafka" " trigger object."),
    payload: Optional[List[TriggerParameter]] = Field(
            "Payload is the list of key-value extracted from an event payload to" " construct the request payload."
    tls: Optional[TLSConfig] = Field(default=None, title="TLS configuration for the pulsar client.\n+optional")
    tls_allow_insecure_connection: Optional[bool] = Field(
        title=("Whether the Pulsar client accept untrusted TLS certificate from" " broker.\n+optional"),
    tls_trust_certs_secret: Optional[v1.SecretKeySelector] = Field(
        title="Trusted TLS certificate secret.\n+optional",
    tls_validate_hostname: Optional[bool] = Field(
        title=("Whether the Pulsar client verify the validity of the host name from" " broker.\n+optional"),
    topic: Optional[str] = Field(
        title=("Name of the topic.\nSee" ""),
    url: Optional[str] = Field(
        title="Configure the service URL for the Pulsar service.\n+required",

auth_token_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

auth_token_secret = Field(default=None, alias='authTokenSecret', title='Authentication token for the pulsar client.\n+optional')

connection_backoff class-attribute instance-attribute

connection_backoff = Field(default=None, alias='connectionBackoff', title='Backoff holds parameters applied to connection.\n+optional')

parameters class-attribute instance-attribute

parameters = Field(default=None, description='Parameters is the list of parameters that is applied to resolved Kafka trigger object.')

payload class-attribute instance-attribute

payload = Field(default=None, description='Payload is the list of key-value extracted from an event payload to construct the request payload.')

tls class-attribute instance-attribute

tls = Field(default=None, title='TLS configuration for the pulsar client.\n+optional')

tls_allow_insecure_connection class-attribute instance-attribute

tls_allow_insecure_connection = Field(default=None, alias='tlsAllowInsecureConnection', title='Whether the Pulsar client accept untrusted TLS certificate from broker.\n+optional')

tls_trust_certs_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

tls_trust_certs_secret = Field(default=None, alias='tlsTrustCertsSecret', title='Trusted TLS certificate secret.\n+optional')

tls_validate_hostname class-attribute instance-attribute

tls_validate_hostname = Field(default=None, alias='tlsValidateHostname', title='Whether the Pulsar client verify the validity of the host name from broker.\n+optional')

topic class-attribute instance-attribute

topic = Field(default=None, title='Name of the topic.\nSee')

url class-attribute instance-attribute

url = Field(default=None, title='Configure the service URL for the Pulsar service.\n+required')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class RateLimit(BaseModel):
    requests_per_unit: Optional[int] = Field(default=None, alias="requestsPerUnit")
    unit: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, title="Defaults to Second")

requests_per_unit class-attribute instance-attribute

requests_per_unit = Field(default=None, alias='requestsPerUnit')

unit class-attribute instance-attribute

unit = Field(default=None, title='Defaults to Second')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class RedisEventSource(BaseModel):
    channels: Optional[List[str]] = None
    db: Optional[int] = Field(
        title="DB to use. If not specified, default DB 0 will be used.\n+optional",
    filter: Optional[EventSourceFilter] = Field(default=None, title="Filter\n+optional")
    host_address: Optional[str] = Field(
        title="HostAddress refers to the address of the Redis host/server",
    json_body: Optional[bool] = Field(
        title=("JSONBody specifies that all event body payload coming from this\nsource" " will be JSON\n+optional"),
    metadata: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = Field(
        title=("Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the event" " payload.\n+optional"),
    namespace: Optional[str] = Field(
            "Namespace to use to retrieve the password from. It should only be"
            " specified if password is declared\n+optional"
    password: Optional[v1.SecretKeySelector] = Field(
        default=None, title="Password required for authentication if any.\n+optional"
    tls: Optional[TLSConfig] = Field(default=None, title="TLS configuration for the redis client.\n+optional")
    username: Optional[str] = Field(
        title="Username required for ACL style authentication if any.\n+optional",

channels class-attribute instance-attribute

channels = None

db class-attribute instance-attribute

db = Field(default=None, title='DB to use. If not specified, default DB 0 will be used.\n+optional')

filter class-attribute instance-attribute

filter = Field(default=None, title='Filter\n+optional')

host_address class-attribute instance-attribute

host_address = Field(default=None, alias='hostAddress', title='HostAddress refers to the address of the Redis host/server')

json_body class-attribute instance-attribute

json_body = Field(default=None, alias='jsonBody', title='JSONBody specifies that all event body payload coming from this\nsource will be JSON\n+optional')

metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

metadata = Field(default=None, title='Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the event payload.\n+optional')

namespace class-attribute instance-attribute

namespace = Field(default=None, title='Namespace to use to retrieve the password from. It should only be specified if password is declared\n+optional')

password class-attribute instance-attribute

password = Field(default=None, title='Password required for authentication if any.\n+optional')

tls class-attribute instance-attribute

tls = Field(default=None, title='TLS configuration for the redis client.\n+optional')

username class-attribute instance-attribute

username = Field(default=None, title='Username required for ACL style authentication if any.\n+optional')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class RedisStreamEventSource(BaseModel):
    consumer_group: Optional[str] = Field(
            "ConsumerGroup refers to the Redis stream consumer group that will"
            " be\ncreated on all redis streams. Messages are read through this group."
            " Defaults to 'argo-events-cg'\n+optional"
    db: Optional[int] = Field(
        title="DB to use. If not specified, default DB 0 will be used.\n+optional",
    filter: Optional[EventSourceFilter] = Field(default=None, title="Filter\n+optional")
    host_address: Optional[str] = Field(
        title=("HostAddress refers to the address of the Redis host/server (master" " instance)"),
    max_msg_count_per_read: Optional[int] = Field(
            "MaxMsgCountPerRead holds the maximum number of messages per stream that"
            " will be read in each XREADGROUP of all streams\nExample: if there are 2"
            " streams and MaxMsgCountPerRead=10, then each XREADGROUP may read upto a"
            " total of 20 messages.\nSame as COUNT option in"
            " XREADGROUP( Defaults to"
            " 10\n+optional"
    metadata: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = Field(
        title=("Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the event" " payload.\n+optional"),
    password: Optional[v1.SecretKeySelector] = Field(
        default=None, title="Password required for authentication if any.\n+optional"
    streams: Optional[List[str]] = Field(
            "Streams to look for entries. XREADGROUP is used on all streams using a" " single consumer group."
    tls: Optional[TLSConfig] = Field(default=None, title="TLS configuration for the redis client.\n+optional")
    username: Optional[str] = Field(
        title="Username required for ACL style authentication if any.\n+optional",

consumer_group class-attribute instance-attribute

consumer_group = Field(default=None, alias='consumerGroup', title="ConsumerGroup refers to the Redis stream consumer group that will be\ncreated on all redis streams. Messages are read through this group. Defaults to 'argo-events-cg'\n+optional")

db class-attribute instance-attribute

db = Field(default=None, title='DB to use. If not specified, default DB 0 will be used.\n+optional')

filter class-attribute instance-attribute

filter = Field(default=None, title='Filter\n+optional')

host_address class-attribute instance-attribute

host_address = Field(default=None, alias='hostAddress', title='HostAddress refers to the address of the Redis host/server (master instance)')

max_msg_count_per_read class-attribute instance-attribute

max_msg_count_per_read = Field(default=None, alias='maxMsgCountPerRead', title='MaxMsgCountPerRead holds the maximum number of messages per stream that will be read in each XREADGROUP of all streams\nExample: if there are 2 streams and MaxMsgCountPerRead=10, then each XREADGROUP may read upto a total of 20 messages.\nSame as COUNT option in XREADGROUP( Defaults to 10\n+optional')

metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

metadata = Field(default=None, title='Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the event payload.\n+optional')

password class-attribute instance-attribute

password = Field(default=None, title='Password required for authentication if any.\n+optional')

streams class-attribute instance-attribute

streams = Field(default=None, description='Streams to look for entries. XREADGROUP is used on all streams using a single consumer group.')

tls class-attribute instance-attribute

tls = Field(default=None, title='TLS configuration for the redis client.\n+optional')

username class-attribute instance-attribute

username = Field(default=None, title='Username required for ACL style authentication if any.\n+optional')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class Resource(BaseModel):
    value: Optional[str] = None

value class-attribute instance-attribute

value = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class ResourceEventSource(BaseModel):
    event_types: Optional[List[str]] = Field(
            "EventTypes is the list of event type to watch.\nPossible values are - ADD," " UPDATE and DELETE."
    filter: Optional[ResourceFilter] = Field(
            "Filter is applied on the metadata of the resource\nIf you apply filter,"
            " then the internal event informer will only monitor objects that pass the"
            " filter.\n+optional"
    group_version_resource: Optional[v1_1.GroupVersionResource] = Field(
        default=None, alias="groupVersionResource", title="Group of the resource"
    metadata: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = Field(
        title=("Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the event" " payload.\n+optional"),
    namespace: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, title="Namespace where resource is deployed")

event_types class-attribute instance-attribute

event_types = Field(default=None, alias='eventTypes', description='EventTypes is the list of event type to watch.\nPossible values are - ADD, UPDATE and DELETE.')

filter class-attribute instance-attribute

filter = Field(default=None, title='Filter is applied on the metadata of the resource\nIf you apply filter, then the internal event informer will only monitor objects that pass the filter.\n+optional')

group_version_resource class-attribute instance-attribute

group_version_resource = Field(default=None, alias='groupVersionResource', title='Group of the resource')

metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

metadata = Field(default=None, title='Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the event payload.\n+optional')

namespace class-attribute instance-attribute

namespace = Field(default=None, title='Namespace where resource is deployed')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class ResourceFilter(BaseModel):
    after_start: Optional[bool] = Field(
        title=("If the resource is created after the start time then the event is treated" " as valid.\n+optional"),
    created_by: Optional[v1_1.Time] = Field(
        title=("If resource is created before the specified time then the event is treated" " as valid.\n+optional"),
    fields: Optional[List[Selector]] = Field(
            "Fields provide field filters similar to K8s field selector\n(see"
            " K8s field selector, it supports arbitrary fileds like"
            ' "spec.serviceAccountName",\nand the value could be a string or a'
            ' regex.\nSame as K8s field selector, operator "=", "==" and "!=" are'
            " supported.\n+optional"
    labels: Optional[List[Selector]] = Field(
            "Labels provide listing options to K8s API to watch resource/s.\nRefer"
            " for more io.argoproj.workflow.v1alpha1.\n+optional"
    prefix: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, title="Prefix filter is applied on the resource name.\n+optional")

after_start class-attribute instance-attribute

after_start = Field(default=None, alias='afterStart', title='If the resource is created after the start time then the event is treated as valid.\n+optional')

created_by class-attribute instance-attribute

created_by = Field(default=None, alias='createdBy', title='If resource is created before the specified time then the event is treated as valid.\n+optional')

fields class-attribute instance-attribute

fields = Field(default=None, title='Fields provide field filters similar to K8s field selector\n(see\nUnlike K8s field selector, it supports arbitrary fileds like "spec.serviceAccountName",\nand the value could be a string or a regex.\nSame as K8s field selector, operator "=", "==" and "!=" are supported.\n+optional')

labels class-attribute instance-attribute

labels = Field(default=None, title='Labels provide listing options to K8s API to watch resource/s.\nRefer for more io.argoproj.workflow.v1alpha1.\n+optional')

prefix class-attribute instance-attribute

prefix = Field(default=None, title='Prefix filter is applied on the resource name.\n+optional')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class S3Artifact(BaseModel):
    access_key: Optional[v1.SecretKeySelector] = Field(default=None, alias="accessKey")
    bucket: Optional[S3Bucket] = None
    endpoint: Optional[str] = None
    events: Optional[List[str]] = None
    filter: Optional[S3Filter] = None
    insecure: Optional[bool] = None
    metadata: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None
    region: Optional[str] = None
    secret_key: Optional[v1.SecretKeySelector] = Field(default=None, alias="secretKey")

access_key class-attribute instance-attribute

access_key = Field(default=None, alias='accessKey')

bucket class-attribute instance-attribute

bucket = None

endpoint class-attribute instance-attribute

endpoint = None

events class-attribute instance-attribute

events = None

filter class-attribute instance-attribute

filter = None

insecure class-attribute instance-attribute

insecure = None

metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

metadata = None

region class-attribute instance-attribute

region = None

secret_key class-attribute instance-attribute

secret_key = Field(default=None, alias='secretKey')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class S3Bucket(BaseModel):
    key: Optional[str] = None
    name: Optional[str] = None

key class-attribute instance-attribute

key = None

name class-attribute instance-attribute

name = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class S3Filter(BaseModel):
    prefix: Optional[str] = None
    suffix: Optional[str] = None

prefix class-attribute instance-attribute

prefix = None

suffix class-attribute instance-attribute

suffix = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class SASLConfig(BaseModel):
    mechanism: Optional[str] = Field(
            "SASLMechanism is the name of the enabled SASL mechanism.\nPossible values:"
            " OAUTHBEARER, PLAIN (defaults to PLAIN).\n+optional"
    password: Optional[v1.SecretKeySelector] = Field(default=None, title="Password for SASL/PLAIN authentication")
    user: Optional[v1.SecretKeySelector] = Field(
            "User is the authentication identity (authcid) to present for\nSASL/PLAIN" " or SASL/SCRAM authentication"

mechanism class-attribute instance-attribute

mechanism = Field(default=None, title='SASLMechanism is the name of the enabled SASL mechanism.\nPossible values: OAUTHBEARER, PLAIN (defaults to PLAIN).\n+optional')

password class-attribute instance-attribute

password = Field(default=None, title='Password for SASL/PLAIN authentication')

user class-attribute instance-attribute

user = Field(default=None, title='User is the authentication identity (authcid) to present for\nSASL/PLAIN or SASL/SCRAM authentication')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class SNSEventSource(BaseModel):
    access_key: Optional[v1.SecretKeySelector] = Field(
        title="AccessKey refers K8s secret containing aws access key",
    endpoint: Optional[str] = Field(
        title=("Endpoint configures connection to a specific SNS endpoint instead of" " Amazons servers\n+optional"),
    filter: Optional[EventSourceFilter] = Field(default=None, title="Filter\n+optional")
    metadata: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = Field(
        title=("Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the event" " payload.\n+optional"),
    region: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, title="Region is AWS region")
    role_arn: Optional[str] = Field(
        title=("RoleARN is the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role to" " assume.\n+optional"),
    secret_key: Optional[v1.SecretKeySelector] = Field(
        title="SecretKey refers K8s secret containing aws secret key",
    topic_arn: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, alias="topicArn", title="TopicArn")
    validate_signature: Optional[bool] = Field(
        title=("ValidateSignature is boolean that can be set to true for SNS signature" " verification\n+optional"),
    webhook: Optional[WebhookContext] = Field(default=None, title="Webhook configuration for http server")

access_key class-attribute instance-attribute

access_key = Field(default=None, alias='accessKey', title='AccessKey refers K8s secret containing aws access key')

endpoint class-attribute instance-attribute

endpoint = Field(default=None, title='Endpoint configures connection to a specific SNS endpoint instead of Amazons servers\n+optional')

filter class-attribute instance-attribute

filter = Field(default=None, title='Filter\n+optional')

metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

metadata = Field(default=None, title='Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the event payload.\n+optional')

region class-attribute instance-attribute

region = Field(default=None, title='Region is AWS region')

role_arn class-attribute instance-attribute

role_arn = Field(default=None, alias='roleARN', title='RoleARN is the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role to assume.\n+optional')

secret_key class-attribute instance-attribute

secret_key = Field(default=None, alias='secretKey', title='SecretKey refers K8s secret containing aws secret key')

topic_arn class-attribute instance-attribute

topic_arn = Field(default=None, alias='topicArn', title='TopicArn')

validate_signature class-attribute instance-attribute

validate_signature = Field(default=None, alias='validateSignature', title='ValidateSignature is boolean that can be set to true for SNS signature verification\n+optional')

webhook class-attribute instance-attribute

webhook = Field(default=None, title='Webhook configuration for http server')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class SQSEventSource(BaseModel):
    access_key: Optional[v1.SecretKeySelector] = Field(
        title="AccessKey refers K8s secret containing aws access key",
    dlq: Optional[bool] = Field(
            "DLQ specifies if a dead-letter queue is configured for messages that can't"
            " be processed successfully.\nIf set to true, messages with invalid payload"
            " won't be acknowledged to allow to forward them farther to the dead-letter"
            " queue.\nThe default value is false.\n+optional"
    endpoint: Optional[str] = Field(
        title=("Endpoint configures connection to a specific SQS endpoint instead of" " Amazons servers\n+optional"),
    filter: Optional[EventSourceFilter] = Field(default=None, title="Filter\n+optional")
    json_body: Optional[bool] = Field(
        title=("JSONBody specifies that all event body payload coming from this\nsource" " will be JSON\n+optional"),
    metadata: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = Field(
        title=("Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the event" " payload.\n+optional"),
    queue: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, title="Queue is AWS SQS queue to listen to for messages")
    queue_account_id: Optional[str] = Field(
        title=("QueueAccountID is the ID of the account that created the queue to" " monitor\n+optional"),
    region: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, title="Region is AWS region")
    role_arn: Optional[str] = Field(
        title=("RoleARN is the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role to" " assume.\n+optional"),
    secret_key: Optional[v1.SecretKeySelector] = Field(
        title="SecretKey refers K8s secret containing aws secret key",
    session_token: Optional[v1.SecretKeySelector] = Field(
            "SessionToken refers to K8s secret containing AWS temporary" " credentials(STS) session token\n+optional"
    wait_time_seconds: Optional[str] = Field(
            "WaitTimeSeconds is The duration (in seconds) for which the call waits for"
            " a message to arrive\nin the queue before returning."

access_key class-attribute instance-attribute

access_key = Field(default=None, alias='accessKey', title='AccessKey refers K8s secret containing aws access key')

dlq class-attribute instance-attribute

dlq = Field(default=None, title="DLQ specifies if a dead-letter queue is configured for messages that can't be processed successfully.\nIf set to true, messages with invalid payload won't be acknowledged to allow to forward them farther to the dead-letter queue.\nThe default value is false.\n+optional")

endpoint class-attribute instance-attribute

endpoint = Field(default=None, title='Endpoint configures connection to a specific SQS endpoint instead of Amazons servers\n+optional')

filter class-attribute instance-attribute

filter = Field(default=None, title='Filter\n+optional')

json_body class-attribute instance-attribute

json_body = Field(default=None, alias='jsonBody', title='JSONBody specifies that all event body payload coming from this\nsource will be JSON\n+optional')

metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

metadata = Field(default=None, title='Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the event payload.\n+optional')

queue class-attribute instance-attribute

queue = Field(default=None, title='Queue is AWS SQS queue to listen to for messages')

queue_account_id class-attribute instance-attribute

queue_account_id = Field(default=None, alias='queueAccountId', title='QueueAccountID is the ID of the account that created the queue to monitor\n+optional')

region class-attribute instance-attribute

region = Field(default=None, title='Region is AWS region')

role_arn class-attribute instance-attribute

role_arn = Field(default=None, alias='roleARN', title='RoleARN is the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role to assume.\n+optional')

secret_key class-attribute instance-attribute

secret_key = Field(default=None, alias='secretKey', title='SecretKey refers K8s secret containing aws secret key')

session_token class-attribute instance-attribute

session_token = Field(default=None, alias='sessionToken', title='SessionToken refers to K8s secret containing AWS temporary credentials(STS) session token\n+optional')

wait_time_seconds class-attribute instance-attribute

wait_time_seconds = Field(default=None, alias='waitTimeSeconds', description='WaitTimeSeconds is The duration (in seconds) for which the call waits for a message to arrive\nin the queue before returning.')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class SecureHeader(BaseModel):
    name: Optional[str] = None
    value_from: Optional[ValueFromSource] = Field(
        title="Values can be read from either secrets or configmaps",

name class-attribute instance-attribute

name = None

value_from class-attribute instance-attribute

value_from = Field(default=None, alias='valueFrom', title='Values can be read from either secrets or configmaps')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class Selector(BaseModel):
    key: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, title="Key name")
    operation: Optional[str] = Field(
            "Supported operations like ==, !=, <=, >= etc.\nDefaults to ==.\nRefer"
            " for more io.argoproj.workflow.v1alpha1.\n+optional"
    value: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, title="Value")

key class-attribute instance-attribute

key = Field(default=None, title='Key name')

operation class-attribute instance-attribute

operation = Field(default=None, title='Supported operations like ==, !=, <=, >= etc.\nDefaults to ==.\nRefer for more io.argoproj.workflow.v1alpha1.\n+optional')

value class-attribute instance-attribute

value = Field(default=None, title='Value')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class Sensor(BaseModel):
    metadata: Optional[v1_1.ObjectMeta] = None
    spec: Optional[SensorSpec] = None
    status: Optional[SensorStatus] = Field(default=None, title="+optional")

metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

metadata = None

spec class-attribute instance-attribute

spec = None

status class-attribute instance-attribute

status = Field(default=None, title='+optional')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class SensorList(BaseModel):
    items: Optional[List[Sensor]] = None
    metadata: Optional[v1_1.ListMeta] = None

items class-attribute instance-attribute

items = None

metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

metadata = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class SensorSpec(BaseModel):
    dependencies: Optional[List[EventDependency]] = Field(
        description=("Dependencies is a list of the events that this sensor is dependent on."),
    error_on_failed_round: Optional[bool] = Field(
            "ErrorOnFailedRound if set to true, marks sensor state as `error` if the"
            " previous trigger round fails.\nOnce sensor state is set to `error`, no"
            " further triggers will be processed."
    event_bus_name: Optional[str] = Field(
        title=("EventBusName references to a EventBus name. By default the value is" ' "default"'),
    replicas: Optional[int] = Field(default=None, title="Replicas is the sensor deployment replicas")
    template: Optional[Template] = Field(
        title="Template is the pod specification for the sensor\n+optional",
    triggers: Optional[List[Trigger]] = Field(
            "Triggers is a list of the things that this sensor evokes. These are the" " outputs from this sensor."

dependencies class-attribute instance-attribute

dependencies = Field(default=None, description='Dependencies is a list of the events that this sensor is dependent on.')

error_on_failed_round class-attribute instance-attribute

error_on_failed_round = Field(default=None, alias='errorOnFailedRound', description='ErrorOnFailedRound if set to true, marks sensor state as `error` if the previous trigger round fails.\nOnce sensor state is set to `error`, no further triggers will be processed.')

event_bus_name class-attribute instance-attribute

event_bus_name = Field(default=None, alias='eventBusName', title='EventBusName references to a EventBus name. By default the value is "default"')

replicas class-attribute instance-attribute

replicas = Field(default=None, title='Replicas is the sensor deployment replicas')

template class-attribute instance-attribute

template = Field(default=None, title='Template is the pod specification for the sensor\n+optional')

triggers class-attribute instance-attribute

triggers = Field(default=None, description='Triggers is a list of the things that this sensor evokes. These are the outputs from this sensor.')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class SensorStatus(BaseModel):
    status: Optional[Status] = None

status class-attribute instance-attribute

status = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class Service(BaseModel):
    cluster_ip: Optional[str] = Field(
            "clusterIP is the IP address of the service and is usually"
            " assigned\nrandomly by the master. If an address is specified manually and"
            " is not in\nuse by others, it will be allocated to the service; otherwise,"
            " creation\nof the service will fail. This field can not be changed through"
            ' updates.\nValid values are "None", empty string (""), or a valid IP'
            ' address. "None"\ncan be specified for headless services when proxying is'
            " not required.\nMore info:"
    ports: Optional[List[v1.ServicePort]] = Field(
            "The list of ports that are exposed by this ClusterIP"
            " service.\n+patchMergeKey=port\n+patchStrategy=merge\n+listType=map\n+listMapKey=port\n+listMapKey=protocol"

cluster_ip class-attribute instance-attribute

cluster_ip = Field(default=None, alias='clusterIP', title='clusterIP is the IP address of the service and is usually assigned\nrandomly by the master. If an address is specified manually and is not in\nuse by others, it will be allocated to the service; otherwise, creation\nof the service will fail. This field can not be changed through updates.\nValid values are "None", empty string (""), or a valid IP address. "None"\ncan be specified for headless services when proxying is not required.\nMore info:\n+optional')

ports class-attribute instance-attribute

ports = Field(default=None, title='The list of ports that are exposed by this ClusterIP service.\n+patchMergeKey=port\n+patchStrategy=merge\n+listType=map\n+listMapKey=port\n+listMapKey=protocol')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class SlackEventSource(BaseModel):
    filter: Optional[EventSourceFilter] = Field(default=None, title="Filter\n+optional")
    metadata: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = Field(
        title=("Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the event" " payload.\n+optional"),
    signing_secret: Optional[v1.SecretKeySelector] = Field(
        default=None, alias="signingSecret", title="Slack App signing secret"
    token: Optional[v1.SecretKeySelector] = Field(default=None, title="Token for URL verification handshake")
    webhook: Optional[WebhookContext] = Field(default=None, title="Webhook holds configuration for a REST endpoint")

filter class-attribute instance-attribute

filter = Field(default=None, title='Filter\n+optional')

metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

metadata = Field(default=None, title='Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the event payload.\n+optional')

signing_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

signing_secret = Field(default=None, alias='signingSecret', title='Slack App signing secret')

token class-attribute instance-attribute

token = Field(default=None, title='Token for URL verification handshake')

webhook class-attribute instance-attribute

webhook = Field(default=None, title='Webhook holds configuration for a REST endpoint')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class SlackTrigger(BaseModel):
    channel: Optional[str] = Field(
        title="Channel refers to which Slack channel to send slack message.\n+optional",
    message: Optional[str] = Field(
        title="Message refers to the message to send to the Slack channel.\n+optional",
    parameters: Optional[List[TriggerParameter]] = Field(
            "Parameters is the list of key-value extracted from event's payload that"
            " are applied to\nthe trigger resource.\n+optional"
    slack_token: Optional[v1.SecretKeySelector] = Field(
            "SlackToken refers to the Kubernetes secret that holds the slack token" " required to send messages."

channel class-attribute instance-attribute

channel = Field(default=None, title='Channel refers to which Slack channel to send slack message.\n+optional')

message class-attribute instance-attribute

message = Field(default=None, title='Message refers to the message to send to the Slack channel.\n+optional')

parameters class-attribute instance-attribute

parameters = Field(default=None, title="Parameters is the list of key-value extracted from event's payload that are applied to\nthe trigger resource.\n+optional")

slack_token class-attribute instance-attribute

slack_token = Field(default=None, alias='slackToken', description='SlackToken refers to the Kubernetes secret that holds the slack token required to send messages.')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class StandardK8STrigger(BaseModel):
    live_object: Optional[bool] = Field(
            "LiveObject specifies whether the resource should be directly fetched from"
            " K8s instead\nof being marshaled from the resource artifact. If set to"
            " true, the resource artifact\nmust contain the information required to"
            " uniquely identify the resource in the cluster,\nthat is, you must specify"
            ' "apiVersion", "kind" as well as "name" and "namespace" meta\ndata.\nOnly'
            " valid for operation type `update`\n+optional"
    operation: Optional[str] = Field(
            "Operation refers to the type of operation performed on the k8s"
            " resource.\nDefault value is Create.\n+optional"
    parameters: Optional[List[TriggerParameter]] = Field(
        description=("Parameters is the list of parameters that is applied to resolved K8s" " trigger object."),
    patch_strategy: Optional[str] = Field(
            "PatchStrategy controls the K8s object patching strategy when the trigger"
            " operation is specified as patch.\npossible"
            ' values:\n"application/json-patch+json"\n"application/merge-patch+json"\n"application/strategic-merge-patch+json"\n"application/apply-patch+yaml".\nDefaults'
            ' to "application/merge-patch+json"\n+optional'
    source: Optional[ArtifactLocation] = Field(default=None, title="Source of the K8s resource file(s)")

live_object class-attribute instance-attribute

live_object = Field(default=None, alias='liveObject', title='LiveObject specifies whether the resource should be directly fetched from K8s instead\nof being marshaled from the resource artifact. If set to true, the resource artifact\nmust contain the information required to uniquely identify the resource in the cluster,\nthat is, you must specify "apiVersion", "kind" as well as "name" and "namespace" meta\ndata.\nOnly valid for operation type `update`\n+optional')

operation class-attribute instance-attribute

operation = Field(default=None, title='Operation refers to the type of operation performed on the k8s resource.\nDefault value is Create.\n+optional')

parameters class-attribute instance-attribute

parameters = Field(default=None, description='Parameters is the list of parameters that is applied to resolved K8s trigger object.')

patch_strategy class-attribute instance-attribute

patch_strategy = Field(default=None, alias='patchStrategy', title='PatchStrategy controls the K8s object patching strategy when the trigger operation is specified as patch.\npossible values:\n"application/json-patch+json"\n"application/merge-patch+json"\n"application/strategic-merge-patch+json"\n"application/apply-patch+yaml".\nDefaults to "application/merge-patch+json"\n+optional')

source class-attribute instance-attribute

source = Field(default=None, title='Source of the K8s resource file(s)')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class Status(BaseModel):
    conditions: Optional[List[Condition]] = Field(
            "Conditions are the latest available observations of a resource's current"
            " state.\n+optional\n+patchMergeKey=type\n+patchStrategy=merge"

conditions class-attribute instance-attribute

conditions = Field(default=None, title="Conditions are the latest available observations of a resource's current state.\n+optional\n+patchMergeKey=type\n+patchStrategy=merge")


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class StatusPolicy(BaseModel):
    allow: Optional[List[int]] = None

allow class-attribute instance-attribute

allow = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class StorageGridEventSource(BaseModel):
    api_url: Optional[str] = Field(
        description="APIURL is the url of the storagegrid api.",
    auth_token: Optional[v1.SecretKeySelector] = Field(
        default=None, alias="authToken", title="Auth token for storagegrid api"
    bucket: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, description="Name of the bucket to register notifications for.")
    events: Optional[List[str]] = None
    filter: Optional[StorageGridFilter] = Field(
        default=None, description="Filter on object key which caused the notification."
    metadata: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = Field(
        title=("Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the event" " payload.\n+optional"),
    region: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, title="S3 region.\nDefaults to us-east-1\n+optional")
    topic_arn: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, alias="topicArn", title="TopicArn")
    webhook: Optional[WebhookContext] = Field(default=None, title="Webhook holds configuration for a REST endpoint")

api_url class-attribute instance-attribute

api_url = Field(default=None, alias='apiURL', description='APIURL is the url of the storagegrid api.')

auth_token class-attribute instance-attribute

auth_token = Field(default=None, alias='authToken', title='Auth token for storagegrid api')

bucket class-attribute instance-attribute

bucket = Field(default=None, description='Name of the bucket to register notifications for.')

events class-attribute instance-attribute

events = None

filter class-attribute instance-attribute

filter = Field(default=None, description='Filter on object key which caused the notification.')

metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

metadata = Field(default=None, title='Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the event payload.\n+optional')

region class-attribute instance-attribute

region = Field(default=None, title='S3 region.\nDefaults to us-east-1\n+optional')

topic_arn class-attribute instance-attribute

topic_arn = Field(default=None, alias='topicArn', title='TopicArn')

webhook class-attribute instance-attribute

webhook = Field(default=None, title='Webhook holds configuration for a REST endpoint')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class StorageGridFilter(BaseModel):
    prefix: Optional[str] = None
    suffix: Optional[str] = None

prefix class-attribute instance-attribute

prefix = None

suffix class-attribute instance-attribute

suffix = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class StripeEventSource(BaseModel):
    api_key: Optional[v1.SecretKeySelector] = Field(
            "APIKey refers to K8s secret that holds Stripe API key. Used only if"
            " CreateWebhook is enabled.\n+optional"
    create_webhook: Optional[bool] = Field(
        title=("CreateWebhook if specified creates a new webhook" " programmatically.\n+optional"),
    event_filter: Optional[List[str]] = Field(
            "EventFilter describes the type of events to listen to. If not specified,"
            " all types of events will be processed.\nMore info at"
    metadata: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = Field(
        title=("Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the event" " payload.\n+optional"),
    webhook: Optional[WebhookContext] = Field(default=None, title="Webhook holds configuration for a REST endpoint")

api_key class-attribute instance-attribute

api_key = Field(default=None, alias='apiKey', title='APIKey refers to K8s secret that holds Stripe API key. Used only if CreateWebhook is enabled.\n+optional')

create_webhook class-attribute instance-attribute

create_webhook = Field(default=None, alias='createWebhook', title='CreateWebhook if specified creates a new webhook programmatically.\n+optional')

event_filter class-attribute instance-attribute

event_filter = Field(default=None, alias='eventFilter', title='EventFilter describes the type of events to listen to. If not specified, all types of events will be processed.\nMore info at\n+optional')

metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

metadata = Field(default=None, title='Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the event payload.\n+optional')

webhook class-attribute instance-attribute

webhook = Field(default=None, title='Webhook holds configuration for a REST endpoint')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class TLSConfig(BaseModel):
    ca_cert_secret: Optional[v1.SecretKeySelector] = Field(
        title="CACertSecret refers to the secret that contains the CA cert",
    client_cert_secret: Optional[v1.SecretKeySelector] = Field(
        title="ClientCertSecret refers to the secret that contains the client cert",
    client_key_secret: Optional[v1.SecretKeySelector] = Field(
        title="ClientKeySecret refers to the secret that contains the client key",
    insecure_skip_verify: Optional[bool] = Field(
            "If true, skips creation of TLSConfig with certs and creates an empty"
            " TLSConfig. (Defaults to false)\n+optional"

ca_cert_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

ca_cert_secret = Field(default=None, alias='caCertSecret', title='CACertSecret refers to the secret that contains the CA cert')

client_cert_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

client_cert_secret = Field(default=None, alias='clientCertSecret', title='ClientCertSecret refers to the secret that contains the client cert')

client_key_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

client_key_secret = Field(default=None, alias='clientKeySecret', title='ClientKeySecret refers to the secret that contains the client key')

insecure_skip_verify class-attribute instance-attribute

insecure_skip_verify = Field(default=None, alias='insecureSkipVerify', title='If true, skips creation of TLSConfig with certs and creates an empty TLSConfig. (Defaults to false)\n+optional')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class Template(BaseModel):
    affinity: Optional[v1.Affinity] = Field(
        default=None, title="If specified, the pod's scheduling constraints\n+optional"
    container: Optional[v1.Container] = Field(
        title=("Container is the main container image to run in the sensor pod\n+optional"),
    image_pull_secrets: Optional[List[v1.LocalObjectReference]] = Field(
            "ImagePullSecrets is an optional list of references to secrets in the same"
            " namespace to use for pulling any of the images used by this PodSpec.\nIf"
            " specified, these secrets will be passed to individual puller"
            " implementations for them to use. For example,\nin the case of docker,"
            " only DockerConfig type secrets are honored.\nMore info:"
    metadata: Optional[Metadata] = Field(
        title="Metadata sets the pods's metadata, i.e. annotations and labels",
    node_selector: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = Field(
            "NodeSelector is a selector which must be true for the pod to fit on a"
            " node.\nSelector which must match a node's labels for the pod to be"
            " scheduled on that node.\nMore info:"
    priority: Optional[int] = Field(
            "The priority value. Various system components use this field to find"
            " the\npriority of the EventSource pod. When Priority Admission Controller"
            " is enabled,\nit prevents users from setting this field. The admission"
            " controller populates\nthis field from PriorityClassName.\nThe higher the"
            " value, the higher the priority.\nMore info:"
    priority_class_name: Optional[str] = Field(
            "If specified, indicates the EventSource pod's priority."
            ' "system-node-critical"\nand "system-cluster-critical" are two special'
            " keywords which indicate the\nhighest priorities with the former being the"
            " highest priority. Any other\nname must be defined by creating a"
            " PriorityClass object with that name.\nIf not specified, the pod priority"
            " will be default or zero if there is no\ndefault.\nMore info:"
    security_context: Optional[v1.PodSecurityContext] = Field(
            "SecurityContext holds pod-level security attributes and common container"
            " settings.\nOptional: Defaults to empty.  See type description for default"
            " values of each field.\n+optional"
    service_account_name: Optional[str] = Field(
            "ServiceAccountName is the name of the ServiceAccount to use to run sensor"
            " pod.\nMore info:"
    tolerations: Optional[List[v1.Toleration]] = Field(
        default=None, title="If specified, the pod's tolerations.\n+optional"
    volumes: Optional[List[v1.Volume]] = Field(
            "Volumes is a list of volumes that can be mounted by containers in a"
            " io.argoproj.workflow.v1alpha1.\n+patchStrategy=merge\n+patchMergeKey=name\n+optional"

affinity class-attribute instance-attribute

affinity = Field(default=None, title="If specified, the pod's scheduling constraints\n+optional")

container class-attribute instance-attribute

container = Field(default=None, title='Container is the main container image to run in the sensor pod\n+optional')

image_pull_secrets class-attribute instance-attribute

image_pull_secrets = Field(default=None, alias='imagePullSecrets', title='ImagePullSecrets is an optional list of references to secrets in the same namespace to use for pulling any of the images used by this PodSpec.\nIf specified, these secrets will be passed to individual puller implementations for them to use. For example,\nin the case of docker, only DockerConfig type secrets are honored.\nMore info:\n+optional\n+patchMergeKey=name\n+patchStrategy=merge')

metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

metadata = Field(default=None, title="Metadata sets the pods's metadata, i.e. annotations and labels")

node_selector class-attribute instance-attribute

node_selector = Field(default=None, alias='nodeSelector', title="NodeSelector is a selector which must be true for the pod to fit on a node.\nSelector which must match a node's labels for the pod to be scheduled on that node.\nMore info:\n+optional")

priority class-attribute instance-attribute

priority = Field(default=None, title='The priority value. Various system components use this field to find the\npriority of the EventSource pod. When Priority Admission Controller is enabled,\nit prevents users from setting this field. The admission controller populates\nthis field from PriorityClassName.\nThe higher the value, the higher the priority.\nMore info:\n+optional')

priority_class_name class-attribute instance-attribute

priority_class_name = Field(default=None, alias='priorityClassName', title='If specified, indicates the EventSource pod\'s priority. "system-node-critical"\nand "system-cluster-critical" are two special keywords which indicate the\nhighest priorities with the former being the highest priority. Any other\nname must be defined by creating a PriorityClass object with that name.\nIf not specified, the pod priority will be default or zero if there is no\ndefault.\nMore info:\n+optional')

security_context class-attribute instance-attribute

security_context = Field(default=None, alias='securityContext', title='SecurityContext holds pod-level security attributes and common container settings.\nOptional: Defaults to empty.  See type description for default values of each field.\n+optional')

service_account_name class-attribute instance-attribute

service_account_name = Field(default=None, alias='serviceAccountName', title='ServiceAccountName is the name of the ServiceAccount to use to run sensor pod.\nMore info:\n+optional')

tolerations class-attribute instance-attribute

tolerations = Field(default=None, title="If specified, the pod's tolerations.\n+optional")

volumes class-attribute instance-attribute

volumes = Field(default=None, title='Volumes is a list of volumes that can be mounted by containers in a io.argoproj.workflow.v1alpha1.\n+patchStrategy=merge\n+patchMergeKey=name\n+optional')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class TimeFilter(BaseModel):
    start: Optional[str] = Field(
            "Start is the beginning of a time window in UTC.\nBefore this time, events"
            " for this dependency are ignored.\nFormat is hh:mm:ss."
    stop: Optional[str] = Field(
            "Stop is the end of a time window in UTC.\nAfter or equal to this time,"
            " events for this dependency are ignored and\nFormat is hh:mm:ss.\nIf it is"
            " smaller than Start, it is treated as next day of Start\n(e.g.:"
            " 22:00:00-01:00:00 means 22:00:00-25:00:00)."

start class-attribute instance-attribute

start = Field(default=None, description='Start is the beginning of a time window in UTC.\nBefore this time, events for this dependency are ignored.\nFormat is hh:mm:ss.')

stop class-attribute instance-attribute

stop = Field(default=None, description='Stop is the end of a time window in UTC.\nAfter or equal to this time, events for this dependency are ignored and\nFormat is hh:mm:ss.\nIf it is smaller than Start, it is treated as next day of Start\n(e.g.: 22:00:00-01:00:00 means 22:00:00-25:00:00).')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class Trigger(BaseModel):
    parameters: Optional[List[TriggerParameter]] = Field(
        title=("Parameters is the list of parameters applied to the trigger template" " definition"),
    policy: Optional[TriggerPolicy] = Field(
        title=("Policy to configure backoff and execution criteria for the" " trigger\n+optional"),
    rate_limit: Optional[RateLimit] = Field(
        title="Rate limit, default unit is Second\n+optional",
    retry_strategy: Optional[Backoff] = Field(
        title="Retry strategy, defaults to no retry\n+optional",
    template: Optional[TriggerTemplate] = Field(
        default=None, description="Template describes the trigger specification."

parameters class-attribute instance-attribute

parameters = Field(default=None, title='Parameters is the list of parameters applied to the trigger template definition')

policy class-attribute instance-attribute

policy = Field(default=None, title='Policy to configure backoff and execution criteria for the trigger\n+optional')

rate_limit class-attribute instance-attribute

rate_limit = Field(default=None, alias='rateLimit', title='Rate limit, default unit is Second\n+optional')

retry_strategy class-attribute instance-attribute

retry_strategy = Field(default=None, alias='retryStrategy', title='Retry strategy, defaults to no retry\n+optional')

template class-attribute instance-attribute

template = Field(default=None, description='Template describes the trigger specification.')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class TriggerParameter(BaseModel):
    dest: Optional[str] = Field(
            "Dest is the JSONPath of a resource key.\nA path is a series of keys"
            " separated by a dot. The colon character can be escaped with '.'\nThe -1"
            " key can be used to append a value to an existing array.\nSee"
            " for more information about"
            " how this is used."
    operation: Optional[str] = Field(
            "Operation is what to do with the existing value at Dest, whether"
            " to\n'prepend', 'overwrite', or 'append' it."
    src: Optional[TriggerParameterSource] = Field(
        title=("Src contains a source reference to the value of the parameter from a" " dependency"),

dest class-attribute instance-attribute

dest = Field(default=None, description="Dest is the JSONPath of a resource key.\nA path is a series of keys separated by a dot. The colon character can be escaped with '.'\nThe -1 key can be used to append a value to an existing array.\nSee for more information about how this is used.")

operation class-attribute instance-attribute

operation = Field(default=None, description="Operation is what to do with the existing value at Dest, whether to\n'prepend', 'overwrite', or 'append' it.")

src class-attribute instance-attribute

src = Field(default=None, title='Src contains a source reference to the value of the parameter from a dependency')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class TriggerParameterSource(BaseModel):
    context_key: Optional[str] = Field(
            "ContextKey is the JSONPath of the event's (JSON decoded) context"
            " key\nContextKey is a series of keys separated by a dot. A key may contain"
            " wildcard characters '*' and '?'.\nTo access an array value use the index"
            " as the key. The dot and wildcard characters can be escaped with"
            " '\\\\'.\nSee for more"
            " information on how to use this."
    context_template: Optional[str] = Field(
            "ContextTemplate is a go-template for extracting a string from the event's"
            " context.\nIf a ContextTemplate is provided with a ContextKey, the"
            " template will be evaluated first and fallback to the ContextKey.\nThe"
            " templating follows the standard go-template syntax as well as sprig's"
            " extra functions.\nSee and"
    data_key: Optional[str] = Field(
            "DataKey is the JSONPath of the event's (JSON decoded) data key\nDataKey is"
            " a series of keys separated by a dot. A key may contain wildcard"
            " characters '*' and '?'.\nTo access an array value use the index as the"
            " key. The dot and wildcard characters can be escaped with '\\\\'.\nSee"
            " for more information on how"
            " to use this."
    data_template: Optional[str] = Field(
            "DataTemplate is a go-template for extracting a string from the event's"
            " data.\nIf a DataTemplate is provided with a DataKey, the template will be"
            " evaluated first and fallback to the DataKey.\nThe templating follows the"
            " standard go-template syntax as well as sprig's extra functions.\nSee"
            " and"
    dependency_name: Optional[str] = Field(
            "DependencyName refers to the name of the dependency. The event which is"
            " stored for this dependency is used as payload\nfor the parameterization."
            " Make sure to refer to one of the dependencies you have defined under"
            " Dependencies list."
    value: Optional[str] = Field(
            "Value is the default literal value to use for this parameter source\nThis"
            " is only used if the DataKey is invalid.\nIf the DataKey is invalid and"
            " this is not defined, this param source will produce an error."

context_key class-attribute instance-attribute

context_key = Field(default=None, alias='contextKey', description="ContextKey is the JSONPath of the event's (JSON decoded) context key\nContextKey is a series of keys separated by a dot. A key may contain wildcard characters '*' and '?'.\nTo access an array value use the index as the key. The dot and wildcard characters can be escaped with '\\\\'.\nSee for more information on how to use this.")

context_template class-attribute instance-attribute

context_template = Field(default=None, alias='contextTemplate', title="ContextTemplate is a go-template for extracting a string from the event's context.\nIf a ContextTemplate is provided with a ContextKey, the template will be evaluated first and fallback to the ContextKey.\nThe templating follows the standard go-template syntax as well as sprig's extra functions.\nSee and")

data_key class-attribute instance-attribute

data_key = Field(default=None, alias='dataKey', description="DataKey is the JSONPath of the event's (JSON decoded) data key\nDataKey is a series of keys separated by a dot. A key may contain wildcard characters '*' and '?'.\nTo access an array value use the index as the key. The dot and wildcard characters can be escaped with '\\\\'.\nSee for more information on how to use this.")

data_template class-attribute instance-attribute

data_template = Field(default=None, alias='dataTemplate', title="DataTemplate is a go-template for extracting a string from the event's data.\nIf a DataTemplate is provided with a DataKey, the template will be evaluated first and fallback to the DataKey.\nThe templating follows the standard go-template syntax as well as sprig's extra functions.\nSee and")

dependency_name class-attribute instance-attribute

dependency_name = Field(default=None, alias='dependencyName', description='DependencyName refers to the name of the dependency. The event which is stored for this dependency is used as payload\nfor the parameterization. Make sure to refer to one of the dependencies you have defined under Dependencies list.')

value class-attribute instance-attribute

value = Field(default=None, description='Value is the default literal value to use for this parameter source\nThis is only used if the DataKey is invalid.\nIf the DataKey is invalid and this is not defined, this param source will produce an error.')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class TriggerPolicy(BaseModel):
    k8s: Optional[K8SResourcePolicy] = Field(
            "K8SResourcePolicy refers to the policy used to check the state of K8s"
            " based triggers using using labels"
    status: Optional[StatusPolicy] = Field(
        title=("Status refers to the policy used to check the state of the trigger using" " response status"),

k8s class-attribute instance-attribute

k8s = Field(default=None, title='K8SResourcePolicy refers to the policy used to check the state of K8s based triggers using using labels')

status class-attribute instance-attribute

status = Field(default=None, title='Status refers to the policy used to check the state of the trigger using response status')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class TriggerTemplate(BaseModel):
    argo_workflow: Optional[ArgoWorkflowTrigger] = Field(
            "ArgoWorkflow refers to the trigger that can perform various operations on"
            " an Argo io.argoproj.workflow.v1alpha1.\n+optional"
    aws_lambda: Optional[AWSLambdaTrigger] = Field(
            "AWSLambda refers to the trigger designed to invoke AWS Lambda function"
            " with with on-the-fly constructable payload.\n+optional"
    azure_event_hubs: Optional[AzureEventHubsTrigger] = Field(
        title=("AzureEventHubs refers to the trigger send an event to an Azure Event" " Hub.\n+optional"),
    conditions: Optional[str] = Field(
            'Conditions is the conditions to execute the trigger.\nFor example: "(dep01'
            ' || dep02) && dep04"\n+optional'
    conditions_reset: Optional[List[ConditionsResetCriteria]] = Field(
        title="Criteria to reset the conditons\n+optional",
    custom: Optional[CustomTrigger] = Field(
            "CustomTrigger refers to the trigger designed to connect to a gRPC trigger"
            " server and execute a custom trigger.\n+optional"
    http: Optional[HTTPTrigger] = Field(
            "HTTP refers to the trigger designed to dispatch a HTTP request with"
            " on-the-fly constructable payload.\n+optional"
    k8s: Optional[StandardK8STrigger] = Field(
            "StandardK8STrigger refers to the trigger designed to create or update a"
            " generic Kubernetes resource.\n+optional"
    kafka: Optional[KafkaTrigger] = Field(
        description=("Kafka refers to the trigger designed to place messages on Kafka" " topic.\n+optional."),
    log: Optional[LogTrigger] = Field(
        title=("Log refers to the trigger designed to invoke log the" " io.argoproj.workflow.v1alpha1.\n+optional"),
    name: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, description="Name is a unique name of the action to take.")
    nats: Optional[NATSTrigger] = Field(
        description=("NATS refers to the trigger designed to place message on NATS" " subject.\n+optional."),
    open_whisk: Optional[OpenWhiskTrigger] = Field(
        title=("OpenWhisk refers to the trigger designed to invoke OpenWhisk" " action.\n+optional"),
    pulsar: Optional[PulsarTrigger] = Field(
        title=("Pulsar refers to the trigger designed to place messages on Pulsar" " topic.\n+optional"),
    slack: Optional[SlackTrigger] = Field(
        title=("Slack refers to the trigger designed to send slack notification" " message.\n+optional"),

argo_workflow class-attribute instance-attribute

argo_workflow = Field(default=None, alias='argoWorkflow', title='ArgoWorkflow refers to the trigger that can perform various operations on an Argo io.argoproj.workflow.v1alpha1.\n+optional')

aws_lambda class-attribute instance-attribute

aws_lambda = Field(default=None, alias='awsLambda', title='AWSLambda refers to the trigger designed to invoke AWS Lambda function with with on-the-fly constructable payload.\n+optional')

azure_event_hubs class-attribute instance-attribute

azure_event_hubs = Field(default=None, alias='azureEventHubs', title='AzureEventHubs refers to the trigger send an event to an Azure Event Hub.\n+optional')

conditions class-attribute instance-attribute

conditions = Field(default=None, title='Conditions is the conditions to execute the trigger.\nFor example: "(dep01 || dep02) && dep04"\n+optional')

conditions_reset class-attribute instance-attribute

conditions_reset = Field(default=None, alias='conditionsReset', title='Criteria to reset the conditons\n+optional')

custom class-attribute instance-attribute

custom = Field(default=None, title='CustomTrigger refers to the trigger designed to connect to a gRPC trigger server and execute a custom trigger.\n+optional')

http class-attribute instance-attribute

http = Field(default=None, title='HTTP refers to the trigger designed to dispatch a HTTP request with on-the-fly constructable payload.\n+optional')

k8s class-attribute instance-attribute

k8s = Field(default=None, title='StandardK8STrigger refers to the trigger designed to create or update a generic Kubernetes resource.\n+optional')

kafka class-attribute instance-attribute

kafka = Field(default=None, description='Kafka refers to the trigger designed to place messages on Kafka topic.\n+optional.')

log class-attribute instance-attribute

log = Field(default=None, title='Log refers to the trigger designed to invoke log the io.argoproj.workflow.v1alpha1.\n+optional')

name class-attribute instance-attribute

name = Field(default=None, description='Name is a unique name of the action to take.')

nats class-attribute instance-attribute

nats = Field(default=None, description='NATS refers to the trigger designed to place message on NATS subject.\n+optional.')

open_whisk class-attribute instance-attribute

open_whisk = Field(default=None, alias='openWhisk', title='OpenWhisk refers to the trigger designed to invoke OpenWhisk action.\n+optional')

pulsar class-attribute instance-attribute

pulsar = Field(default=None, title='Pulsar refers to the trigger designed to place messages on Pulsar topic.\n+optional')

slack class-attribute instance-attribute

slack = Field(default=None, title='Slack refers to the trigger designed to send slack notification message.\n+optional')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class URLArtifact(BaseModel):
    path: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, title="Path is the complete URL")
    verify_cert: Optional[bool] = Field(
        title="VerifyCert decides whether the connection is secure or not",

path class-attribute instance-attribute

path = Field(default=None, title='Path is the complete URL')

verify_cert class-attribute instance-attribute

verify_cert = Field(default=None, alias='verifyCert', title='VerifyCert decides whether the connection is secure or not')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class ValueFromSource(BaseModel):
    config_map_key_ref: Optional[v1.ConfigMapKeySelector] = Field(default=None, alias="configMapKeyRef")
    secret_key_ref: Optional[v1.SecretKeySelector] = Field(default=None, alias="secretKeyRef")

config_map_key_ref class-attribute instance-attribute

config_map_key_ref = Field(default=None, alias='configMapKeyRef')

secret_key_ref class-attribute instance-attribute

secret_key_ref = Field(default=None, alias='secretKeyRef')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class WatchPathConfig(BaseModel):
    directory: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, title="Directory to watch for events")
    path: Optional[str] = Field(
        title="Path is relative path of object to watch with respect to the directory",
    path_regexp: Optional[str] = Field(
        title=("PathRegexp is regexp of relative path of object to watch with respect to" " the directory"),

directory class-attribute instance-attribute

directory = Field(default=None, title='Directory to watch for events')

path class-attribute instance-attribute

path = Field(default=None, title='Path is relative path of object to watch with respect to the directory')

path_regexp class-attribute instance-attribute

path_regexp = Field(default=None, alias='pathRegexp', title='PathRegexp is regexp of relative path of object to watch with respect to the directory')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class WebhookContext(BaseModel):
    auth_secret: Optional[v1.SecretKeySelector] = Field(
        title=("AuthSecret holds a secret selector that contains a bearer token for" " authentication\n+optional"),
    endpoint: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, title="REST API endpoint")
    max_payload_size: Optional[str] = Field(
            "MaxPayloadSize is the maximum webhook payload size that the server will"
            ' accept.\nRequests exceeding that limit will be rejected with "request too'
            ' large" response.\nDefault value: 1048576 (1MB).\n+optional'
    metadata: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = Field(
        title=("Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the event" " payload.\n+optional"),
    method: Optional[str] = Field(
            "Method is HTTP request method that indicates the desired action to be"
            " performed for a given resource.\nSee RFC7231 Hypertext Transfer Protocol"
            " (HTTP/1.1): Semantics and Content"
    port: Optional[str] = Field(
        description="Port on which HTTP server is listening for incoming events.",
    server_cert_secret: Optional[v1.SecretKeySelector] = Field(
        description="ServerCertPath refers the file that contains the cert.",
    server_key_secret: Optional[v1.SecretKeySelector] = Field(
        title="ServerKeyPath refers the file that contains private key",
    url: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, description="URL is the url of the server.")

auth_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

auth_secret = Field(default=None, alias='authSecret', title='AuthSecret holds a secret selector that contains a bearer token for authentication\n+optional')

endpoint class-attribute instance-attribute

endpoint = Field(default=None, title='REST API endpoint')

max_payload_size class-attribute instance-attribute

max_payload_size = Field(default=None, alias='maxPayloadSize', title='MaxPayloadSize is the maximum webhook payload size that the server will accept.\nRequests exceeding that limit will be rejected with "request too large" response.\nDefault value: 1048576 (1MB).\n+optional')

metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

metadata = Field(default=None, title='Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the event payload.\n+optional')

method class-attribute instance-attribute

method = Field(default=None, title='Method is HTTP request method that indicates the desired action to be performed for a given resource.\nSee RFC7231 Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Semantics and Content')

port class-attribute instance-attribute

port = Field(default=None, description='Port on which HTTP server is listening for incoming events.')

server_cert_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

server_cert_secret = Field(default=None, alias='serverCertSecret', description='ServerCertPath refers the file that contains the cert.')

server_key_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

server_key_secret = Field(default=None, alias='serverKeySecret', title='ServerKeyPath refers the file that contains private key')

url class-attribute instance-attribute

url = Field(default=None, description='URL is the url of the server.')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class WebhookEventSource(BaseModel):
    filter: Optional[EventSourceFilter] = Field(default=None, title="Filter\n+optional")
    webhook_context: Optional[WebhookContext] = Field(default=None, alias="webhookContext")

filter class-attribute instance-attribute

filter = Field(default=None, title='Filter\n+optional')

webhook_context class-attribute instance-attribute

webhook_context = Field(default=None, alias='webhookContext')


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects
