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Hera Tour-torial

Building the DAG diamond from scratch

This tutorial is a written, in-depth version of the ArgoCon EU 2024 talk - “Orchestrating Python Functions Natively with Hera”, link coming soon!

Let’s go through some features of Hera by building a Workflow that will initially implement the DAG diamond example.

First, with your Python environment set up, we need to install hera:

pip install hera

Then, open a new file for our Workflow. Let’s make a function that echoes the input message:

def echo(message):

In Hera, we can declare a function as a “Script” template using the @script decorator:

from hera.workflows import script

def echo(message):

This makes echo an inline script function, which means when submitted to Argo Workflows as part of a Workflow, you will see the function body dumped into the source of the Script template, which is written in YAML (a superset of JSON):

  - name: echo
      - name: message
      - python
      image: python:3.8
      source: |-
        import json
        try: message = json.loads(r'''{{inputs.parameters.message}}''')
        except: message = r'''{{inputs.parameters.message}}'''


But wait, where did image: python:3.8 come from? It’s a default value for the image of a script-decorated function in Hera. Let’s update that to a more recent version of Python in the decorator:

from hera.workflows import script

def echo(message):

You’ll also notice the use of the json built-in module to load the parameter in the source. This is so Python can try to load the string value from the YAML to a valid JSON type (otherwise using the raw string). This is possible because YAML is a superset of JSON, so for a single value, it should be valid JSON.

Next, we need a Workflow to hold the DAG that we want to create. We do this with the Workflow class from hera.workflows. We’ll use generate_name to tell Argo to create a unique suffix appended to the given string each time we submit the Workflow.

from hera.workflows import Workflow, script

def echo(message):

with Workflow(generate_name="dag-diamond-") as w:

We’ve created the Workflow as a context manager, which means any templates we reference or create within the context will be added automatically to the Workflow.

In Argo Workflows, a DAG is itself a template that is made up of Tasks that run other templates. In Hera, we create a DAG using the DAG class from hera.workflows, using it as a context manager. We can also specify the DAG as the entrypoint of the workflow:

from hera.workflows import DAG, Workflow, script

def echo(message):

with Workflow(generate_name="dag-diamond-", entrypoint="diamond") as w:
    with DAG(name="diamond"):

The DAG context manager will add any Task created within its context to the graph. The Task class, imported from hera.workflows requires a name, and one of a template or a template_ref (more on that later). Let’s create some tasks! We can pass arguments to the echo template used by each Task in a dictionary to the arguments kwarg of the Task.

from hera.workflows import DAG, Task, Workflow, script

def echo(message):

with Workflow(generate_name="dag-diamond-", entrypoint="diamond") as w:
    with DAG(name="diamond"):
        A = Task(name="A", template=echo, arguments={"message": "A"})
        B = Task(name="B", template=echo, arguments={"message": "B"})
        C = Task(name="C", template=echo, arguments={"message": "C"})
        D = Task(name="D", template=echo, arguments={"message": "D"})

We now have 4 Tasks, but we have not declared any dependencies between the tasks, which means they will all run in parallel! Remember, we are trying to create a diamond. To declare dependencies, we use the rshift syntax, which also allows you to use Python lists of Tasks in places. Let’s create the diamond!

from hera.workflows import DAG, Task, Workflow, script

def echo(message):

with Workflow(generate_name="dag-diamond-", entrypoint="diamond") as w:
    with DAG(name="diamond"):
        A = Task(name="A", template=echo, arguments={"message": "A"})
        B = Task(name="B", template=echo, arguments={"message": "B"})
        C = Task(name="C", template=echo, arguments={"message": "C"})
        D = Task(name="D", template=echo, arguments={"message": "D"})
        A >> [B, C] >> D

This means A will run first as it has no dependencies, then B and C will run in parallel once A completes, and finally once both B and C complete, D will run.

Now, we want to actually submit this workflow! You’ll need to use the right authorization for your cluster, but for now, assuming a localhost, we can submit the workflow by passing a WorkflowsService to the Workflow and calling w.submit().

from hera.workflows import DAG, Task, Workflow, WorkflowsService, script

def echo(message):

with Workflow(
) as w:
    with DAG(name="diamond"):
        A = Task(name="A", template=echo, arguments={"message": "A"})
        B = Task(name="B", template=echo, arguments={"message": "B"})
        C = Task(name="C", template=echo, arguments={"message": "C"})
        D = Task(name="D", template=echo, arguments={"message": "D"})
        A >> [B, C] >> D


Now, you can write and submit Workflows that use DAG and Script templates!

Syntactic Sugar

If you want to save on some typing, you can use the name of the function in place of Task, which looks like:

from hera.workflows import DAG, Workflow, WorkflowsService, script

def echo(message):

with Workflow(
) as w:
    with DAG(name="diamond"):
        A = echo(name="A", arguments={"message": "A"})
        B = echo(name="B", arguments={"message": "B"})
        C = echo(name="C", arguments={"message": "C"})
        D = echo(name="D", arguments={"message": "D"})
        A >> [B, C] >> D


This syntax means we don’t need to specify the template being used anymore, or use the Task class directly. The return values from the function calls are still Tasks though!

Note Currently, this syntax is not understood by Mypy, so you may see linting errors, in which case you can use cast from typing, or tell your Mypy linter to ignore those lines.

Type Safe Functions

So far, the echo function doesn’t make use of type annotations or return values, which makes it much harder to test. So, if you want to write type-safe functions and return values, you’ll need the Hera Runner! This is a feature that can be enabled by setting the script’s constructor field, or setting the RunnerScriptConstructor as the default in the global_config to use it for all your scripts:

from hera.shared import global_config
from hera.workflows import Script, RunnerScriptConstructor

global_config.set_class_defaults(Script, constructor=RunnerScriptConstructor())

When you use the Hera Runner, you need to build your code into a hosted image that your Argo instance can pull! You can then set the global_config.image:

global_config.image = "my-built-python-image"

Now we can write a function with parameters that use type hints! Let’s calculate the area of a given rectangle’s length and width:

from hera.workflows import script

@script(constructor="runner", image="my-built-python-image")
def calculate_area_of_rectangle(length: float, width: float):
    print(length * width)

Notice how we now use float as the type hint of the inputs. The Hera Runner will raise a Pydantic validation error if passed a string that cannot be deserialized into a float - e.g. "hello" will raise an error, but not "1". This is because Hera uses validate_arguments (for Pydantic v1 installations) or validate_call (for Pydantic v2 installations) when calling the function.

What if we wanted to use classes in the types in the inputs? Before we jump into adding classes, we must keep in mind we’ll be running this function on Argo, where the inputs are coming from the YAML definition. So we need a way to deserialize inputs strings into the classes. Lucky for us, Pydantic is able to deserialize JSON-serialized strings into Python objects, and as we’ve mentioned, the Hera Runner integrates with Pydantic!

Pydantic-Powered Functions

The Hera Runner inspects the types of your function’s parameters, and for any type that inherits from Pydantic’s BaseModel, the Hera Runner will try to deserialize the JSON input string into an object of that type. Therefore we can create a class inheriting from BaseModel, which lets Hera deserialize the input into an object, and lets us use convenience functions on that object, such as an area() function. Let’s try it out!

from pydantic import BaseModel

class Rectangle(BaseModel):
    length: float
    width: float

    def area(self) -> float:
        return self.length * self.width

@script(constructor="runner", image="my-built-python-image")
def calculate_area_of_rectangle(rectangle: Rectangle):

But we’ve still got that pesky print statement. We should return the value of the area instead! When running on Argo, the Hera Runner will print the return value to stdout, so you can still use the .result of the previous step or task as before.

@script(constructor="runner", image="my-built-python-image")
def calculate_area_of_rectangle(rectangle: Rectangle) -> float:
    return rectangle.area()

Now we can test this function - acting as a script template - in isolation outside of Argo!

def test_calculate_area_of_rectangle():
    r = Rectangle(length=2.0, width=3.0)
    assert calculate_area_of_rectangle(r) == 6.0


Workflow Testing

So, we can test individual templates, what about the whole workflow? Well, good news! Using Hera’s YAML to Python deserializing, we can inspect the status of the Workflow returned from the workflows API. The status in particular contains the phase which can be “Succeeded”, “Failed” etc, along with the nodes of the workflow.

Taking an example workflow definition that we can retrieve from a function such as:

@script(outputs=Parameter(name="message-out", value_from={"path": "/tmp/message-out"}))
def echo_to_param(message: str):
    with open("/tmp/message-out", "w") as f:

def get_workflow_definition() -> Workflow:
    with Workflow(generate_name="hello-world-", entrypoint="steps") as w:
        with Steps(name="steps"):
            echo_to_param(arguments={"message": "Hello world!"})
    return w

We can write a test like so:

def test_create_workflow():
    workflow = get_workflow_definition()
    model_workflow = workflow.create(wait=True)
    assert model_workflow.status and model_workflow.status.phase == "Succeeded"

    echo_node = next(
            lambda n: n.display_name == "echo-to-param",  # use display_name to get the human-readable name of the nodes

    message_out = next(filter(lambda n: == "message-out", echo_node.outputs.parameters))
    assert message_out.value == "Hello world!"

Good luck, and happy Hera-ing!
