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Advanced Hera Features

This section is used to publicize Hera’s features beyond the essentials covered in the walk through. Note that these features do not exist in Argo as they are specific to the hera module.

Pre-Build Hooks

Hera offers a pre-build hook feature through hera.shared.register_pre_build_hook with huge flexibility to do pre-build processing on any type of template or Workflow. For example, it can be used to conditionally set the image of a Script, or set which cluster to submit a Workflow to.

To use this feature, you can write a function that takes an object of type template or Workflow, does some processing on the object, then returns it.

For a simple example, we’ll write a function that adds an annotation with key “hera”, value “This workflow was submitted through Hera!”

from hera.shared import register_pre_build_hook
from hera.workflows import Workflow

def set_workflow_default_labels(workflow: Workflow) -> Workflow:
    if workflow.annotations is None:
        workflow.annotations = {}

    workflow.annotations["hera-annotation"] = "This workflow was submitted through Hera!"
    return workflow

Now, any time build is called on the Workflow (e.g. to submit it or dump it to yaml), it will add in the annotation!

Experimental Features

From time to time, Hera will release a new feature under the “experimental feature” flag while we develop the feature and ensure stability. Currently this is used for the RunnerScriptConstructor seen in the runner script example.

To enable experimental features you must set the feature by name to True in the global_config.experimental_features dictionary before using the feature:

global_config.experimental_features["script_runner"] = True
