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The way you authenticate generally depends on your unique organization setup. If you submit workflows through Hera directly you have multiple ways to authenticate with the Argo server.

Note that the follow examples combine a global config with a workflow submission for illustration purposes. You can write a thin wrapper for your own organization, such as myorg.workflows, that provides an to set these global configurations, along with a from hera.workflows import *! Then, if users import everything from your own module all the configs will apply, and only the workflow definition and submission will be central to a user’s experience. This greatly simplifies the experience, and allows your users to focus on workflow definition + submission.

Bearer token

Workflows service

You can instantiate a WorkflowsService if you wish to inject it into a Workflow object and use it to submit workflows!

from hera.workflows import WorkflowsService, Workflow, Container

with Workflow(
        token="Bearer abc123",
) as w:
    Container(name="c", image="alpine:3.13", command=["sh", "-c", "echo hello world"])


Global configuration

You can set a global configuration for Hera to inject a token into the automatically created WorkflowsService object. The global config token can take multiple types such as a str, a function generating a str, or a TokenGenerator.

Simple str

from hera.shared import global_config
from hera.workflows import Workflow, Container = ""
global_config.token = "abc-123"  # this will be injected to all workflows' services for auth purposes!

with Workflow(
) as w:
    Container(name="c", image="alpine:3.13", command=["sh", "-c", "echo hello world"])


A function that returns a str (Callable[[], Optional[str]]])

from typing import Optional

from hera.shared import global_config
from hera.workflows import Workflow, Container

def get_token() -> Optional[str]:
    """Generate an auth token for Hera. This process can do anything and generate a token however you need it to"""
    return "abc-123" = ""
global_config.token = get_token

with Workflow(
) as w:
    Container(name="c", image="alpine:3.13", command=["sh", "-c", "echo hello world"])


A TokenGenerator

Generating a plain string token via a TokenGenerator
from hera.auth import TokenGenerator
from hera.shared import global_config
from hera.workflows import Workflow, Container

class MyTokenGenerator(TokenGenerator):
    def __call__(self) -> str:
        """Generate an auth token for Hera. This process can do anything and generate a token however you need it to"""
        return "abc-123" = ""
global_config.token = MyTokenGenerator

# the workflow automatically creates a workflow service, which uses the global config
# host and token generator for authentication
with Workflow(
) as w:
    Container(name="c", image="alpine:3.13", command=["sh", "-c", "echo hello world"])

Generating a K8s token via TokenGenerator
import base64
import errno
import os
from typing import Optional

# note: you need to install the `kubernetes` dependency as Hera does not provide this
from kubernetes import client, config

from hera.auth import TokenGenerator
from hera.shared import global_config
from hera.workflows import Workflow, Container

class K8sTokenGenerator(TokenGenerator):
    def __init__(self, service_account: str, namespace: str = "default", config_file: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
        self.service_account = service_account
        self.namespace = namespace
        self.config_file = config_file

    def __call__(self) -> str:
        if self.config_file is not None and not os.path.isfile(self.config_file):
            raise FileNotFoundError(errno.ENOENT, os.strerror(errno.ENOENT), self.config_file)

        v1 = client.CoreV1Api()
        secret_name = v1.read_namespaced_service_account(self.service_account, self.namespace).secrets[0].name
        sec = v1.read_namespaced_secret(secret_name, self.namespace).data
        return base64.b64decode(sec["token"]).decode() = ""
global_config.token = K8sTokenGenerator("my-service-account")

# the workflow automatically creates a workflow service, which uses the global config
# host and token generator for authentication
with Workflow(
) as w:
    Container(name="c", image="alpine:3.13", command=["sh", "-c", "echo hello world"])

