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Note: you should refer to the Argo’s Configuring Your Artifact Repository page to be able to run Artifact examples

Artifacts are mainly used for outputs that are very large or are of non-text file types.

Artifacts in Hera

Here, we are looking at the Script Artifact Passing example.

Click here to see the full example
from hera.workflows import Artifact, Steps, Workflow, script

@script(outputs=Artifact(name="hello-art", path="/tmp/hello_world.txt"))
def whalesay():
    with open("/tmp/hello_world.txt", "w") as f:
        f.write("hello world")

@script(inputs=Artifact(name="message", path="/tmp/message"))
def print_message():
    with open("/tmp/message", "r") as f:
        message = f.readline()

with Workflow(generate_name="artifact-passing-", entrypoint="artifact-example") as w:
    with Steps(name="artifact-example") as s:
        ga = whalesay(name="generate-artifact")
        print_message(name="consume-artifact", arguments=ga.get_artifact("hello-art").as_name("message"))

Artifacts as Output

We want to output a file /tmp/hello_world.txt from a function. To do this, we need to tell the script decorator through its outputs member that we will output an Artifact. This tells Argo to expect a file at the given path, so that when the Workflow is submitted, it can export the file from the container running our script. We also give the Artifact a name that other Steps or Tasks can refer to, but is not relevant to the function itself.

@script(outputs=Artifact(name="hello-art", path="/tmp/hello_world.txt"))
def whalesay():

Once we have specified the Artifact that Argo will export from this script, we can fill out the function, writing a file to the specified path.

@script(outputs=Artifact(name="hello-art", path="/tmp/hello_world.txt"))
def whalesay():
    with open("/tmp/hello_world.txt", "w") as f:
        f.write("hello world")

In the Steps, we can then call the function, and if you run this Workflow, you’ll see the artifact is generated.

with Workflow(generate_name="artifact-passing-", entrypoint="artifact-example") as w:
    with Steps(name="artifact-example") as s:
        ga = whalesay(name="generate-artifact")

The log for the Workflow so far will show

artifact-passing-jkrwh-whalesay-8621968: time="2023-05-31T09:11:30.307Z" level=info msg="sub-process exited" argo=true error="<nil>"
artifact-passing-jkrwh-whalesay-8621968: time="2023-05-31T09:11:30.307Z" level=info msg="/tmp/hello_world.txt -> /var/run/argo/outputs/artifacts/tmp/hello_world.txt.tgz" ar
artifact-passing-jkrwh-whalesay-8621968: time="2023-05-31T09:11:30.307Z" level=info msg="Taring /tmp/hello_world.txt"

Artifacts as Input - Passing Artifacts

When we have one step generating an Artifact, we’d usually like to consume it in a downstream task, unless it’s part of the final outputs of a Workflow. We do this with the get_artifact function that exists for Steps and Tasks.

First, let’s create a function that takes in an Artifact.

@script(inputs=Artifact(name="message", path="/tmp/message"))
def print_message():

Specifying an Artifact in the inputs means the Kubernetes container running this script will mount Artifacts that are passed as arguments to Steps or Tasks. In this case, whatever artifact is passed in through the message argument is mounted to the path /tmp/message. Here, we just want to echo what was in the artifact.

@script(inputs=Artifact(name="message", path="/tmp/message"))
def print_message():
    with open("/tmp/message", "r") as f:
        message = f.readline()

Now, we can call this function as a Step or Task, expanding on our Workflow started earlier. We pass the hello-art output artifact as the message input artifact.

with Workflow(generate_name="artifact-passing-", entrypoint="artifact-example") as w:
    with Steps(name="artifact-example") as s:
        ga = whalesay(name="generate-artifact")

The logs when running the full Workflow will look like

artifact-passing-s7xrb-whalesay-751687878: time="2023-05-31T09:22:50.999Z" level=info msg="sub-process exited" argo=true error="<nil>"
artifact-passing-s7xrb-whalesay-751687878: time="2023-05-31T09:22:50.999Z" level=info msg="/tmp/hello_world.txt -> /var/run/argo/outputs/artifacts/tmp/hello_world.txt.tgz"
artifact-passing-s7xrb-whalesay-751687878: time="2023-05-31T09:22:50.999Z" level=info msg="Taring /tmp/hello_world.txt"
artifact-passing-s7xrb-print-message-154872134: hello world
artifact-passing-s7xrb-print-message-154872134: time="2023-05-31T09:23:01.204Z" level=info msg="sub-process exited" argo=true error="<nil>"
