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Hera Events Auto-generated Models


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class AMQPConsumeConfig(BaseModel):
    auto_ack: Annotated[
                "AutoAck when true, the server will acknowledge deliveries to this"
                " consumer prior to writing\nthe delivery to the network\n+optional"
    ] = None
    consumer_tag: Annotated[
            title=("ConsumerTag is the identity of the consumer included in every" " delivery\n+optional"),
    ] = None
    exclusive: Annotated[
                "Exclusive when true, the server will ensure that this is the sole"
                " consumer from this queue\n+optional"
    ] = None
    no_local: Annotated[
            title="NoLocal flag is not supported by RabbitMQ\n+optional",
    ] = None
    no_wait: Annotated[
                "NowWait when true, do not wait for the server to confirm the request"
                " and immediately begin deliveries\n+optional"
    ] = None

auto_ack class-attribute instance-attribute

auto_ack = None

consumer_tag class-attribute instance-attribute

consumer_tag = None

exclusive class-attribute instance-attribute

exclusive = None

no_local class-attribute instance-attribute

no_local = None

no_wait class-attribute instance-attribute

no_wait = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class AMQPEventSource(BaseModel):
    auth: Annotated[
        Field(title="Auth hosts secret selectors for username and password\n+optional"),
    ] = None
    connection_backoff: Annotated[
            title="Backoff holds parameters applied to connection.\n+optional",
    ] = None
    consume: Annotated[
                "Consume holds the configuration to immediately starts delivering"
                " queued messages\nFor more information, visit"
    ] = None
    exchange_declare: Annotated[
                "ExchangeDeclare holds the configuration for the exchange on the"
                " server\nFor more information, visit"
    ] = None
    exchange_name: Annotated[
                "ExchangeName is the exchange name\nFor more information, visit"
    ] = None
    exchange_type: Annotated[
        Field(alias="exchangeType", title="ExchangeType is rabbitmq exchange type"),
    ] = None
    filter: Annotated[Optional[EventSourceFilter], Field(title="Filter\n+optional")] = None
    json_body: Annotated[
                "JSONBody specifies that all event body payload coming from" " this\nsource will be JSON\n+optional"
    ] = None
    metadata: Annotated[
        Optional[Dict[str, str]],
            title=("Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the" " event payload.\n+optional")
    ] = None
    queue_bind: Annotated[
                "QueueBind holds the configuration that binds an exchange to a queue so"
                " that publishings to the\nexchange will be routed to the queue when"
                " the publishing routing key matches the binding routing key\nFor more"
                " information, visit"
    ] = None
    queue_declare: Annotated[
                "QueueDeclare holds the configuration of a queue to hold messages and"
                " deliver to consumers.\nDeclaring creates a queue if it doesn't"
                " already exist, or ensures that an existing queue matches\nthe same"
                " parameters\nFor more information, visit"
    ] = None
    routing_key: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(alias="routingKey", title="Routing key for bindings")] = None
    tls: Annotated[
        Field(title="TLS configuration for the amqp client.\n+optional"),
    ] = None
    url: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(title="URL for rabbitmq service")] = None
    url_secret: Annotated[
            title="URLSecret is secret reference for rabbitmq service URL",
    ] = None

auth class-attribute instance-attribute

auth = None

connection_backoff class-attribute instance-attribute

connection_backoff = None

consume class-attribute instance-attribute

consume = None

exchange_declare class-attribute instance-attribute

exchange_declare = None

exchange_name class-attribute instance-attribute

exchange_name = None

exchange_type class-attribute instance-attribute

exchange_type = None

filter class-attribute instance-attribute

filter = None

json_body class-attribute instance-attribute

json_body = None

metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

metadata = None

queue_bind class-attribute instance-attribute

queue_bind = None

queue_declare class-attribute instance-attribute

queue_declare = None

routing_key class-attribute instance-attribute

routing_key = None

tls class-attribute instance-attribute

tls = None

url class-attribute instance-attribute

url = None

url_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

url_secret = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class AMQPExchangeDeclareConfig(BaseModel):
    auto_delete: Annotated[
            title=("AutoDelete removes the exchange when no bindings are active\n+optional"),
    ] = None
    durable: Annotated[
        Field(title="Durable keeps the exchange also after the server restarts\n+optional"),
    ] = None
    internal: Annotated[
        Field(title="Internal when true does not accept publishings\n+optional"),
    ] = None
    no_wait: Annotated[
            title=("NowWait when true does not wait for a confirmation from the" " server\n+optional"),
    ] = None

auto_delete class-attribute instance-attribute

auto_delete = None

durable class-attribute instance-attribute

durable = None

internal class-attribute instance-attribute

internal = None

no_wait class-attribute instance-attribute

no_wait = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class AMQPQueueBindConfig(BaseModel):
    no_wait: Annotated[
                "NowWait false and the queue could not be bound, the channel will be"
                " closed with an error\n+optional"
    ] = None

no_wait class-attribute instance-attribute

no_wait = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class AMQPQueueDeclareConfig(BaseModel):
    arguments: Annotated[
                'Arguments of a queue (also known as "x-arguments") used for optional'
                " features and plugins\n+optional"
    ] = None
    auto_delete: Annotated[
            title=("AutoDelete removes the queue when no consumers are active\n+optional"),
    ] = None
    durable: Annotated[
        Field(title="Durable keeps the queue also after the server restarts\n+optional"),
    ] = None
    exclusive: Annotated[
                "Exclusive sets the queues to be accessible only by the connection that"
                " declares them and will be\ndeleted wgen the connection"
                " closes\n+optional"
    ] = None
    name: Annotated[
            title=("Name of the queue. If empty the server auto-generates a unique name" " for this queue\n+optional")
    ] = None
    no_wait: Annotated[
            title=("NowWait when true, the queue assumes to be declared on the" " server\n+optional"),
    ] = None

arguments class-attribute instance-attribute

arguments = None

auto_delete class-attribute instance-attribute

auto_delete = None

durable class-attribute instance-attribute

durable = None

exclusive class-attribute instance-attribute

exclusive = None

name class-attribute instance-attribute

name = None

no_wait class-attribute instance-attribute

no_wait = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class AWSLambdaTrigger(BaseModel):
    access_key: Annotated[
            title="AccessKey refers K8s secret containing aws access key\n+optional",
    ] = None
    function_name: Annotated[
            description="FunctionName refers to the name of the function to invoke.",
    ] = None
    invocation_type: Annotated[
                "Choose from the following options.\n\n   * RequestResponse (default) -"
                " Invoke the function synchronously. Keep\n   the connection open until"
                " the function returns a response or times out.\n   The API response"
                " includes the function response and additional data.\n\n   * Event -"
                " Invoke the function asynchronously. Send events that fail multiple\n "
                "  times to the function's dead-letter queue (if it's configured). The"
                " API\n   response only includes a status code.\n\n   * DryRun -"
                " Validate parameter values and verify that the user or role\n   has"
                " permission to invoke the function.\n+optional"
    ] = None
    parameters: Annotated[
                "Parameters is the list of key-value extracted from event's payload"
                " that are applied to\nthe trigger resource.\n+optional"
    ] = None
    payload: Annotated[
                "Payload is the list of key-value extracted from an event payload to" " construct the request payload."
    ] = None
    region: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(title="Region is AWS region")] = None
    role_arn: Annotated[
            title=("RoleARN is the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role to" " assume.\n+optional"),
    ] = None
    secret_key: Annotated[
            title="SecretKey refers K8s secret containing aws secret key\n+optional",
    ] = None

access_key class-attribute instance-attribute

access_key = None

function_name class-attribute instance-attribute

function_name = None

invocation_type class-attribute instance-attribute

invocation_type = None

parameters class-attribute instance-attribute

parameters = None

payload class-attribute instance-attribute

payload = None

region class-attribute instance-attribute

region = None

role_arn class-attribute instance-attribute

role_arn = None

secret_key class-attribute instance-attribute

secret_key = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class Amount(BaseModel):
    value: Optional[str] = None

value class-attribute instance-attribute

value = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class ArgoWorkflowTrigger(BaseModel):
    args: Annotated[
        Field(title="Args is the list of arguments to pass to the argo CLI"),
    ] = None
    operation: Annotated[
                "Operation refers to the type of operation performed on the argo"
                " workflow resource.\nDefault value is Submit.\n+optional"
    ] = None
    parameters: Annotated[
        Field(title=("Parameters is the list of parameters to pass to resolved Argo Workflow" " object")),
    ] = None
    source: Annotated[Optional[ArtifactLocation], Field(title="Source of the K8s resource file(s)")] = None

args class-attribute instance-attribute

args = None

operation class-attribute instance-attribute

operation = None

parameters class-attribute instance-attribute

parameters = None

source class-attribute instance-attribute

source = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class ArtifactLocation(BaseModel):
    configmap: Annotated[
        Field(title="Configmap that stores the artifact"),
    ] = None
    file: Annotated[
        Field(title="File artifact is artifact stored in a file"),
    ] = None
    git: Annotated[Optional[GitArtifact], Field(title="Git repository hosting the artifact")] = None
    inline: Annotated[
        Field(title="Inline artifact is embedded in sensor spec as a string"),
    ] = None
    resource: Annotated[Optional[Resource], Field(title="Resource is generic template for K8s resource")] = None
    s3: Annotated[Optional[S3Artifact], Field(title="S3 compliant artifact")] = None
    url: Annotated[Optional[URLArtifact], Field(title="URL to fetch the artifact from")] = None

configmap class-attribute instance-attribute

configmap = None

file class-attribute instance-attribute

file = None

git class-attribute instance-attribute

git = None

inline class-attribute instance-attribute

inline = None

resource class-attribute instance-attribute

resource = None

s3 class-attribute instance-attribute

s3 = None

url class-attribute instance-attribute

url = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class AzureEventHubsTrigger(BaseModel):
    fqdn: Annotated[
                "FQDN refers to the namespace dns of Azure Event Hubs to be used i.e."
                " <namespace>"
    ] = None
    hub_name: Annotated[
            title="HubName refers to the Azure Event Hub to send events to",
    ] = None
    parameters: Annotated[
                "Parameters is the list of key-value extracted from event's payload"
                " that are applied to\nthe trigger resource.\n+optional"
    ] = None
    payload: Annotated[
                "Payload is the list of key-value extracted from an event payload to" " construct the request payload."
    ] = None
    shared_access_key: Annotated[
            title=("SharedAccessKey refers to a K8s secret containing the primary key" " for the"),
    ] = None
    shared_access_key_name: Annotated[
            title="SharedAccessKeyName refers to the name of the Shared Access Key",
    ] = None

fqdn class-attribute instance-attribute

fqdn = None

hub_name class-attribute instance-attribute

hub_name = None

parameters class-attribute instance-attribute

parameters = None

payload class-attribute instance-attribute

payload = None

shared_access_key class-attribute instance-attribute

shared_access_key = None

shared_access_key_name class-attribute instance-attribute

shared_access_key_name = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class AzureEventsHubEventSource(BaseModel):
    filter: Annotated[Optional[EventSourceFilter], Field(title="Filter\n+optional")] = None
    fqdn: Annotated[
                "FQDN of the EventHubs namespace you created\nMore info at"
    ] = None
    hub_name: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(alias="hubName", title="Event Hub path/name")] = None
    metadata: Annotated[
        Optional[Dict[str, str]],
            title=("Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the" " event payload.\n+optional")
    ] = None
    shared_access_key: Annotated[
            title="SharedAccessKey is the generated value of the key",
    ] = None
    shared_access_key_name: Annotated[
            title=("SharedAccessKeyName is the name you chose for your application's SAS" " keys"),
    ] = None

filter class-attribute instance-attribute

filter = None

fqdn class-attribute instance-attribute

fqdn = None

hub_name class-attribute instance-attribute

hub_name = None

metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

metadata = None

shared_access_key class-attribute instance-attribute

shared_access_key = None

shared_access_key_name class-attribute instance-attribute

shared_access_key_name = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class Backoff(BaseModel):
    duration: Annotated[
        Field(title=('The initial duration in nanoseconds or strings like "1s",' ' "3m"\n+optional')),
    ] = None
    factor: Annotated[
        Field(title="Duration is multiplied by factor each iteration\n+optional"),
    ] = None
    jitter: Annotated[
        Field(title="The amount of jitter applied each iteration\n+optional"),
    ] = None
    steps: Annotated[Optional[int], Field(title="Exit with error after this many steps\n+optional")] = None

duration class-attribute instance-attribute

duration = None

factor class-attribute instance-attribute

factor = None

jitter class-attribute instance-attribute

jitter = None

steps class-attribute instance-attribute

steps = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class BasicAuth(BaseModel):
    password: Annotated[
                "Password refers to the Kubernetes secret that holds the password" " required for basic auth."
    ] = None
    username: Annotated[
                "Username refers to the Kubernetes secret that holds the username" " required for basic auth."
    ] = None

password class-attribute instance-attribute

password = None

username class-attribute instance-attribute

username = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class BitbucketAuth(BaseModel):
    basic: Annotated[
        Field(title="Basic is BasicAuth auth strategy.\n+optional"),
    ] = None
    oauth_token: Annotated[
            title=("OAuthToken refers to the K8s secret that holds the OAuth Bearer" " token.\n+optional"),
    ] = None

basic class-attribute instance-attribute

basic = None

oauth_token class-attribute instance-attribute

oauth_token = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class BitbucketBasicAuth(BaseModel):
    password: Annotated[
        Field(description="Password refers to the K8s secret that holds the password."),
    ] = None
    username: Annotated[
        Field(description="Username refers to the K8s secret that holds the username."),
    ] = None

password class-attribute instance-attribute

password = None

username class-attribute instance-attribute

username = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class BitbucketEventSource(BaseModel):
    auth: Annotated[
        Field(description="Auth information required to connect to Bitbucket."),
    ] = None
    delete_hook_on_finish: Annotated[
                "DeleteHookOnFinish determines whether to delete the defined Bitbucket"
                " hook once the event source is stopped.\n+optional"
    ] = None
    events: Annotated[Optional[List[str]], Field(description="Events this webhook is subscribed to.")] = None
    filter: Annotated[Optional[EventSourceFilter], Field(title="Filter\n+optional")] = None
    metadata: Annotated[
        Optional[Dict[str, str]],
                "Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will be passed along" " the event payload.\n+optional"
    ] = None
    owner: Annotated[
                "DeprecatedOwner is the owner of the repository.\nDeprecated: use"
                " Repositories instead. Will be unsupported in v1.9\n+optional"
    ] = None
    project_key: Annotated[
                "DeprecatedProjectKey is the key of the project to which the repository"
                " relates\nDeprecated: use Repositories instead. Will be unsupported in"
                " v1.9\n+optional"
    ] = None
    repositories: Annotated[
        Field(title=("Repositories holds a list of repositories for which integration needs" " to set up\n+optional")),
    ] = None
    repository_slug: Annotated[
                "DeprecatedRepositorySlug is a URL-friendly version of a repository"
                " name, automatically generated by Bitbucket for use in the"
                " URL\nDeprecated: use Repositories instead. Will be unsupported in"
                " v1.9\n+optional"
    ] = None
    webhook: Annotated[
        Field(title="Webhook refers to the configuration required to run an http server"),
    ] = None

auth class-attribute instance-attribute

auth = None

delete_hook_on_finish class-attribute instance-attribute

delete_hook_on_finish = None

events class-attribute instance-attribute

events = None

filter class-attribute instance-attribute

filter = None

metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

metadata = None

owner class-attribute instance-attribute

owner = None

project_key class-attribute instance-attribute

project_key = None

repositories class-attribute instance-attribute

repositories = None

repository_slug class-attribute instance-attribute

repository_slug = None

webhook class-attribute instance-attribute

webhook = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class BitbucketRepository(BaseModel):
    owner: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(title="Owner is the owner of the repository")] = None
    repository_slug: Annotated[
                "RepositorySlug is a URL-friendly version of a repository name,"
                " automatically generated by Bitbucket for use in the URL"
    ] = None

owner class-attribute instance-attribute

owner = None

repository_slug class-attribute instance-attribute

repository_slug = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class BitbucketServerEventSource(BaseModel):
    access_token: Annotated[
            title=("AccessToken is reference to K8s secret which holds the bitbucket api" " access information"),
    ] = None
    bitbucketserver_base_url: Annotated[
            title=("BitbucketServerBaseURL is the base URL for API requests to a custom" " endpoint"),
    ] = None
    delete_hook_on_finish: Annotated[
                "DeleteHookOnFinish determines whether to delete the Bitbucket Server"
                " hook for the project once the event source is stopped.\n+optional"
    ] = None
    events: Annotated[
                "Events are bitbucket event to listen to.\nRefer"
    ] = None
    filter: Annotated[Optional[EventSourceFilter], Field(title="Filter\n+optional")] = None
    metadata: Annotated[
        Optional[Dict[str, str]],
            title=("Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the" " event payload.\n+optional")
    ] = None
    project_key: Annotated[
                "DeprecatedProjectKey is the key of project for which integration needs"
                " to set up\nDeprecated: use Repositories instead. Will be unsupported"
                " in v1.8\n+optional"
    ] = None
    repositories: Annotated[
        Field(title=("Repositories holds a list of repositories for which integration needs" " to set up\n+optional")),
    ] = None
    repository_slug: Annotated[
                "DeprecatedRepositorySlug is the slug of the repository for which"
                " integration needs to set up\nDeprecated: use Repositories instead."
                " Will be unsupported in v1.8\n+optional"
    ] = None
    webhook: Annotated[
        Field(title="Webhook holds configuration to run a http server"),
    ] = None
    webhook_secret: Annotated[
                "WebhookSecret is reference to K8s secret which holds the bitbucket"
                " webhook secret (for HMAC validation)"
    ] = None

access_token class-attribute instance-attribute

access_token = None

bitbucketserver_base_url class-attribute instance-attribute

bitbucketserver_base_url = None

delete_hook_on_finish class-attribute instance-attribute

delete_hook_on_finish = None

events class-attribute instance-attribute

events = None

filter class-attribute instance-attribute

filter = None

metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

metadata = None

project_key class-attribute instance-attribute

project_key = None

repositories class-attribute instance-attribute

repositories = None

repository_slug class-attribute instance-attribute

repository_slug = None

webhook class-attribute instance-attribute

webhook = None

webhook_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

webhook_secret = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class BitbucketServerRepository(BaseModel):
    project_key: Annotated[
            title=("ProjectKey is the key of project for which integration needs to set up"),
    ] = None
    repository_slug: Annotated[
            title=("RepositorySlug is the slug of the repository for which integration" " needs to set up"),
    ] = None

project_key class-attribute instance-attribute

project_key = None

repository_slug class-attribute instance-attribute

repository_slug = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class CalendarEventSource(BaseModel):
    exclusion_dates: Annotated[
            description=("ExclusionDates defines the list of DATE-TIME exceptions for recurring" " events."),
    ] = None
    filter: Annotated[Optional[EventSourceFilter], Field(title="Filter\n+optional")] = None
    interval: Annotated[
        Field(title=("Interval is a string that describes an interval duration, e.g. 1s," " 30m, 2h...\n+optional")),
    ] = None
    metadata: Annotated[
        Optional[Dict[str, str]],
            title=("Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the" " event payload.\n+optional")
    ] = None
    persistence: Annotated[
        Field(title="Persistence hold the configuration for event persistence"),
    ] = None
    schedule: Annotated[
                "Schedule is a cron-like expression. For reference, see:"
    ] = None
    timezone: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(title="Timezone in which to run the schedule\n+optional")] = None

exclusion_dates class-attribute instance-attribute

exclusion_dates = None

filter class-attribute instance-attribute

filter = None

interval class-attribute instance-attribute

interval = None

metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

metadata = None

persistence class-attribute instance-attribute

persistence = None

schedule class-attribute instance-attribute

schedule = None

timezone class-attribute instance-attribute

timezone = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class CatchupConfiguration(BaseModel):
    enabled: Annotated[
        Field(title=("Enabled enables to triggered the missed schedule when eventsource" " restarts")),
    ] = None
    max_duration: Annotated[
        Field(alias="maxDuration", title="MaxDuration holds max catchup duration"),
    ] = None

enabled class-attribute instance-attribute

enabled = None

max_duration class-attribute instance-attribute

max_duration = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class Condition(BaseModel):
    last_transition_time: Annotated[
            title=("Last time the condition transitioned from one status to" " another.\n+optional"),
    ] = None
    message: Annotated[
        Field(title=("Human-readable message indicating details about last" " transition.\n+optional")),
    ] = None
    reason: Annotated[
                "Unique, this should be a short, machine understandable string that"
                " gives the reason\nfor condition's last transition. For example,"
                ' "ImageNotFound"\n+optional'
    ] = None
    status: Annotated[
        Field(title="Condition status, True, False or Unknown.\n+required"),
    ] = None
    type: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(title="Condition type.\n+required")] = None

last_transition_time class-attribute instance-attribute

last_transition_time = None

message class-attribute instance-attribute

message = None

reason class-attribute instance-attribute

reason = None

status class-attribute instance-attribute

status = None

type class-attribute instance-attribute

type = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class ConditionsResetByTime(BaseModel):
    cron: Annotated[
        Field(title=("Cron is a cron-like expression. For reference, see:" "")),
    ] = None
    timezone: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(title="+optional")] = None

cron class-attribute instance-attribute

cron = None

timezone class-attribute instance-attribute

timezone = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class ConditionsResetCriteria(BaseModel):
    by_time: Annotated[
            title=("Schedule is a cron-like expression. For reference, see:" ""),
    ] = None

by_time class-attribute instance-attribute

by_time = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class ConfigMapPersistence(BaseModel):
    create_if_not_exist: Annotated[
            title="CreateIfNotExist will create configmap if it doesn't exists",
    ] = None
    name: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(title="Name of the configmap")] = None

create_if_not_exist class-attribute instance-attribute

create_if_not_exist = None

name class-attribute instance-attribute

name = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class CustomTrigger(BaseModel):
    cert_secret: Annotated[
                "CertSecret refers to the secret that contains cert for secure"
                " connection between sensor and custom trigger gRPC server."
    ] = None
    parameters: Annotated[
                "Parameters is the list of parameters that is applied to resolved" " custom trigger trigger object."
    ] = None
    payload: Annotated[
                "Payload is the list of key-value extracted from an event payload to" " construct the request payload."
    ] = None
    secure: Annotated[
        Field(title=("Secure refers to type of the connection between sensor to custom" " trigger gRPC")),
    ] = None
    server_name_override: Annotated[
                "ServerNameOverride for the secure connection between sensor and custom" " trigger gRPC server."
    ] = None
    server_url: Annotated[
            title=("ServerURL is the url of the gRPC server that executes custom trigger"),
    ] = None
    spec: Annotated[
        Optional[Dict[str, str]],
                "Spec is the custom trigger resource specification that custom trigger"
                " gRPC server knows how to interpret."
    ] = None

cert_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

cert_secret = None

parameters class-attribute instance-attribute

parameters = None

payload class-attribute instance-attribute

payload = None

secure class-attribute instance-attribute

secure = None

server_name_override class-attribute instance-attribute

server_name_override = None

server_url class-attribute instance-attribute

server_url = None

spec class-attribute instance-attribute

spec = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class DataFilter(BaseModel):
    comparator: Annotated[
                "Comparator compares the event data with a user given value.\nCan be"
                ' ">=", ">", "=", "!=", "<", or "<=".\nIs optional, and if left blank'
                ' treated as equality "=".'
    ] = None
    path: Annotated[
                "Path is the JSONPath of the event's (JSON decoded) data key\nPath is a"
                " series of keys separated by a dot. A key may contain wildcard"
                " characters '*' and '?'.\nTo access an array value use the index as"
                " the key. The dot and wildcard characters can be escaped with"
                " '\\\\'.\nSee for more"
                " information on how to use this."
    ] = None
    template: Annotated[
                "Template is a go-template for extracting a string from the event's"
                " data.\nA Template is evaluated with provided path, type and"
                " value.\nThe templating follows the standard go-template syntax as"
                " well as sprig's extra functions.\nSee"
                " and"
    ] = None
    type: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(title="Type contains the JSON type of the data")] = None
    value: Annotated[
                "Value is the allowed string values for this key\nBooleans are passed"
                " using strconv.ParseBool()\nNumbers are parsed using as float64 using"
                " strconv.ParseFloat()\nStrings are taken as is\nNils this value is"
                " ignored"
    ] = None

comparator class-attribute instance-attribute

comparator = None

path class-attribute instance-attribute

path = None

template class-attribute instance-attribute

template = None

type class-attribute instance-attribute

type = None

value class-attribute instance-attribute

value = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class EmitterEventSource(BaseModel):
    broker: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(description="Broker URI to connect to.")] = None
    channel_key: Annotated[
        Field(alias="channelKey", title="ChannelKey refers to the channel key"),
    ] = None
    channel_name: Annotated[
        Field(alias="channelName", title="ChannelName refers to the channel name"),
    ] = None
    connection_backoff: Annotated[
            title="Backoff holds parameters applied to connection.\n+optional",
    ] = None
    filter: Annotated[Optional[EventSourceFilter], Field(title="Filter\n+optional")] = None
    json_body: Annotated[
                "JSONBody specifies that all event body payload coming from" " this\nsource will be JSON\n+optional"
    ] = None
    metadata: Annotated[
        Optional[Dict[str, str]],
            title=("Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the" " event payload.\n+optional")
    ] = None
    password: Annotated[
        Field(title="Password to use to connect to broker\n+optional"),
    ] = None
    tls: Annotated[
        Field(title="TLS configuration for the emitter client.\n+optional"),
    ] = None
    username: Annotated[
        Field(title="Username to use to connect to broker\n+optional"),
    ] = None

broker class-attribute instance-attribute

broker = None

channel_key class-attribute instance-attribute

channel_key = None

channel_name class-attribute instance-attribute

channel_name = None

connection_backoff class-attribute instance-attribute

connection_backoff = None

filter class-attribute instance-attribute

filter = None

json_body class-attribute instance-attribute

json_body = None

metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

metadata = None

password class-attribute instance-attribute

password = None

tls class-attribute instance-attribute

tls = None

username class-attribute instance-attribute

username = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class EventContext(BaseModel):
    datacontenttype: Annotated[
        Field(description=("DataContentType - A MIME (RFC2046) string describing the media type of" " `data`.")),
    ] = None
    id: Annotated[
        Field(description=("ID of the event; must be non-empty and unique within the scope of the" " producer.")),
    ] = None
    source: Annotated[
        Field(description="Source - A URI describing the event producer."),
    ] = None
    specversion: Annotated[
                "SpecVersion - The version of the CloudEvents specification used by the"
                " io.argoproj.workflow.v1alpha1."
    ] = None
    subject: Annotated[
        Field(title=("Subject - The subject of the event in the context of the event" " producer")),
    ] = None
    time: Annotated[
        Field(description="Time - A Timestamp when the event happened."),
    ] = None
    type: Annotated[
        Field(description="Type - The type of the occurrence which has happened."),
    ] = None

datacontenttype class-attribute instance-attribute

datacontenttype = None

id class-attribute instance-attribute

id = None

source class-attribute instance-attribute

source = None

specversion class-attribute instance-attribute

specversion = None

subject class-attribute instance-attribute

subject = None

time class-attribute instance-attribute

time = None

type class-attribute instance-attribute

type = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class EventDependency(BaseModel):
    event_name: Annotated[
        Field(alias="eventName", title="EventName is the name of the event"),
    ] = None
    event_source_name: Annotated[
            title="EventSourceName is the name of EventSource that Sensor depends on",
    ] = None
    filters: Annotated[
                "Filters and rules governing toleration of success and constraints on"
                " the context and data of an event"
    ] = None
    filters_logical_operator: Annotated[
                "FiltersLogicalOperator defines how different filters are evaluated"
                " together.\nAvailable values: and (&&), or (||)\nIs optional and if"
                " left blank treated as and (&&)."
    ] = None
    name: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(title="Name is a unique name of this dependency")] = None
    transform: Annotated[
        Field(title="Transform transforms the event data"),
    ] = None

event_name class-attribute instance-attribute

event_name = None

event_source_name class-attribute instance-attribute

event_source_name = None

filters class-attribute instance-attribute

filters = None

filters_logical_operator class-attribute instance-attribute

filters_logical_operator = None

name class-attribute instance-attribute

name = None

transform class-attribute instance-attribute

transform = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class EventDependencyFilter(BaseModel):
    context: Annotated[Optional[EventContext], Field(title="Context filter constraints")] = None
    data: Annotated[
        Field(title="Data filter constraints with escalation"),
    ] = None
    data_logical_operator: Annotated[
                "DataLogicalOperator defines how multiple Data filters (if defined) are"
                " evaluated together.\nAvailable values: and (&&), or (||)\nIs optional"
                " and if left blank treated as and (&&)."
    ] = None
    expr_logical_operator: Annotated[
                "ExprLogicalOperator defines how multiple Exprs filters (if defined)"
                " are evaluated together.\nAvailable values: and (&&), or (||)\nIs"
                " optional and if left blank treated as and (&&)."
    ] = None
    exprs: Annotated[
        Field(description=("Exprs contains the list of expressions evaluated against the event" " payload.")),
    ] = None
    script: Annotated[
                "Script refers to a Lua script evaluated to determine the validity of"
                " an io.argoproj.workflow.v1alpha1."
    ] = None
    time: Annotated[Optional[TimeFilter], Field(title="Time filter on the event with escalation")] = None

context class-attribute instance-attribute

context = None

data class-attribute instance-attribute

data = None

data_logical_operator class-attribute instance-attribute

data_logical_operator = None

expr_logical_operator class-attribute instance-attribute

expr_logical_operator = None

exprs class-attribute instance-attribute

exprs = None

script class-attribute instance-attribute

script = None

time class-attribute instance-attribute

time = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class EventDependencyTransformer(BaseModel):
    jq: Annotated[
        Field(title="JQ holds the jq command applied for transformation\n+optional"),
    ] = None
    script: Annotated[
        Field(title="Script refers to a Lua script used to transform the event\n+optional"),
    ] = None

jq class-attribute instance-attribute

jq = None

script class-attribute instance-attribute

script = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class EventPersistence(BaseModel):
    catchup: Annotated[
        Field(title=("Catchup enables to triggered the missed schedule when eventsource" " restarts")),
    ] = None
    config_map: Annotated[
        Field(alias="configMap", title="ConfigMap holds configmap details for persistence"),
    ] = None

catchup class-attribute instance-attribute

catchup = None

config_map class-attribute instance-attribute

config_map = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class EventSource(BaseModel):
    metadata: Optional[v1.ObjectMeta] = None
    spec: Optional[EventSourceSpec] = None
    status: Annotated[Optional[EventSourceStatus], Field(title="+optional")] = None

metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

metadata = None

spec class-attribute instance-attribute

spec = None

status class-attribute instance-attribute

status = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class EventSourceFilter(BaseModel):
    expression: Optional[str] = None

expression class-attribute instance-attribute

expression = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class EventSourceList(BaseModel):
    items: Optional[List[EventSource]] = None
    metadata: Optional[v1.ListMeta] = None

items class-attribute instance-attribute

items = None

metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

metadata = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class EventSourceSpec(BaseModel):
    amqp: Annotated[Optional[Dict[str, AMQPEventSource]], Field(title="AMQP event sources")] = None
    azure_events_hub: Annotated[
        Optional[Dict[str, AzureEventsHubEventSource]],
        Field(alias="azureEventsHub", title="AzureEventsHub event sources"),
    ] = None
    bitbucket: Annotated[
        Optional[Dict[str, BitbucketEventSource]],
        Field(title="Bitbucket event sources"),
    ] = None
    bitbucketserver: Annotated[
        Optional[Dict[str, BitbucketServerEventSource]],
        Field(title="Bitbucket Server event sources"),
    ] = None
    calendar: Annotated[Optional[Dict[str, CalendarEventSource]], Field(title="Calendar event sources")] = None
    emitter: Annotated[Optional[Dict[str, EmitterEventSource]], Field(title="Emitter event source")] = None
    event_bus_name: Annotated[
            title=("EventBusName references to a EventBus name. By default the value is" ' "default"'),
    ] = None
    file: Annotated[Optional[Dict[str, FileEventSource]], Field(title="File event sources")] = None
    generic: Annotated[Optional[Dict[str, GenericEventSource]], Field(title="Generic event source")] = None
    github: Annotated[Optional[Dict[str, GithubEventSource]], Field(title="Github event sources")] = None
    gitlab: Annotated[Optional[Dict[str, GitlabEventSource]], Field(title="Gitlab event sources")] = None
    hdfs: Annotated[Optional[Dict[str, HDFSEventSource]], Field(title="HDFS event sources")] = None
    kafka: Annotated[Optional[Dict[str, KafkaEventSource]], Field(title="Kafka event sources")] = None
    minio: Annotated[Optional[Dict[str, S3Artifact]], Field(title="Minio event sources")] = None
    mqtt: Annotated[Optional[Dict[str, MQTTEventSource]], Field(title="MQTT event sources")] = None
    nats: Annotated[Optional[Dict[str, NATSEventsSource]], Field(title="NATS event sources")] = None
    nsq: Annotated[Optional[Dict[str, NSQEventSource]], Field(title="NSQ event source")] = None
    pub_sub: Annotated[
        Optional[Dict[str, PubSubEventSource]],
        Field(alias="pubSub", title="PubSub event sources"),
    ] = None
    pulsar: Annotated[Optional[Dict[str, PulsarEventSource]], Field(title="Pulsar event source")] = None
    redis: Annotated[Optional[Dict[str, RedisEventSource]], Field(title="Redis event source")] = None
    redis_stream: Annotated[
        Optional[Dict[str, RedisStreamEventSource]],
        Field(alias="redisStream", title="Redis stream source"),
    ] = None
    replicas: Annotated[Optional[int], Field(title="Replicas is the event source deployment replicas")] = None
    resource: Annotated[Optional[Dict[str, ResourceEventSource]], Field(title="Resource event sources")] = None
    service: Annotated[
        Field(title=("Service is the specifications of the service to expose the event" " source\n+optional")),
    ] = None
    slack: Annotated[Optional[Dict[str, SlackEventSource]], Field(title="Slack event sources")] = None
    sns: Annotated[Optional[Dict[str, SNSEventSource]], Field(title="SNS event sources")] = None
    sqs: Annotated[Optional[Dict[str, SQSEventSource]], Field(title="SQS event sources")] = None
    storage_grid: Annotated[
        Optional[Dict[str, StorageGridEventSource]],
        Field(alias="storageGrid", title="StorageGrid event sources"),
    ] = None
    stripe: Annotated[Optional[Dict[str, StripeEventSource]], Field(title="Stripe event sources")] = None
    template: Annotated[
        Field(title="Template is the pod specification for the event source\n+optional"),
    ] = None
    webhook: Annotated[Optional[Dict[str, WebhookEventSource]], Field(title="Webhook event sources")] = None

amqp class-attribute instance-attribute

amqp = None

azure_events_hub class-attribute instance-attribute

azure_events_hub = None

bitbucket class-attribute instance-attribute

bitbucket = None

bitbucketserver class-attribute instance-attribute

bitbucketserver = None

calendar class-attribute instance-attribute

calendar = None

emitter class-attribute instance-attribute

emitter = None

event_bus_name class-attribute instance-attribute

event_bus_name = None

file class-attribute instance-attribute

file = None

generic class-attribute instance-attribute

generic = None

github class-attribute instance-attribute

github = None

gitlab class-attribute instance-attribute

gitlab = None

hdfs class-attribute instance-attribute

hdfs = None

kafka class-attribute instance-attribute

kafka = None

minio class-attribute instance-attribute

minio = None

mqtt class-attribute instance-attribute

mqtt = None

nats class-attribute instance-attribute

nats = None

nsq class-attribute instance-attribute

nsq = None

pub_sub class-attribute instance-attribute

pub_sub = None

pulsar class-attribute instance-attribute

pulsar = None

redis class-attribute instance-attribute

redis = None

redis_stream class-attribute instance-attribute

redis_stream = None

replicas class-attribute instance-attribute

replicas = None

resource class-attribute instance-attribute

resource = None

service class-attribute instance-attribute

service = None

slack class-attribute instance-attribute

slack = None

sns class-attribute instance-attribute

sns = None

sqs class-attribute instance-attribute

sqs = None

storage_grid class-attribute instance-attribute

storage_grid = None

stripe class-attribute instance-attribute

stripe = None

template class-attribute instance-attribute

template = None

webhook class-attribute instance-attribute

webhook = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class EventSourceStatus(BaseModel):
    status: Optional[Status] = None

status class-attribute instance-attribute

status = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class ExprFilter(BaseModel):
    expr: Annotated[
        Field(description=("Expr refers to the expression that determines the outcome of the" " filter.")),
    ] = None
    fields: Annotated[
        Field(description=("Fields refers to set of keys that refer to the paths within event" " payload.")),
    ] = None

expr class-attribute instance-attribute

expr = None

fields class-attribute instance-attribute

fields = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class FileArtifact(BaseModel):
    path: Optional[str] = None

path class-attribute instance-attribute

path = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class FileEventSource(BaseModel):
    event_type: Annotated[
                "Type of file operations to watch\nRefer"
                " for more"
                " information"
    ] = None
    filter: Annotated[Optional[EventSourceFilter], Field(title="Filter\n+optional")] = None
    metadata: Annotated[
        Optional[Dict[str, str]],
            title=("Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the" " event payload.\n+optional")
    ] = None
    polling: Annotated[Optional[bool], Field(title="Use polling instead of inotify")] = None
    watch_path_config: Annotated[
            title="WatchPathConfig contains configuration about the file path to watch",
    ] = None

event_type class-attribute instance-attribute

event_type = None

filter class-attribute instance-attribute

filter = None

metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

metadata = None

polling class-attribute instance-attribute

polling = None

watch_path_config class-attribute instance-attribute

watch_path_config = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class GenericEventSource(BaseModel):
    auth_secret: Annotated[
            title=("AuthSecret holds a secret selector that contains a bearer token for" " authentication\n+optional"),
    ] = None
    config: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(title="Config is the event source configuration")] = None
    filter: Annotated[Optional[EventSourceFilter], Field(title="Filter\n+optional")] = None
    insecure: Annotated[Optional[bool], Field(description="Insecure determines the type of connection.")] = None
    json_body: Annotated[
                "JSONBody specifies that all event body payload coming from" " this\nsource will be JSON\n+optional"
    ] = None
    metadata: Annotated[
        Optional[Dict[str, str]],
            title=("Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the" " event payload.\n+optional")
    ] = None
    url: Annotated[
        Field(description="URL of the gRPC server that implements the event source."),
    ] = None

auth_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

auth_secret = None

config class-attribute instance-attribute

config = None

filter class-attribute instance-attribute

filter = None

insecure class-attribute instance-attribute

insecure = None

json_body class-attribute instance-attribute

json_body = None

metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

metadata = None

url class-attribute instance-attribute

url = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class GitArtifact(BaseModel):
    branch: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(title="Branch to use to pull trigger resource\n+optional")] = None
    clone_directory: Annotated[
                "Directory to clone the repository. We clone complete directory because"
                " GitArtifact is not limited to any specific Git service"
                " providers.\nHence we don't use any specific git provider client."
    ] = None
    creds: Annotated[
        Field(title="Creds contain reference to git username and password\n+optional"),
    ] = None
    file_path: Annotated[
            title="Path to file that contains trigger resource definition",
    ] = None
    insecure_ignore_host_key: Annotated[
        Field(alias="insecureIgnoreHostKey", title="Whether to ignore host key\n+optional"),
    ] = None
    ref: Annotated[
        Field(title=("Ref to use to pull trigger resource. Will result in a shallow clone" " and\nfetch.\n+optional")),
    ] = None
    remote: Annotated[
                "Remote to manage set of tracked repositories. Defaults to"
                ' "origin".\nRefer\n+optional'
    ] = None
    ssh_key_secret: Annotated[
            title="SSHKeySecret refers to the secret that contains SSH key",
    ] = None
    tag: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(title="Tag to use to pull trigger resource\n+optional")] = None
    url: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(title="Git URL")] = None

branch class-attribute instance-attribute

branch = None

clone_directory class-attribute instance-attribute

clone_directory = None

creds class-attribute instance-attribute

creds = None

file_path class-attribute instance-attribute

file_path = None

insecure_ignore_host_key class-attribute instance-attribute

insecure_ignore_host_key = None

ref class-attribute instance-attribute

ref = None

remote class-attribute instance-attribute

remote = None

ssh_key_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

ssh_key_secret = None

tag class-attribute instance-attribute

tag = None

url class-attribute instance-attribute

url = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class GitCreds(BaseModel):
    password: Optional[v1_1.SecretKeySelector] = None
    username: Optional[v1_1.SecretKeySelector] = None

password class-attribute instance-attribute

password = None

username class-attribute instance-attribute

username = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class GitRemoteConfig(BaseModel):
    name: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(description="Name of the remote to fetch from.")] = None
    urls: Annotated[
                "URLs the URLs of a remote repository. It must be non-empty. Fetch"
                " will\nalways use the first URL, while push will use all of them."
    ] = None

name class-attribute instance-attribute

name = None

urls class-attribute instance-attribute

urls = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class GithubAppCreds(BaseModel):
    app_id: Annotated[
            title="AppID refers to the GitHub App ID for the application you created",
    ] = None
    installation_id: Annotated[
            title=("InstallationID refers to the Installation ID of the GitHub app you" " created and installed"),
    ] = None
    private_key: Annotated[
            title=("PrivateKey refers to a K8s secret containing the GitHub app" " private key"),
    ] = None

app_id class-attribute instance-attribute

app_id = None

installation_id class-attribute instance-attribute

installation_id = None

private_key class-attribute instance-attribute

private_key = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class GithubEventSource(BaseModel):
    active: Annotated[
                "Active refers to status of the webhook for event"
                " deliveries.\n\n+optional"
    ] = None
    api_token: Annotated[
            title=("APIToken refers to a K8s secret containing github api token\n+optional"),
    ] = None
    content_type: Annotated[
        Field(alias="contentType", title="ContentType of the event delivery"),
    ] = None
    delete_hook_on_finish: Annotated[
                "DeleteHookOnFinish determines whether to delete the GitHub hook for"
                " the repository once the event source is stopped.\n+optional"
    ] = None
    events: Annotated[
        Field(title=("Events refer to Github events to which the event source will subscribe")),
    ] = None
    filter: Annotated[Optional[EventSourceFilter], Field(title="Filter\n+optional")] = None
    github_app: Annotated[
            title="GitHubApp holds the GitHub app credentials\n+optional",
    ] = None
    github_base_url: Annotated[
            title="GitHub base URL (for GitHub Enterprise)\n+optional",
    ] = None
    github_upload_url: Annotated[
            title="GitHub upload URL (for GitHub Enterprise)\n+optional",
    ] = None
    id: Annotated[
                "Id is the webhook's id\nDeprecated: This is not used at all, will be" " removed in v1.6\n+optional"
    ] = None
    insecure: Annotated[Optional[bool], Field(title="Insecure tls verification")] = None
    metadata: Annotated[
        Optional[Dict[str, str]],
            title=("Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the" " event payload.\n+optional")
    ] = None
    organizations: Annotated[
                "Organizations holds the names of organizations (used for organization"
                " level webhooks). Not required if Repositories is set."
    ] = None
    owner: Annotated[
                "DeprecatedOwner refers to GitHub owner name i.e. argoproj\nDeprecated:"
                " use Repositories instead. Will be unsupported in v 1.6\n+optional"
    ] = None
    repositories: Annotated[
                "Repositories holds the information of repositories, which uses repo"
                " owner as the key,\nand list of repo names as the value. Not required"
                " if Organizations is set."
    ] = None
    repository: Annotated[
                "DeprecatedRepository refers to GitHub repo name i.e."
                " argo-events\nDeprecated: use Repositories instead. Will be"
                " unsupported in v 1.6\n+optional"
    ] = None
    webhook: Annotated[
        Field(title="Webhook refers to the configuration required to run a http server"),
    ] = None
    webhook_secret: Annotated[
                "WebhookSecret refers to K8s secret containing GitHub webhook"
                " secret\n\n+optional"
    ] = None

active class-attribute instance-attribute

active = None

api_token class-attribute instance-attribute

api_token = None

content_type class-attribute instance-attribute

content_type = None

delete_hook_on_finish class-attribute instance-attribute

delete_hook_on_finish = None

events class-attribute instance-attribute

events = None

filter class-attribute instance-attribute

filter = None

github_app class-attribute instance-attribute

github_app = None

github_base_url class-attribute instance-attribute

github_base_url = None

github_upload_url class-attribute instance-attribute

github_upload_url = None

id class-attribute instance-attribute

id = None

insecure class-attribute instance-attribute

insecure = None

metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

metadata = None

organizations class-attribute instance-attribute

organizations = None

owner class-attribute instance-attribute

owner = None

repositories class-attribute instance-attribute

repositories = None

repository class-attribute instance-attribute

repository = None

webhook class-attribute instance-attribute

webhook = None

webhook_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

webhook_secret = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class GitlabEventSource(BaseModel):
    access_token: Annotated[
            title=("AccessToken references to k8 secret which holds the gitlab api access" " information"),
    ] = None
    delete_hook_on_finish: Annotated[
                "DeleteHookOnFinish determines whether to delete the GitLab hook for"
                " the project once the event source is stopped.\n+optional"
    ] = None
    enable_ssl_verification: Annotated[
            title="EnableSSLVerification to enable ssl verification\n+optional",
    ] = None
    events: Annotated[
                "Events are gitlab event to listen to.\nRefer"
    ] = None
    filter: Annotated[Optional[EventSourceFilter], Field(title="Filter\n+optional")] = None
    gitlab_base_url: Annotated[
            title="GitlabBaseURL is the base URL for API requests to a custom endpoint",
    ] = None
    metadata: Annotated[
        Optional[Dict[str, str]],
            title=("Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the" " event payload.\n+optional")
    ] = None
    project_id: Annotated[
                "DeprecatedProjectID is the id of project for which integration needs"
                " to setup\nDeprecated: use Projects instead. Will be unsupported in v"
                " 1.7\n+optional"
    ] = None
    projects: Annotated[
        Field(title='List of project IDs or project namespace paths like "whynowy/test"'),
    ] = None
    secret_token: Annotated[
            title=("SecretToken references to k8 secret which holds the Secret Token used" " by webhook config"),
    ] = None
    webhook: Annotated[
        Field(title="Webhook holds configuration to run a http server"),
    ] = None

access_token class-attribute instance-attribute

access_token = None

delete_hook_on_finish class-attribute instance-attribute

delete_hook_on_finish = None

enable_ssl_verification class-attribute instance-attribute

enable_ssl_verification = None

events class-attribute instance-attribute

events = None

filter class-attribute instance-attribute

filter = None

gitlab_base_url class-attribute instance-attribute

gitlab_base_url = None

metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

metadata = None

project_id class-attribute instance-attribute

project_id = None

projects class-attribute instance-attribute

projects = None

secret_token class-attribute instance-attribute

secret_token = None

webhook class-attribute instance-attribute

webhook = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class HDFSEventSource(BaseModel):
    addresses: Optional[List[str]] = None
    check_interval: Annotated[
                "CheckInterval is a string that describes an interval duration to check"
                " the directory state, e.g. 1s, 30m, 2h... (defaults to 1m)"
    ] = None
    filter: Annotated[Optional[EventSourceFilter], Field(title="Filter\n+optional")] = None
    hdfs_user: Annotated[
                "HDFSUser is the user to access HDFS file system.\nIt is ignored if"
                " either ccache or keytab is used."
    ] = None
    krb_c_cache_secret: Annotated[
                "KrbCCacheSecret is the secret selector for Kerberos ccache\nEither"
                " ccache or keytab can be set to use Kerberos."
    ] = None
    krb_config_config_map: Annotated[
                "KrbConfig is the configmap selector for Kerberos config as string\nIt"
                " must be set if either ccache or keytab is used."
    ] = None
    krb_keytab_secret: Annotated[
                "KrbKeytabSecret is the secret selector for Kerberos keytab\nEither"
                " ccache or keytab can be set to use Kerberos."
    ] = None
    krb_realm: Annotated[
                "KrbRealm is the Kerberos realm used with Kerberos keytab\nIt must be" " set if keytab is used."
    ] = None
    krb_service_principal_name: Annotated[
                "KrbServicePrincipalName is the principal name of Kerberos service\nIt"
                " must be set if either ccache or keytab is used."
    ] = None
    krb_username: Annotated[
                "KrbUsername is the Kerberos username used with Kerberos keytab\nIt" " must be set if keytab is used."
    ] = None
    metadata: Annotated[
        Optional[Dict[str, str]],
            title=("Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the" " event payload.\n+optional")
    ] = None
    type: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(title="Type of file operations to watch")] = None
    watch_path_config: Annotated[Optional[WatchPathConfig], Field(alias="watchPathConfig")] = None

addresses class-attribute instance-attribute

addresses = None

check_interval class-attribute instance-attribute

check_interval = None

filter class-attribute instance-attribute

filter = None

hdfs_user class-attribute instance-attribute

hdfs_user = None

krb_c_cache_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

krb_c_cache_secret = None

krb_config_config_map class-attribute instance-attribute

krb_config_config_map = None

krb_keytab_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

krb_keytab_secret = None

krb_realm class-attribute instance-attribute

krb_realm = None

krb_service_principal_name class-attribute instance-attribute

krb_service_principal_name = None

krb_username class-attribute instance-attribute

krb_username = None

metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

metadata = None

type class-attribute instance-attribute

type = None

watch_path_config class-attribute instance-attribute

watch_path_config = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class HTTPTrigger(BaseModel):
    basic_auth: Annotated[
            title="BasicAuth configuration for the http request.\n+optional",
    ] = None
    headers: Annotated[
        Optional[Dict[str, str]],
        Field(title="Headers for the HTTP request.\n+optional"),
    ] = None
    method: Annotated[
                "Method refers to the type of the HTTP request.\nRefer"
                " for more"
                " io.argoproj.workflow.v1alpha1.\nDefault value is POST.\n+optional"
    ] = None
    parameters: Annotated[
                "Parameters is the list of key-value extracted from event's payload"
                " that are applied to\nthe HTTP trigger resource."
    ] = None
    payload: Optional[List[TriggerParameter]] = None
    secure_headers: Annotated[
            title=("Secure Headers stored in Kubernetes Secrets for the HTTP" " requests.\n+optional"),
    ] = None
    timeout: Annotated[
                "Timeout refers to the HTTP request timeout in seconds.\nDefault value" " is 60 seconds.\n+optional"
    ] = None
    tls: Annotated[
        Field(title="TLS configuration for the HTTP client.\n+optional"),
    ] = None
    url: Annotated[
        Field(description="URL refers to the URL to send HTTP request to."),
    ] = None

basic_auth class-attribute instance-attribute

basic_auth = None

headers class-attribute instance-attribute

headers = None

method class-attribute instance-attribute

method = None

parameters class-attribute instance-attribute

parameters = None

payload class-attribute instance-attribute

payload = None

secure_headers class-attribute instance-attribute

secure_headers = None

timeout class-attribute instance-attribute

timeout = None

tls class-attribute instance-attribute

tls = None

url class-attribute instance-attribute

url = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class Int64OrString(BaseModel):
    int64_val: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(alias="int64Val")] = None
    str_val: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(alias="strVal")] = None
    type: Optional[str] = None

int64_val class-attribute instance-attribute

int64_val = None

str_val class-attribute instance-attribute

str_val = None

type class-attribute instance-attribute

type = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class K8SResourcePolicy(BaseModel):
    backoff: Annotated[Optional[Backoff], Field(title="Backoff before checking resource state")] = None
    error_on_backoff_timeout: Annotated[
                "ErrorOnBackoffTimeout determines whether sensor should transition to"
                " error state if the trigger policy is unable to determine\nthe state"
                " of the resource"
    ] = None
    labels: Annotated[
        Optional[Dict[str, str]],
        Field(title="Labels required to identify whether a resource is in success state"),
    ] = None

backoff class-attribute instance-attribute

backoff = None

error_on_backoff_timeout class-attribute instance-attribute

error_on_backoff_timeout = None

labels class-attribute instance-attribute

labels = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class KafkaConsumerGroup(BaseModel):
    group_name: Annotated[
        Field(alias="groupName", title="The name for the consumer group to use"),
    ] = None
    oldest: Annotated[
                "When starting up a new group do we want to start from the oldest event"
                " (true) or the newest event (false), defaults to false\n+optional"
    ] = None
    rebalance_strategy: Annotated[
            title=("Rebalance strategy can be one of: sticky, roundrobin, range. Range is" " the default.\n+optional"),
    ] = None

group_name class-attribute instance-attribute

group_name = None

oldest class-attribute instance-attribute

oldest = None

rebalance_strategy class-attribute instance-attribute

rebalance_strategy = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class KafkaEventSource(BaseModel):
    config: Annotated[
                "Yaml format Sarama config for Kafka connection.\nIt follows the struct"
                " of sarama.Config. See"
                "  fetch:\n    min: 1\nnet:\n  MaxOpenRequests: 5\n\n+optional"
    ] = None
    connection_backoff: Annotated[
            description="Backoff holds parameters applied to connection.",
    ] = None
    consumer_group: Annotated[
        Field(alias="consumerGroup", title="Consumer group for kafka client\n+optional"),
    ] = None
    filter: Annotated[Optional[EventSourceFilter], Field(title="Filter\n+optional")] = None
    json_body: Annotated[
                "JSONBody specifies that all event body payload coming from" " this\nsource will be JSON\n+optional"
    ] = None
    limit_events_per_second: Annotated[
            title=("Sets a limit on how many events get read from kafka per" " second.\n+optional"),
    ] = None
    metadata: Annotated[
        Optional[Dict[str, str]],
            title=("Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the" " event payload.\n+optional")
    ] = None
    partition: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(title="Partition name")] = None
    sasl: Annotated[
        Field(title="SASL configuration for the kafka client\n+optional"),
    ] = None
    tls: Annotated[
        Field(title="TLS configuration for the kafka client.\n+optional"),
    ] = None
    topic: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(title="Topic name")] = None
    url: Annotated[
        Field(title="URL to kafka cluster, multiple URLs separated by comma"),
    ] = None
    version: Annotated[
                "Specify what kafka version is being connected to enables certain"
                " features in sarama, defaults to 1.0.0\n+optional"
    ] = None

config class-attribute instance-attribute

config = None

connection_backoff class-attribute instance-attribute

connection_backoff = None

consumer_group class-attribute instance-attribute

consumer_group = None

filter class-attribute instance-attribute

filter = None

json_body class-attribute instance-attribute

json_body = None

limit_events_per_second class-attribute instance-attribute

limit_events_per_second = None

metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

metadata = None

partition class-attribute instance-attribute

partition = None

sasl class-attribute instance-attribute

sasl = None

tls class-attribute instance-attribute

tls = None

topic class-attribute instance-attribute

topic = None

url class-attribute instance-attribute

url = None

version class-attribute instance-attribute

version = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class KafkaTrigger(BaseModel):
    compress: Annotated[
                "Compress determines whether to compress message or not.\nDefaults to"
                " false.\nIf set to true, compresses message using snappy"
                " compression.\n+optional"
    ] = None
    flush_frequency: Annotated[
                "FlushFrequency refers to the frequency in milliseconds to flush"
                " batches.\nDefaults to 500 milliseconds.\n+optional"
    ] = None
    parameters: Annotated[
            description=("Parameters is the list of parameters that is applied to resolved Kafka" " trigger object.")
    ] = None
    partition: Annotated[Optional[int], Field(description="Partition to write data to.")] = None
    partitioning_key: Annotated[
                "The partitioning key for the messages put on the Kafka" " topic.\nDefaults to broker url.\n+optional."
    ] = None
    payload: Annotated[
                "Payload is the list of key-value extracted from an event payload to" " construct the request payload."
    ] = None
    required_acks: Annotated[
                "RequiredAcks used in producer to tell the broker how many replica"
                " acknowledgements\nDefaults to 1 (Only wait for the leader to"
                " ack).\n+optional."
    ] = None
    sasl: Annotated[
        Field(title="SASL configuration for the kafka client\n+optional"),
    ] = None
    tls: Annotated[
        Field(title="TLS configuration for the Kafka producer.\n+optional"),
    ] = None
    topic: Annotated[
        Field(title=("Name of the topic.\nMore info at" "")),
    ] = None
    url: Annotated[
        Field(description="URL of the Kafka broker, multiple URLs separated by comma."),
    ] = None
    version: Annotated[
                "Specify what kafka version is being connected to enables certain"
                " features in sarama, defaults to 1.0.0\n+optional"
    ] = None

compress class-attribute instance-attribute

compress = None

flush_frequency class-attribute instance-attribute

flush_frequency = None

parameters class-attribute instance-attribute

parameters = None

partition class-attribute instance-attribute

partition = None

partitioning_key class-attribute instance-attribute

partitioning_key = None

payload class-attribute instance-attribute

payload = None

required_acks class-attribute instance-attribute

required_acks = None

sasl class-attribute instance-attribute

sasl = None

tls class-attribute instance-attribute

tls = None

topic class-attribute instance-attribute

topic = None

url class-attribute instance-attribute

url = None

version class-attribute instance-attribute

version = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class LogTrigger(BaseModel):
    interval_seconds: Annotated[
                "Only print messages every interval. Useful to prevent logging too much"
                " data for busy events.\n+optional"
    ] = None

interval_seconds class-attribute instance-attribute

interval_seconds = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class MQTTEventSource(BaseModel):
    client_id: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(alias="clientId", title="ClientID is the id of the client")] = None
    connection_backoff: Annotated[
            description="ConnectionBackoff holds backoff applied to connection.",
    ] = None
    filter: Annotated[Optional[EventSourceFilter], Field(title="Filter\n+optional")] = None
    json_body: Annotated[
                "JSONBody specifies that all event body payload coming from" " this\nsource will be JSON\n+optional"
    ] = None
    metadata: Annotated[
        Optional[Dict[str, str]],
            title=("Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the" " event payload.\n+optional")
    ] = None
    tls: Annotated[
        Field(title="TLS configuration for the mqtt client.\n+optional"),
    ] = None
    topic: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(title="Topic name")] = None
    url: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(title="URL to connect to broker")] = None

client_id class-attribute instance-attribute

client_id = None

connection_backoff class-attribute instance-attribute

connection_backoff = None

filter class-attribute instance-attribute

filter = None

json_body class-attribute instance-attribute

json_body = None

metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

metadata = None

tls class-attribute instance-attribute

tls = None

topic class-attribute instance-attribute

topic = None

url class-attribute instance-attribute

url = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class Metadata(BaseModel):
    annotations: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None
    labels: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None

annotations class-attribute instance-attribute

annotations = None

labels class-attribute instance-attribute

labels = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class NATSAuth(BaseModel):
    basic: Annotated[
        Field(title="Baisc auth with username and password\n+optional"),
    ] = None
    credential: Annotated[
        Field(title="credential used to connect\n+optional"),
    ] = None
    nkey: Annotated[Optional[v1_1.SecretKeySelector], Field(title="NKey used to connect\n+optional")] = None
    token: Annotated[
        Field(title="Token used to connect\n+optional"),
    ] = None

basic class-attribute instance-attribute

basic = None

credential class-attribute instance-attribute

credential = None

nkey class-attribute instance-attribute

nkey = None

token class-attribute instance-attribute

token = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class NATSEventsSource(BaseModel):
    auth: Annotated[Optional[NATSAuth], Field(title="Auth information\n+optional")] = None
    connection_backoff: Annotated[
            description="ConnectionBackoff holds backoff applied to connection.",
    ] = None
    filter: Annotated[Optional[EventSourceFilter], Field(title="Filter\n+optional")] = None
    json_body: Annotated[
                "JSONBody specifies that all event body payload coming from" " this\nsource will be JSON\n+optional"
    ] = None
    metadata: Annotated[
        Optional[Dict[str, str]],
            title=("Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the" " event payload.\n+optional")
    ] = None
    subject: Annotated[
        Field(title=("Subject holds the name of the subject onto which messages are" " published")),
    ] = None
    tls: Annotated[
        Field(title="TLS configuration for the nats client.\n+optional"),
    ] = None
    url: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(title="URL to connect to NATS cluster")] = None

auth class-attribute instance-attribute

auth = None

connection_backoff class-attribute instance-attribute

connection_backoff = None

filter class-attribute instance-attribute

filter = None

json_body class-attribute instance-attribute

json_body = None

metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

metadata = None

subject class-attribute instance-attribute

subject = None

tls class-attribute instance-attribute

tls = None

url class-attribute instance-attribute

url = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class NATSTrigger(BaseModel):
    parameters: Optional[List[TriggerParameter]] = None
    payload: Optional[List[TriggerParameter]] = None
    subject: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(description="Name of the subject to put message on.")] = None
    tls: Annotated[
        Field(title="TLS configuration for the NATS producer.\n+optional"),
    ] = None
    url: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(description="URL of the NATS cluster.")] = None

parameters class-attribute instance-attribute

parameters = None

payload class-attribute instance-attribute

payload = None

subject class-attribute instance-attribute

subject = None

tls class-attribute instance-attribute

tls = None

url class-attribute instance-attribute

url = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class NSQEventSource(BaseModel):
    channel: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(title="Channel used for subscription")] = None
    connection_backoff: Annotated[
            title="Backoff holds parameters applied to connection.\n+optional",
    ] = None
    filter: Annotated[Optional[EventSourceFilter], Field(title="Filter\n+optional")] = None
    host_address: Annotated[
            title="HostAddress is the address of the host for NSQ lookup",
    ] = None
    json_body: Annotated[
                "JSONBody specifies that all event body payload coming from" " this\nsource will be JSON\n+optional"
    ] = None
    metadata: Annotated[
        Optional[Dict[str, str]],
            title=("Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the" " event payload.\n+optional")
    ] = None
    tls: Annotated[
        Field(title="TLS configuration for the nsq client.\n+optional"),
    ] = None
    topic: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(description="Topic to subscribe to.")] = None

channel class-attribute instance-attribute

channel = None

connection_backoff class-attribute instance-attribute

connection_backoff = None

filter class-attribute instance-attribute

filter = None

host_address class-attribute instance-attribute

host_address = None

json_body class-attribute instance-attribute

json_body = None

metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

metadata = None

tls class-attribute instance-attribute

tls = None

topic class-attribute instance-attribute

topic = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class OpenWhiskTrigger(BaseModel):
    action_name: Annotated[
        Field(alias="actionName", description="Name of the action/function."),
    ] = None
    auth_token: Annotated[
        Field(alias="authToken", title="AuthToken for authentication.\n+optional"),
    ] = None
    host: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(description="Host URL of the OpenWhisk.")] = None
    namespace: Annotated[
        Field(description='Namespace for the action.\nDefaults to "_".\n+optional.'),
    ] = None
    parameters: Annotated[
                "Parameters is the list of key-value extracted from event's payload"
                " that are applied to\nthe trigger resource.\n+optional"
    ] = None
    payload: Annotated[
                "Payload is the list of key-value extracted from an event payload to" " construct the request payload."
    ] = None
    version: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(title="Version for the API.\nDefaults to v1.\n+optional")] = None

action_name class-attribute instance-attribute

action_name = None

auth_token class-attribute instance-attribute

auth_token = None

host class-attribute instance-attribute

host = None

namespace class-attribute instance-attribute

namespace = None

parameters class-attribute instance-attribute

parameters = None

payload class-attribute instance-attribute

payload = None

version class-attribute instance-attribute

version = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class OwnedRepositories(BaseModel):
    names: Annotated[Optional[List[str]], Field(title="Repository names")] = None
    owner: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(title="Organization or user name")] = None

names class-attribute instance-attribute

names = None

owner class-attribute instance-attribute

owner = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class PayloadField(BaseModel):
    name: Annotated[
        Field(description="Name acts as key that holds the value at the path."),
    ] = None
    path: Annotated[
                "Path is the JSONPath of the event's (JSON decoded) data key\nPath is a"
                " series of keys separated by a dot. A key may contain wildcard"
                " characters '*' and '?'.\nTo access an array value use the index as"
                " the key. The dot and wildcard characters can be escaped with"
                " '\\\\'.\nSee for more"
                " information on how to use this."
    ] = None

name class-attribute instance-attribute

name = None

path class-attribute instance-attribute

path = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class PubSubEventSource(BaseModel):
    credential_secret: Annotated[
                "CredentialSecret references to the secret that contains JSON"
                " credentials to access GCP.\nIf it is missing, it implicitly uses"
                " Workload Identity to"
                " access.\n\n+optional"
    ] = None
    delete_subscription_on_finish: Annotated[
                "DeleteSubscriptionOnFinish determines whether to delete the GCP PubSub"
                " subscription once the event source is stopped.\n+optional"
    ] = None
    filter: Annotated[Optional[EventSourceFilter], Field(title="Filter\n+optional")] = None
    json_body: Annotated[
                "JSONBody specifies that all event body payload coming from" " this\nsource will be JSON\n+optional"
    ] = None
    metadata: Annotated[
        Optional[Dict[str, str]],
            title=("Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the" " event payload.\n+optional")
    ] = None
    project_id: Annotated[
                "ProjectID is GCP project ID for the subscription.\nRequired if you run"
                " Argo Events outside of GKE/GCE.\n(otherwise, the default value is its"
                " project)\n+optional"
    ] = None
    subscription_id: Annotated[
                "SubscriptionID is ID of subscription.\nRequired if you use existing"
                " subscription.\nThe default value will be auto generated hash based on"
                " this eventsource setting, so the subscription\nmight be recreated"
                " every time you update the setting, which has a possibility of event"
                " loss.\n+optional"
    ] = None
    topic: Annotated[
                "Topic to which the subscription should belongs.\nRequired if you want"
                " the eventsource to create a new subscription.\nIf you specify this"
                " field along with an existing subscription,\nit will be verified"
                " whether it actually belongs to the specified topic.\n+optional"
    ] = None
    topic_project_id: Annotated[
                "TopicProjectID is GCP project ID for the topic.\nBy default, it is" " same as ProjectID.\n+optional"
    ] = None

credential_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

credential_secret = None

delete_subscription_on_finish class-attribute instance-attribute

delete_subscription_on_finish = None

filter class-attribute instance-attribute

filter = None

json_body class-attribute instance-attribute

json_body = None

metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

metadata = None

project_id class-attribute instance-attribute

project_id = None

subscription_id class-attribute instance-attribute

subscription_id = None

topic class-attribute instance-attribute

topic = None

topic_project_id class-attribute instance-attribute

topic_project_id = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class PulsarEventSource(BaseModel):
    auth_token_secret: Annotated[
            title="Authentication token for the pulsar client.\n+optional",
    ] = None
    connection_backoff: Annotated[
            title="Backoff holds parameters applied to connection.\n+optional",
    ] = None
    filter: Annotated[Optional[EventSourceFilter], Field(title="Filter\n+optional")] = None
    json_body: Annotated[
                "JSONBody specifies that all event body payload coming from" " this\nsource will be JSON\n+optional"
    ] = None
    metadata: Annotated[
        Optional[Dict[str, str]],
            title=("Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the" " event payload.\n+optional")
    ] = None
    tls: Annotated[
        Field(title="TLS configuration for the pulsar client.\n+optional"),
    ] = None
    tls_allow_insecure_connection: Annotated[
            title=("Whether the Pulsar client accept untrusted TLS certificate from" " broker.\n+optional"),
    ] = None
    tls_trust_certs_secret: Annotated[
            title="Trusted TLS certificate secret.\n+optional",
    ] = None
    tls_validate_hostname: Annotated[
            title=("Whether the Pulsar client verify the validity of the host name from" " broker.\n+optional"),
    ] = None
    topics: Annotated[
        Field(title="Name of the topics to subscribe to.\n+required"),
    ] = None
    type: Annotated[
                'Type of the subscription.\nOnly "exclusive" and "shared" is'
                " supported.\nDefaults to exclusive.\n+optional"
    ] = None
    url: Annotated[
        Field(title="Configure the service URL for the Pulsar service.\n+required"),
    ] = None

auth_token_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

auth_token_secret = None

connection_backoff class-attribute instance-attribute

connection_backoff = None

filter class-attribute instance-attribute

filter = None

json_body class-attribute instance-attribute

json_body = None

metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

metadata = None

tls class-attribute instance-attribute

tls = None

tls_allow_insecure_connection class-attribute instance-attribute

tls_allow_insecure_connection = None

tls_trust_certs_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

tls_trust_certs_secret = None

tls_validate_hostname class-attribute instance-attribute

tls_validate_hostname = None

topics class-attribute instance-attribute

topics = None

type class-attribute instance-attribute

type = None

url class-attribute instance-attribute

url = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class PulsarTrigger(BaseModel):
    auth_token_secret: Annotated[
            title="Authentication token for the pulsar client.\n+optional",
    ] = None
    connection_backoff: Annotated[
            title="Backoff holds parameters applied to connection.\n+optional",
    ] = None
    parameters: Annotated[
            description=("Parameters is the list of parameters that is applied to resolved Kafka" " trigger object.")
    ] = None
    payload: Annotated[
                "Payload is the list of key-value extracted from an event payload to" " construct the request payload."
    ] = None
    tls: Annotated[
        Field(title="TLS configuration for the pulsar client.\n+optional"),
    ] = None
    tls_allow_insecure_connection: Annotated[
            title=("Whether the Pulsar client accept untrusted TLS certificate from" " broker.\n+optional"),
    ] = None
    tls_trust_certs_secret: Annotated[
            title="Trusted TLS certificate secret.\n+optional",
    ] = None
    tls_validate_hostname: Annotated[
            title=("Whether the Pulsar client verify the validity of the host name from" " broker.\n+optional"),
    ] = None
    topic: Annotated[
        Field(title=("Name of the topic.\nSee" "")),
    ] = None
    url: Annotated[
        Field(title="Configure the service URL for the Pulsar service.\n+required"),
    ] = None

auth_token_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

auth_token_secret = None

connection_backoff class-attribute instance-attribute

connection_backoff = None

parameters class-attribute instance-attribute

parameters = None

payload class-attribute instance-attribute

payload = None

tls class-attribute instance-attribute

tls = None

tls_allow_insecure_connection class-attribute instance-attribute

tls_allow_insecure_connection = None

tls_trust_certs_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

tls_trust_certs_secret = None

tls_validate_hostname class-attribute instance-attribute

tls_validate_hostname = None

topic class-attribute instance-attribute

topic = None

url class-attribute instance-attribute

url = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class RateLimit(BaseModel):
    requests_per_unit: Annotated[Optional[int], Field(alias="requestsPerUnit")] = None
    unit: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(title="Defaults to Second")] = None

requests_per_unit class-attribute instance-attribute

requests_per_unit = None

unit class-attribute instance-attribute

unit = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class RedisEventSource(BaseModel):
    channels: Optional[List[str]] = None
    db: Annotated[
        Field(title="DB to use. If not specified, default DB 0 will be used.\n+optional"),
    ] = None
    filter: Annotated[Optional[EventSourceFilter], Field(title="Filter\n+optional")] = None
    host_address: Annotated[
            title="HostAddress refers to the address of the Redis host/server",
    ] = None
    json_body: Annotated[
                "JSONBody specifies that all event body payload coming from" " this\nsource will be JSON\n+optional"
    ] = None
    metadata: Annotated[
        Optional[Dict[str, str]],
            title=("Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the" " event payload.\n+optional")
    ] = None
    namespace: Annotated[
                "Namespace to use to retrieve the password from. It should only be"
                " specified if password is declared\n+optional"
    ] = None
    password: Annotated[
        Field(title="Password required for authentication if any.\n+optional"),
    ] = None
    tls: Annotated[
        Field(title="TLS configuration for the redis client.\n+optional"),
    ] = None
    username: Annotated[
        Field(title="Username required for ACL style authentication if any.\n+optional"),
    ] = None

channels class-attribute instance-attribute

channels = None

db class-attribute instance-attribute

db = None

filter class-attribute instance-attribute

filter = None

host_address class-attribute instance-attribute

host_address = None

json_body class-attribute instance-attribute

json_body = None

metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

metadata = None

namespace class-attribute instance-attribute

namespace = None

password class-attribute instance-attribute

password = None

tls class-attribute instance-attribute

tls = None

username class-attribute instance-attribute

username = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class RedisStreamEventSource(BaseModel):
    consumer_group: Annotated[
                "ConsumerGroup refers to the Redis stream consumer group that will"
                " be\ncreated on all redis streams. Messages are read through this"
                " group. Defaults to 'argo-events-cg'\n+optional"
    ] = None
    db: Annotated[
        Field(title="DB to use. If not specified, default DB 0 will be used.\n+optional"),
    ] = None
    filter: Annotated[Optional[EventSourceFilter], Field(title="Filter\n+optional")] = None
    host_address: Annotated[
            title=("HostAddress refers to the address of the Redis host/server (master" " instance)"),
    ] = None
    max_msg_count_per_read: Annotated[
                "MaxMsgCountPerRead holds the maximum number of messages per stream"
                " that will be read in each XREADGROUP of all streams\nExample: if"
                " there are 2 streams and MaxMsgCountPerRead=10, then each XREADGROUP"
                " may read upto a total of 20 messages.\nSame as COUNT option in"
                " XREADGROUP( Defaults to"
                " 10\n+optional"
    ] = None
    metadata: Annotated[
        Optional[Dict[str, str]],
            title=("Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the" " event payload.\n+optional")
    ] = None
    password: Annotated[
        Field(title="Password required for authentication if any.\n+optional"),
    ] = None
    streams: Annotated[
                "Streams to look for entries. XREADGROUP is used on all streams using a" " single consumer group."
    ] = None
    tls: Annotated[
        Field(title="TLS configuration for the redis client.\n+optional"),
    ] = None
    username: Annotated[
        Field(title="Username required for ACL style authentication if any.\n+optional"),
    ] = None

consumer_group class-attribute instance-attribute

consumer_group = None

db class-attribute instance-attribute

db = None

filter class-attribute instance-attribute

filter = None

host_address class-attribute instance-attribute

host_address = None

max_msg_count_per_read class-attribute instance-attribute

max_msg_count_per_read = None

metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

metadata = None

password class-attribute instance-attribute

password = None

streams class-attribute instance-attribute

streams = None

tls class-attribute instance-attribute

tls = None

username class-attribute instance-attribute

username = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class Resource(BaseModel):
    value: Optional[str] = None

value class-attribute instance-attribute

value = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class ResourceEventSource(BaseModel):
    event_types: Annotated[
                "EventTypes is the list of event type to watch.\nPossible values are -" " ADD, UPDATE and DELETE."
    ] = None
    filter: Annotated[
                "Filter is applied on the metadata of the resource\nIf you apply"
                " filter, then the internal event informer will only monitor objects"
                " that pass the filter.\n+optional"
    ] = None
    group_version_resource: Annotated[
        Field(alias="groupVersionResource", title="Group of the resource"),
    ] = None
    metadata: Annotated[
        Optional[Dict[str, str]],
            title=("Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the" " event payload.\n+optional")
    ] = None
    namespace: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(title="Namespace where resource is deployed")] = None

event_types class-attribute instance-attribute

event_types = None

filter class-attribute instance-attribute

filter = None

group_version_resource class-attribute instance-attribute

group_version_resource = None

metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

metadata = None

namespace class-attribute instance-attribute

namespace = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class ResourceFilter(BaseModel):
    after_start: Annotated[
                "If the resource is created after the start time then the event is" " treated as valid.\n+optional"
    ] = None
    created_by: Annotated[
                "If resource is created before the specified time then the event is" " treated as valid.\n+optional"
    ] = None
    fields: Annotated[
                "Fields provide field filters similar to K8s field selector\n(see"
                " K8s field selector, it supports arbitrary fileds like"
                ' "spec.serviceAccountName",\nand the value could be a string or a'
                ' regex.\nSame as K8s field selector, operator "=", "==" and "!=" are'
                " supported.\n+optional"
    ] = None
    labels: Annotated[
                "Labels provide listing options to K8s API to watch resource/s.\nRefer"
                " for more io.argoproj.workflow.v1alpha1.\n+optional"
    ] = None
    prefix: Annotated[
        Field(title="Prefix filter is applied on the resource name.\n+optional"),
    ] = None

after_start class-attribute instance-attribute

after_start = None

created_by class-attribute instance-attribute

created_by = None

fields class-attribute instance-attribute

fields = None

labels class-attribute instance-attribute

labels = None

prefix class-attribute instance-attribute

prefix = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class S3Artifact(BaseModel):
    access_key: Annotated[Optional[v1_1.SecretKeySelector], Field(alias="accessKey")] = None
    bucket: Optional[S3Bucket] = None
    endpoint: Optional[str] = None
    events: Optional[List[str]] = None
    filter: Optional[S3Filter] = None
    insecure: Optional[bool] = None
    metadata: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None
    region: Optional[str] = None
    secret_key: Annotated[Optional[v1_1.SecretKeySelector], Field(alias="secretKey")] = None

access_key class-attribute instance-attribute

access_key = None

bucket class-attribute instance-attribute

bucket = None

endpoint class-attribute instance-attribute

endpoint = None

events class-attribute instance-attribute

events = None

filter class-attribute instance-attribute

filter = None

insecure class-attribute instance-attribute

insecure = None

metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

metadata = None

region class-attribute instance-attribute

region = None

secret_key class-attribute instance-attribute

secret_key = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class S3Bucket(BaseModel):
    key: Optional[str] = None
    name: Optional[str] = None

key class-attribute instance-attribute

key = None

name class-attribute instance-attribute

name = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class S3Filter(BaseModel):
    prefix: Optional[str] = None
    suffix: Optional[str] = None

prefix class-attribute instance-attribute

prefix = None

suffix class-attribute instance-attribute

suffix = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class SASLConfig(BaseModel):
    mechanism: Annotated[
                "SASLMechanism is the name of the enabled SASL mechanism.\nPossible"
                " values: OAUTHBEARER, PLAIN (defaults to PLAIN).\n+optional"
    ] = None
    password: Annotated[
        Field(title="Password for SASL/PLAIN authentication"),
    ] = None
    user: Annotated[
                "User is the authentication identity (authcid) to present"
                " for\nSASL/PLAIN or SASL/SCRAM authentication"
    ] = None

mechanism class-attribute instance-attribute

mechanism = None

password class-attribute instance-attribute

password = None

user class-attribute instance-attribute

user = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class SNSEventSource(BaseModel):
    access_key: Annotated[
            title="AccessKey refers K8s secret containing aws access key",
    ] = None
    endpoint: Annotated[
                "Endpoint configures connection to a specific SNS endpoint instead of" " Amazons servers\n+optional"
    ] = None
    filter: Annotated[Optional[EventSourceFilter], Field(title="Filter\n+optional")] = None
    metadata: Annotated[
        Optional[Dict[str, str]],
            title=("Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the" " event payload.\n+optional")
    ] = None
    region: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(title="Region is AWS region")] = None
    role_arn: Annotated[
            title=("RoleARN is the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role to" " assume.\n+optional"),
    ] = None
    secret_key: Annotated[
            title="SecretKey refers K8s secret containing aws secret key",
    ] = None
    topic_arn: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(alias="topicArn", title="TopicArn")] = None
    validate_signature: Annotated[
                "ValidateSignature is boolean that can be set to true for SNS signature" " verification\n+optional"
    ] = None
    webhook: Annotated[Optional[WebhookContext], Field(title="Webhook configuration for http server")] = None

access_key class-attribute instance-attribute

access_key = None

endpoint class-attribute instance-attribute

endpoint = None

filter class-attribute instance-attribute

filter = None

metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

metadata = None

region class-attribute instance-attribute

region = None

role_arn class-attribute instance-attribute

role_arn = None

secret_key class-attribute instance-attribute

secret_key = None

topic_arn class-attribute instance-attribute

topic_arn = None

validate_signature class-attribute instance-attribute

validate_signature = None

webhook class-attribute instance-attribute

webhook = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class SQSEventSource(BaseModel):
    access_key: Annotated[
            title="AccessKey refers K8s secret containing aws access key",
    ] = None
    dlq: Annotated[
                "DLQ specifies if a dead-letter queue is configured for messages that"
                " can't be processed successfully.\nIf set to true, messages with"
                " invalid payload won't be acknowledged to allow to forward them"
                " farther to the dead-letter queue.\nThe default value is"
                " false.\n+optional"
    ] = None
    endpoint: Annotated[
                "Endpoint configures connection to a specific SQS endpoint instead of" " Amazons servers\n+optional"
    ] = None
    filter: Annotated[Optional[EventSourceFilter], Field(title="Filter\n+optional")] = None
    json_body: Annotated[
                "JSONBody specifies that all event body payload coming from" " this\nsource will be JSON\n+optional"
    ] = None
    metadata: Annotated[
        Optional[Dict[str, str]],
            title=("Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the" " event payload.\n+optional")
    ] = None
    queue: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(title="Queue is AWS SQS queue to listen to for messages")] = None
    queue_account_id: Annotated[
            title=("QueueAccountID is the ID of the account that created the queue to" " monitor\n+optional"),
    ] = None
    region: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(title="Region is AWS region")] = None
    role_arn: Annotated[
            title=("RoleARN is the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role to" " assume.\n+optional"),
    ] = None
    secret_key: Annotated[
            title="SecretKey refers K8s secret containing aws secret key",
    ] = None
    session_token: Annotated[
                "SessionToken refers to K8s secret containing AWS temporary"
                " credentials(STS) session token\n+optional"
    ] = None
    wait_time_seconds: Annotated[
                "WaitTimeSeconds is The duration (in seconds) for which the call waits"
                " for a message to arrive\nin the queue before returning."
    ] = None

access_key class-attribute instance-attribute

access_key = None

dlq class-attribute instance-attribute

dlq = None

endpoint class-attribute instance-attribute

endpoint = None

filter class-attribute instance-attribute

filter = None

json_body class-attribute instance-attribute

json_body = None

metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

metadata = None

queue class-attribute instance-attribute

queue = None

queue_account_id class-attribute instance-attribute

queue_account_id = None

region class-attribute instance-attribute

region = None

role_arn class-attribute instance-attribute

role_arn = None

secret_key class-attribute instance-attribute

secret_key = None

session_token class-attribute instance-attribute

session_token = None

wait_time_seconds class-attribute instance-attribute

wait_time_seconds = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class SecureHeader(BaseModel):
    name: Optional[str] = None
    value_from: Annotated[
            title="Values can be read from either secrets or configmaps",
    ] = None

name class-attribute instance-attribute

name = None

value_from class-attribute instance-attribute

value_from = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class Selector(BaseModel):
    key: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(title="Key name")] = None
    operation: Annotated[
                "Supported operations like ==, !=, <=, >= etc.\nDefaults to ==.\nRefer"
                " for more io.argoproj.workflow.v1alpha1.\n+optional"
    ] = None
    value: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(title="Value")] = None

key class-attribute instance-attribute

key = None

operation class-attribute instance-attribute

operation = None

value class-attribute instance-attribute

value = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class Sensor(BaseModel):
    metadata: Optional[v1.ObjectMeta] = None
    spec: Optional[SensorSpec] = None
    status: Annotated[Optional[SensorStatus], Field(title="+optional")] = None

metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

metadata = None

spec class-attribute instance-attribute

spec = None

status class-attribute instance-attribute

status = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class SensorList(BaseModel):
    items: Optional[List[Sensor]] = None
    metadata: Optional[v1.ListMeta] = None

items class-attribute instance-attribute

items = None

metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

metadata = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class SensorSpec(BaseModel):
    dependencies: Annotated[
        Field(description=("Dependencies is a list of the events that this sensor is dependent on.")),
    ] = None
    error_on_failed_round: Annotated[
                "ErrorOnFailedRound if set to true, marks sensor state as `error` if"
                " the previous trigger round fails.\nOnce sensor state is set to"
                " `error`, no further triggers will be processed."
    ] = None
    event_bus_name: Annotated[
            title=("EventBusName references to a EventBus name. By default the value is" ' "default"'),
    ] = None
    replicas: Annotated[Optional[int], Field(title="Replicas is the sensor deployment replicas")] = None
    template: Annotated[
        Field(title="Template is the pod specification for the sensor\n+optional"),
    ] = None
    triggers: Annotated[
                "Triggers is a list of the things that this sensor evokes. These are" " the outputs from this sensor."
    ] = None

dependencies class-attribute instance-attribute

dependencies = None

error_on_failed_round class-attribute instance-attribute

error_on_failed_round = None

event_bus_name class-attribute instance-attribute

event_bus_name = None

replicas class-attribute instance-attribute

replicas = None

template class-attribute instance-attribute

template = None

triggers class-attribute instance-attribute

triggers = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class SensorStatus(BaseModel):
    status: Optional[Status] = None

status class-attribute instance-attribute

status = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class Service(BaseModel):
    cluster_ip: Annotated[
                "clusterIP is the IP address of the service and is usually"
                " assigned\nrandomly by the master. If an address is specified manually"
                " and is not in\nuse by others, it will be allocated to the service;"
                " otherwise, creation\nof the service will fail. This field can not be"
                ' changed through updates.\nValid values are "None", empty string (""),'
                ' or a valid IP address. "None"\ncan be specified for headless services'
                " when proxying is not required.\nMore info:"
    ] = None
    ports: Annotated[
                "The list of ports that are exposed by this ClusterIP"
                " service.\n+patchMergeKey=port\n+patchStrategy=merge\n+listType=map\n+listMapKey=port\n+listMapKey=protocol"
    ] = None

cluster_ip class-attribute instance-attribute

cluster_ip = None

ports class-attribute instance-attribute

ports = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class SlackEventSource(BaseModel):
    filter: Annotated[Optional[EventSourceFilter], Field(title="Filter\n+optional")] = None
    metadata: Annotated[
        Optional[Dict[str, str]],
            title=("Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the" " event payload.\n+optional")
    ] = None
    signing_secret: Annotated[
        Field(alias="signingSecret", title="Slack App signing secret"),
    ] = None
    token: Annotated[
        Field(title="Token for URL verification handshake"),
    ] = None
    webhook: Annotated[
        Field(title="Webhook holds configuration for a REST endpoint"),
    ] = None

filter class-attribute instance-attribute

filter = None

metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

metadata = None

signing_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

signing_secret = None

token class-attribute instance-attribute

token = None

webhook class-attribute instance-attribute

webhook = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class SlackTrigger(BaseModel):
    channel: Annotated[
        Field(title=("Channel refers to which Slack channel to send slack" " message.\n+optional")),
    ] = None
    message: Annotated[
        Field(title=("Message refers to the message to send to the Slack channel.\n+optional")),
    ] = None
    parameters: Annotated[
                "Parameters is the list of key-value extracted from event's payload"
                " that are applied to\nthe trigger resource.\n+optional"
    ] = None
    slack_token: Annotated[
                "SlackToken refers to the Kubernetes secret that holds the slack token" " required to send messages."
    ] = None

channel class-attribute instance-attribute

channel = None

message class-attribute instance-attribute

message = None

parameters class-attribute instance-attribute

parameters = None

slack_token class-attribute instance-attribute

slack_token = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class StandardK8STrigger(BaseModel):
    live_object: Annotated[
                "LiveObject specifies whether the resource should be directly fetched"
                " from K8s instead\nof being marshaled from the resource artifact. If"
                " set to true, the resource artifact\nmust contain the information"
                " required to uniquely identify the resource in the cluster,\nthat is,"
                ' you must specify "apiVersion", "kind" as well as "name" and'
                ' "namespace" meta\ndata.\nOnly valid for operation type'
                " `update`\n+optional"
    ] = None
    operation: Annotated[
                "Operation refers to the type of operation performed on the k8s"
                " resource.\nDefault value is Create.\n+optional"
    ] = None
    parameters: Annotated[
        Field(description=("Parameters is the list of parameters that is applied to resolved K8s" " trigger object.")),
    ] = None
    patch_strategy: Annotated[
                "PatchStrategy controls the K8s object patching strategy when the"
                " trigger operation is specified as patch.\npossible"
                ' values:\n"application/json-patch+json"\n"application/merge-patch+json"\n"application/strategic-merge-patch+json"\n"application/apply-patch+yaml".\nDefaults'
                ' to "application/merge-patch+json"\n+optional'
    ] = None
    source: Annotated[Optional[ArtifactLocation], Field(title="Source of the K8s resource file(s)")] = None

live_object class-attribute instance-attribute

live_object = None

operation class-attribute instance-attribute

operation = None

parameters class-attribute instance-attribute

parameters = None

patch_strategy class-attribute instance-attribute

patch_strategy = None

source class-attribute instance-attribute

source = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class Status(BaseModel):
    conditions: Annotated[
                "Conditions are the latest available observations of a resource's"
                " current state.\n+optional\n+patchMergeKey=type\n+patchStrategy=merge"
    ] = None

conditions class-attribute instance-attribute

conditions = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class StatusPolicy(BaseModel):
    allow: Optional[List[int]] = None

allow class-attribute instance-attribute

allow = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class StorageGridEventSource(BaseModel):
    api_url: Annotated[
        Field(alias="apiURL", description="APIURL is the url of the storagegrid api."),
    ] = None
    auth_token: Annotated[
        Field(alias="authToken", title="Auth token for storagegrid api"),
    ] = None
    bucket: Annotated[
        Field(description="Name of the bucket to register notifications for."),
    ] = None
    events: Optional[List[str]] = None
    filter: Annotated[
        Field(description="Filter on object key which caused the notification."),
    ] = None
    metadata: Annotated[
        Optional[Dict[str, str]],
            title=("Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the" " event payload.\n+optional")
    ] = None
    region: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(title="S3 region.\nDefaults to us-east-1\n+optional")] = None
    topic_arn: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(alias="topicArn", title="TopicArn")] = None
    webhook: Annotated[
        Field(title="Webhook holds configuration for a REST endpoint"),
    ] = None

api_url class-attribute instance-attribute

api_url = None

auth_token class-attribute instance-attribute

auth_token = None

bucket class-attribute instance-attribute

bucket = None

events class-attribute instance-attribute

events = None

filter class-attribute instance-attribute

filter = None

metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

metadata = None

region class-attribute instance-attribute

region = None

topic_arn class-attribute instance-attribute

topic_arn = None

webhook class-attribute instance-attribute

webhook = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class StorageGridFilter(BaseModel):
    prefix: Optional[str] = None
    suffix: Optional[str] = None

prefix class-attribute instance-attribute

prefix = None

suffix class-attribute instance-attribute

suffix = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class StripeEventSource(BaseModel):
    api_key: Annotated[
                "APIKey refers to K8s secret that holds Stripe API key. Used only if"
                " CreateWebhook is enabled.\n+optional"
    ] = None
    create_webhook: Annotated[
            title=("CreateWebhook if specified creates a new webhook" " programmatically.\n+optional"),
    ] = None
    event_filter: Annotated[
                "EventFilter describes the type of events to listen to. If not"
                " specified, all types of events will be processed.\nMore info at"
    ] = None
    metadata: Annotated[
        Optional[Dict[str, str]],
            title=("Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the" " event payload.\n+optional")
    ] = None
    webhook: Annotated[
        Field(title="Webhook holds configuration for a REST endpoint"),
    ] = None

api_key class-attribute instance-attribute

api_key = None

create_webhook class-attribute instance-attribute

create_webhook = None

event_filter class-attribute instance-attribute

event_filter = None

metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

metadata = None

webhook class-attribute instance-attribute

webhook = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class TLSConfig(BaseModel):
    ca_cert_secret: Annotated[
            title="CACertSecret refers to the secret that contains the CA cert",
    ] = None
    client_cert_secret: Annotated[
            title="ClientCertSecret refers to the secret that contains the client cert",
    ] = None
    client_key_secret: Annotated[
            title="ClientKeySecret refers to the secret that contains the client key",
    ] = None
    insecure_skip_verify: Annotated[
                "If true, skips creation of TLSConfig with certs and creates an empty"
                " TLSConfig. (Defaults to false)\n+optional"
    ] = None

ca_cert_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

ca_cert_secret = None

client_cert_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

client_cert_secret = None

client_key_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

client_key_secret = None

insecure_skip_verify class-attribute instance-attribute

insecure_skip_verify = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class Template(BaseModel):
    affinity: Annotated[
        Field(title="If specified, the pod's scheduling constraints\n+optional"),
    ] = None
    container: Annotated[
        Field(title=("Container is the main container image to run in the sensor" " pod\n+optional")),
    ] = None
    image_pull_secrets: Annotated[
                "ImagePullSecrets is an optional list of references to secrets in the"
                " same namespace to use for pulling any of the images used by this"
                " PodSpec.\nIf specified, these secrets will be passed to individual"
                " puller implementations for them to use. For example,\nin the case of"
                " docker, only DockerConfig type secrets are honored.\nMore info:"
    ] = None
    metadata: Annotated[
        Field(title="Metadata sets the pods's metadata, i.e. annotations and labels"),
    ] = None
    node_selector: Annotated[
        Optional[Dict[str, str]],
                "NodeSelector is a selector which must be true for the pod to fit on a"
                " node.\nSelector which must match a node's labels for the pod to be"
                " scheduled on that node.\nMore info:"
    ] = None
    priority: Annotated[
                "The priority value. Various system components use this field to find"
                " the\npriority of the EventSource pod. When Priority Admission"
                " Controller is enabled,\nit prevents users from setting this field."
                " The admission controller populates\nthis field from"
                " PriorityClassName.\nThe higher the value, the higher the"
                " priority.\nMore info:"
    ] = None
    priority_class_name: Annotated[
                "If specified, indicates the EventSource pod's priority."
                ' "system-node-critical"\nand "system-cluster-critical" are two special'
                " keywords which indicate the\nhighest priorities with the former being"
                " the highest priority. Any other\nname must be defined by creating a"
                " PriorityClass object with that name.\nIf not specified, the pod"
                " priority will be default or zero if there is no\ndefault.\nMore info:"
    ] = None
    security_context: Annotated[
                "SecurityContext holds pod-level security attributes and common"
                " container settings.\nOptional: Defaults to empty.  See type"
                " description for default values of each field.\n+optional"
    ] = None
    service_account_name: Annotated[
                "ServiceAccountName is the name of the ServiceAccount to use to run"
                " sensor pod.\nMore info:"
    ] = None
    tolerations: Annotated[
        Field(title="If specified, the pod's tolerations.\n+optional"),
    ] = None
    volumes: Annotated[
                "Volumes is a list of volumes that can be mounted by containers in a"
                " io.argoproj.workflow.v1alpha1.\n+patchStrategy=merge\n+patchMergeKey=name\n+optional"
    ] = None

affinity class-attribute instance-attribute

affinity = None

container class-attribute instance-attribute

container = None

image_pull_secrets class-attribute instance-attribute

image_pull_secrets = None

metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

metadata = None

node_selector class-attribute instance-attribute

node_selector = None

priority class-attribute instance-attribute

priority = None

priority_class_name class-attribute instance-attribute

priority_class_name = None

security_context class-attribute instance-attribute

security_context = None

service_account_name class-attribute instance-attribute

service_account_name = None

tolerations class-attribute instance-attribute

tolerations = None

volumes class-attribute instance-attribute

volumes = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class TimeFilter(BaseModel):
    start: Annotated[
                "Start is the beginning of a time window in UTC.\nBefore this time,"
                " events for this dependency are ignored.\nFormat is hh:mm:ss."
    ] = None
    stop: Annotated[
                "Stop is the end of a time window in UTC.\nAfter or equal to this time,"
                " events for this dependency are ignored and\nFormat is hh:mm:ss.\nIf"
                " it is smaller than Start, it is treated as next day of Start\n(e.g.:"
                " 22:00:00-01:00:00 means 22:00:00-25:00:00)."
    ] = None

start class-attribute instance-attribute

start = None

stop class-attribute instance-attribute

stop = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class Trigger(BaseModel):
    parameters: Annotated[
        Field(title=("Parameters is the list of parameters applied to the trigger template" " definition")),
    ] = None
    policy: Annotated[
        Field(title=("Policy to configure backoff and execution criteria for the" " trigger\n+optional")),
    ] = None
    rate_limit: Annotated[
        Field(alias="rateLimit", title="Rate limit, default unit is Second\n+optional"),
    ] = None
    retry_strategy: Annotated[
            title="Retry strategy, defaults to no retry\n+optional",
    ] = None
    template: Annotated[
        Field(description="Template describes the trigger specification."),
    ] = None

parameters class-attribute instance-attribute

parameters = None

policy class-attribute instance-attribute

policy = None

rate_limit class-attribute instance-attribute

rate_limit = None

retry_strategy class-attribute instance-attribute

retry_strategy = None

template class-attribute instance-attribute

template = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class TriggerParameter(BaseModel):
    dest: Annotated[
                "Dest is the JSONPath of a resource key.\nA path is a series of keys"
                " separated by a dot. The colon character can be escaped with '.'\nThe"
                " -1 key can be used to append a value to an existing array.\nSee"
                " for more information"
                " about how this is used."
    ] = None
    operation: Annotated[
                "Operation is what to do with the existing value at Dest, whether"
                " to\n'prepend', 'overwrite', or 'append' it."
    ] = None
    src: Annotated[
        Field(title=("Src contains a source reference to the value of the parameter from a" " dependency")),
    ] = None

dest class-attribute instance-attribute

dest = None

operation class-attribute instance-attribute

operation = None

src class-attribute instance-attribute

src = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class TriggerParameterSource(BaseModel):
    context_key: Annotated[
                "ContextKey is the JSONPath of the event's (JSON decoded) context"
                " key\nContextKey is a series of keys separated by a dot. A key may"
                " contain wildcard characters '*' and '?'.\nTo access an array value"
                " use the index as the key. The dot and wildcard characters can be"
                " escaped with '\\\\'.\nSee"
                " for more information on"
                " how to use this."
    ] = None
    context_template: Annotated[
                "ContextTemplate is a go-template for extracting a string from the"
                " event's context.\nIf a ContextTemplate is provided with a ContextKey,"
                " the template will be evaluated first and fallback to the"
                " ContextKey.\nThe templating follows the standard go-template syntax"
                " as well as sprig's extra functions.\nSee"
                " and"
    ] = None
    data_key: Annotated[
                "DataKey is the JSONPath of the event's (JSON decoded) data"
                " key\nDataKey is a series of keys separated by a dot. A key may"
                " contain wildcard characters '*' and '?'.\nTo access an array value"
                " use the index as the key. The dot and wildcard characters can be"
                " escaped with '\\\\'.\nSee"
                " for more information on"
                " how to use this."
    ] = None
    data_template: Annotated[
                "DataTemplate is a go-template for extracting a string from the event's"
                " data.\nIf a DataTemplate is provided with a DataKey, the template"
                " will be evaluated first and fallback to the DataKey.\nThe templating"
                " follows the standard go-template syntax as well as sprig's extra"
                " functions.\nSee and"
    ] = None
    dependency_name: Annotated[
                "DependencyName refers to the name of the dependency. The event which"
                " is stored for this dependency is used as payload\nfor the"
                " parameterization. Make sure to refer to one of the dependencies you"
                " have defined under Dependencies list."
    ] = None
    value: Annotated[
                "Value is the default literal value to use for this parameter"
                " source\nThis is only used if the DataKey is invalid.\nIf the DataKey"
                " is invalid and this is not defined, this param source will produce an"
                " error."
    ] = None

context_key class-attribute instance-attribute

context_key = None

context_template class-attribute instance-attribute

context_template = None

data_key class-attribute instance-attribute

data_key = None

data_template class-attribute instance-attribute

data_template = None

dependency_name class-attribute instance-attribute

dependency_name = None

value class-attribute instance-attribute

value = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class TriggerPolicy(BaseModel):
    k8s: Annotated[
                "K8SResourcePolicy refers to the policy used to check the state of K8s"
                " based triggers using using labels"
    ] = None
    status: Annotated[
        Field(title=("Status refers to the policy used to check the state of the trigger" " using response status")),
    ] = None

k8s class-attribute instance-attribute

k8s = None

status class-attribute instance-attribute

status = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class TriggerTemplate(BaseModel):
    argo_workflow: Annotated[
                "ArgoWorkflow refers to the trigger that can perform various operations"
                " on an Argo io.argoproj.workflow.v1alpha1.\n+optional"
    ] = None
    aws_lambda: Annotated[
                "AWSLambda refers to the trigger designed to invoke AWS Lambda function"
                " with with on-the-fly constructable payload.\n+optional"
    ] = None
    azure_event_hubs: Annotated[
            title=("AzureEventHubs refers to the trigger send an event to an Azure Event" " Hub.\n+optional"),
    ] = None
    conditions: Annotated[
                "Conditions is the conditions to execute the trigger.\nFor example:"
                ' "(dep01 || dep02) && dep04"\n+optional'
    ] = None
    conditions_reset: Annotated[
        Field(alias="conditionsReset", title="Criteria to reset the conditons\n+optional"),
    ] = None
    custom: Annotated[
                "CustomTrigger refers to the trigger designed to connect to a gRPC"
                " trigger server and execute a custom trigger.\n+optional"
    ] = None
    http: Annotated[
                "HTTP refers to the trigger designed to dispatch a HTTP request with"
                " on-the-fly constructable payload.\n+optional"
    ] = None
    k8s: Annotated[
                "StandardK8STrigger refers to the trigger designed to create or update"
                " a generic Kubernetes resource.\n+optional"
    ] = None
    kafka: Annotated[
        Field(description=("Kafka refers to the trigger designed to place messages on Kafka" " topic.\n+optional.")),
    ] = None
    log: Annotated[
            title=("Log refers to the trigger designed to invoke log the" " io.argoproj.workflow.v1alpha1.\n+optional")
    ] = None
    name: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(description="Name is a unique name of the action to take.")] = None
    nats: Annotated[
        Field(description=("NATS refers to the trigger designed to place message on NATS" " subject.\n+optional.")),
    ] = None
    open_whisk: Annotated[
            title=("OpenWhisk refers to the trigger designed to invoke OpenWhisk" " action.\n+optional"),
    ] = None
    pulsar: Annotated[
        Field(title=("Pulsar refers to the trigger designed to place messages on Pulsar" " topic.\n+optional")),
    ] = None
    slack: Annotated[
        Field(title=("Slack refers to the trigger designed to send slack notification" " message.\n+optional")),
    ] = None

argo_workflow class-attribute instance-attribute

argo_workflow = None

aws_lambda class-attribute instance-attribute

aws_lambda = None

azure_event_hubs class-attribute instance-attribute

azure_event_hubs = None

conditions class-attribute instance-attribute

conditions = None

conditions_reset class-attribute instance-attribute

conditions_reset = None

custom class-attribute instance-attribute

custom = None

http class-attribute instance-attribute

http = None

k8s class-attribute instance-attribute

k8s = None

kafka class-attribute instance-attribute

kafka = None

log class-attribute instance-attribute

log = None

name class-attribute instance-attribute

name = None

nats class-attribute instance-attribute

nats = None

open_whisk class-attribute instance-attribute

open_whisk = None

pulsar class-attribute instance-attribute

pulsar = None

slack class-attribute instance-attribute

slack = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class URLArtifact(BaseModel):
    path: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(title="Path is the complete URL")] = None
    verify_cert: Annotated[
            title="VerifyCert decides whether the connection is secure or not",
    ] = None

path class-attribute instance-attribute

path = None

verify_cert class-attribute instance-attribute

verify_cert = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class ValueFromSource(BaseModel):
    config_map_key_ref: Annotated[Optional[v1_1.ConfigMapKeySelector], Field(alias="configMapKeyRef")] = None
    secret_key_ref: Annotated[Optional[v1_1.SecretKeySelector], Field(alias="secretKeyRef")] = None

config_map_key_ref class-attribute instance-attribute

config_map_key_ref = None

secret_key_ref class-attribute instance-attribute

secret_key_ref = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class WatchPathConfig(BaseModel):
    directory: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(title="Directory to watch for events")] = None
    path: Annotated[
        Field(title=("Path is relative path of object to watch with respect to the directory")),
    ] = None
    path_regexp: Annotated[
            title=("PathRegexp is regexp of relative path of object to watch with respect" " to the directory"),
    ] = None

directory class-attribute instance-attribute

directory = None

path class-attribute instance-attribute

path = None

path_regexp class-attribute instance-attribute

path_regexp = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class WebhookContext(BaseModel):
    auth_secret: Annotated[
            title=("AuthSecret holds a secret selector that contains a bearer token for" " authentication\n+optional"),
    ] = None
    endpoint: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(title="REST API endpoint")] = None
    max_payload_size: Annotated[
                "MaxPayloadSize is the maximum webhook payload size that the server"
                " will accept.\nRequests exceeding that limit will be rejected with"
                ' "request too large" response.\nDefault value: 1048576'
                " (1MB).\n+optional"
    ] = None
    metadata: Annotated[
        Optional[Dict[str, str]],
            title=("Metadata holds the user defined metadata which will passed along the" " event payload.\n+optional")
    ] = None
    method: Annotated[
                "Method is HTTP request method that indicates the desired action to be"
                " performed for a given resource.\nSee RFC7231 Hypertext Transfer"
                " Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Semantics and Content"
    ] = None
    port: Annotated[
        Field(description="Port on which HTTP server is listening for incoming events."),
    ] = None
    server_cert_secret: Annotated[
            description="ServerCertPath refers the file that contains the cert.",
    ] = None
    server_key_secret: Annotated[
            title="ServerKeyPath refers the file that contains private key",
    ] = None
    url: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(description="URL is the url of the server.")] = None

auth_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

auth_secret = None

endpoint class-attribute instance-attribute

endpoint = None

max_payload_size class-attribute instance-attribute

max_payload_size = None

metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

metadata = None

method class-attribute instance-attribute

method = None

port class-attribute instance-attribute

port = None

server_cert_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

server_cert_secret = None

server_key_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

server_key_secret = None

url class-attribute instance-attribute

url = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/events/models/io/argoproj/events/
class WebhookEventSource(BaseModel):
    filter: Annotated[Optional[EventSourceFilter], Field(title="Filter\n+optional")] = None
    webhook_context: Annotated[Optional[WebhookContext], Field(alias="webhookContext")] = None

filter class-attribute instance-attribute

filter = None

webhook_context class-attribute instance-attribute

webhook_context = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects
