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Hera Workflows Auto-generated Models



Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class Amount(BaseModel):
    __root__: Annotated[float, Field(description="Amount represent a numeric amount.")]


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class ArchiveStrategy(BaseModel):
    none: Optional[NoneStrategy] = None
    tar: Optional[TarStrategy] = None
    zip: Optional[ZipStrategy] = None

none class-attribute instance-attribute

none = None

tar class-attribute instance-attribute

tar = None

zip class-attribute instance-attribute

zip = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class ArchivedWorkflowDeletedResponse(BaseModel):


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class Arguments(BaseModel):
    artifacts: Annotated[
        Field(description=("Artifacts is the list of artifacts to pass to the template or workflow")),
    ] = None
    parameters: Annotated[
        Field(description=("Parameters is the list of parameters to pass to the template or" " workflow")),
    ] = None

artifacts class-attribute instance-attribute

artifacts = None

parameters class-attribute instance-attribute

parameters = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class ArtGCStatus(BaseModel):
    not_specified: Annotated[
            description=("if this is true, we already checked to see if we need to do it and we" " don't"),
    ] = None
    pods_recouped: Annotated[
        Optional[Dict[str, bool]],
                "have completed Pods been processed? (mapped by Pod name) used to"
                " prevent re-processing the Status of a Pod more than once"
    ] = None
    strategies_processed: Annotated[
        Optional[Dict[str, bool]],
                "have Pods been started to perform this strategy? (enables us not to"
                " re-process what we've already done)"
    ] = None

not_specified class-attribute instance-attribute

not_specified = None

pods_recouped class-attribute instance-attribute

pods_recouped = None

strategies_processed class-attribute instance-attribute

strategies_processed = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class Artifact(BaseModel):
    archive: Annotated[
        Field(description=("Archive controls how the artifact will be saved to the artifact" " repository.")),
    ] = None
    archive_logs: Annotated[
            description=("ArchiveLogs indicates if the container logs should be archived"),
    ] = None
    artifact_gc: Annotated[
                "ArtifactGC describes the strategy to use when to deleting an artifact"
                " from completed or deleted workflows"
    ] = None
    artifactory: Annotated[
        Field(description="Artifactory contains artifactory artifact location details"),
    ] = None
    azure: Annotated[
        Field(description="Azure contains Azure Storage artifact location details"),
    ] = None
    deleted: Annotated[Optional[bool], Field(description="Has this been deleted?")] = None
    from_: Annotated[
            description=("From allows an artifact to reference an artifact from a previous step"),
    ] = None
    from_expression: Annotated[
            description=("FromExpression, if defined, is evaluated to specify the value for the" " artifact"),
    ] = None
    gcs: Annotated[
        Field(description="GCS contains GCS artifact location details"),
    ] = None
    git: Annotated[
        Field(description="Git contains git artifact location details"),
    ] = None
    global_name: Annotated[
                "GlobalName exports an output artifact to the global scope, making it"
                " available as"
                " '{{io.argoproj.workflow.v1alpha1.outputs.artifacts.XXXX}} and in"
                " workflow.status.outputs.artifacts"
    ] = None
    hdfs: Annotated[
        Field(description="HDFS contains HDFS artifact location details"),
    ] = None
    http: Annotated[
        Field(description="HTTP contains HTTP artifact location details"),
    ] = None
    mode: Annotated[
                "mode bits to use on this file, must be a value between 0 and 0777 set"
                " when loading input artifacts."
    ] = None
    name: Annotated[
        Field(description=("name of the artifact. must be unique within a template's" " inputs/outputs.")),
    optional: Annotated[
        Field(description=("Make Artifacts optional, if Artifacts doesn't generate or exist")),
    ] = None
    oss: Annotated[
        Field(description="OSS contains OSS artifact location details"),
    ] = None
    path: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(description="Path is the container path to the artifact")] = None
    raw: Annotated[
        Field(description="Raw contains raw artifact location details"),
    ] = None
    recurse_mode: Annotated[
            description=("If mode is set, apply the permission recursively into the artifact if" " it is a folder"),
    ] = None
    s3: Annotated[
        Field(description="S3 contains S3 artifact location details"),
    ] = None
    sub_path: Annotated[
            description=("SubPath allows an artifact to be sourced from a subpath within the" " specified source"),
    ] = None

archive class-attribute instance-attribute

archive = None

archive_logs class-attribute instance-attribute

archive_logs = None

artifact_gc class-attribute instance-attribute

artifact_gc = None

artifactory class-attribute instance-attribute

artifactory = None

azure class-attribute instance-attribute

azure = None

deleted class-attribute instance-attribute

deleted = None

from_ class-attribute instance-attribute

from_ = None

from_expression class-attribute instance-attribute

from_expression = None

gcs class-attribute instance-attribute

gcs = None

git class-attribute instance-attribute

git = None

global_name class-attribute instance-attribute

global_name = None

hdfs class-attribute instance-attribute

hdfs = None

http class-attribute instance-attribute

http = None

mode class-attribute instance-attribute

mode = None

name instance-attribute


optional class-attribute instance-attribute

optional = None

oss class-attribute instance-attribute

oss = None

path class-attribute instance-attribute

path = None

raw class-attribute instance-attribute

raw = None

recurse_mode class-attribute instance-attribute

recurse_mode = None

s3 class-attribute instance-attribute

s3 = None

sub_path class-attribute instance-attribute

sub_path = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class ArtifactGC(BaseModel):
    pod_metadata: Annotated[
                "PodMetadata is an optional field for specifying the Labels and"
                " Annotations that should be assigned to the Pod doing the deletion"
    ] = None
    service_account_name: Annotated[
                "ServiceAccountName is an optional field for specifying the Service"
                " Account that should be assigned to the Pod doing the deletion"
    ] = None
    strategy: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(description="Strategy is the strategy to use.")] = None

pod_metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

pod_metadata = None

service_account_name class-attribute instance-attribute

service_account_name = None

strategy class-attribute instance-attribute

strategy = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class ArtifactGCSpec(BaseModel):
    artifacts_by_node: Annotated[
        Optional[Dict[str, ArtifactNodeSpec]],
            description=("ArtifactsByNode maps Node name to information pertaining to Artifacts" " on that Node"),
    ] = None

artifacts_by_node class-attribute instance-attribute

artifacts_by_node = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class ArtifactGCStatus(BaseModel):
    artifact_results_by_node: Annotated[
        Optional[Dict[str, ArtifactResultNodeStatus]],
            description="ArtifactResultsByNode maps Node name to result",
    ] = None

artifact_results_by_node class-attribute instance-attribute

artifact_results_by_node = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class ArtifactLocation(BaseModel):
    archive_logs: Annotated[
            description=("ArchiveLogs indicates if the container logs should be archived"),
    ] = None
    artifactory: Annotated[
        Field(description="Artifactory contains artifactory artifact location details"),
    ] = None
    azure: Annotated[
        Field(description="Azure contains Azure Storage artifact location details"),
    ] = None
    gcs: Annotated[
        Field(description="GCS contains GCS artifact location details"),
    ] = None
    git: Annotated[
        Field(description="Git contains git artifact location details"),
    ] = None
    hdfs: Annotated[
        Field(description="HDFS contains HDFS artifact location details"),
    ] = None
    http: Annotated[
        Field(description="HTTP contains HTTP artifact location details"),
    ] = None
    oss: Annotated[
        Field(description="OSS contains OSS artifact location details"),
    ] = None
    raw: Annotated[
        Field(description="Raw contains raw artifact location details"),
    ] = None
    s3: Annotated[
        Field(description="S3 contains S3 artifact location details"),
    ] = None

archive_logs class-attribute instance-attribute

archive_logs = None

artifactory class-attribute instance-attribute

artifactory = None

azure class-attribute instance-attribute

azure = None

gcs class-attribute instance-attribute

gcs = None

git class-attribute instance-attribute

git = None

hdfs class-attribute instance-attribute

hdfs = None

http class-attribute instance-attribute

http = None

oss class-attribute instance-attribute

oss = None

raw class-attribute instance-attribute

raw = None

s3 class-attribute instance-attribute

s3 = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class ArtifactNodeSpec(BaseModel):
    archive_location: Annotated[
            description=("ArchiveLocation is the template-level Artifact location specification"),
    ] = None
    artifacts: Annotated[
        Optional[Dict[str, Artifact]],
        Field(description="Artifacts maps artifact name to Artifact description"),
    ] = None

archive_location class-attribute instance-attribute

archive_location = None

artifacts class-attribute instance-attribute

artifacts = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class ArtifactPaths(BaseModel):
    archive: Annotated[
        Field(description=("Archive controls how the artifact will be saved to the artifact" " repository.")),
    ] = None
    archive_logs: Annotated[
            description=("ArchiveLogs indicates if the container logs should be archived"),
    ] = None
    artifact_gc: Annotated[
                "ArtifactGC describes the strategy to use when to deleting an artifact"
                " from completed or deleted workflows"
    ] = None
    artifactory: Annotated[
        Field(description="Artifactory contains artifactory artifact location details"),
    ] = None
    azure: Annotated[
        Field(description="Azure contains Azure Storage artifact location details"),
    ] = None
    deleted: Annotated[Optional[bool], Field(description="Has this been deleted?")] = None
    from_: Annotated[
            description=("From allows an artifact to reference an artifact from a previous step"),
    ] = None
    from_expression: Annotated[
            description=("FromExpression, if defined, is evaluated to specify the value for the" " artifact"),
    ] = None
    gcs: Annotated[
        Field(description="GCS contains GCS artifact location details"),
    ] = None
    git: Annotated[
        Field(description="Git contains git artifact location details"),
    ] = None
    global_name: Annotated[
                "GlobalName exports an output artifact to the global scope, making it"
                " available as"
                " '{{io.argoproj.workflow.v1alpha1.outputs.artifacts.XXXX}} and in"
                " workflow.status.outputs.artifacts"
    ] = None
    hdfs: Annotated[
        Field(description="HDFS contains HDFS artifact location details"),
    ] = None
    http: Annotated[
        Field(description="HTTP contains HTTP artifact location details"),
    ] = None
    mode: Annotated[
                "mode bits to use on this file, must be a value between 0 and 0777 set"
                " when loading input artifacts."
    ] = None
    name: Annotated[
        Field(description=("name of the artifact. must be unique within a template's" " inputs/outputs.")),
    optional: Annotated[
        Field(description=("Make Artifacts optional, if Artifacts doesn't generate or exist")),
    ] = None
    oss: Annotated[
        Field(description="OSS contains OSS artifact location details"),
    ] = None
    path: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(description="Path is the container path to the artifact")] = None
    raw: Annotated[
        Field(description="Raw contains raw artifact location details"),
    ] = None
    recurse_mode: Annotated[
            description=("If mode is set, apply the permission recursively into the artifact if" " it is a folder"),
    ] = None
    s3: Annotated[
        Field(description="S3 contains S3 artifact location details"),
    ] = None
    sub_path: Annotated[
            description=("SubPath allows an artifact to be sourced from a subpath within the" " specified source"),
    ] = None

archive class-attribute instance-attribute

archive = None

archive_logs class-attribute instance-attribute

archive_logs = None

artifact_gc class-attribute instance-attribute

artifact_gc = None

artifactory class-attribute instance-attribute

artifactory = None

azure class-attribute instance-attribute

azure = None

deleted class-attribute instance-attribute

deleted = None

from_ class-attribute instance-attribute

from_ = None

from_expression class-attribute instance-attribute

from_expression = None

gcs class-attribute instance-attribute

gcs = None

git class-attribute instance-attribute

git = None

global_name class-attribute instance-attribute

global_name = None

hdfs class-attribute instance-attribute

hdfs = None

http class-attribute instance-attribute

http = None

mode class-attribute instance-attribute

mode = None

name instance-attribute


optional class-attribute instance-attribute

optional = None

oss class-attribute instance-attribute

oss = None

path class-attribute instance-attribute

path = None

raw class-attribute instance-attribute

raw = None

recurse_mode class-attribute instance-attribute

recurse_mode = None

s3 class-attribute instance-attribute

s3 = None

sub_path class-attribute instance-attribute

sub_path = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class ArtifactRepository(BaseModel):
    archive_logs: Annotated[
        Field(alias="archiveLogs", description="ArchiveLogs enables log archiving"),
    ] = None
    artifactory: Annotated[
        Field(description="Artifactory stores artifacts to JFrog Artifactory"),
    ] = None
    azure: Annotated[
        Field(description="Azure stores artifact in an Azure Storage account"),
    ] = None
    gcs: Annotated[
        Field(description="GCS stores artifact in a GCS object store"),
    ] = None
    hdfs: Annotated[
        Field(description="HDFS stores artifacts in HDFS"),
    ] = None
    oss: Annotated[
        Field(description="OSS stores artifact in a OSS-compliant object store"),
    ] = None
    s3: Annotated[
        Field(description="S3 stores artifact in a S3-compliant object store"),
    ] = None

archive_logs class-attribute instance-attribute

archive_logs = None

artifactory class-attribute instance-attribute

artifactory = None

azure class-attribute instance-attribute

azure = None

gcs class-attribute instance-attribute

gcs = None

hdfs class-attribute instance-attribute

hdfs = None

oss class-attribute instance-attribute

oss = None

s3 class-attribute instance-attribute

s3 = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class ArtifactRepositoryRef(BaseModel):
    config_map: Annotated[
            description=('The name of the config map. Defaults to "artifact-repositories".'),
    ] = None
    key: Annotated[
                "The config map key. Defaults to the value of the"
                ' "" annotation.'
    ] = None

config_map class-attribute instance-attribute

config_map = None

key class-attribute instance-attribute

key = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class ArtifactRepositoryRefStatus(BaseModel):
    artifact_repository: Annotated[
            description=("The repository the workflow will use. This maybe empty before v3.1."),
    ] = None
    config_map: Annotated[
            description=('The name of the config map. Defaults to "artifact-repositories".'),
    ] = None
    default: Annotated[
        Field(description=("If this ref represents the default artifact repository, rather than a" " config map.")),
    ] = None
    key: Annotated[
                "The config map key. Defaults to the value of the"
                ' "" annotation.'
    ] = None
    namespace: Annotated[
                "The namespace of the config map. Defaults to the workflow's namespace,"
                " or the controller's namespace (if found)."
    ] = None

artifact_repository class-attribute instance-attribute

artifact_repository = None

config_map class-attribute instance-attribute

config_map = None

default class-attribute instance-attribute

default = None

key class-attribute instance-attribute

key = None

namespace class-attribute instance-attribute

namespace = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class ArtifactResult(BaseModel):
    error: Annotated[
        Field(description=("Error is an optional error message which should be set if" " Success==false")),
    ] = None
    name: Annotated[str, Field(description="Name is the name of the Artifact")]
    success: Annotated[
        Field(description="Success describes whether the deletion succeeded"),
    ] = None

error class-attribute instance-attribute

error = None

name instance-attribute


success class-attribute instance-attribute

success = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class ArtifactResultNodeStatus(BaseModel):
    artifact_results: Annotated[
        Optional[Dict[str, ArtifactResult]],
            description="ArtifactResults maps Artifact name to result of the deletion",
    ] = None

artifact_results class-attribute instance-attribute

artifact_results = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class ArtifactoryArtifact(BaseModel):
    password_secret: Annotated[
            description=("PasswordSecret is the secret selector to the repository password"),
    ] = None
    url: Annotated[str, Field(description="URL of the artifact")]
    username_secret: Annotated[
            description=("UsernameSecret is the secret selector to the repository username"),
    ] = None

password_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

password_secret = None

url instance-attribute


username_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

username_secret = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class ArtifactoryArtifactRepository(BaseModel):
    password_secret: Annotated[
            description=("PasswordSecret is the secret selector to the repository password"),
    ] = None
    repo_url: Annotated[
        Field(alias="repoURL", description="RepoURL is the url for artifactory repo."),
    ] = None
    username_secret: Annotated[
            description=("UsernameSecret is the secret selector to the repository username"),
    ] = None

password_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

password_secret = None

repo_url class-attribute instance-attribute

repo_url = None

username_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

username_secret = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class AzureArtifact(BaseModel):
    account_key_secret: Annotated[
            description=("AccountKeySecret is the secret selector to the Azure Blob Storage" " account access key"),
    ] = None
    blob: Annotated[
        Field(description=("Blob is the blob name (i.e., path) in the container where the artifact" " resides")),
    container: Annotated[
        Field(description="Container is the container where resources will be stored"),
    endpoint: Annotated[
                "Endpoint is the service url associated with an account. It is most"
                ' likely "https://<ACCOUNT_NAME>"'
    use_sdk_creds: Annotated[
            description=("UseSDKCreds tells the driver to figure out credentials based on sdk" " defaults."),
    ] = None

account_key_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

account_key_secret = None

blob instance-attribute


container instance-attribute


endpoint instance-attribute


use_sdk_creds class-attribute instance-attribute

use_sdk_creds = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class AzureArtifactRepository(BaseModel):
    account_key_secret: Annotated[
            description=("AccountKeySecret is the secret selector to the Azure Blob Storage" " account access key"),
    ] = None
    blob_name_format: Annotated[
                "BlobNameFormat is defines the format of how to store blob names. Can" " reference workflow variables"
    ] = None
    container: Annotated[
        Field(description="Container is the container where resources will be stored"),
    endpoint: Annotated[
                "Endpoint is the service url associated with an account. It is most"
                ' likely "https://<ACCOUNT_NAME>"'
    use_sdk_creds: Annotated[
            description=("UseSDKCreds tells the driver to figure out credentials based on sdk" " defaults."),
    ] = None

account_key_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

account_key_secret = None

blob_name_format class-attribute instance-attribute

blob_name_format = None

container instance-attribute


endpoint instance-attribute


use_sdk_creds class-attribute instance-attribute

use_sdk_creds = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class Backoff(BaseModel):
    duration: Annotated[
                "Duration is the amount to back off. Default unit is seconds, but could"
                ' also be a duration (e.g. "2m", "1h")'
    ] = None
    factor: Annotated[
        Field(description=("Factor is a factor to multiply the base duration after each failed" " retry")),
    ] = None
    max_duration: Annotated[
            description=("MaxDuration is the maximum amount of time allowed for the backoff" " strategy"),
    ] = None

duration class-attribute instance-attribute

duration = None

factor class-attribute instance-attribute

factor = None

max_duration class-attribute instance-attribute

max_duration = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class BasicAuth(BaseModel):
    password_secret: Annotated[
            description=("PasswordSecret is the secret selector to the repository password"),
    ] = None
    username_secret: Annotated[
            description=("UsernameSecret is the secret selector to the repository username"),
    ] = None

password_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

password_secret = None

username_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

username_secret = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class Cache(BaseModel):
    config_map: Annotated[
        Field(alias="configMap", description="ConfigMap sets a ConfigMap-based cache"),

config_map instance-attribute



Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class ClientCertAuth(BaseModel):
    client_cert_secret: Annotated[Optional[v1.SecretKeySelector], Field(alias="clientCertSecret")] = None
    client_key_secret: Annotated[Optional[v1.SecretKeySelector], Field(alias="clientKeySecret")] = None

client_cert_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

client_cert_secret = None

client_key_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

client_key_secret = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class ClusterWorkflowTemplate(BaseModel):
    api_version: Annotated[
                "APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an"
                " object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest"
                " internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info:"
    ] = None
    kind: Annotated[
                "Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object"
                " represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client"
                " submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info:"
    ] = None
    metadata: v1_1.ObjectMeta
    spec: WorkflowSpec

api_version class-attribute instance-attribute

api_version = None

kind class-attribute instance-attribute

kind = None

metadata instance-attribute


spec instance-attribute



Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class ClusterWorkflowTemplateCreateRequest(BaseModel):
    create_options: Annotated[Optional[v1_1.CreateOptions], Field(alias="createOptions")] = None
    template: Optional[ClusterWorkflowTemplate] = None

create_options class-attribute instance-attribute

create_options = None

template class-attribute instance-attribute

template = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class ClusterWorkflowTemplateDeleteResponse(BaseModel):


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class ClusterWorkflowTemplateLintRequest(BaseModel):
    create_options: Annotated[Optional[v1_1.CreateOptions], Field(alias="createOptions")] = None
    template: Optional[ClusterWorkflowTemplate] = None

create_options class-attribute instance-attribute

create_options = None

template class-attribute instance-attribute

template = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class ClusterWorkflowTemplateList(BaseModel):
    api_version: Annotated[
                "APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an"
                " object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest"
                " internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info:"
    ] = None
    items: Optional[List[ClusterWorkflowTemplate]] = None
    kind: Annotated[
                "Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object"
                " represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client"
                " submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info:"
    ] = None
    metadata: v1_1.ListMeta

api_version class-attribute instance-attribute

api_version = None

items class-attribute instance-attribute

items = None

kind class-attribute instance-attribute

kind = None

metadata instance-attribute



Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class ClusterWorkflowTemplateUpdateRequest(BaseModel):
    name: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(description="DEPRECATED: This field is ignored.")] = None
    template: Optional[ClusterWorkflowTemplate] = None

name class-attribute instance-attribute

name = None

template class-attribute instance-attribute

template = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class CollectEventRequest(BaseModel):
    name: Optional[str] = None

name class-attribute instance-attribute

name = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class CollectEventResponse(BaseModel):


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class Condition(BaseModel):
    message: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(description="Message is the condition message")] = None
    status: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(description="Status is the status of the condition")] = None
    type: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(description="Type is the type of condition")] = None

message class-attribute instance-attribute

message = None

status class-attribute instance-attribute

status = None

type class-attribute instance-attribute

type = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class ContainerNode(BaseModel):
    args: Annotated[
                "Arguments to the entrypoint. The container image's CMD is used if"
                " this is not provided. Variable references $(VAR_NAME) are expanded"
                " using the container's environment. If a variable cannot be resolved,"
                " the reference in the input string will be unchanged. Double $$ are"
                " reduced to a single $, which allows for escaping the $(VAR_NAME)"
                ' syntax: i.e. "$$(VAR_NAME)" will produce the string literal'
                ' "$(VAR_NAME)". Escaped references will never be expanded, regardless'
                " of whether the variable exists or not. Cannot be updated. More info:"
    ] = None
    command: Annotated[
                "Entrypoint array. Not executed within a shell. The container image's"
                " ENTRYPOINT is used if this is not provided. Variable references"
                " $(VAR_NAME) are expanded using the container's environment. If a"
                " variable cannot be resolved, the reference in the input string will"
                " be unchanged. Double $$ are reduced to a single $, which allows for"
                ' escaping the $(VAR_NAME) syntax: i.e. "$$(VAR_NAME)" will produce the'
                ' string literal "$(VAR_NAME)". Escaped references will never be'
                " expanded, regardless of whether the variable exists or not. Cannot be"
                " updated. More info:"
    ] = None
    dependencies: Optional[List[str]] = None
    env: Annotated[
        Field(description=("List of environment variables to set in the container. Cannot be" " updated.")),
    ] = None
    env_from: Annotated[
                "List of sources to populate environment variables in the container."
                " The keys defined within a source must be a C_IDENTIFIER. All invalid"
                " keys will be reported as an event when the container is starting."
                " When a key exists in multiple sources, the value associated with the"
                " last source will take precedence. Values defined by an Env with a"
                " duplicate key will take precedence. Cannot be updated."
    ] = None
    image: Annotated[
                "Container image name. More info:"
                " This field is"
                " optional to allow higher level config management to default or"
                " override container images in workload controllers like Deployments"
                " and StatefulSets."
    ] = None
    image_pull_policy: Annotated[
                "Image pull policy. One of Always, Never, IfNotPresent. Defaults to"
                " Always if :latest tag is specified, or IfNotPresent otherwise. Cannot"
                " be updated. More info:"
    ] = None
    lifecycle: Annotated[
                "Actions that the management system should take in response to"
                " container lifecycle events. Cannot be updated."
    ] = None
    liveness_probe: Annotated[
                "Periodic probe of container liveness. Container will be restarted if"
                " the probe fails. Cannot be updated. More info:"
    ] = None
    name: Annotated[
                "Name of the container specified as a DNS_LABEL. Each container in a"
                " pod must have a unique name (DNS_LABEL). Cannot be updated."
    ports: Annotated[
                "List of ports to expose from the container. Exposing a port here gives"
                " the system additional information about the network connections a"
                " container uses, but is primarily informational. Not specifying a port"
                " here DOES NOT prevent that port from being exposed. Any port which is"
                ' listening on the default "" address inside a container will be'
                " accessible from the network. Cannot be updated."
    ] = None
    readiness_probe: Annotated[
                "Periodic probe of container service readiness. Container will be"
                " removed from service endpoints if the probe fails. Cannot be updated."
                " More info:"
    ] = None
    resources: Annotated[
                "Compute Resources required by this container. Cannot be updated. More"
                " info:"
    ] = None
    security_context: Annotated[
                "SecurityContext defines the security options the container should be"
                " run with. If set, the fields of SecurityContext override the"
                " equivalent fields of PodSecurityContext. More info:"
    ] = None
    startup_probe: Annotated[
                "StartupProbe indicates that the Pod has successfully initialized. If"
                " specified, no other probes are executed until this completes"
                " successfully. If this probe fails, the Pod will be restarted, just as"
                " if the livenessProbe failed. This can be used to provide different"
                " probe parameters at the beginning of a Pod's lifecycle, when it might"
                " take a long time to load data or warm a cache, than during"
                " steady-state operation. This cannot be updated. More info:"
    ] = None
    stdin: Annotated[
                "Whether this container should allocate a buffer for stdin in the"
                " container runtime. If this is not set, reads from stdin in the"
                " container will always result in EOF. Default is false."
    ] = None
    stdin_once: Annotated[
                "Whether the container runtime should close the stdin channel after it"
                " has been opened by a single attach. When stdin is true the stdin"
                " stream will remain open across multiple attach sessions. If stdinOnce"
                " is set to true, stdin is opened on container start, is empty until"
                " the first client attaches to stdin, and then remains open and accepts"
                " data until the client disconnects, at which time stdin is closed and"
                " remains closed until the container is restarted. If this flag is"
                " false, a container processes that reads from stdin will never receive"
                " an EOF. Default is false"
    ] = None
    termination_message_path: Annotated[
                "Optional: Path at which the file to which the container's termination"
                " message will be written is mounted into the container's filesystem."
                " Message written is intended to be brief final status, such as an"
                " assertion failure message. Will be truncated by the node if greater"
                " than 4096 bytes. The total message length across all containers will"
                " be limited to 12kb. Defaults to /dev/termination-log. Cannot be"
                " updated."
    ] = None
    termination_message_policy: Annotated[
                "Indicate how the termination message should be populated. File will"
                " use the contents of terminationMessagePath to populate the container"
                " status message on both success and failure. FallbackToLogsOnError"
                " will use the last chunk of container log output if the termination"
                " message file is empty and the container exited with an error. The log"
                " output is limited to 2048 bytes or 80 lines, whichever is smaller."
                " Defaults to File. Cannot be updated."
    ] = None
    tty: Annotated[
                "Whether this container should allocate a TTY for itself, also requires"
                " 'stdin' to be true. Default is false."
    ] = None
    volume_devices: Annotated[
            description=("volumeDevices is the list of block devices to be used by the" " container."),
    ] = None
    volume_mounts: Annotated[
            description=("Pod volumes to mount into the container's filesystem. Cannot be" " updated."),
    ] = None
    working_dir: Annotated[
                "Container's working directory. If not specified, the container"
                " runtime's default will be used, which might be configured in the"
                " container image. Cannot be updated."
    ] = None

args class-attribute instance-attribute

args = None

command class-attribute instance-attribute

command = None

dependencies class-attribute instance-attribute

dependencies = None

env class-attribute instance-attribute

env = None

env_from class-attribute instance-attribute

env_from = None

image class-attribute instance-attribute

image = None

image_pull_policy class-attribute instance-attribute

image_pull_policy = None

lifecycle class-attribute instance-attribute

lifecycle = None

liveness_probe class-attribute instance-attribute

liveness_probe = None

name instance-attribute


ports class-attribute instance-attribute

ports = None

readiness_probe class-attribute instance-attribute

readiness_probe = None

resources class-attribute instance-attribute

resources = None

security_context class-attribute instance-attribute

security_context = None

startup_probe class-attribute instance-attribute

startup_probe = None

stdin class-attribute instance-attribute

stdin = None

stdin_once class-attribute instance-attribute

stdin_once = None

termination_message_path class-attribute instance-attribute

termination_message_path = None

termination_message_policy class-attribute instance-attribute

termination_message_policy = None

tty class-attribute instance-attribute

tty = None

volume_devices class-attribute instance-attribute

volume_devices = None

volume_mounts class-attribute instance-attribute

volume_mounts = None

working_dir class-attribute instance-attribute

working_dir = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class ContainerSetRetryStrategy(BaseModel):
    duration: Annotated[
                'Duration is the time between each retry, examples values are "300ms",'
                ' "1s" or "5m". Valid time units are "ns", "us" (or "µs"), "ms", "s",'
                ' "m", "h".'
    ] = None
    retries: Annotated[intstr.IntOrString, Field(description="Nbr of retries")]

duration class-attribute instance-attribute

duration = None

retries instance-attribute



Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class ContainerSetTemplate(BaseModel):
    containers: List[ContainerNode]
    retry_strategy: Annotated[
                "RetryStrategy describes how to retry a container nodes in the"
                " container set if it fails. Nbr of retries(default 0) and sleep"
                " duration between retries(default 0s, instant retry) can be set."
    ] = None
    volume_mounts: Annotated[Optional[List[v1.VolumeMount]], Field(alias="volumeMounts")] = None

containers instance-attribute


retry_strategy class-attribute instance-attribute

retry_strategy = None

volume_mounts class-attribute instance-attribute

volume_mounts = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class ContinueOn(BaseModel):
    error: Optional[bool] = None
    failed: Optional[bool] = None

error class-attribute instance-attribute

error = None

failed class-attribute instance-attribute

failed = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class Counter(BaseModel):
    value: Annotated[str, Field(description="Value is the value of the metric")]

value instance-attribute



Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class CreateCronWorkflowRequest(BaseModel):
    create_options: Annotated[Optional[v1_1.CreateOptions], Field(alias="createOptions")] = None
    cron_workflow: Annotated[Optional[CronWorkflow], Field(alias="cronWorkflow")] = None
    namespace: Optional[str] = None

create_options class-attribute instance-attribute

create_options = None

cron_workflow class-attribute instance-attribute

cron_workflow = None

namespace class-attribute instance-attribute

namespace = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class CreateS3BucketOptions(BaseModel):
    object_locking: Annotated[
        Field(alias="objectLocking", description="ObjectLocking Enable object locking"),
    ] = None

object_locking class-attribute instance-attribute

object_locking = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class CronWorkflow(BaseModel):
    api_version: Annotated[
                "APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an"
                " object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest"
                " internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info:"
    ] = None
    kind: Annotated[
                "Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object"
                " represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client"
                " submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info:"
    ] = None
    metadata: v1_1.ObjectMeta
    spec: CronWorkflowSpec
    status: Optional[CronWorkflowStatus] = None

api_version class-attribute instance-attribute

api_version = None

kind class-attribute instance-attribute

kind = None

metadata instance-attribute


spec instance-attribute


status class-attribute instance-attribute

status = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class CronWorkflowDeletedResponse(BaseModel):


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class CronWorkflowList(BaseModel):
    api_version: Annotated[
                "APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an"
                " object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest"
                " internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info:"
    ] = None
    items: Optional[List[CronWorkflow]] = None
    kind: Annotated[
                "Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object"
                " represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client"
                " submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info:"
    ] = None
    metadata: v1_1.ListMeta

api_version class-attribute instance-attribute

api_version = None

items class-attribute instance-attribute

items = None

kind class-attribute instance-attribute

kind = None

metadata instance-attribute



Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class CronWorkflowResumeRequest(BaseModel):
    name: Optional[str] = None
    namespace: Optional[str] = None

name class-attribute instance-attribute

name = None

namespace class-attribute instance-attribute

namespace = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class CronWorkflowSpec(BaseModel):
    concurrency_policy: Annotated[
            description=("ConcurrencyPolicy is the K8s-style concurrency policy that will be" " used"),
    ] = None
    failed_jobs_history_limit: Annotated[
            description=("FailedJobsHistoryLimit is the number of failed jobs to be kept at a" " time"),
    ] = None
    schedule: Annotated[
        Field(description="Schedule is a schedule to run the Workflow in Cron format"),
    starting_deadline_seconds: Annotated[
                "StartingDeadlineSeconds is the K8s-style deadline that will limit the"
                " time a CronWorkflow will be run after its original scheduled time if"
                " it is missed."
    ] = None
    successful_jobs_history_limit: Annotated[
            description=("SuccessfulJobsHistoryLimit is the number of successful jobs to be kept" " at a time"),
    ] = None
    suspend: Annotated[
        Field(description=("Suspend is a flag that will stop new CronWorkflows from running if set" " to true")),
    ] = None
    timezone: Annotated[
                "Timezone is the timezone against which the cron schedule will be"
                ' calculated, e.g. "Asia/Tokyo". Default is machine\'s local time.'
    ] = None
    workflow_metadata: Annotated[
            description=("WorkflowMetadata contains some metadata of the workflow to be run"),
    ] = None
    workflow_spec: Annotated[
            description="WorkflowSpec is the spec of the workflow to be run",

concurrency_policy class-attribute instance-attribute

concurrency_policy = None

failed_jobs_history_limit class-attribute instance-attribute

failed_jobs_history_limit = None

schedule instance-attribute


starting_deadline_seconds class-attribute instance-attribute

starting_deadline_seconds = None

successful_jobs_history_limit class-attribute instance-attribute

successful_jobs_history_limit = None

suspend class-attribute instance-attribute

suspend = None

timezone class-attribute instance-attribute

timezone = None

workflow_metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

workflow_metadata = None

workflow_spec instance-attribute



Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class CronWorkflowStatus(BaseModel):
    active: Annotated[
        Field(description=("Active is a list of active workflows stemming from this CronWorkflow")),
    ] = None
    conditions: Annotated[
        Field(description="Conditions is a list of conditions the CronWorkflow may have"),
    ] = None
    last_scheduled_time: Annotated[
            description=("LastScheduleTime is the last time the CronWorkflow was scheduled"),
    ] = None

active class-attribute instance-attribute

active = None

conditions class-attribute instance-attribute

conditions = None

last_scheduled_time class-attribute instance-attribute

last_scheduled_time = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class CronWorkflowSuspendRequest(BaseModel):
    name: Optional[str] = None
    namespace: Optional[str] = None

name class-attribute instance-attribute

name = None

namespace class-attribute instance-attribute

namespace = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class DAGTask(BaseModel):
    arguments: Annotated[
        Field(description=("Arguments are the parameter and artifact arguments to the template")),
    ] = None
    continue_on: Annotated[
                "ContinueOn makes argo to proceed with the following step even if this"
                " step fails. Errors and Failed states can be specified"
    ] = None
    dependencies: Annotated[
        Field(description="Dependencies are name of other targets which this depends on"),
    ] = None
    depends: Annotated[
        Field(description="Depends are name of other targets which this depends on"),
    ] = None
    hooks: Annotated[
        Optional[Dict[str, LifecycleHook]],
                "Hooks hold the lifecycle hook which is invoked at lifecycle of task,"
                " irrespective of the success, failure, or error status of the primary"
                " task"
    ] = None
    inline: Annotated[
        Field(description=("Inline is the template. Template must be empty if this is declared" " (and vice-versa).")),
    ] = None
    name: Annotated[str, Field(description="Name is the name of the target")]
    on_exit: Annotated[
                "OnExit is a template reference which is invoked at the end of the"
                " template, irrespective of the success, failure, or error of the"
                " primary template. DEPRECATED: Use Hooks[exit].Template instead."
    ] = None
    template: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(description="Name of template to execute")] = None
    template_ref: Annotated[
            description=("TemplateRef is the reference to the template resource to execute."),
    ] = None
    when: Annotated[
        Field(description=("When is an expression in which the task should conditionally execute")),
    ] = None
    with_items: Annotated[
            description=("WithItems expands a task into multiple parallel tasks from the items" " in the list"),
    ] = None
    with_param: Annotated[
                "WithParam expands a task into multiple parallel tasks from the value"
                " in the parameter, which is expected to be a JSON list."
    ] = None
    with_sequence: Annotated[
            description="WithSequence expands a task into a numeric sequence",
    ] = None

arguments class-attribute instance-attribute

arguments = None

continue_on class-attribute instance-attribute

continue_on = None

dependencies class-attribute instance-attribute

dependencies = None

depends class-attribute instance-attribute

depends = None

hooks class-attribute instance-attribute

hooks = None

inline class-attribute instance-attribute

inline = None

name instance-attribute


on_exit class-attribute instance-attribute

on_exit = None

template class-attribute instance-attribute

template = None

template_ref class-attribute instance-attribute

template_ref = None

when class-attribute instance-attribute

when = None

with_items class-attribute instance-attribute

with_items = None

with_param class-attribute instance-attribute

with_param = None

with_sequence class-attribute instance-attribute

with_sequence = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class DAGTemplate(BaseModel):
    fail_fast: Annotated[
                'This flag is for DAG logic. The DAG logic has a built-in "fail fast"'
                " feature to stop scheduling new steps, as soon as it detects that one"
                " of the DAG nodes is failed. Then it waits until all DAG nodes are"
                " completed before failing the DAG itself. The FailFast flag default is"
                " true,  if set to false, it will allow a DAG to run all branches of"
                " the DAG to completion (either success or failure), regardless of the"
                " failed outcomes of branches in the DAG. More info and example about"
                " this feature at"
    ] = None
    target: Annotated[
        Field(description="Target are one or more names of targets to execute in a DAG"),
    ] = None
    tasks: Annotated[List[DAGTask], Field(description="Tasks are a list of DAG tasks")]

fail_fast class-attribute instance-attribute

fail_fast = None

target class-attribute instance-attribute

target = None

tasks instance-attribute



Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class Data(BaseModel):
    source: Annotated[
        Field(description="Source sources external data into a data template"),
    transformation: Annotated[
        Field(description="Transformation applies a set of transformations"),

source instance-attribute


transformation instance-attribute



Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class DataSource(BaseModel):
    artifact_paths: Annotated[
            description=("ArtifactPaths is a data transformation that collects a list of" " artifact paths"),
    ] = None

artifact_paths class-attribute instance-attribute

artifact_paths = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class Event(BaseModel):
    selector: Annotated[
                "Selector ( that we must must match"
                ' the io.argoproj.workflow.v1alpha1. E.g. `payload.message == "test"`'

selector instance-attribute



Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class EventResponse(BaseModel):


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class ExecutorConfig(BaseModel):
    service_account_name: Annotated[
            description=("ServiceAccountName specifies the service account name of the executor" " container."),
    ] = None

service_account_name class-attribute instance-attribute

service_account_name = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class GCSArtifact(BaseModel):
    bucket: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(description="Bucket is the name of the bucket")] = None
    key: Annotated[
        Field(description="Key is the path in the bucket where the artifact resides"),
    service_account_key_secret: Annotated[
            description=("ServiceAccountKeySecret is the secret selector to the bucket's service" " account key"),
    ] = None

bucket class-attribute instance-attribute

bucket = None

key instance-attribute


service_account_key_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

service_account_key_secret = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class GCSArtifactRepository(BaseModel):
    bucket: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(description="Bucket is the name of the bucket")] = None
    key_format: Annotated[
            description=("KeyFormat is defines the format of how to store keys. Can reference" " workflow variables"),
    ] = None
    service_account_key_secret: Annotated[
            description=("ServiceAccountKeySecret is the secret selector to the bucket's service" " account key"),
    ] = None

bucket class-attribute instance-attribute

bucket = None

key_format class-attribute instance-attribute

key_format = None

service_account_key_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

service_account_key_secret = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class Gauge(BaseModel):
    realtime: Annotated[bool, Field(description="Realtime emits this metric in real time if applicable")]
    value: Annotated[str, Field(description="Value is the value of the metric")]

realtime instance-attribute


value instance-attribute



Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class GetUserInfoResponse(BaseModel):
    email: Optional[str] = None
    email_verified: Annotated[Optional[bool], Field(alias="emailVerified")] = None
    groups: Optional[List[str]] = None
    issuer: Optional[str] = None
    service_account_name: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(alias="serviceAccountName")] = None
    service_account_namespace: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(alias="serviceAccountNamespace")] = None
    subject: Optional[str] = None

email class-attribute instance-attribute

email = None

email_verified class-attribute instance-attribute

email_verified = None

groups class-attribute instance-attribute

groups = None

issuer class-attribute instance-attribute

issuer = None

service_account_name class-attribute instance-attribute

service_account_name = None

service_account_namespace class-attribute instance-attribute

service_account_namespace = None

subject class-attribute instance-attribute

subject = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class GitArtifact(BaseModel):
    branch: Annotated[
        Field(description="Branch is the branch to fetch when `SingleBranch` is enabled"),
    ] = None
    depth: Annotated[
                "Depth specifies clones/fetches should be shallow and include the given"
                " number of commits from the branch tip"
    ] = None
    disable_submodules: Annotated[
            description="DisableSubmodules disables submodules during git clone",
    ] = None
    fetch: Annotated[
        Field(description=("Fetch specifies a number of refs that should be fetched before" " checkout")),
    ] = None
    insecure_ignore_host_key: Annotated[
            description=("InsecureIgnoreHostKey disables SSH strict host key checking during git" " clone"),
    ] = None
    password_secret: Annotated[
            description=("PasswordSecret is the secret selector to the repository password"),
    ] = None
    repo: Annotated[str, Field(description="Repo is the git repository")]
    revision: Annotated[
        Field(description="Revision is the git commit, tag, branch to checkout"),
    ] = None
    single_branch: Annotated[
            description=("SingleBranch enables single branch clone, using the `branch` parameter"),
    ] = None
    ssh_private_key_secret: Annotated[
            description=("SSHPrivateKeySecret is the secret selector to the repository ssh" " private key"),
    ] = None
    username_secret: Annotated[
            description=("UsernameSecret is the secret selector to the repository username"),
    ] = None

branch class-attribute instance-attribute

branch = None

depth class-attribute instance-attribute

depth = None

disable_submodules class-attribute instance-attribute

disable_submodules = None

fetch class-attribute instance-attribute

fetch = None

insecure_ignore_host_key class-attribute instance-attribute

insecure_ignore_host_key = None

password_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

password_secret = None

repo instance-attribute


revision class-attribute instance-attribute

revision = None

single_branch class-attribute instance-attribute

single_branch = None

ssh_private_key_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

ssh_private_key_secret = None

username_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

username_secret = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class HDFSArtifact(BaseModel):
    addresses: Annotated[
        Field(description="Addresses is accessible addresses of HDFS name nodes"),
    ] = None
    force: Annotated[
        Field(description="Force copies a file forcibly even if it exists"),
    ] = None
    hdfs_user: Annotated[
                "HDFSUser is the user to access HDFS file system. It is ignored if" " either ccache or keytab is used."
    ] = None
    krb_c_cache_secret: Annotated[
                "KrbCCacheSecret is the secret selector for Kerberos ccache Either"
                " ccache or keytab can be set to use Kerberos."
    ] = None
    krb_config_config_map: Annotated[
                "KrbConfig is the configmap selector for Kerberos config as string It"
                " must be set if either ccache or keytab is used."
    ] = None
    krb_keytab_secret: Annotated[
                "KrbKeytabSecret is the secret selector for Kerberos keytab Either"
                " ccache or keytab can be set to use Kerberos."
    ] = None
    krb_realm: Annotated[
                "KrbRealm is the Kerberos realm used with Kerberos keytab It must be" " set if keytab is used."
    ] = None
    krb_service_principal_name: Annotated[
                "KrbServicePrincipalName is the principal name of Kerberos service It"
                " must be set if either ccache or keytab is used."
    ] = None
    krb_username: Annotated[
                "KrbUsername is the Kerberos username used with Kerberos keytab It must" " be set if keytab is used."
    ] = None
    path: Annotated[str, Field(description="Path is a file path in HDFS")]

addresses class-attribute instance-attribute

addresses = None

force class-attribute instance-attribute

force = None

hdfs_user class-attribute instance-attribute

hdfs_user = None

krb_c_cache_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

krb_c_cache_secret = None

krb_config_config_map class-attribute instance-attribute

krb_config_config_map = None

krb_keytab_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

krb_keytab_secret = None

krb_realm class-attribute instance-attribute

krb_realm = None

krb_service_principal_name class-attribute instance-attribute

krb_service_principal_name = None

krb_username class-attribute instance-attribute

krb_username = None

path instance-attribute



Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class HDFSArtifactRepository(BaseModel):
    addresses: Annotated[
        Field(description="Addresses is accessible addresses of HDFS name nodes"),
    ] = None
    force: Annotated[
        Field(description="Force copies a file forcibly even if it exists"),
    ] = None
    hdfs_user: Annotated[
                "HDFSUser is the user to access HDFS file system. It is ignored if" " either ccache or keytab is used."
    ] = None
    krb_c_cache_secret: Annotated[
                "KrbCCacheSecret is the secret selector for Kerberos ccache Either"
                " ccache or keytab can be set to use Kerberos."
    ] = None
    krb_config_config_map: Annotated[
                "KrbConfig is the configmap selector for Kerberos config as string It"
                " must be set if either ccache or keytab is used."
    ] = None
    krb_keytab_secret: Annotated[
                "KrbKeytabSecret is the secret selector for Kerberos keytab Either"
                " ccache or keytab can be set to use Kerberos."
    ] = None
    krb_realm: Annotated[
                "KrbRealm is the Kerberos realm used with Kerberos keytab It must be" " set if keytab is used."
    ] = None
    krb_service_principal_name: Annotated[
                "KrbServicePrincipalName is the principal name of Kerberos service It"
                " must be set if either ccache or keytab is used."
    ] = None
    krb_username: Annotated[
                "KrbUsername is the Kerberos username used with Kerberos keytab It must" " be set if keytab is used."
    ] = None
    path_format: Annotated[
                "PathFormat is defines the format of path to store a file. Can" " reference workflow variables"
    ] = None

addresses class-attribute instance-attribute

addresses = None

force class-attribute instance-attribute

force = None

hdfs_user class-attribute instance-attribute

hdfs_user = None

krb_c_cache_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

krb_c_cache_secret = None

krb_config_config_map class-attribute instance-attribute

krb_config_config_map = None

krb_keytab_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

krb_keytab_secret = None

krb_realm class-attribute instance-attribute

krb_realm = None

krb_service_principal_name class-attribute instance-attribute

krb_service_principal_name = None

krb_username class-attribute instance-attribute

krb_username = None

path_format class-attribute instance-attribute

path_format = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class HTTP(BaseModel):
    body: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(description="Body is content of the HTTP Request")] = None
    body_from: Annotated[
            description="BodyFrom is  content of the HTTP Request as Bytes",
    ] = None
    headers: Annotated[
        Field(description=("Headers are an optional list of headers to send with HTTP requests")),
    ] = None
    insecure_skip_verify: Annotated[
                "InsecureSkipVerify is a bool when if set to true will skip TLS" " verification for the HTTP client"
    ] = None
    method: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(description="Method is HTTP methods for HTTP Request")] = None
    success_condition: Annotated[
            description=("SuccessCondition is an expression if evaluated to true is considered" " successful"),
    ] = None
    timeout_seconds: Annotated[
            description=("TimeoutSeconds is request timeout for HTTP Request. Default is 30" " seconds"),
    ] = None
    url: Annotated[str, Field(description="URL of the HTTP Request")]

body class-attribute instance-attribute

body = None

body_from class-attribute instance-attribute

body_from = None

headers class-attribute instance-attribute

headers = None

insecure_skip_verify class-attribute instance-attribute

insecure_skip_verify = None

method class-attribute instance-attribute

method = None

success_condition class-attribute instance-attribute

success_condition = None

timeout_seconds class-attribute instance-attribute

timeout_seconds = None

url instance-attribute



Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class HTTPArtifact(BaseModel):
    auth: Annotated[
        Field(description="Auth contains information for client authentication"),
    ] = None
    headers: Annotated[
        Field(description=("Headers are an optional list of headers to send with HTTP requests for" " artifacts")),
    ] = None
    url: Annotated[str, Field(description="URL of the artifact")]

auth class-attribute instance-attribute

auth = None

headers class-attribute instance-attribute

headers = None

url instance-attribute



Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class HTTPAuth(BaseModel):
    basic_auth: Annotated[Optional[BasicAuth], Field(alias="basicAuth")] = None
    client_cert: Annotated[Optional[ClientCertAuth], Field(alias="clientCert")] = None
    oauth2: Optional[OAuth2Auth] = None

basic_auth class-attribute instance-attribute

basic_auth = None

client_cert class-attribute instance-attribute

client_cert = None

oauth2 class-attribute instance-attribute

oauth2 = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class HTTPBodySource(BaseModel):
    bytes: Optional[str] = None

bytes class-attribute instance-attribute

bytes = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class HTTPHeader(BaseModel):
    name: str
    value: Optional[str] = None
    value_from: Annotated[Optional[HTTPHeaderSource], Field(alias="valueFrom")] = None

name instance-attribute


value class-attribute instance-attribute

value = None

value_from class-attribute instance-attribute

value_from = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class HTTPHeaderSource(BaseModel):
    secret_key_ref: Annotated[Optional[v1.SecretKeySelector], Field(alias="secretKeyRef")] = None

secret_key_ref class-attribute instance-attribute

secret_key_ref = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class Header(BaseModel):
    name: Annotated[str, Field(description="Name is the header name")]
    value: Annotated[str, Field(description="Value is the literal value to use for the header")]

name instance-attribute


value instance-attribute



Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class Histogram(BaseModel):
    buckets: Annotated[
        Field(description="Buckets is a list of bucket divisors for the histogram"),
    value: Annotated[str, Field(description="Value is the value of the metric")]

buckets instance-attribute


value instance-attribute



Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class InfoResponse(BaseModel):
    links: Optional[List[Link]] = None
    managed_namespace: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(alias="managedNamespace")] = None
    modals: Annotated[Optional[Dict[str, bool]], Field(title="which modals to show")] = None
    nav_color: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(alias="navColor")] = None
links = None

managed_namespace class-attribute instance-attribute

managed_namespace = None

modals class-attribute instance-attribute

modals = None

nav_color class-attribute instance-attribute

nav_color = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class Inputs(BaseModel):
    artifacts: Annotated[
        Field(description="Artifact are a list of artifacts passed as inputs"),
    ] = None
    parameters: Annotated[
        Field(description="Parameters are a list of parameters passed as inputs"),
    ] = None

artifacts class-attribute instance-attribute

artifacts = None

parameters class-attribute instance-attribute

parameters = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class Item(BaseModel):
    __root__: Annotated[
                "Item expands a single workflow step into multiple parallel steps The"
                " value of Item can be a map, string, bool, or number"


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class LabelKeys(BaseModel):
    items: Optional[List[str]] = None

items class-attribute instance-attribute

items = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class LabelValueFrom(BaseModel):
    expression: str

expression instance-attribute



Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class LabelValues(BaseModel):
    items: Optional[List[str]] = None

items class-attribute instance-attribute

items = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class LifecycleHook(BaseModel):
    arguments: Annotated[
        Field(description="Arguments hold arguments to the template"),
    ] = None
    expression: Annotated[
                "Expression is a condition expression for when a node will be retried."
                " If it evaluates to false, the node will not be retried and the retry"
                " strategy will be ignored"
    ] = None
    template: Annotated[
        Field(description="Template is the name of the template to execute by the hook"),
    ] = None
    template_ref: Annotated[
            description=("TemplateRef is the reference to the template resource to execute by" " the hook"),
    ] = None

arguments class-attribute instance-attribute

arguments = None

expression class-attribute instance-attribute

expression = None

template class-attribute instance-attribute

template = None

template_ref class-attribute instance-attribute

template_ref = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects

Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class Link(BaseModel):
    name: Annotated[
        Field(description='The name of the link, E.g. "Workflow Logs" or "Pod Logs"'),
    scope: Annotated[
        Field(description=('"workflow", "pod", "pod-logs", "event-source-logs", "sensor-logs" or' ' "chat"')),
    url: Annotated[
                'The URL. Can contain "${metadata.namespace}", "${}",'
                ' "${status.startedAt}", "${status.finishedAt}" or any other element in'
                " workflow yaml, e.g."
                ' "${io.argoproj.workflow.v1alpha1.metadata.annotations.userDefinedKey}"'

name instance-attribute


scope instance-attribute


url instance-attribute



Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class LintCronWorkflowRequest(BaseModel):
    cron_workflow: Annotated[Optional[CronWorkflow], Field(alias="cronWorkflow")] = None
    namespace: Optional[str] = None

cron_workflow class-attribute instance-attribute

cron_workflow = None

namespace class-attribute instance-attribute

namespace = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class LogEntry(BaseModel):
    content: Optional[str] = None
    pod_name: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(alias="podName")] = None

content class-attribute instance-attribute

content = None

pod_name class-attribute instance-attribute

pod_name = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class ManifestFrom(BaseModel):
    artifact: Annotated[Artifact, Field(description="Artifact contains the artifact to use")]

artifact instance-attribute



Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class MemoizationStatus(BaseModel):
    cache_name: Annotated[
            description="Cache is the name of the cache that was used",
    hit: Annotated[
        Field(description="Hit indicates whether this node was created from a cache entry"),
    key: Annotated[str, Field(description="Key is the name of the key used for this node's cache")]

cache_name instance-attribute


hit instance-attribute


key instance-attribute



Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class Memoize(BaseModel):
    cache: Annotated[Cache, Field(description="Cache sets and configures the kind of cache")]
    key: Annotated[str, Field(description="Key is the key to use as the caching key")]
    max_age: Annotated[
                'MaxAge is the maximum age (e.g. "180s", "24h") of an entry that is'
                " still considered valid. If an entry is older than the MaxAge, it will"
                " be ignored."

cache instance-attribute


key instance-attribute


max_age instance-attribute



Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class Metadata(BaseModel):
    annotations: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None
    labels: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None

annotations class-attribute instance-attribute

annotations = None

labels class-attribute instance-attribute

labels = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class MetricLabel(BaseModel):
    key: str
    value: str

key instance-attribute


value instance-attribute



Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class Metrics(BaseModel):
    prometheus: Annotated[
        Field(description="Prometheus is a list of prometheus metrics to be emitted"),
    ] = None

prometheus class-attribute instance-attribute

prometheus = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class Mutex(BaseModel):
    name: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(description="name of the mutex")] = None

name class-attribute instance-attribute

name = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class MutexHolding(BaseModel):
    holder: Annotated[
                "Holder is a reference to the object which holds the Mutex. Holding"
                " Scenario:\n  1. Current workflow's NodeID which is holding the"
                " lock.\n     e.g: ${NodeID}\nWaiting Scenario:\n  1. Current workflow"
                " or other workflow NodeID which is holding the lock.\n     e.g:"
                " ${WorkflowName}/${NodeID}"
    ] = None
    mutex: Annotated[
        Field(description="Reference for the mutex e.g: ${namespace}/mutex/${mutexName}"),
    ] = None

holder class-attribute instance-attribute

holder = None

mutex class-attribute instance-attribute

mutex = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class MutexStatus(BaseModel):
    holding: Annotated[
                "Holding is a list of mutexes and their respective objects that are"
                " held by mutex lock for this io.argoproj.workflow.v1alpha1."
    ] = None
    waiting: Annotated[
            description=("Waiting is a list of mutexes and their respective objects this" " workflow is waiting for.")
    ] = None

holding class-attribute instance-attribute

holding = None

waiting class-attribute instance-attribute

waiting = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class NodeResult(BaseModel):
    message: Optional[str] = None
    outputs: Optional[Outputs] = None
    phase: Optional[str] = None
    progress: Optional[str] = None

message class-attribute instance-attribute

message = None

outputs class-attribute instance-attribute

outputs = None

phase class-attribute instance-attribute

phase = None

progress class-attribute instance-attribute

progress = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class NodeStatus(BaseModel):
    boundary_id: Annotated[
                "BoundaryID indicates the node ID of the associated template root node"
                " in which this node belongs to"
    ] = None
    children: Annotated[Optional[List[str]], Field(description="Children is a list of child node IDs")] = None
    daemoned: Annotated[
        Field(description=("Daemoned tracks whether or not this node was daemoned and need to be" " terminated")),
    ] = None
    display_name: Annotated[
                "DisplayName is a human readable representation of the node. Unique" " within a template boundary"
    ] = None
    estimated_duration: Annotated[
        Field(alias="estimatedDuration", description="EstimatedDuration in seconds."),
    ] = None
    finished_at: Annotated[
        Field(alias="finishedAt", description="Time at which this node completed"),
    ] = None
    host_node_name: Annotated[
            description=("HostNodeName name of the Kubernetes node on which the Pod is running," " if applicable"),
    ] = None
    id: Annotated[
                "ID is a unique identifier of a node within the worklow It is"
                " implemented as a hash of the node name, which makes the ID"
                " deterministic"
    inputs: Annotated[
                "Inputs captures input parameter values and artifact locations supplied" " to this template invocation"
    ] = None
    memoization_status: Annotated[
            description="MemoizationStatus holds information about cached nodes",
    ] = None
    message: Annotated[
        Field(description=("A human readable message indicating details about why the node is in" " this condition.")),
    ] = None
    name: Annotated[
        Field(description=("Name is unique name in the node tree used to generate the node ID")),
    outbound_nodes: Annotated[
                'OutboundNodes tracks the node IDs which are considered "outbound"'
                " nodes to a template invocation. For every invocation of a template,"
                ' there are nodes which we considered as "outbound". Essentially, these'
                " are last nodes in the execution sequence to run, before the template"
                " is considered completed. These nodes are then connected as parents to"
                " a following step.\n\nIn the case of single pod steps (i.e. container,"
                " script, resource templates), this list will be nil since the pod"
                ' itself is already considered the "outbound" node. In the case of'
                ' DAGs, outbound nodes are the "target" tasks (tasks with no children).'
                " In the case of steps, outbound nodes are all the containers involved"
                " in the last step group. NOTE: since templates are composable, the"
                " list of outbound nodes are carried upwards when a DAG/steps template"
                " invokes another DAG/steps template. In other words, the outbound"
                " nodes of a template, will be a superset of the outbound nodes of its"
                " last children."
    ] = None
    outputs: Annotated[
                "Outputs captures output parameter values and artifact locations"
                " produced by this template invocation"
    ] = None
    phase: Annotated[
                "Phase a simple, high-level summary of where the node is in its"
                " lifecycle. Can be used as a state machine."
    ] = None
    pod_ip: Annotated[
            description="PodIP captures the IP of the pod for daemoned steps",
    ] = None
    progress: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(description="Progress to completion")] = None
    resources_duration: Annotated[
        Optional[Dict[str, int]],
                "ResourcesDuration is indicative, but not accurate, resource duration."
                " This is populated when the nodes completes."
    ] = None
    started_at: Annotated[
        Field(alias="startedAt", description="Time at which this node started"),
    ] = None
    synchronization_status: Annotated[
            description=("SynchronizationStatus is the synchronization status of the node"),
    ] = None
    template_name: Annotated[
                "TemplateName is the template name which this node corresponds to. Not"
                " applicable to virtual nodes (e.g. Retry, StepGroup)"
    ] = None
    template_ref: Annotated[
                "TemplateRef is the reference to the template resource which this node"
                " corresponds to. Not applicable to virtual nodes (e.g. Retry,"
                " StepGroup)"
    ] = None
    template_scope: Annotated[
            description=("TemplateScope is the template scope in which the template of this node" " was retrieved."),
    ] = None
    type: Annotated[str, Field(description="Type indicates type of node")]

boundary_id class-attribute instance-attribute

boundary_id = None

children class-attribute instance-attribute

children = None

daemoned class-attribute instance-attribute

daemoned = None

display_name class-attribute instance-attribute

display_name = None

estimated_duration class-attribute instance-attribute

estimated_duration = None

finished_at class-attribute instance-attribute

finished_at = None

host_node_name class-attribute instance-attribute

host_node_name = None

id instance-attribute


inputs class-attribute instance-attribute

inputs = None

memoization_status class-attribute instance-attribute

memoization_status = None

message class-attribute instance-attribute

message = None

name instance-attribute


outbound_nodes class-attribute instance-attribute

outbound_nodes = None

outputs class-attribute instance-attribute

outputs = None

phase class-attribute instance-attribute

phase = None

pod_ip class-attribute instance-attribute

pod_ip = None

progress class-attribute instance-attribute

progress = None

resources_duration class-attribute instance-attribute

resources_duration = None

started_at class-attribute instance-attribute

started_at = None

synchronization_status class-attribute instance-attribute

synchronization_status = None

template_name class-attribute instance-attribute

template_name = None

template_ref class-attribute instance-attribute

template_ref = None

template_scope class-attribute instance-attribute

template_scope = None

type instance-attribute



Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class NodeSynchronizationStatus(BaseModel):
    waiting: Annotated[
        Field(description="Waiting is the name of the lock that this node is waiting for"),
    ] = None

waiting class-attribute instance-attribute

waiting = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class NoneStrategy(BaseModel):


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class OAuth2Auth(BaseModel):
    client_id_secret: Annotated[Optional[v1.SecretKeySelector], Field(alias="clientIDSecret")] = None
    client_secret_secret: Annotated[Optional[v1.SecretKeySelector], Field(alias="clientSecretSecret")] = None
    endpoint_params: Annotated[Optional[List[OAuth2EndpointParam]], Field(alias="endpointParams")] = None
    scopes: Optional[List[str]] = None
    token_url_secret: Annotated[Optional[v1.SecretKeySelector], Field(alias="tokenURLSecret")] = None

client_id_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

client_id_secret = None

client_secret_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

client_secret_secret = None

endpoint_params class-attribute instance-attribute

endpoint_params = None

scopes class-attribute instance-attribute

scopes = None

token_url_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

token_url_secret = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class OAuth2EndpointParam(BaseModel):
    key: Annotated[str, Field(description="Name is the header name")]
    value: Annotated[
        Field(description="Value is the literal value to use for the header"),
    ] = None

key instance-attribute


value class-attribute instance-attribute

value = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class OSSArtifact(BaseModel):
    access_key_secret: Annotated[
            description=("AccessKeySecret is the secret selector to the bucket's access key"),
    ] = None
    bucket: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(description="Bucket is the name of the bucket")] = None
    create_bucket_if_not_present: Annotated[
                "CreateBucketIfNotPresent tells the driver to attempt to create the OSS"
                " bucket for output artifacts, if it doesn't exist"
    ] = None
    endpoint: Annotated[
        Field(description="Endpoint is the hostname of the bucket endpoint"),
    ] = None
    key: Annotated[
        Field(description="Key is the path in the bucket where the artifact resides"),
    lifecycle_rule: Annotated[
            description="LifecycleRule specifies how to manage bucket's lifecycle",
    ] = None
    secret_key_secret: Annotated[
            description=("SecretKeySecret is the secret selector to the bucket's secret key"),
    ] = None
    security_token: Annotated[
                "SecurityToken is the user's temporary security token. For more"
                " details, check out:"
    ] = None

access_key_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

access_key_secret = None

bucket class-attribute instance-attribute

bucket = None

create_bucket_if_not_present class-attribute instance-attribute

create_bucket_if_not_present = None

endpoint class-attribute instance-attribute

endpoint = None

key instance-attribute


lifecycle_rule class-attribute instance-attribute

lifecycle_rule = None

secret_key_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

secret_key_secret = None

security_token class-attribute instance-attribute

security_token = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class OSSArtifactRepository(BaseModel):
    access_key_secret: Annotated[
            description=("AccessKeySecret is the secret selector to the bucket's access key"),
    ] = None
    bucket: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(description="Bucket is the name of the bucket")] = None
    create_bucket_if_not_present: Annotated[
                "CreateBucketIfNotPresent tells the driver to attempt to create the OSS"
                " bucket for output artifacts, if it doesn't exist"
    ] = None
    endpoint: Annotated[
        Field(description="Endpoint is the hostname of the bucket endpoint"),
    ] = None
    key_format: Annotated[
            description=("KeyFormat is defines the format of how to store keys. Can reference" " workflow variables"),
    ] = None
    lifecycle_rule: Annotated[
            description="LifecycleRule specifies how to manage bucket's lifecycle",
    ] = None
    secret_key_secret: Annotated[
            description=("SecretKeySecret is the secret selector to the bucket's secret key"),
    ] = None
    security_token: Annotated[
                "SecurityToken is the user's temporary security token. For more"
                " details, check out:"
    ] = None

access_key_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

access_key_secret = None

bucket class-attribute instance-attribute

bucket = None

create_bucket_if_not_present class-attribute instance-attribute

create_bucket_if_not_present = None

endpoint class-attribute instance-attribute

endpoint = None

key_format class-attribute instance-attribute

key_format = None

lifecycle_rule class-attribute instance-attribute

lifecycle_rule = None

secret_key_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

secret_key_secret = None

security_token class-attribute instance-attribute

security_token = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class OSSLifecycleRule(BaseModel):
    mark_deletion_after_days: Annotated[
            description=("MarkDeletionAfterDays is the number of days before we delete objects" " in the bucket"),
    ] = None
    mark_infrequent_access_after_days: Annotated[
                "MarkInfrequentAccessAfterDays is the number of days before we convert"
                " the objects in the bucket to Infrequent Access (IA) storage type"
    ] = None

mark_deletion_after_days class-attribute instance-attribute

mark_deletion_after_days = None

mark_infrequent_access_after_days class-attribute instance-attribute

mark_infrequent_access_after_days = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class Outputs(BaseModel):
    artifacts: Annotated[
        Field(description=("Artifacts holds the list of output artifacts produced by a step")),
    ] = None
    exit_code: Annotated[
            description="ExitCode holds the exit code of a script template",
    ] = None
    parameters: Annotated[
        Field(description=("Parameters holds the list of output parameters produced by a step")),
    ] = None
    result: Annotated[
        Field(description="Result holds the result (stdout) of a script template"),
    ] = None

artifacts class-attribute instance-attribute

artifacts = None

exit_code class-attribute instance-attribute

exit_code = None

parameters class-attribute instance-attribute

parameters = None

result class-attribute instance-attribute

result = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class ParallelSteps(BaseModel):
    __root__: List[WorkflowStep]


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class Parameter(BaseModel):
    default: Annotated[
            description=("Default is the default value to use for an input parameter if a value" " was not supplied")
    ] = None
    description: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(description="Description is the parameter description")] = None
    enum: Annotated[
            description=("Enum holds a list of string values to choose from, for the actual" " value of the parameter")
    ] = None
    global_name: Annotated[
                "GlobalName exports an output parameter to the global scope, making it"
                " available as"
                " '{{io.argoproj.workflow.v1alpha1.outputs.parameters.XXXX}} and in"
                " workflow.status.outputs.parameters"
    ] = None
    name: Annotated[str, Field(description="Name is the parameter name")]
    value: Annotated[
                "Value is the literal value to use for the parameter. If specified in"
                " the context of an input parameter, the value takes precedence over"
                " any passed values"
    ] = None
    value_from: Annotated[
            description="ValueFrom is the source for the output parameter's value",
    ] = None

default class-attribute instance-attribute

default = None

description class-attribute instance-attribute

description = None

enum class-attribute instance-attribute

enum = None

global_name class-attribute instance-attribute

global_name = None

name instance-attribute


value class-attribute instance-attribute

value = None

value_from class-attribute instance-attribute

value_from = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class Plugin(BaseModel):


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class PodGC(BaseModel):
    label_selector: Annotated[
                "LabelSelector is the label selector to check if the pods match the"
                " labels before being added to the pod GC queue."
    ] = None
    strategy: Annotated[
                'Strategy is the strategy to use. One of "OnPodCompletion",'
                ' "OnPodSuccess", "OnWorkflowCompletion", "OnWorkflowSuccess"'
    ] = None

label_selector class-attribute instance-attribute

label_selector = None

strategy class-attribute instance-attribute

strategy = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class Prometheus(BaseModel):
    counter: Annotated[Optional[Counter], Field(description="Counter is a counter metric")] = None
    gauge: Annotated[Optional[Gauge], Field(description="Gauge is a gauge metric")] = None
    help: Annotated[str, Field(description="Help is a string that describes the metric")]
    histogram: Annotated[Optional[Histogram], Field(description="Histogram is a histogram metric")] = None
    labels: Annotated[
        Field(description="Labels is a list of metric labels"),
    ] = None
    name: Annotated[str, Field(description="Name is the name of the metric")]
    when: Annotated[
        Field(description=("When is a conditional statement that decides when to emit the metric")),
    ] = None

counter class-attribute instance-attribute

counter = None

gauge class-attribute instance-attribute

gauge = None

help instance-attribute


histogram class-attribute instance-attribute

histogram = None

labels class-attribute instance-attribute

labels = None

name instance-attribute


when class-attribute instance-attribute

when = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class RawArtifact(BaseModel):
    data: Annotated[str, Field(description="Data is the string contents of the artifact")]

data instance-attribute



Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class ResourceTemplate(BaseModel):
    action: Annotated[
                "Action is the action to perform to the resource. Must be one of: get,"
                " create, apply, delete, replace, patch"
    failure_condition: Annotated[
                "FailureCondition is a label selector expression which describes the"
                " conditions of the k8s resource in which the step was considered"
                " failed"
    ] = None
    flags: Annotated[
                "Flags is a set of additional options passed to kubectl before"
                " submitting a resource I.e. to disable resource validation: flags:"
                ' [\n\t"--validate=false"  # disable resource validation\n]'
    ] = None
    manifest: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(description="Manifest contains the kubernetes manifest")] = None
    manifest_from: Annotated[
            description="ManifestFrom is the source for a single kubernetes manifest",
    ] = None
    merge_strategy: Annotated[
                "MergeStrategy is the strategy used to merge a patch. It defaults to"
                ' "strategic" Must be one of: strategic, merge, json'
    ] = None
    set_owner_reference: Annotated[
                "SetOwnerReference sets the reference to the workflow on the" " OwnerReference of generated resource."
    ] = None
    success_condition: Annotated[
                "SuccessCondition is a label selector expression which describes the"
                " conditions of the k8s resource in which it is acceptable to proceed"
                " to the following step"
    ] = None

action instance-attribute


failure_condition class-attribute instance-attribute

failure_condition = None

flags class-attribute instance-attribute

flags = None

manifest class-attribute instance-attribute

manifest = None

manifest_from class-attribute instance-attribute

manifest_from = None

merge_strategy class-attribute instance-attribute

merge_strategy = None

set_owner_reference class-attribute instance-attribute

set_owner_reference = None

success_condition class-attribute instance-attribute

success_condition = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class ResubmitArchivedWorkflowRequest(BaseModel):
    memoized: Optional[bool] = None
    name: Optional[str] = None
    namespace: Optional[str] = None
    parameters: Optional[List[str]] = None
    uid: Optional[str] = None

memoized class-attribute instance-attribute

memoized = None

name class-attribute instance-attribute

name = None

namespace class-attribute instance-attribute

namespace = None

parameters class-attribute instance-attribute

parameters = None

uid class-attribute instance-attribute

uid = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class RetryAffinity(BaseModel):
    node_anti_affinity: Annotated[Optional[RetryNodeAntiAffinity], Field(alias="nodeAntiAffinity")] = None

node_anti_affinity class-attribute instance-attribute

node_anti_affinity = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class RetryArchivedWorkflowRequest(BaseModel):
    name: Optional[str] = None
    namespace: Optional[str] = None
    node_field_selector: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(alias="nodeFieldSelector")] = None
    parameters: Optional[List[str]] = None
    restart_successful: Annotated[Optional[bool], Field(alias="restartSuccessful")] = None
    uid: Optional[str] = None

name class-attribute instance-attribute

name = None

namespace class-attribute instance-attribute

namespace = None

node_field_selector class-attribute instance-attribute

node_field_selector = None

parameters class-attribute instance-attribute

parameters = None

restart_successful class-attribute instance-attribute

restart_successful = None

uid class-attribute instance-attribute

uid = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class RetryNodeAntiAffinity(BaseModel):


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class RetryStrategy(BaseModel):
    affinity: Annotated[
        Field(description="Affinity prevents running workflow's step on the same host"),
    ] = None
    backoff: Annotated[Optional[Backoff], Field(description="Backoff is a backoff strategy")] = None
    expression: Annotated[
                "Expression is a condition expression for when a node will be retried."
                " If it evaluates to false, the node will not be retried and the retry"
                " strategy will be ignored"
    ] = None
    limit: Annotated[
                "Limit is the maximum number of retry attempts when retrying a"
                " container. It does not include the original container; the maximum"
                " number of total attempts will be `limit + 1`."
    ] = None
    retry_policy: Annotated[
            description=("RetryPolicy is a policy of NodePhase statuses that will be retried"),
    ] = None

affinity class-attribute instance-attribute

affinity = None

backoff class-attribute instance-attribute

backoff = None

expression class-attribute instance-attribute

expression = None

limit class-attribute instance-attribute

limit = None

retry_policy class-attribute instance-attribute

retry_policy = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class S3Artifact(BaseModel):
    access_key_secret: Annotated[
            description=("AccessKeySecret is the secret selector to the bucket's access key"),
    ] = None
    bucket: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(description="Bucket is the name of the bucket")] = None
    create_bucket_if_not_present: Annotated[
                "CreateBucketIfNotPresent tells the driver to attempt to create the S3"
                " bucket for output artifacts, if it doesn't exist. Setting Enabled"
                " Encryption will apply either SSE-S3 to the bucket if KmsKeyId is not"
                " set or SSE-KMS if it is."
    ] = None
    encryption_options: Annotated[Optional[S3EncryptionOptions], Field(alias="encryptionOptions")] = None
    endpoint: Annotated[
        Field(description="Endpoint is the hostname of the bucket endpoint"),
    ] = None
    insecure: Annotated[
        Field(description="Insecure will connect to the service with TLS"),
    ] = None
    key: Annotated[
        Field(description="Key is the key in the bucket where the artifact resides"),
    ] = None
    region: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(description="Region contains the optional bucket region")] = None
    role_arn: Annotated[
            description=("RoleARN is the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role to assume."),
    ] = None
    secret_key_secret: Annotated[
            description=("SecretKeySecret is the secret selector to the bucket's secret key"),
    ] = None
    use_sdk_creds: Annotated[
            description=("UseSDKCreds tells the driver to figure out credentials based on sdk" " defaults."),
    ] = None

access_key_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

access_key_secret = None

bucket class-attribute instance-attribute

bucket = None

create_bucket_if_not_present class-attribute instance-attribute

create_bucket_if_not_present = None

encryption_options class-attribute instance-attribute

encryption_options = None

endpoint class-attribute instance-attribute

endpoint = None

insecure class-attribute instance-attribute

insecure = None

key class-attribute instance-attribute

key = None

region class-attribute instance-attribute

region = None

role_arn class-attribute instance-attribute

role_arn = None

secret_key_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

secret_key_secret = None

use_sdk_creds class-attribute instance-attribute

use_sdk_creds = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class S3ArtifactRepository(BaseModel):
    access_key_secret: Annotated[
            description=("AccessKeySecret is the secret selector to the bucket's access key"),
    ] = None
    bucket: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(description="Bucket is the name of the bucket")] = None
    create_bucket_if_not_present: Annotated[
                "CreateBucketIfNotPresent tells the driver to attempt to create the S3"
                " bucket for output artifacts, if it doesn't exist. Setting Enabled"
                " Encryption will apply either SSE-S3 to the bucket if KmsKeyId is not"
                " set or SSE-KMS if it is."
    ] = None
    encryption_options: Annotated[Optional[S3EncryptionOptions], Field(alias="encryptionOptions")] = None
    endpoint: Annotated[
        Field(description="Endpoint is the hostname of the bucket endpoint"),
    ] = None
    insecure: Annotated[
        Field(description="Insecure will connect to the service with TLS"),
    ] = None
    key_format: Annotated[
            description=("KeyFormat is defines the format of how to store keys. Can reference" " workflow variables"),
    ] = None
    key_prefix: Annotated[
                "KeyPrefix is prefix used as part of the bucket key in which the"
                " controller will store artifacts. DEPRECATED. Use KeyFormat instead"
    ] = None
    region: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(description="Region contains the optional bucket region")] = None
    role_arn: Annotated[
            description=("RoleARN is the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role to assume."),
    ] = None
    secret_key_secret: Annotated[
            description=("SecretKeySecret is the secret selector to the bucket's secret key"),
    ] = None
    use_sdk_creds: Annotated[
            description=("UseSDKCreds tells the driver to figure out credentials based on sdk" " defaults."),
    ] = None

access_key_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

access_key_secret = None

bucket class-attribute instance-attribute

bucket = None

create_bucket_if_not_present class-attribute instance-attribute

create_bucket_if_not_present = None

encryption_options class-attribute instance-attribute

encryption_options = None

endpoint class-attribute instance-attribute

endpoint = None

insecure class-attribute instance-attribute

insecure = None

key_format class-attribute instance-attribute

key_format = None

key_prefix class-attribute instance-attribute

key_prefix = None

region class-attribute instance-attribute

region = None

role_arn class-attribute instance-attribute

role_arn = None

secret_key_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

secret_key_secret = None

use_sdk_creds class-attribute instance-attribute

use_sdk_creds = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class S3EncryptionOptions(BaseModel):
    enable_encryption: Annotated[
                "EnableEncryption tells the driver to encrypt objects if set to true."
                " If kmsKeyId and serverSideCustomerKeySecret are not set, SSE-S3 will"
                " be used"
    ] = None
    kms_encryption_context: Annotated[
                "KmsEncryptionContext is a json blob that contains an encryption"
                " context. See"
                " for more information"
    ] = None
    kms_key_id: Annotated[
            description=("KMSKeyId tells the driver to encrypt the object using the specified" " KMS Key."),
    ] = None
    server_side_customer_key_secret: Annotated[
                "ServerSideCustomerKeySecret tells the driver to encrypt the output"
                " artifacts using SSE-C with the specified secret."
    ] = None

enable_encryption class-attribute instance-attribute

enable_encryption = None

kms_encryption_context class-attribute instance-attribute

kms_encryption_context = None

kms_key_id class-attribute instance-attribute

kms_key_id = None

server_side_customer_key_secret class-attribute instance-attribute

server_side_customer_key_secret = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class ScriptTemplate(BaseModel):
    args: Annotated[
                "Arguments to the entrypoint. The container image's CMD is used if"
                " this is not provided. Variable references $(VAR_NAME) are expanded"
                " using the container's environment. If a variable cannot be resolved,"
                " the reference in the input string will be unchanged. Double $$ are"
                " reduced to a single $, which allows for escaping the $(VAR_NAME)"
                ' syntax: i.e. "$$(VAR_NAME)" will produce the string literal'
                ' "$(VAR_NAME)". Escaped references will never be expanded, regardless'
                " of whether the variable exists or not. Cannot be updated. More info:"
    ] = None
    command: Annotated[
                "Entrypoint array. Not executed within a shell. The container image's"
                " ENTRYPOINT is used if this is not provided. Variable references"
                " $(VAR_NAME) are expanded using the container's environment. If a"
                " variable cannot be resolved, the reference in the input string will"
                " be unchanged. Double $$ are reduced to a single $, which allows for"
                ' escaping the $(VAR_NAME) syntax: i.e. "$$(VAR_NAME)" will produce the'
                ' string literal "$(VAR_NAME)". Escaped references will never be'
                " expanded, regardless of whether the variable exists or not. Cannot be"
                " updated. More info:"
    ] = None
    env: Annotated[
        Field(description=("List of environment variables to set in the container. Cannot be" " updated.")),
    ] = None
    env_from: Annotated[
                "List of sources to populate environment variables in the container."
                " The keys defined within a source must be a C_IDENTIFIER. All invalid"
                " keys will be reported as an event when the container is starting."
                " When a key exists in multiple sources, the value associated with the"
                " last source will take precedence. Values defined by an Env with a"
                " duplicate key will take precedence. Cannot be updated."
    ] = None
    image: Annotated[
                "Container image name. More info:"
                " This field is"
                " optional to allow higher level config management to default or"
                " override container images in workload controllers like Deployments"
                " and StatefulSets."
    image_pull_policy: Annotated[
                "Image pull policy. One of Always, Never, IfNotPresent. Defaults to"
                " Always if :latest tag is specified, or IfNotPresent otherwise. Cannot"
                " be updated. More info:"
    ] = None
    lifecycle: Annotated[
                "Actions that the management system should take in response to"
                " container lifecycle events. Cannot be updated."
    ] = None
    liveness_probe: Annotated[
                "Periodic probe of container liveness. Container will be restarted if"
                " the probe fails. Cannot be updated. More info:"
    ] = None
    name: Annotated[
                "Name of the container specified as a DNS_LABEL. Each container in a"
                " pod must have a unique name (DNS_LABEL). Cannot be updated."
    ] = None
    ports: Annotated[
                "List of ports to expose from the container. Exposing a port here gives"
                " the system additional information about the network connections a"
                " container uses, but is primarily informational. Not specifying a port"
                " here DOES NOT prevent that port from being exposed. Any port which is"
                ' listening on the default "" address inside a container will be'
                " accessible from the network. Cannot be updated."
    ] = None
    readiness_probe: Annotated[
                "Periodic probe of container service readiness. Container will be"
                " removed from service endpoints if the probe fails. Cannot be updated."
                " More info:"
    ] = None
    resources: Annotated[
                "Compute Resources required by this container. Cannot be updated. More"
                " info:"
    ] = None
    security_context: Annotated[
                "SecurityContext defines the security options the container should be"
                " run with. If set, the fields of SecurityContext override the"
                " equivalent fields of PodSecurityContext. More info:"
    ] = None
    source: Annotated[
        Field(description="Source contains the source code of the script to execute"),
    startup_probe: Annotated[
                "StartupProbe indicates that the Pod has successfully initialized. If"
                " specified, no other probes are executed until this completes"
                " successfully. If this probe fails, the Pod will be restarted, just as"
                " if the livenessProbe failed. This can be used to provide different"
                " probe parameters at the beginning of a Pod's lifecycle, when it might"
                " take a long time to load data or warm a cache, than during"
                " steady-state operation. This cannot be updated. More info:"
    ] = None
    stdin: Annotated[
                "Whether this container should allocate a buffer for stdin in the"
                " container runtime. If this is not set, reads from stdin in the"
                " container will always result in EOF. Default is false."
    ] = None
    stdin_once: Annotated[
                "Whether the container runtime should close the stdin channel after it"
                " has been opened by a single attach. When stdin is true the stdin"
                " stream will remain open across multiple attach sessions. If stdinOnce"
                " is set to true, stdin is opened on container start, is empty until"
                " the first client attaches to stdin, and then remains open and accepts"
                " data until the client disconnects, at which time stdin is closed and"
                " remains closed until the container is restarted. If this flag is"
                " false, a container processes that reads from stdin will never receive"
                " an EOF. Default is false"
    ] = None
    termination_message_path: Annotated[
                "Optional: Path at which the file to which the container's termination"
                " message will be written is mounted into the container's filesystem."
                " Message written is intended to be brief final status, such as an"
                " assertion failure message. Will be truncated by the node if greater"
                " than 4096 bytes. The total message length across all containers will"
                " be limited to 12kb. Defaults to /dev/termination-log. Cannot be"
                " updated."
    ] = None
    termination_message_policy: Annotated[
                "Indicate how the termination message should be populated. File will"
                " use the contents of terminationMessagePath to populate the container"
                " status message on both success and failure. FallbackToLogsOnError"
                " will use the last chunk of container log output if the termination"
                " message file is empty and the container exited with an error. The log"
                " output is limited to 2048 bytes or 80 lines, whichever is smaller."
                " Defaults to File. Cannot be updated."
    ] = None
    tty: Annotated[
                "Whether this container should allocate a TTY for itself, also requires"
                " 'stdin' to be true. Default is false."
    ] = None
    volume_devices: Annotated[
            description=("volumeDevices is the list of block devices to be used by the" " container."),
    ] = None
    volume_mounts: Annotated[
            description=("Pod volumes to mount into the container's filesystem. Cannot be" " updated."),
    ] = None
    working_dir: Annotated[
                "Container's working directory. If not specified, the container"
                " runtime's default will be used, which might be configured in the"
                " container image. Cannot be updated."
    ] = None

args class-attribute instance-attribute

args = None

command class-attribute instance-attribute

command = None

env class-attribute instance-attribute

env = None

env_from class-attribute instance-attribute

env_from = None

image instance-attribute


image_pull_policy class-attribute instance-attribute

image_pull_policy = None

lifecycle class-attribute instance-attribute

lifecycle = None

liveness_probe class-attribute instance-attribute

liveness_probe = None

name class-attribute instance-attribute

name = None

ports class-attribute instance-attribute

ports = None

readiness_probe class-attribute instance-attribute

readiness_probe = None

resources class-attribute instance-attribute

resources = None

security_context class-attribute instance-attribute

security_context = None

source instance-attribute


startup_probe class-attribute instance-attribute

startup_probe = None

stdin class-attribute instance-attribute

stdin = None

stdin_once class-attribute instance-attribute

stdin_once = None

termination_message_path class-attribute instance-attribute

termination_message_path = None

termination_message_policy class-attribute instance-attribute

termination_message_policy = None

tty class-attribute instance-attribute

tty = None

volume_devices class-attribute instance-attribute

volume_devices = None

volume_mounts class-attribute instance-attribute

volume_mounts = None

working_dir class-attribute instance-attribute

working_dir = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class SemaphoreHolding(BaseModel):
    holders: Annotated[
            description=("Holders stores the list of current holder names in the" " io.argoproj.workflow.v1alpha1.")
    ] = None
    semaphore: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(description="Semaphore stores the semaphore name.")] = None

holders class-attribute instance-attribute

holders = None

semaphore class-attribute instance-attribute

semaphore = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class SemaphoreRef(BaseModel):
    config_map_key_ref: Annotated[
            description=("ConfigMapKeyRef is configmap selector for Semaphore configuration"),
    ] = None

config_map_key_ref class-attribute instance-attribute

config_map_key_ref = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class SemaphoreStatus(BaseModel):
    holding: Annotated[
        Field(description=("Holding stores the list of resource acquired synchronization lock for" " workflows.")),
    ] = None
    waiting: Annotated[
        Field(description=("Waiting indicates the list of current synchronization lock holders.")),
    ] = None

holding class-attribute instance-attribute

holding = None

waiting class-attribute instance-attribute

waiting = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class Sequence(BaseModel):
    count: Annotated[
        Field(description=("Count is number of elements in the sequence (default: 0). Not to be" " used with end")),
    ] = None
    end: Annotated[
        Field(description=("Number at which to end the sequence (default: 0). Not to be used with" " Count")),
    ] = None
    format: Annotated[
        Field(description=("Format is a printf format string to format the value in the sequence")),
    ] = None
    start: Annotated[
        Field(description="Number at which to start the sequence (default: 0)"),
    ] = None

count class-attribute instance-attribute

count = None

end class-attribute instance-attribute

end = None

format class-attribute instance-attribute

format = None

start class-attribute instance-attribute

start = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class Submit(BaseModel):
    arguments: Annotated[
            description=("Arguments extracted from the event and then set as arguments to the" " workflow created.")
    ] = None
    metadata: Annotated[
        Field(description=("Metadata optional means to customize select fields of the workflow" " metadata")),
    ] = None
    workflow_template_ref: Annotated[
            description="WorkflowTemplateRef the workflow template to submit",

arguments class-attribute instance-attribute

arguments = None

metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

metadata = None

workflow_template_ref instance-attribute



Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class SubmitOpts(BaseModel):
    annotations: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(description="Annotations adds to metadata.labels")] = None
    dry_run: Annotated[
                "DryRun validates the workflow on the client-side without creating it."
                " This option is not supported in API"
    ] = None
    entry_point: Annotated[
        Field(alias="entryPoint", description="Entrypoint overrides spec.entrypoint"),
    ] = None
    generate_name: Annotated[
            description="GenerateName overrides metadata.generateName",
    ] = None
    labels: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(description="Labels adds to metadata.labels")] = None
    name: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(description="Name overrides")] = None
    owner_reference: Annotated[
            description="OwnerReference creates a metadata.ownerReference",
    ] = None
    parameters: Annotated[
        Field(description="Parameters passes input parameters to workflow"),
    ] = None
    pod_priority_class_name: Annotated[
            description="Set the podPriorityClassName of the workflow",
    ] = None
    priority: Annotated[
                "Priority is used if controller is configured to process limited number"
                " of workflows in parallel, higher priority workflows are processed"
                " first."
    ] = None
    server_dry_run: Annotated[
            description=("ServerDryRun validates the workflow on the server-side without" " creating it"),
    ] = None
    service_account: Annotated[
            description=("ServiceAccount runs all pods in the workflow using specified" " ServiceAccount."),
    ] = None

annotations class-attribute instance-attribute

annotations = None

dry_run class-attribute instance-attribute

dry_run = None

entry_point class-attribute instance-attribute

entry_point = None

generate_name class-attribute instance-attribute

generate_name = None

labels class-attribute instance-attribute

labels = None

name class-attribute instance-attribute

name = None

owner_reference class-attribute instance-attribute

owner_reference = None

parameters class-attribute instance-attribute

parameters = None

pod_priority_class_name class-attribute instance-attribute

pod_priority_class_name = None

priority class-attribute instance-attribute

priority = None

server_dry_run class-attribute instance-attribute

server_dry_run = None

service_account class-attribute instance-attribute

service_account = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class SuppliedValueFrom(BaseModel):


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class SuspendTemplate(BaseModel):
    duration: Annotated[
                "Duration is the seconds to wait before automatically resuming a"
                " template. Must be a string. Default unit is seconds. Could also be a"
                ' Duration, e.g.: "2m", "6h", "1d"'
    ] = None

duration class-attribute instance-attribute

duration = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class Synchronization(BaseModel):
    mutex: Annotated[Optional[Mutex], Field(description="Mutex holds the Mutex lock details")] = None
    semaphore: Annotated[
        Field(description="Semaphore holds the Semaphore configuration"),
    ] = None

mutex class-attribute instance-attribute

mutex = None

semaphore class-attribute instance-attribute

semaphore = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class SynchronizationStatus(BaseModel):
    mutex: Annotated[
        Field(description="Mutex stores this workflow's mutex holder details"),
    ] = None
    semaphore: Annotated[
        Field(description="Semaphore stores this workflow's Semaphore holder details"),
    ] = None

mutex class-attribute instance-attribute

mutex = None

semaphore class-attribute instance-attribute

semaphore = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class TTLStrategy(BaseModel):
    seconds_after_completion: Annotated[
            description=("SecondsAfterCompletion is the number of seconds to live after" " completion"),
    ] = None
    seconds_after_failure: Annotated[
            description=("SecondsAfterFailure is the number of seconds to live after failure"),
    ] = None
    seconds_after_success: Annotated[
            description=("SecondsAfterSuccess is the number of seconds to live after success"),
    ] = None

seconds_after_completion class-attribute instance-attribute

seconds_after_completion = None

seconds_after_failure class-attribute instance-attribute

seconds_after_failure = None

seconds_after_success class-attribute instance-attribute

seconds_after_success = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class TarStrategy(BaseModel):
    compression_level: Annotated[
                "CompressionLevel specifies the gzip compression level to use for the"
                " artifact. Defaults to gzip.DefaultCompression."
    ] = None

compression_level class-attribute instance-attribute

compression_level = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class Template(BaseModel):
    active_deadline_seconds: Annotated[
                "Optional duration in seconds relative to the StartTime that the pod"
                " may be active on a node before the system actively tries to terminate"
                " the pod; value must be positive integer This field is only applicable"
                " to container and script templates."
    ] = None
    affinity: Annotated[
                "Affinity sets the pod's scheduling constraints Overrides the affinity"
                " set at the workflow level (if any)"
    ] = None
    archive_location: Annotated[
                "Location in which all files related to the step will be stored (logs,"
                " artifacts, etc...). Can be overridden by individual items in Outputs."
                " If omitted, will use the default artifact repository location"
                " configured in the controller, appended with the"
                " <workflowname>/<nodename> in the key."
    ] = None
    automount_service_account_token: Annotated[
                "AutomountServiceAccountToken indicates whether a service account token"
                " should be automatically mounted in pods. ServiceAccountName of"
                " ExecutorConfig must be specified if this value is false."
    ] = None
    container: Annotated[
        Field(description="Container is the main container image to run in the pod"),
    ] = None
    container_set: Annotated[
            description="ContainerSet groups multiple containers within a single pod.",
    ] = None
    daemon: Annotated[
                "Deamon will allow a workflow to proceed to the next step so long as"
                " the container reaches readiness"
    ] = None
    dag: Annotated[
        Field(description="DAG template subtype which runs a DAG"),
    ] = None
    data: Annotated[Optional[Data], Field(description="Data is a data template")] = None
    executor: Annotated[
        Field(description="Executor holds configurations of the executor container."),
    ] = None
    fail_fast: Annotated[
                "FailFast, if specified, will fail this template if any of its child"
                " pods has failed. This is useful for when this template is expanded"
                " with `withItems`, etc."
    ] = None
    host_aliases: Annotated[
                "HostAliases is an optional list of hosts and IPs that will be injected" " into the pod spec"
    ] = None
    http: Annotated[Optional[HTTP], Field(description="HTTP makes a HTTP request")] = None
    init_containers: Annotated[
            description=("InitContainers is a list of containers which run before the main" " container."),
    ] = None
    inputs: Annotated[
        Field(description=("Inputs describe what inputs parameters and artifacts are supplied to" " this template")),
    ] = None
    memoize: Annotated[
        Field(description=("Memoize allows templates to use outputs generated from already" " executed templates")),
    ] = None
    metadata: Annotated[
        Field(description="Metdata sets the pods's metadata, i.e. annotations and labels"),
    ] = None
    metrics: Annotated[
        Field(description="Metrics are a list of metrics emitted from this template"),
    ] = None
    name: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(description="Name is the name of the template")] = None
    node_selector: Annotated[
        Optional[Dict[str, str]],
                "NodeSelector is a selector to schedule this step of the workflow to be"
                " run on the selected node(s). Overrides the selector set at the"
                " workflow level."
    ] = None
    outputs: Annotated[
        Field(description=("Outputs describe the parameters and artifacts that this template" " produces")),
    ] = None
    parallelism: Annotated[
                "Parallelism limits the max total parallel pods that can execute at the"
                " same time within the boundaries of this template invocation. If"
                " additional steps/dag templates are invoked, the pods created by those"
                " templates will not be counted towards this total."
    ] = None
    plugin: Annotated[Optional[Plugin], Field(description="Plugin is a plugin template")] = None
    pod_spec_patch: Annotated[
                "PodSpecPatch holds strategic merge patch to apply against the pod"
                " spec. Allows parameterization of container fields which are not"
                " strings (e.g. resource limits)."
    ] = None
    priority: Annotated[Optional[int], Field(description="Priority to apply to workflow pods.")] = None
    priority_class_name: Annotated[
            description="PriorityClassName to apply to workflow pods.",
    ] = None
    resource: Annotated[
        Field(description="Resource template subtype which can run k8s resources"),
    ] = None
    retry_strategy: Annotated[
            description="RetryStrategy describes how to retry a template when it fails",
    ] = None
    scheduler_name: Annotated[
                "If specified, the pod will be dispatched by specified scheduler. Or it"
                " will be dispatched by workflow scope scheduler if specified. If"
                " neither specified, the pod will be dispatched by default scheduler."
    ] = None
    script: Annotated[
        Field(description="Script runs a portion of code against an interpreter"),
    ] = None
    security_context: Annotated[
                "SecurityContext holds pod-level security attributes and common"
                " container settings. Optional: Defaults to empty.  See type"
                " description for default values of each field."
    ] = None
    service_account_name: Annotated[
            description="ServiceAccountName to apply to workflow pods",
    ] = None
    sidecars: Annotated[
                "Sidecars is a list of containers which run alongside the main"
                " container Sidecars are automatically killed when the main container"
                " completes"
    ] = None
    steps: Annotated[
        Field(description="Steps define a series of sequential/parallel workflow steps"),
    ] = None
    suspend: Annotated[
        Field(description=("Suspend template subtype which can suspend a workflow when reaching" " the step")),
    ] = None
    synchronization: Annotated[
        Field(description=("Synchronization holds synchronization lock configuration for this" " template")),
    ] = None
    timeout: Annotated[
                "Timeout allows to set the total node execution timeout duration"
                " counting from the node's start time. This duration also includes time"
                " in which the node spends in Pending state. This duration may not be"
                " applied to Step or DAG templates."
    ] = None
    tolerations: Annotated[
        Field(description="Tolerations to apply to workflow pods."),
    ] = None
    volumes: Annotated[
        Field(description=("Volumes is a list of volumes that can be mounted by containers in a" " template.")),
    ] = None

active_deadline_seconds class-attribute instance-attribute

active_deadline_seconds = None

affinity class-attribute instance-attribute

affinity = None

archive_location class-attribute instance-attribute

archive_location = None

automount_service_account_token class-attribute instance-attribute

automount_service_account_token = None

container class-attribute instance-attribute

container = None

container_set class-attribute instance-attribute

container_set = None

daemon class-attribute instance-attribute

daemon = None

dag class-attribute instance-attribute

dag = None

data class-attribute instance-attribute

data = None

executor class-attribute instance-attribute

executor = None

fail_fast class-attribute instance-attribute

fail_fast = None

host_aliases class-attribute instance-attribute

host_aliases = None

http class-attribute instance-attribute

http = None

init_containers class-attribute instance-attribute

init_containers = None

inputs class-attribute instance-attribute

inputs = None

memoize class-attribute instance-attribute

memoize = None

metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

metadata = None

metrics class-attribute instance-attribute

metrics = None

name class-attribute instance-attribute

name = None

node_selector class-attribute instance-attribute

node_selector = None

outputs class-attribute instance-attribute

outputs = None

parallelism class-attribute instance-attribute

parallelism = None

plugin class-attribute instance-attribute

plugin = None

pod_spec_patch class-attribute instance-attribute

pod_spec_patch = None

priority class-attribute instance-attribute

priority = None

priority_class_name class-attribute instance-attribute

priority_class_name = None

resource class-attribute instance-attribute

resource = None

retry_strategy class-attribute instance-attribute

retry_strategy = None

scheduler_name class-attribute instance-attribute

scheduler_name = None

script class-attribute instance-attribute

script = None

security_context class-attribute instance-attribute

security_context = None

service_account_name class-attribute instance-attribute

service_account_name = None

sidecars class-attribute instance-attribute

sidecars = None

steps class-attribute instance-attribute

steps = None

suspend class-attribute instance-attribute

suspend = None

synchronization class-attribute instance-attribute

synchronization = None

timeout class-attribute instance-attribute

timeout = None

tolerations class-attribute instance-attribute

tolerations = None

volumes class-attribute instance-attribute

volumes = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class TemplateRef(BaseModel):
    cluster_scope: Annotated[
                "ClusterScope indicates the referred template is cluster scoped (i.e. a" " ClusterWorkflowTemplate)."
    ] = None
    name: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(description="Name is the resource name of the template.")] = None
    template: Annotated[
        Field(description="Template is the name of referred template in the resource."),
    ] = None

cluster_scope class-attribute instance-attribute

cluster_scope = None

name class-attribute instance-attribute

name = None

template class-attribute instance-attribute

template = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class TransformationStep(BaseModel):
    expression: Annotated[str, Field(description="Expression defines an expr expression to apply")]

expression instance-attribute



Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class UpdateCronWorkflowRequest(BaseModel):
    cron_workflow: Annotated[Optional[CronWorkflow], Field(alias="cronWorkflow")] = None
    name: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(description="DEPRECATED: This field is ignored.")] = None
    namespace: Optional[str] = None

cron_workflow class-attribute instance-attribute

cron_workflow = None

name class-attribute instance-attribute

name = None

namespace class-attribute instance-attribute

namespace = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class UserContainer(BaseModel):
    args: Annotated[
                "Arguments to the entrypoint. The container image's CMD is used if"
                " this is not provided. Variable references $(VAR_NAME) are expanded"
                " using the container's environment. If a variable cannot be resolved,"
                " the reference in the input string will be unchanged. Double $$ are"
                " reduced to a single $, which allows for escaping the $(VAR_NAME)"
                ' syntax: i.e. "$$(VAR_NAME)" will produce the string literal'
                ' "$(VAR_NAME)". Escaped references will never be expanded, regardless'
                " of whether the variable exists or not. Cannot be updated. More info:"
    ] = None
    command: Annotated[
                "Entrypoint array. Not executed within a shell. The container image's"
                " ENTRYPOINT is used if this is not provided. Variable references"
                " $(VAR_NAME) are expanded using the container's environment. If a"
                " variable cannot be resolved, the reference in the input string will"
                " be unchanged. Double $$ are reduced to a single $, which allows for"
                ' escaping the $(VAR_NAME) syntax: i.e. "$$(VAR_NAME)" will produce the'
                ' string literal "$(VAR_NAME)". Escaped references will never be'
                " expanded, regardless of whether the variable exists or not. Cannot be"
                " updated. More info:"
    ] = None
    env: Annotated[
        Field(description=("List of environment variables to set in the container. Cannot be" " updated.")),
    ] = None
    env_from: Annotated[
                "List of sources to populate environment variables in the container."
                " The keys defined within a source must be a C_IDENTIFIER. All invalid"
                " keys will be reported as an event when the container is starting."
                " When a key exists in multiple sources, the value associated with the"
                " last source will take precedence. Values defined by an Env with a"
                " duplicate key will take precedence. Cannot be updated."
    ] = None
    image: Annotated[
                "Container image name. More info:"
                " This field is"
                " optional to allow higher level config management to default or"
                " override container images in workload controllers like Deployments"
                " and StatefulSets."
    ] = None
    image_pull_policy: Annotated[
                "Image pull policy. One of Always, Never, IfNotPresent. Defaults to"
                " Always if :latest tag is specified, or IfNotPresent otherwise. Cannot"
                " be updated. More info:"
    ] = None
    lifecycle: Annotated[
                "Actions that the management system should take in response to"
                " container lifecycle events. Cannot be updated."
    ] = None
    liveness_probe: Annotated[
                "Periodic probe of container liveness. Container will be restarted if"
                " the probe fails. Cannot be updated. More info:"
    ] = None
    mirror_volume_mounts: Annotated[
                "MirrorVolumeMounts will mount the same volumes specified in the main"
                " container to the container (including artifacts), at the same"
                " mountPaths. This enables dind daemon to partially see the same"
                " filesystem as the main container in order to use features such as"
                " docker volume binding"
    ] = None
    name: Annotated[
                "Name of the container specified as a DNS_LABEL. Each container in a"
                " pod must have a unique name (DNS_LABEL). Cannot be updated."
    ports: Annotated[
                "List of ports to expose from the container. Exposing a port here gives"
                " the system additional information about the network connections a"
                " container uses, but is primarily informational. Not specifying a port"
                " here DOES NOT prevent that port from being exposed. Any port which is"
                ' listening on the default "" address inside a container will be'
                " accessible from the network. Cannot be updated."
    ] = None
    readiness_probe: Annotated[
                "Periodic probe of container service readiness. Container will be"
                " removed from service endpoints if the probe fails. Cannot be updated."
                " More info:"
    ] = None
    resources: Annotated[
                "Compute Resources required by this container. Cannot be updated. More"
                " info:"
    ] = None
    security_context: Annotated[
                "SecurityContext defines the security options the container should be"
                " run with. If set, the fields of SecurityContext override the"
                " equivalent fields of PodSecurityContext. More info:"
    ] = None
    startup_probe: Annotated[
                "StartupProbe indicates that the Pod has successfully initialized. If"
                " specified, no other probes are executed until this completes"
                " successfully. If this probe fails, the Pod will be restarted, just as"
                " if the livenessProbe failed. This can be used to provide different"
                " probe parameters at the beginning of a Pod's lifecycle, when it might"
                " take a long time to load data or warm a cache, than during"
                " steady-state operation. This cannot be updated. More info:"
    ] = None
    stdin: Annotated[
                "Whether this container should allocate a buffer for stdin in the"
                " container runtime. If this is not set, reads from stdin in the"
                " container will always result in EOF. Default is false."
    ] = None
    stdin_once: Annotated[
                "Whether the container runtime should close the stdin channel after it"
                " has been opened by a single attach. When stdin is true the stdin"
                " stream will remain open across multiple attach sessions. If stdinOnce"
                " is set to true, stdin is opened on container start, is empty until"
                " the first client attaches to stdin, and then remains open and accepts"
                " data until the client disconnects, at which time stdin is closed and"
                " remains closed until the container is restarted. If this flag is"
                " false, a container processes that reads from stdin will never receive"
                " an EOF. Default is false"
    ] = None
    termination_message_path: Annotated[
                "Optional: Path at which the file to which the container's termination"
                " message will be written is mounted into the container's filesystem."
                " Message written is intended to be brief final status, such as an"
                " assertion failure message. Will be truncated by the node if greater"
                " than 4096 bytes. The total message length across all containers will"
                " be limited to 12kb. Defaults to /dev/termination-log. Cannot be"
                " updated."
    ] = None
    termination_message_policy: Annotated[
                "Indicate how the termination message should be populated. File will"
                " use the contents of terminationMessagePath to populate the container"
                " status message on both success and failure. FallbackToLogsOnError"
                " will use the last chunk of container log output if the termination"
                " message file is empty and the container exited with an error. The log"
                " output is limited to 2048 bytes or 80 lines, whichever is smaller."
                " Defaults to File. Cannot be updated."
    ] = None
    tty: Annotated[
                "Whether this container should allocate a TTY for itself, also requires"
                " 'stdin' to be true. Default is false."
    ] = None
    volume_devices: Annotated[
            description=("volumeDevices is the list of block devices to be used by the" " container."),
    ] = None
    volume_mounts: Annotated[
            description=("Pod volumes to mount into the container's filesystem. Cannot be" " updated."),
    ] = None
    working_dir: Annotated[
                "Container's working directory. If not specified, the container"
                " runtime's default will be used, which might be configured in the"
                " container image. Cannot be updated."
    ] = None

args class-attribute instance-attribute

args = None

command class-attribute instance-attribute

command = None

env class-attribute instance-attribute

env = None

env_from class-attribute instance-attribute

env_from = None

image class-attribute instance-attribute

image = None

image_pull_policy class-attribute instance-attribute

image_pull_policy = None

lifecycle class-attribute instance-attribute

lifecycle = None

liveness_probe class-attribute instance-attribute

liveness_probe = None

mirror_volume_mounts class-attribute instance-attribute

mirror_volume_mounts = None

name instance-attribute


ports class-attribute instance-attribute

ports = None

readiness_probe class-attribute instance-attribute

readiness_probe = None

resources class-attribute instance-attribute

resources = None

security_context class-attribute instance-attribute

security_context = None

startup_probe class-attribute instance-attribute

startup_probe = None

stdin class-attribute instance-attribute

stdin = None

stdin_once class-attribute instance-attribute

stdin_once = None

termination_message_path class-attribute instance-attribute

termination_message_path = None

termination_message_policy class-attribute instance-attribute

termination_message_policy = None

tty class-attribute instance-attribute

tty = None

volume_devices class-attribute instance-attribute

volume_devices = None

volume_mounts class-attribute instance-attribute

volume_mounts = None

working_dir class-attribute instance-attribute

working_dir = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class ValueFrom(BaseModel):
    config_map_key_ref: Annotated[
            description=("ConfigMapKeyRef is configmap selector for input parameter" " configuration"),
    ] = None
    default: Annotated[
                "Default specifies a value to be used if retrieving the value from the" " specified source fails"
    ] = None
    event: Annotated[
                "Selector ( that is evaluated against"
                " the event to get the value of the parameter. E.g. `payload.message`"
    ] = None
    expression: Annotated[
        Field(description=("Expression, if defined, is evaluated to specify the value for the" " parameter")),
    ] = None
    jq_filter: Annotated[
            description=("JQFilter expression against the resource object in resource templates"),
    ] = None
    json_path: Annotated[
            description=("JSONPath of a resource to retrieve an output parameter value from in" " resource templates"),
    ] = None
    parameter: Annotated[
                "Parameter reference to a step or dag task in which to retrieve an"
                " output parameter value from (e.g. '{{steps.mystep.outputs.myparam}}')"
    ] = None
    path: Annotated[
            description=("Path in the container to retrieve an output parameter value from in" " container templates")
    ] = None
    supplied: Annotated[
        Field(description=("Supplied value to be filled in directly, either through the CLI, API," " etc.")),
    ] = None

config_map_key_ref class-attribute instance-attribute

config_map_key_ref = None

default class-attribute instance-attribute

default = None

event class-attribute instance-attribute

event = None

expression class-attribute instance-attribute

expression = None

jq_filter class-attribute instance-attribute

jq_filter = None

json_path class-attribute instance-attribute

json_path = None

parameter class-attribute instance-attribute

parameter = None

path class-attribute instance-attribute

path = None

supplied class-attribute instance-attribute

supplied = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class Version(BaseModel):
    build_date: Annotated[str, Field(alias="buildDate")]
    compiler: str
    git_commit: Annotated[str, Field(alias="gitCommit")]
    git_tag: Annotated[str, Field(alias="gitTag")]
    git_tree_state: Annotated[str, Field(alias="gitTreeState")]
    go_version: Annotated[str, Field(alias="goVersion")]
    platform: str
    version: str

build_date instance-attribute


compiler instance-attribute


git_commit instance-attribute


git_tag instance-attribute


git_tree_state instance-attribute


go_version instance-attribute


platform instance-attribute


version instance-attribute



Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class VolumeClaimGC(BaseModel):
    strategy: Annotated[
        Field(description=('Strategy is the strategy to use. One of "OnWorkflowCompletion",' ' "OnWorkflowSuccess"')),
    ] = None

strategy class-attribute instance-attribute

strategy = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class Workflow(BaseModel):
    api_version: Annotated[
                "APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an"
                " object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest"
                " internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info:"
    ] = None
    kind: Annotated[
                "Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object"
                " represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client"
                " submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info:"
    ] = None
    metadata: v1_1.ObjectMeta
    spec: WorkflowSpec
    status: Optional[WorkflowStatus] = None

api_version class-attribute instance-attribute

api_version = None

kind class-attribute instance-attribute

kind = None

metadata instance-attribute


spec instance-attribute


status class-attribute instance-attribute

status = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class WorkflowCreateRequest(BaseModel):
    create_options: Annotated[Optional[v1_1.CreateOptions], Field(alias="createOptions")] = None
    instance_id: Annotated[
        Field(alias="instanceID", description="This field is no longer used."),
    ] = None
    namespace: Optional[str] = None
    server_dry_run: Annotated[Optional[bool], Field(alias="serverDryRun")] = None
    workflow: Optional[Workflow] = None

create_options class-attribute instance-attribute

create_options = None

instance_id class-attribute instance-attribute

instance_id = None

namespace class-attribute instance-attribute

namespace = None

server_dry_run class-attribute instance-attribute

server_dry_run = None

workflow class-attribute instance-attribute

workflow = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class WorkflowDeleteResponse(BaseModel):


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class WorkflowEventBinding(BaseModel):
    api_version: Annotated[
                "APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an"
                " object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest"
                " internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info:"
    ] = None
    kind: Annotated[
                "Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object"
                " represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client"
                " submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info:"
    ] = None
    metadata: v1_1.ObjectMeta
    spec: WorkflowEventBindingSpec

api_version class-attribute instance-attribute

api_version = None

kind class-attribute instance-attribute

kind = None

metadata instance-attribute


spec instance-attribute



Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class WorkflowEventBindingList(BaseModel):
    api_version: Annotated[
                "APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an"
                " object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest"
                " internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info:"
    ] = None
    items: Optional[List[WorkflowEventBinding]] = None
    kind: Annotated[
                "Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object"
                " represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client"
                " submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info:"
    ] = None
    metadata: v1_1.ListMeta

api_version class-attribute instance-attribute

api_version = None

items class-attribute instance-attribute

items = None

kind class-attribute instance-attribute

kind = None

metadata instance-attribute



Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class WorkflowEventBindingSpec(BaseModel):
    event: Annotated[Event, Field(description="Event is the event to bind to")]
    submit: Annotated[Optional[Submit], Field(description="Submit is the workflow template to submit")] = None

event instance-attribute


submit class-attribute instance-attribute

submit = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class WorkflowLintRequest(BaseModel):
    namespace: Optional[str] = None
    workflow: Optional[Workflow] = None

namespace class-attribute instance-attribute

namespace = None

workflow class-attribute instance-attribute

workflow = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class WorkflowList(BaseModel):
    api_version: Annotated[
                "APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an"
                " object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest"
                " internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info:"
    ] = None
    items: Optional[List[Workflow]] = None
    kind: Annotated[
                "Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object"
                " represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client"
                " submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info:"
    ] = None
    metadata: v1_1.ListMeta

api_version class-attribute instance-attribute

api_version = None

items class-attribute instance-attribute

items = None

kind class-attribute instance-attribute

kind = None

metadata instance-attribute



Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class WorkflowMetadata(BaseModel):
    annotations: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None
    labels: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None
    labels_from: Annotated[Optional[Dict[str, LabelValueFrom]], Field(alias="labelsFrom")] = None

annotations class-attribute instance-attribute

annotations = None

labels class-attribute instance-attribute

labels = None

labels_from class-attribute instance-attribute

labels_from = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class WorkflowResubmitRequest(BaseModel):
    memoized: Optional[bool] = None
    name: Optional[str] = None
    namespace: Optional[str] = None
    parameters: Optional[List[str]] = None

memoized class-attribute instance-attribute

memoized = None

name class-attribute instance-attribute

name = None

namespace class-attribute instance-attribute

namespace = None

parameters class-attribute instance-attribute

parameters = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class WorkflowResumeRequest(BaseModel):
    name: Optional[str] = None
    namespace: Optional[str] = None
    node_field_selector: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(alias="nodeFieldSelector")] = None

name class-attribute instance-attribute

name = None

namespace class-attribute instance-attribute

namespace = None

node_field_selector class-attribute instance-attribute

node_field_selector = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class WorkflowRetryRequest(BaseModel):
    name: Optional[str] = None
    namespace: Optional[str] = None
    node_field_selector: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(alias="nodeFieldSelector")] = None
    parameters: Optional[List[str]] = None
    restart_successful: Annotated[Optional[bool], Field(alias="restartSuccessful")] = None

name class-attribute instance-attribute

name = None

namespace class-attribute instance-attribute

namespace = None

node_field_selector class-attribute instance-attribute

node_field_selector = None

parameters class-attribute instance-attribute

parameters = None

restart_successful class-attribute instance-attribute

restart_successful = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class WorkflowSetRequest(BaseModel):
    message: Optional[str] = None
    name: Optional[str] = None
    namespace: Optional[str] = None
    node_field_selector: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(alias="nodeFieldSelector")] = None
    output_parameters: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(alias="outputParameters")] = None
    phase: Optional[str] = None

message class-attribute instance-attribute

message = None

name class-attribute instance-attribute

name = None

namespace class-attribute instance-attribute

namespace = None

node_field_selector class-attribute instance-attribute

node_field_selector = None

output_parameters class-attribute instance-attribute

output_parameters = None

phase class-attribute instance-attribute

phase = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class WorkflowSpec(BaseModel):
    active_deadline_seconds: Annotated[
                "Optional duration in seconds relative to the workflow start time which"
                " the workflow is allowed to run before the controller terminates the"
                " io.argoproj.workflow.v1alpha1. A value of zero is used to terminate a"
                " Running workflow"
    ] = None
    affinity: Annotated[
                "Affinity sets the scheduling constraints for all pods in the"
                " io.argoproj.workflow.v1alpha1. Can be overridden by an affinity"
                " specified in the template"
    ] = None
    archive_logs: Annotated[
            description=("ArchiveLogs indicates if the container logs should be archived"),
    ] = None
    arguments: Annotated[
                "Arguments contain the parameters and artifacts sent to the workflow"
                " entrypoint Parameters are referencable globally using the 'workflow'"
                " variable prefix. e.g."
                " {{io.argoproj.workflow.v1alpha1.parameters.myparam}}"
    ] = None
    artifact_gc: Annotated[
                "ArtifactGC describes the strategy to use when deleting artifacts from"
                " completed or deleted workflows (applies to all output Artifacts"
                " unless Artifact.ArtifactGC is specified, which overrides this)"
    ] = None
    artifact_repository_ref: Annotated[
                "ArtifactRepositoryRef specifies the configMap name and key containing"
                " the artifact repository config."
    ] = None
    automount_service_account_token: Annotated[
                "AutomountServiceAccountToken indicates whether a service account token"
                " should be automatically mounted in pods. ServiceAccountName of"
                " ExecutorConfig must be specified if this value is false."
    ] = None
    dns_config: Annotated[
                "PodDNSConfig defines the DNS parameters of a pod in addition to those" " generated from DNSPolicy."
    ] = None
    dns_policy: Annotated[
                'Set DNS policy for the pod. Defaults to "ClusterFirst". Valid values'
                " are 'ClusterFirstWithHostNet', 'ClusterFirst', 'Default' or"
                " 'None'. DNS parameters given in DNSConfig will be merged with the"
                " policy selected with DNSPolicy. To have DNS options set along with"
                " hostNetwork, you have to specify DNS policy explicitly to"
                " 'ClusterFirstWithHostNet'."
    ] = None
    entrypoint: Annotated[
                "Entrypoint is a template reference to the starting point of the" " io.argoproj.workflow.v1alpha1."
    ] = None
    executor: Annotated[
                "Executor holds configurations of executor containers of the" " io.argoproj.workflow.v1alpha1."
    ] = None
    hooks: Annotated[
        Optional[Dict[str, LifecycleHook]],
                "Hooks holds the lifecycle hook which is invoked at lifecycle of step,"
                " irrespective of the success, failure, or error status of the primary"
                " step"
    ] = None
    host_aliases: Annotated[Optional[List[v1.HostAlias]], Field(alias="hostAliases")] = None
    host_network: Annotated[
            description=("Host networking requested for this workflow pod. Default to false."),
    ] = None
    image_pull_secrets: Annotated[
                "ImagePullSecrets is a list of references to secrets in the same"
                " namespace to use for pulling any images in pods that reference this"
                " ServiceAccount. ImagePullSecrets are distinct from Secrets because"
                " Secrets can be mounted in the pod, but ImagePullSecrets are only"
                " accessed by the kubelet. More info:"
    ] = None
    metrics: Annotated[
        Field(description="Metrics are a list of metrics emitted from this Workflow"),
    ] = None
    node_selector: Annotated[
        Optional[Dict[str, str]],
                "NodeSelector is a selector which will result in all pods of the"
                " workflow to be scheduled on the selected node(s). This is able to be"
                " overridden by a nodeSelector specified in the template."
    ] = None
    on_exit: Annotated[
                "OnExit is a template reference which is invoked at the end of the"
                " workflow, irrespective of the success, failure, or error of the"
                " primary io.argoproj.workflow.v1alpha1."
    ] = None
    parallelism: Annotated[
                "Parallelism limits the max total parallel pods that can execute at the" " same time in a workflow"
    ] = None
    pod_disruption_budget: Annotated[
                "PodDisruptionBudget holds the number of concurrent disruptions that"
                " you allow for Workflow's Pods. Controller will automatically add the"
                " selector with workflow name, if selector is empty. Optional: Defaults"
                " to empty."
    ] = None
    pod_gc: Annotated[
            description=("PodGC describes the strategy to use when deleting completed pods"),
    ] = None
    pod_metadata: Annotated[
            description=("PodMetadata defines additional metadata that should be applied to" " workflow pods"),
    ] = None
    pod_priority: Annotated[
            description=("Priority to apply to workflow pods. DEPRECATED: Use" " PodPriorityClassName instead."),
    ] = None
    pod_priority_class_name: Annotated[
            description="PriorityClassName to apply to workflow pods.",
    ] = None
    pod_spec_patch: Annotated[
                "PodSpecPatch holds strategic merge patch to apply against the pod"
                " spec. Allows parameterization of container fields which are not"
                " strings (e.g. resource limits)."
    ] = None
    priority: Annotated[
                "Priority is used if controller is configured to process limited number"
                " of workflows in parallel. Workflows with higher priority are"
                " processed first."
    ] = None
    retry_strategy: Annotated[
            description=("RetryStrategy for all templates in the io.argoproj.workflow.v1alpha1."),
    ] = None
    scheduler_name: Annotated[
                "Set scheduler name for all pods. Will be overridden if"
                " container/script template's scheduler name is set. Default scheduler"
                " will be used if neither specified."
    ] = None
    security_context: Annotated[
                "SecurityContext holds pod-level security attributes and common"
                " container settings. Optional: Defaults to empty.  See type"
                " description for default values of each field."
    ] = None
    service_account_name: Annotated[
                "ServiceAccountName is the name of the ServiceAccount to run all pods" " of the workflow as."
    ] = None
    shutdown: Annotated[
        Field(description=("Shutdown will shutdown the workflow according to its ShutdownStrategy")),
    ] = None
    suspend: Annotated[
                "Suspend will suspend the workflow and prevent execution of any future" " steps in the workflow"
    ] = None
    synchronization: Annotated[
        Field(description=("Synchronization holds synchronization lock configuration for this" " Workflow")),
    ] = None
    template_defaults: Annotated[
                "TemplateDefaults holds default template values that will apply to all"
                " templates in the Workflow, unless overridden on the template-level"
    ] = None
    templates: Annotated[
        Field(description="Templates is a list of workflow templates used in a workflow"),
    ] = None
    tolerations: Annotated[
        Field(description="Tolerations to apply to workflow pods."),
    ] = None
    ttl_strategy: Annotated[
                "TTLStrategy limits the lifetime of a Workflow that has finished"
                " execution depending on if it Succeeded or Failed. If this struct is"
                " set, once the Workflow finishes, it will be deleted after the time to"
                " live expires. If this field is unset, the controller config map will"
                " hold the default values."
    ] = None
    volume_claim_gc: Annotated[
                "VolumeClaimGC describes the strategy to use when deleting volumes from" " completed workflows"
    ] = None
    volume_claim_templates: Annotated[
                "VolumeClaimTemplates is a list of claims that containers are allowed"
                " to reference. The Workflow controller will create the claims at the"
                " beginning of the workflow and delete the claims upon completion of"
                " the workflow"
    ] = None
    volumes: Annotated[
                "Volumes is a list of volumes that can be mounted by containers in a" " io.argoproj.workflow.v1alpha1."
    ] = None
    workflow_metadata: Annotated[
            description=("WorkflowMetadata contains some metadata of the workflow to refer to"),
    ] = None
    workflow_template_ref: Annotated[
            description=("WorkflowTemplateRef holds a reference to a WorkflowTemplate for" " execution"),
    ] = None

active_deadline_seconds class-attribute instance-attribute

active_deadline_seconds = None

affinity class-attribute instance-attribute

affinity = None

archive_logs class-attribute instance-attribute

archive_logs = None

arguments class-attribute instance-attribute

arguments = None

artifact_gc class-attribute instance-attribute

artifact_gc = None

artifact_repository_ref class-attribute instance-attribute

artifact_repository_ref = None

automount_service_account_token class-attribute instance-attribute

automount_service_account_token = None

dns_config class-attribute instance-attribute

dns_config = None

dns_policy class-attribute instance-attribute

dns_policy = None

entrypoint class-attribute instance-attribute

entrypoint = None

executor class-attribute instance-attribute

executor = None

hooks class-attribute instance-attribute

hooks = None

host_aliases class-attribute instance-attribute

host_aliases = None

host_network class-attribute instance-attribute

host_network = None

image_pull_secrets class-attribute instance-attribute

image_pull_secrets = None

metrics class-attribute instance-attribute

metrics = None

node_selector class-attribute instance-attribute

node_selector = None

on_exit class-attribute instance-attribute

on_exit = None

parallelism class-attribute instance-attribute

parallelism = None

pod_disruption_budget class-attribute instance-attribute

pod_disruption_budget = None

pod_gc class-attribute instance-attribute

pod_gc = None

pod_metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

pod_metadata = None

pod_priority class-attribute instance-attribute

pod_priority = None

pod_priority_class_name class-attribute instance-attribute

pod_priority_class_name = None

pod_spec_patch class-attribute instance-attribute

pod_spec_patch = None

priority class-attribute instance-attribute

priority = None

retry_strategy class-attribute instance-attribute

retry_strategy = None

scheduler_name class-attribute instance-attribute

scheduler_name = None

security_context class-attribute instance-attribute

security_context = None

service_account_name class-attribute instance-attribute

service_account_name = None

shutdown class-attribute instance-attribute

shutdown = None

suspend class-attribute instance-attribute

suspend = None

synchronization class-attribute instance-attribute

synchronization = None

template_defaults class-attribute instance-attribute

template_defaults = None

templates class-attribute instance-attribute

templates = None

tolerations class-attribute instance-attribute

tolerations = None

ttl_strategy class-attribute instance-attribute

ttl_strategy = None

volume_claim_gc class-attribute instance-attribute

volume_claim_gc = None

volume_claim_templates class-attribute instance-attribute

volume_claim_templates = None

volumes class-attribute instance-attribute

volumes = None

workflow_metadata class-attribute instance-attribute

workflow_metadata = None

workflow_template_ref class-attribute instance-attribute

workflow_template_ref = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class WorkflowStatus(BaseModel):
    artifact_gc_status: Annotated[
            description=("ArtifactGCStatus maintains the status of Artifact Garbage Collection"),
    ] = None
    artifact_repository_ref: Annotated[
                "ArtifactRepositoryRef is used to cache the repository to use so we do"
                " not need to determine it everytime we reconcile."
    ] = None
    compressed_nodes: Annotated[
            description="Compressed and base64 decoded Nodes map",
    ] = None
    conditions: Annotated[
        Field(description="Conditions is a list of conditions the Workflow may have"),
    ] = None
    estimated_duration: Annotated[
        Field(alias="estimatedDuration", description="EstimatedDuration in seconds."),
    ] = None
    finished_at: Annotated[
        Field(alias="finishedAt", description="Time at which this workflow completed"),
    ] = None
    message: Annotated[
            description=("A human readable message indicating details about why the workflow is" " in this condition.")
    ] = None
    nodes: Annotated[
        Optional[Dict[str, NodeStatus]],
        Field(description="Nodes is a mapping between a node ID and the node's status."),
    ] = None
    offload_node_status_version: Annotated[
                "Whether on not node status has been offloaded to a database. If"
                " exists, then Nodes and CompressedNodes will be empty. This will"
                " actually be populated with a hash of the offloaded data."
    ] = None
    outputs: Annotated[
                "Outputs captures output values and artifact locations produced by the" " workflow via global outputs"
    ] = None
    persistent_volume_claims: Annotated[
                "PersistentVolumeClaims tracks all PVCs that were created as part of"
                " the io.argoproj.workflow.v1alpha1. The contents of this list are"
                " drained at the end of the workflow."
    ] = None
    phase: Annotated[
        Field(description=("Phase a simple, high-level summary of where the workflow is in its" " lifecycle.")),
    ] = None
    progress: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(description="Progress to completion")] = None
    resources_duration: Annotated[
        Optional[Dict[str, int]],
            description="ResourcesDuration is the total for the workflow",
    ] = None
    started_at: Annotated[
        Field(alias="startedAt", description="Time at which this workflow started"),
    ] = None
    stored_templates: Annotated[
        Optional[Dict[str, Template]],
            description=("StoredTemplates is a mapping between a template ref and the node's" " status."),
    ] = None
    stored_workflow_template_spec: Annotated[
            description=("StoredWorkflowSpec stores the WorkflowTemplate spec for future" " execution."),
    ] = None
    synchronization: Annotated[
        Field(description="Synchronization stores the status of synchronization locks"),
    ] = None

artifact_gc_status class-attribute instance-attribute

artifact_gc_status = None

artifact_repository_ref class-attribute instance-attribute

artifact_repository_ref = None

compressed_nodes class-attribute instance-attribute

compressed_nodes = None

conditions class-attribute instance-attribute

conditions = None

estimated_duration class-attribute instance-attribute

estimated_duration = None

finished_at class-attribute instance-attribute

finished_at = None

message class-attribute instance-attribute

message = None

nodes class-attribute instance-attribute

nodes = None

offload_node_status_version class-attribute instance-attribute

offload_node_status_version = None

outputs class-attribute instance-attribute

outputs = None

persistent_volume_claims class-attribute instance-attribute

persistent_volume_claims = None

phase class-attribute instance-attribute

phase = None

progress class-attribute instance-attribute

progress = None

resources_duration class-attribute instance-attribute

resources_duration = None

started_at class-attribute instance-attribute

started_at = None

stored_templates class-attribute instance-attribute

stored_templates = None

stored_workflow_template_spec class-attribute instance-attribute

stored_workflow_template_spec = None

synchronization class-attribute instance-attribute

synchronization = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class WorkflowStep(BaseModel):
    arguments: Annotated[
        Field(description="Arguments hold arguments to the template"),
    ] = None
    continue_on: Annotated[
                "ContinueOn makes argo to proceed with the following step even if this"
                " step fails. Errors and Failed states can be specified"
    ] = None
    hooks: Annotated[
        Optional[Dict[str, LifecycleHook]],
                "Hooks holds the lifecycle hook which is invoked at lifecycle of step,"
                " irrespective of the success, failure, or error status of the primary"
                " step"
    ] = None
    inline: Annotated[
        Field(description=("Inline is the template. Template must be empty if this is declared" " (and vice-versa).")),
    ] = None
    name: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(description="Name of the step")] = None
    on_exit: Annotated[
                "OnExit is a template reference which is invoked at the end of the"
                " template, irrespective of the success, failure, or error of the"
                " primary template. DEPRECATED: Use Hooks[exit].Template instead."
    ] = None
    template: Annotated[
        Field(description="Template is the name of the template to execute as the step"),
    ] = None
    template_ref: Annotated[
            description=("TemplateRef is the reference to the template resource to execute as" " the step."),
    ] = None
    when: Annotated[
        Field(description=("When is an expression in which the step should conditionally execute")),
    ] = None
    with_items: Annotated[
            description=("WithItems expands a step into multiple parallel steps from the items" " in the list"),
    ] = None
    with_param: Annotated[
                "WithParam expands a step into multiple parallel steps from the value"
                " in the parameter, which is expected to be a JSON list."
    ] = None
    with_sequence: Annotated[
            description="WithSequence expands a step into a numeric sequence",
    ] = None

arguments class-attribute instance-attribute

arguments = None

continue_on class-attribute instance-attribute

continue_on = None

hooks class-attribute instance-attribute

hooks = None

inline class-attribute instance-attribute

inline = None

name class-attribute instance-attribute

name = None

on_exit class-attribute instance-attribute

on_exit = None

template class-attribute instance-attribute

template = None

template_ref class-attribute instance-attribute

template_ref = None

when class-attribute instance-attribute

when = None

with_items class-attribute instance-attribute

with_items = None

with_param class-attribute instance-attribute

with_param = None

with_sequence class-attribute instance-attribute

with_sequence = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class WorkflowStopRequest(BaseModel):
    message: Optional[str] = None
    name: Optional[str] = None
    namespace: Optional[str] = None
    node_field_selector: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(alias="nodeFieldSelector")] = None

message class-attribute instance-attribute

message = None

name class-attribute instance-attribute

name = None

namespace class-attribute instance-attribute

namespace = None

node_field_selector class-attribute instance-attribute

node_field_selector = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class WorkflowSubmitRequest(BaseModel):
    namespace: Optional[str] = None
    resource_kind: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(alias="resourceKind")] = None
    resource_name: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(alias="resourceName")] = None
    submit_options: Annotated[Optional[SubmitOpts], Field(alias="submitOptions")] = None

namespace class-attribute instance-attribute

namespace = None

resource_kind class-attribute instance-attribute

resource_kind = None

resource_name class-attribute instance-attribute

resource_name = None

submit_options class-attribute instance-attribute

submit_options = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class WorkflowSuspendRequest(BaseModel):
    name: Optional[str] = None
    namespace: Optional[str] = None

name class-attribute instance-attribute

name = None

namespace class-attribute instance-attribute

namespace = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class WorkflowTaskSetSpec(BaseModel):
    tasks: Optional[Dict[str, Template]] = None

tasks class-attribute instance-attribute

tasks = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class WorkflowTaskSetStatus(BaseModel):
    nodes: Optional[Dict[str, NodeResult]] = None

nodes class-attribute instance-attribute

nodes = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class WorkflowTemplate(BaseModel):
    api_version: Annotated[
                "APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an"
                " object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest"
                " internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info:"
    ] = None
    kind: Annotated[
                "Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object"
                " represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client"
                " submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info:"
    ] = None
    metadata: v1_1.ObjectMeta
    spec: WorkflowSpec

api_version class-attribute instance-attribute

api_version = None

kind class-attribute instance-attribute

kind = None

metadata instance-attribute


spec instance-attribute



Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class WorkflowTemplateCreateRequest(BaseModel):
    create_options: Annotated[Optional[v1_1.CreateOptions], Field(alias="createOptions")] = None
    namespace: Optional[str] = None
    template: Optional[WorkflowTemplate] = None

create_options class-attribute instance-attribute

create_options = None

namespace class-attribute instance-attribute

namespace = None

template class-attribute instance-attribute

template = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class WorkflowTemplateDeleteResponse(BaseModel):


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class WorkflowTemplateLintRequest(BaseModel):
    create_options: Annotated[Optional[v1_1.CreateOptions], Field(alias="createOptions")] = None
    namespace: Optional[str] = None
    template: Optional[WorkflowTemplate] = None

create_options class-attribute instance-attribute

create_options = None

namespace class-attribute instance-attribute

namespace = None

template class-attribute instance-attribute

template = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class WorkflowTemplateList(BaseModel):
    api_version: Annotated[
                "APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an"
                " object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest"
                " internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info:"
    ] = None
    items: Optional[List[WorkflowTemplate]] = None
    kind: Annotated[
                "Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this object"
                " represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client"
                " submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info:"
    ] = None
    metadata: v1_1.ListMeta

api_version class-attribute instance-attribute

api_version = None

items class-attribute instance-attribute

items = None

kind class-attribute instance-attribute

kind = None

metadata instance-attribute



Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class WorkflowTemplateRef(BaseModel):
    cluster_scope: Annotated[
                "ClusterScope indicates the referred template is cluster scoped (i.e. a" " ClusterWorkflowTemplate)."
    ] = None
    name: Annotated[
        Field(description="Name is the resource name of the workflow template."),
    ] = None

cluster_scope class-attribute instance-attribute

cluster_scope = None

name class-attribute instance-attribute

name = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class WorkflowTemplateUpdateRequest(BaseModel):
    name: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(description="DEPRECATED: This field is ignored.")] = None
    namespace: Optional[str] = None
    template: Optional[WorkflowTemplate] = None

name class-attribute instance-attribute

name = None

namespace class-attribute instance-attribute

namespace = None

template class-attribute instance-attribute

template = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class WorkflowTerminateRequest(BaseModel):
    name: Optional[str] = None
    namespace: Optional[str] = None

name class-attribute instance-attribute

name = None

namespace class-attribute instance-attribute

namespace = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class WorkflowWatchEvent(BaseModel):
    object: Annotated[Optional[Workflow], Field(title="the workflow")] = None
    type: Annotated[Optional[str], Field(title="the type of change")] = None

object class-attribute instance-attribute

object = None

type class-attribute instance-attribute

type = None


Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

See Pydantic documentation for more info.

Source code in src/hera/shared/
class Config:
    """Config class dictates the behavior of the underlying Pydantic model.

    See Pydantic documentation for more info.

    allow_population_by_field_name = True
    """support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries"""

    allow_mutation = True
    """supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation"""

    use_enum_values = True
    """supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual `.value`, on Hera objects"""

    arbitrary_types_allowed = True
    """supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing"""

    smart_union = True
    """uses smart union for matching a field's specified value to the underlying type that's part of a union"""

allow_mutation class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_mutation = True

supports mutating Hera objects post instantiation

allow_population_by_field_name class-attribute instance-attribute

allow_population_by_field_name = True

support populating Hera object fields via keyed dictionaries

arbitrary_types_allowed class-attribute instance-attribute

arbitrary_types_allowed = True

supports specifying arbitrary types for any field to support Hera object fields processing

smart_union class-attribute instance-attribute

smart_union = True

uses smart union for matching a field’s specified value to the underlying type that’s part of a union

use_enum_values class-attribute instance-attribute

use_enum_values = True

supports using enums, which are then unpacked to obtain the actual .value, on Hera objects


Source code in src/hera/workflows/models/io/argoproj/workflow/
class ZipStrategy(BaseModel):
